Broken Souls

Chapter 15: Lake House

Kay’s POV

The drive to the lake house only takes about twenty minutes. Oriel and I sit in the back of the SUV, and she chats happily about how much fun we are going to have. I honestly am feeling nervous about the whole thing. I am going to spend two days with a man that previously didn’t want anything to do with me and now has feelings for me. That and Diana was going on and on about being with him and filling my thoughts of nothing but him. All I could think about was being in his arms, and him holding me.

When we pull up to the lake house, I can’t believe we will be staying here: it looks like a resort. It’s impressive, to say the least. It looks like a cabin but about a hundred times the size of the cabin dad and I lived in. Aaron opens my door and smiles at my shocked face.

“Like it?” he asks. I just nod dumbly.

Aaron grabs my bag for me and takes my hand, “Come on, I’ll show you your room.” As he leads me through the front door, I notice how nice it is inside. It still has that cabin feel with exposed beams and a large fireplace, but it’s open and bright. There are large brown leather couches with soft throw blankets. Everything is warm and comfortable.

Aaron leads me upstairs and down the hall. “This is your room.” he says, opening a door at the end of the hall. The room is bright and decorated in light blues and grays. The king-size bed looks so inviting and soft. I still can’t believe this is where we are staying, and that this is my room for two days.

“Do you like your room?” Aaron’s question brings me back from my wide-eyed wonder.

“This is too much. It’s too nice for me. I feel like I should be cleaning this place, not staying here.” I give him a half-smile.

Aaron sets my bag on the bed and scoops me up in his arms, hugging me close.

“You, my love, deserves to have the best of everything.” He kisses my forehead making me blush as sparks travel through me. He gives a low growl looking deep into my eyes. Damn, he’s sexy. I think I could get lost in his eyes.

Aaron plants one more kiss on my forehead before letting me go. Oriel comes rushing into my room.

“I have the best idea. Let’s make pizza and watch movies!” She’s got one of her up to something grins on her face.

“Come on! It will be fun,” she pouts, and I giggle at her.

“Fine, I guess so. I haven’t really ever seen any moves, but I can make pizza.”

“Great, Let’s go.” She grabs my hand, pulling me excitedly downstairs.

Oriel takes me downstairs, and Aaron wraps his arms around my waist, stopping Oriel and me.

“How about I take Kay to the kitchen, and you and Michael go and pick out some movies,” Aaron says. It seems he’s had enough of Oriel taking me from him. She walks away giggling and saying something about possessive Alphas.

“Come on, my love. This way,” Aaron says, letting go of my waist and taking my hand.

He leads me to the kitchen, telling me he had some omegas come and stock everything, so there should be everything we need for the next couple of days. He leads me over to the island counter with large barstools and pulls one out. He surprises me by picking me up and putting me in the seat.

He kisses the top of my head, “You, love, are not the only one that can make pizza.” he says, winking at me.

I will say I’m impressed when he quickly and easily has everything to make the dough, and I can’t help myself. I hop off the stool and start making pizza sauce. Aaron gives me a look, but he doesn’t try and stop me. It feels like we have been doing things like this forever. It just feels right. Soon pizzas are in the oven, and I’m a little sad we are already done. I like being here like this with him; it just feels so comfortable and right.

Oriel comes in, hops up, and sits on the counter. “Wow, did he actually let you help him?” She looks genuinely surprised. Before I can ask why he wouldn’t let me, Aaron answers her.

“Kay actually knows what she’s doing in the kitchen. Unlike you, she doesn’t set toast on fire.” He smirks at her, and I’m giggling.

“Hey, that was once, and it wasn’t my fault the toaster was broken.” She pouts at us.

“It was definitely broken after you set it on fire.” Aaron is laughing at her now. I love that sound, and I can’t help but laugh too, imagining Oriel setting a toaster on fire.

“You two are mean, you know that? Come on, I picked out some great movies.” She’s giggling now too.

We spend the rest of the day watching moves and eating pizza; Oriel says she’s going to make popcorn, but Aaron stops her saying he doesn’t want to put out any fires. Oriel glares at him as he laughs and goes to the kitchen. We have the best time just being here doing nothing. I love watching Oriel and Aaron tease each other. Aaron seems so relaxed and happy, and it makes me happy.

Oriel and Michael are cuddled on one of the couches, and Aaron has me cuddled up with him on another couch. Oriel yawns. I am kind of shocked when I notice how late it is.

“I think we are done for the night guy,” Oriel says, standing up and stretching. “Don’t stay up too late, you two,” she says, winking at us. I can’t help but turn bright red. Oriel starts upstairs but soon giggles and squeals when Michael scoops her up and carries her up the stairs kissing her.

I can’t help it when I find myself yawning too.

“Come on, let put you to bed too,” Aaron says, kissing the top of my head. He stands up, pulling me up with him. He wraps his arm around my waist, holding me close to him as he walks me to my room.

When we get to my door, he wraps me up in his arms, holding me close to him. He nuzzles me, running his nose up and down my neck. I shiver, and sparks and tingles follow everywhere he touches. Suddenly, he’s kissing my neck; I melt into him as a slight moan leaves my mouth.

He pulls away, and I’m a little sad he stopped.

“I should let you get some sleep. My room is just down the hall, just so you know,” he says, smirking at me. Of course, I turn bright red, and he chuckles a little at me.

“Goodnight, my love,” he says, kissing my forehead and letting me go. I tell him goodnight and watch him walk down the hall, I didn’t really want him to go, but I couldn’t make myself ask him to stay either. I go into my room feeling lonely and get ready for bed. I climb in bed, missing Aaron but sleep quickly finds me.

Running in the woods, I can hear Grandma crying out in pain and calling for me to help her, and I’m running to her. Then Oriel’s screams join Grandma’s. I push myself faster through the trees. I slide to a stop in the same clearing I first shifted in. Grandma, Michael, and Oriel are covered in blood, dead on the ground. The Boss is standing there bathed in their blood, grinning at me. His eyes on fire.

“You thought I would let you get away and be happy? I was just waiting ’til I can truly destroy everything you love.” His cold, menacing voice spits venom, and I’m frozen. John comes out of the trees with a bloody and barely alive Aaron.

I’m screaming his name, but he doesn’t look at me. He just says, “This is your fault, Kay.” How can this be happening? The Boss starts laughing, and it’s bone-chilling. John stops with Aaron limp in his arms. I can’t understand why Aaron isn’t fighting. I yell his name again, and he looks at me cold and angry. All the warmth is gone.

“I should have rejected you like you wanted me to.”

His words knock all the air out of my lungs. The Boss walks over to Aaron, the menacing smile never leaving his lips.

“My beautiful Kay, I love your fear and your pain.” The Boss laughs again and plunges his hand into Aaron’s chest. Aaron’s eyes go wide and his body rigid; the Boss rips and pulls Aaron’s beating heart from his chest, and Aaron’s body goes limp and falls to the ground.

I sit up in bed covered in sweat, and I realize I’m actually screaming very loudly, but I can’t seem to stop myself. I’m waiting for the Boss to step into view. The door flies open, and I jump, thinking it’s him. I know I’m done for, but it’s Aaron that is rushing to me.

“Baby, what is it? What happened?” His voice is warm, but I can hear the fear in it. He scoops me up and has me in his lap, holding me.

Oriel is in the door, “Aaron, is she okay?” She asked.

“Oriel, what happened?” Aaron asks her.

“She wasn’t kidding you when she told you she has nightmares,” Oriel replies.

Aaron looks at Oriel, “This has happened before?” He sounds a little shocked.

“Yeah, every night. This was a little worse than the other times, though. But if you got her, I’ll leave you two.” Aaron nods, and Oriel gives a sad look.

Aaron scoops my face in his hands, and I realize I’m still crying and shaking.

“Baby, I’m sorry.” He says, kissing my forehead and holding me tightly ’til I stop shaking.

He notices when I finally stop crying and take a deep breath. He pulls away a little to look at my face.

“Every night?” He questions me. I nod.

“This one was the worst one.” I say, my voice is still shaky. He hugs me close to him.

“Want to tell me about it? It might help.” He rubs my back, resting his chin on my head. I just shake my head no.

I start to feel a little more relaxed and realize Aaron is shirtless, and I’m being held against him. I blush and squirm a little, pulling back from his warmth. He is solid defined muscle, and I resist the urge to run my hands on his chest and abs.

“See something you like?” Aaron’s words snap me out of my wandering thoughts, and I blush.

Aaron chuckles and lets me off his lap. “Will you tell me about your nightmare, please?” He’s looking at my face, and I look down. He puts his fingers under my chin and lifts my face back up. I can tell he’s not going to stop asking me, and his eye have so much warmth in them.

So, I tell him about the nightmare in every painful detail. I begin to cry again. Aaron scoops me up again and nuzzles my neck breathing deeply, “I’m so sorry.” He whispers in my neck, and it makes me shiver. Then he kisses my neck lightly.

“You know I would never say those things to you, and I won’t let him hurt you ever again.” He sounds sad and angry, but I know he’s not mad at me.

My body is warm again, and tingles flood through me; I’m getting lost in his arms and cedar sent when Aaron kisses my forehead and moves me off of him. He goes into the bathroom. I hear the water turn on. He’s filling the tub. He comes back into the bedroom and walks over to me.

“Come on.” He holds out his hand, and I take it.

He leads me to the bathroom, and I’m eyeing him a little uneasily.

“Don’t worry. I’m not staying unless you want me to.” He says, smirking at me. I look at the floor embarrassed that I kind of wish he would.

He chuckles, “I want you to relax, okay.” He kisses me on my head, and then he leaves the bathroom, closing the door.

I put my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head and strip off my PJs. They feel gross after waking up in a cold sweat. I slip into the water, and I feel myself relax. I try not to think about the nightmare anymore. The bath is nice, and it helps, but my thoughts fill with Aaron, and I miss his arms.

I stay in the tub thinking of him and missing him more. When the water turns cold, I get out and dry off. I realize I don’t have clean clothes. So, I wrap in a fluffy towel; luckily, the towel is enormous and covers all of me easily.

Opening the door, I see Aaron has fallen asleep on my bed. He’s leaning against the headboard, his bare chest and messy hair looking very tempting. I get lost in my thoughts of wanting to feel his skin.

I feel my body warm-up and my stomach clench, the warmth spreading between my legs with a bit of a strange longing to have his hands on every part of me.

Before I know what’s happening, Aaron has me pinned to the wall behind me. I catch my breath as he buries his face in my hair and neck breathing deeply. He starts kissing my neck, wrapping his arms around my waist as I clutch the towel to my body.

He’s kissing and sucking my neck, and a slight moan slips from me. I can’t believe what I’m doing, but my body feels like it’s on fire. Every kiss is sending waves of pleasure through my body, and I’m quickly losing control of myself.

Aaron gives a deep growl and starts kissing down my neck and shoulder. I’m melting as another moan leaves my lips. He lifts me more, and my legs wrap around his waist.

He pushes me harder into the wall, and I can feel every part of him pressing against me through his sweatpants. I suck in a breath as he grips my waist and hips, pulling me even closer to him. I moan again, completely losing myself.

He’s by my ear kissing me. “Tell me if you want me to stop.” he whispers. I shake my head no, not trusting my voice.

Another deep growl: “Mine.” His lips are on mine. I can’t help the gasp, and he takes to opportunity to explore my mouth with his tongue, tasting every part of my mouth.

Finally, we have to break apart for air, both of us painting. He rests his forehead on mine. He’s still gripping me tightly, but it doesn’t hurt. I surprise him when I kiss his jaw and begin kissing down his neck. He growls and carries me to the bed, lying me down on the bed. His eyes are dark and full of lust.

He has the towel, and I let him pull it open. “You are beautiful.” He whispers as he trails kisses down my neck. I feel his hand move up my waist and find my breast. He rubs my nipple, and I’m moaning as he begins kissing my jaw and mouth. He plays with my nipple as he trails kisses down my jaw and neck, sucking and slightly nipping my skin.

I’m on fire, and my body is begging for more. The ache between my legs is begging for all of him, which also scares me. He does know that I have never done anything like this, doesn’t he? I shift a little, suddenly nervous.

He notices because he’s stopped and is looking at me. “You, okay?” He asks me, sounding a little worried. I nod my head and swallow my fear.

“You know I haven’t even ever kissed anyone before, don’t you?’

He looks at me as realization dawns on him. He nuzzles my neck, “Mine.” He growls low. “Thank you for telling me. I won’t hurt you. Do you trust me?” He’s looking right in my eyes, and I know I can trust him. I nod my head. He kisses me. I moan, and he deepens the kiss. Quicker than before, my body burns from the inside out, and the longing is back at full force.

He kisses my jaw and down my neck as I moan in pleasure from him kissing me. His mouth finds my nipple, and I moan louder as he licks and then sucks. I feel his hand on my inner thigh moving slowly up. I’m tingling, and I know I’m wet when his fingers find my sensitive slit.

A low growl vibrates in Aaron’s chest as his thumb finds my swollen nub and begins to rub in slow, gentle circles. I’m a mess as he rubs harder and trails kisses down my body. He’s kissing my inner thigh, working his way up, and I don’t think I can take much more. Then his tongue replaces his thumb, and I gasps as he licks and sucks me. I feel a finger slip inside me, and I’m coming completely undone as he pumps me with a finger as he continues to lick and suck.

My legs are shaking, and I’m completely lost in the waves of pleasure that are building more and more.

“Not yet, don’t come yet.” I don’t think I can hold it back as he pumps me harder and licks. I moan, and that just encourages him. I feel like I’m going to explode.

“Now. Come for me, Baby.” He’s pumping me, and I come entirely undone, moaning and riding out the intense wave of pleasure as my legs shake. Aaron grins at me as I come down from my euphoric high, my head spinning.

He comes back up to me, and he scoops me up to hold me. I finish crashing back down from my high, my body trembling uncontrollably.

He kisses my head, causing me to sigh a little.

He chuckles lightly. “Come shower with me.” He says, moving off the bed bringing me with him. He carries me to the bathroom.

Once we are there, he sets me gently on my unsteady legs, holding me for a moment. He starts the shower. Once it’s ready, he guides me inside. I look away quickly and blush a little when he slips off his sweatpants.

He chuckles and steps inside the shower. “Scared to look?” He teases me, and I hope he can’t see me blush more. He reaches past me and grabs the bottle of soap. I shiver as I feel his hands washing my back. Then he turns me to face him and washes the front of me, running his hands all the way down. I shiver again, but he doesn’t try to start anything more. He cleans all of me, and I feel warm from more than just the heat of the water.

Once I’m clean, he washes himself quickly. I still avert my eyes from trailing too far down his body. He turns off the water and gets out. He wraps a towel around his waist and then wraps one around me.

“Why don’t you go get dressed for bed.” He gives me a small smile. I leave the bathroom and grab my bag and go to the walk-in closet.

I come out dressed in another pair of leggings and a tank top. Aaron has his sweatpants on hanging low on his hips, and I know I’m staring at him.

“I think you need some sleep, my love.” He smirks at me. “Do you want me to stay with you?”

I nod slowly, and Aaron comes to the bed. We both climb into the covers, and his arms quickly find me and pull me close to him. He’s so warm, and his scent fills my senses, calming me. He nuzzles my hair, and I feel him breathing deeply and sighing,

“Thank you for letting me stay with you. I don’t think I can ever be away from you again.” All I can do is hmmm as I feel my body relax into him, and I fall asleep.

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