Broken Souls

Chapter 33: Hope

Kay’s POV

Seeing my mom gives me this unexplainable feeling of hope. I don’t really understand why I feel so much better. I’m still confused as to how I can destroy Hadeon, but my mom says she will be helping me. Knowing that she has been there helping me and will still be helping me, gives me hope that I can do what she says. I can and will destroy this darkness. I just know it’s too late now to just give up, and Diana has been reminding me we are so much more than we use to be. I know she’s right; I can feel everyday how much stronger we are.

Now, if I could just convince a certain Alpha Aaron that I’m okay and not made of glass. He’s insisting that I rest and take things slowly the last few days. To be honest, I’m getting tired of it. I appreciate that he’s concerned for me, but I need to do things like I use to.

I did get to talk with Grandma, though. She wasn’t about to be stopped by anyone. Even a growling Aaron wasn’t going to get in her way of seeing me. We talked about what I saw and my conversation with my mom. While Grandma isn’t very happy that I went so far into the void, she is glad to know what I had learned. She assures me that when the time comes, I will know what I need to do. I need to try to not overthink things. Now, I just need to get out of this room.

Aaron has finally left me alone for the first time in three days, and I’m not spending any more time in this room. Diana is going just as stir crazy as I am, and we want to go to training or for a run. Anything is better than being stuck in this room. I love that Aaron is concerned for me, but enough is enough: I need to do something.

It only takes me five minutes to get dressed and link Oriel. I tell her to meet me for training. She squeals with excitement that I’m finally leaving my room. I know Aaron is going to be upset, but I’m hoping that when he sees I’m fine and happy that he’ll feel better as well. I can feel his stress and worry for me no matter how he tries to hide it.

In five more minutes, I’m at the back door. Oriel grabs my arm as I step through the door.

“This way. Big bad Alpha came to check on the training and is currently barking at everyone,” Oriel tells me as she pulls me in the direction of the woods to the side of the pack house.

“Has he really gotten that bad?” I ask feeling guilty that I’m the reason.

“He’s been a bit much lately. He’s just worried, and he doesn’t handle feeling out of control of things very well. He just doesn’t want anything to happen to you,” Oriel explains pulling me further into the trees.

“Look, he’ll be okay. You need to train, and I have missed my friend.” Oriel stops and gives me a tight hug.

“I just want this to be over. I want to go home. I want to have a life that’s normal,” I say feeling the weight of everything pushing me a down again. Oriel hugs me tighter.

“We all want that, love. Soon, it will be over, I know this is all crazy, but we are here for you all of us.” Oriel lets me go and gives one of her mischievous smiles.

“Now let’s get to training but no magic stuff. Willow said she’ll be here in an hour to work on that with you. I figure we have until lunch before big bad Alpha can’t find you and comes looking.”

While Oriel and I spar, I find that I have to suppress the warmth of magic. It and Diana both feel amplified. Diana wants nothing more than to takeover and be fueled by this new power she feels, but she also doesn’t want to hurt Oriel. By the time Grandma joins us, I don’t think I can keep Diana or the magic contained much longer.

“Kay, are you okay?” Grandma is eyeing me with concern.

“I don’t know. I feel like I can’t keep Diana back anymore,” I say as I struggle to keep the now rampant wolf from taking over.

“Perhaps you should let her out. You are different now, and I’m sure she will be as well,” Grandma responds, sounding equal parts concerned and curious

Oriel moves away from me to stand next to Grandma, and I don’t even have time to strip off my clothes before Diana surges forward, and we shift. It seems like it only takes a few heart beats before I’m standing there seeing the world like never before. I can feel the surge of magic coursing thought us making our body vibrate. I feel like I may explode, like a ticking bomb. I can see the magic all around including the spells of the witches keeping the area protected from Hadeon. I can see my own power coming off my body in glowing blue waves.

Suddenly, Diana turns and bolts through the trees. She’s not listening to me as I try and take back some control or ask her where she’s taking us. She’s just running faster and faster through the trees. The wind stings my eyes, and I can feel everything: I can feel the panic and power rushing through Diana, but I can’t figure out why she just keeps running and keeping me blocked.

Soon, the trees thin, and we are far from everything as we finally stop. I can no longer see the blue glow of magic coming off of us.

“Diana what happened?” I finally manage to get through to her.

“I don’t know. I just felt like if I didn’t run, we would explode,” is her honest reply.

“I just felt like we needed to burn off the energy that was building up.” Diana is shrugging in confusion.

“Well, can we go back now?”

We start to head back when I feel it- the warm pull like before, and I know it’s my mother again. I feel her. I know I shouldn’t, but I can’t help it I want to see her, so I follow the feeling slipping back into the void of nothing. This time is different. When I get to the house, I can see Diana for the first time. She’s large, beautiful, strong, and confidant.

Something feels different though. I can’t hear my mother. I move to the house with Diana walking at my side. The view in front of us shifts, and it is no longer my home. It’s Seth’s pack house, but it isn’t at the same time. It’s new and bright. The paint is fresh and clean; this can’t be the same pack house. Diana growls low as a young man steps out of the door. He’s young, maybe twenty. He’s tall and handsome with his black hair and dark brown eyes, so dark they could almost be black.

“Seth,” I breathe as he stands staring at me.

“Help me, Kay. Please help me!” He’s pleading with me as the dark shadow mass of Hadeon envelopes him.

I don’t know why, but I find myself running to Seth as he reaches his hand out for me. As I grab his hand, I hear the hissing shriek from Hadeon just like that day in the clearing. Hadeon pulls this younger Seth harder trying to draw him in, but I won’t let go. I see a streak of dark fur glowing with blue light and hear the growl from Diana as the blue shock wave knocks both Seth and I free from the dark shadow. I hit the ground with Seth as Hadeon shrikes even louder. I almost think my ears are bleeding.

I still have Seth’s hand. As the door explodes the dark shadow shoots from the door rocketing off into the sky. I let go of Seth’s hand and look at him as he moves to sit on the ground.

“I won’t have long ’til he’s back again,” Seth says nearly crying. Seth crying, I can’t even imagine that as he pulls his knees to his chest and puts his forehead on his knees. I can’t help but see myself. He’s so broken and lost.

“I didn’t know, Kay. I swear I didn’t know what he really was. I didn’t know what he would make me do. I didn’t want any of that. I just wanted to be strong. I was never strong enough. Kay, please help me! I know I don’t deserve it, but I don’t want to be stuck here anymore. Please, fix me!” Seth pleads, and I know he is crying. Then, I understand. What I’m seeing is Seth’s soul. He’s broken and trapped here with Hadeon.

I put my hands on his shoulders, and he looks up at me with is tear-stained face and dark sad eye.

“I will help you, but I have to go back. I have to find you. How do I find you Seth? Where are you hiding?” I didn’t expect it, but he hugs me almost as warmly as my mother and father use to.

“Thank you, Kay. Tell Willow to take you to the Castle in the Clouds. She’ll know where it is. Now go before he comes back,” Seth says letting me go and looking me in the eyes, cupping my face in his hands.

“I’m sorry. I wish I had been different. I always wanted to be a better father than the one I had. I guess I was so much worse. I’m sorry. Now go!”

I wake up lying on the ground naked in my human body, and I shiver as reality floods to me. I don’t waste time as I shift and race back to Oriel and Grandma. I know one thing I have to do: I have to save him; I have to save Seth, and I know how. My mother said I would have to face Seth, and now I know I have to save him. The Seth I knew was a soulless monster, but I just met his soul, and I see who he was. It won’t undo all that he has done, and he will have to pay for the crimes he has committed, but at least he can have his soul back.

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