Broken Souls

Chapter 25: The Boss

Kay’s POV

I don’t want to open my eyes. I don’t want to see where I am and who I’m with. I just can’t. I can feel the cold concrete floor, I can taste the blood in my mouth, and I can feel the burning in my body along with the ringing of my head. There is something new that I have never felt before: the cold searing around my neck. I move my hand to my neck, and it burns my fingers. They put a silver collar on me. Seth uses them all the time as punishment when rogues get out of line. It keeps them disconnected from their wolf, and it’s painful. I know it’s locked in place, and there is no way to get the thick silver collar off. I try to find Diana in my mind, but I can’t feel her. I try to find Aaron, but, of course, I can’t. Between the collar and the wolfs bane in my body, I’m just as good as human. I’m willing myself not to cry. I know I can’t just lie here. I can’t give up either. I have to get out of here.

Luckily, for me, I’m not chained or tied up, so I force my eyes open and push myself up to sit. Everything blurs, and I slam my eyes shut squeezing them tightly closed waiting for the spinning to stop, so I don’t vomit. After a few painful breaths, I open my eyes still feeling waves of nausea. The dimly lit room smells of damp mold. It’s clearly a basement with no windows just stairs wooden stairs leading to a door. I can see light coming from under the door, but I can’t hear any movement. The weak light bulb hangs, not moving from the ceiling.

The walls of the small basement are nothing but concrete blocks no windows. There is nothing in the small room just me, the stairs, the door, and the light bulb that looks like it’s just as close to dying as I feel. I let out a long breath and lean my head agents the cold wall behind me. Don’t cry I tell myself again. I’m alone, and I can’t see any way out of here other than that door. Am I able to open it? Can I fight my way out without Diana?

I don’t have to sit long though because I hear the door unlock and heavy footsteps on the creaking stairs. I know who it just by the heavy foot falls. I don’t need to look.

“Hello John,” I say not looking at him.

“Well, you are lucky Kay. The Boss has decided to be so kind to you. I think he should just kill you.” John’s thick stupid voice is loud causing my head to pound harder.

As I’m trying to calm my breathing and not look as scared as I feel, John’s fat strong hand is grabbing my arm pulling me to my feet. I almost think I can try and fight but the burning in my body and the pain in my head are too much. Plus, the silver is making me feel weak.

John is pulling me across the basement and up the stairs as my head spin. We make our way up the stairs and through the door. I wish I could say that I was observing my surroundings and forming an escape plain like I know Oriel would be, but I just can’t. All the lights from the rooms, the colors, and even the noise is one big blur of colors sound and movement. I’m close to throwing up on John when I’m thrown to the floor.

“Oh, thank you John.” The cold voice of my nightmares says and I’m frozen.

“I think I can take care of Kay from here. GO.” The icy words ring in my head, and I hear John leave.

“Get up and look at me Kay.” Seth says. I know I have to, or he’ll just force me to my feet. I blink a few times. It helps everything come into focus as I force myself to stand.

I’m standing in a small office; Seth sits at the desk looking smug and just as cold as ever.

“Hello, Kay. So glad to have you back. I have missed you.” Seth words make me shiver. He stands up walking over to me. “Didn’t you miss me, Kay?” Seth says stopping in front of me.

“Why did you bring me here Seth?” I manage to whisper fear flooding through me.

“Oh, so you have learned somethings form your Grandparents now, haven’t you? You know my name, so you must know you are my own sweet daughter. You are mine.” Seth is all but growling the last words in my face and his black eyes burn through mine.

“She was mine you are mine, and I will have what is mine.” He says hitting me hard in the face knocking me to the floor again. He walks back to his chair and sits, “I will have you, and I will destroy everything you love ’til you are broken. Your brokenness is a small price to pay for the power I will gain.” He says grinning menacingly at me.

“Then why did you try and kill me?” I ask still crumpled on the floor.

“If I had wanted you dead, you would be. I had planned to take you with me. I just shot you because I wanted to, and it seemed to be the most effective way of stopping you from killing John. I should have just shot that damn Alpha pup of yours though and let you kill John looking back. If that damn witch and stupid pup hadn’t got in the way, it would have worked out fine. Maybe I should shoot you again? It was fun the first time.” He seems lost in thought for a moment. He seems different somehow; he’s distracted and even more deranged sounding.

“Your soul will be his once I break you.” Seth says.

“But, why my soul?” I ask him hoping he feels like gloating more.

“Yours was the one he wanted, and I’m happy to give it to him,” Seth says not really paying me any attention now and looking out the window at the setting sun.

“Soon Kay, you will be like me. Maybe then you can be my daughter, and I might let you rule everything with me. I would have let that bitch of a mother of yours rule, but she ran. When I found her, I was happy to kill her, but you are mine, and you will be like me. Maybe you will be better than her anyway,” Seth says still looking out the window at something only he seems to be able to see. He sounds crazy, but everything makes sense now. He’s talking about Hadeon, Seth gave his soul to Hadeon.

“How long has he had it? How long has Hadeon had your soul and Cain’s?” I ask him. I just have to know. I pull myself up, finally standing again.

“You are a clever girl. I gave him our souls long ago. He helped my pack grow. He helped me get the stupid Alpha and Luna to give me Mira. Once he has yours, he can be free and give me everything I deserve to have.” Seth says smiling at the window.

“He’s just using you. He’ll destroy everything if he gets out. You have to know that. Hadeon is evil and he’ll kill you with the rest of us,” I tell him. My fear is rising. If Hadeon does escape the underworld, we are all dead. There is no way he would let Seth rule anything.

“That isn’t true!” Seth yells raging at me. He then makes his way across the room and hits me once in the face, knocking me back to the ground. He then starts kicking me hard in the ribs.

“John!” He bellows again. John comes into the room quickly.

“Take Kay back to her room and give her another dose for good measure,” Seth says still growling at me.

John drags me back to the basement, and, this time, I pay attention to the exits and the layout of the small pack house. I can’t image though that we’ll be staying here long. It doesn’t seem well protected. John drags me down the basement stairs, and I don’t even see the syringe before he plunges it in to my arm throwing me on the floor. He leaves as I scream in pain until I black out again.

The Boss/ Seth’s POV

The constant whispering in my head keeps me from sleeping, keeps me from feeling. All I can hear is Hadeon telling me what to do when to do it. I have no choice but to listen. Once I give him Kay, and he takes her soul, I can be fee of his constant whispers. He promised me everything I could ever want, and now I know I’m so close to everything. I will be free of him, and I’ll be as good as a king. That one thought is all the motivation I need. Power is the only thing I have ever craved and the only thing that truly matters.

I was a young man when Hadeon found me and promised me all the things I could have ever wanted. Cain and I where all too happy to let him have whatever he wanted. We barely even questioned Hadeon when he asked for our mate and killed her in front of us. He took all of our soul and heart that day, and I have belonged to him ever since, but I will be free. He promised to set us free.

Then why do I suddenly have doubts? Why did bringing her here quit some of the whispers? I could have sworn when she was in the room everything in my head was quiet for a brief fleeting moment. Something has changed, but I don’t know what it is. I don’t know if I need her near me more, or if I should keep her away from me completely.

I down another glass of whiskey trying to kill the voice in my head for only a moment more. Maybe I should kill Hadeon myself. Then I would have no problems.

“I wouldn’t be thinking these thoughts if I was you, Seth.” The whispering snake Hadeon is slithering through my mind, and I can feel every movement. Soon, it feels like claws ripping through my brain.

“I thought you knew to be a good little dog,” Hadeon hisses ripping further through my mind causing my body to silently convulse.

“Be a good dog and bring me that girl soon. I will reward you with everything you want, but don’t make me wait and don’t cross me, dog.” Hadeon hisses moving back to the darkness to continue his constant whispers.

Covered in a thin layer of sweat and my mind burning from the violation, all I can do is nod and ask, “When do you want her? Where do I take her? I can’t get that damn Alpha mate of hers. We won’t be able to break her.”

Hadeon rages forward again causing me so much pain. “I will take care of the mate and breaking her. You will know when I want her.” Hadeon runs through my mind like fire, and all I know is he will have Kay. I will have the power and the reign I have always deserved. Tomorrow we move. I just need to do as Hadeon says for a little while longer. Part of me still wonders what is this power that Kay has and why does Hadeon want her so badly. What is it about her that quieted my mind?

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