Broken Souls

Chapter 13: Date

Kay’s POV

By the time we get back to the pack house, Oriel tells me I need to get ready. She hauls me, six dresses, and four pairs of shoes up to my room. I am lucky that I talked her down to only six dresses. She had ten picked out. Once in my room, we drop everything on the bed, and she tells me to go shower while she puts some dress options together. I roll my eyes and do as she says. I am happy she’s helping me. I really wouldn’t have any idea what to do or wear. I’m starting to feel nervous about this whole date thing. I’ve never been on a date. I have no idea how to do any of this at all.

By the time I’m out of the shower and wrapped in a giant towel, Oriel is at the door, “Come on, I need to do your hair.” She dries and styles my hair in soft, big curls pinning some of it up away from my face. She does my makeup, but she keeps it soft and natural-looking. She explains everything she’s doing and shows me, but it’s all strange to me. I’m glad she’s helping me. We chat and laugh as she finishes getting me ready.

Oriel looks me over, happy with her work so far. “I know the perfect dress,” she says, going to the bed and picking up a dark blue dress that almost matches my eyes. It’s knee-length. It fits me perfectly, and it hugs the small curves I’m finally getting now that I’m actually putting on a healthy amount of weight.

Taking the dress, I go into the closet and change. The dress is soft and comfortable. The heart-shaped neckline is sweet and perfect, ending in short cap sleeves. For the first time, I look in the mirror, and I see my mother looking back at me. I feel beautiful. Dad was right; I do look just like her, and the thought is warm and comforting.

Stepping from the closet, Oriel puts her hands over her mouth with a little gasp.

“You look beautiful, Kay. Aaron is going to lose his mind.” She giggles and winks at me, and I blush.

“I’ve never been on a date at all, so this is nerve-wracking.” I cross my arms and try to look annoyed, but I can’t manage it. I’m too happy. Oriel starts giggling.

When there’s a knock at the door, I panic a little as Oriel answers it. She opens the door only a little, and I know she’s teasing Aaron, not letting him see me yet.

“Well, sis, are you going to keep me in the hall, or can I collect Kay? We have somewhere to be, and it’s going to take a bit to get there.” His deep voice is as warm as his dark honey eyes are. I shiver a little, thinking about his eyes.

Oriel’s giggle breaks my thoughts of warm eyes and warm voices. As the door opens more, I feel nervous, hoping he’ll like what he sees. I’m not disappointed. He stands for a moment staring, and I thought I heard a low growl.

He’s in black pants and a dark gray button-down shirt. Everything looks perfect on his large muscular frame. Diana is excitedly pacing and purring in my head “Mine,” I hear her in my mind.

Aaron walks past Oriel with his eyes locked on mine. I feel warm as he reaches me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and lifting me up a little into his chest. Waves of warmth flood my body with his touch, and he nuzzles his face in my neck and hair. He growls low in my ear, and I feel a shiver run down my back.

Oriel coughs behind Aaron, “Hey, I’m still here, and you two will be late if you don’t leave soon.” She sounds like she’s trying not to laugh. When Aaron sighs and lets me go, Oriel does giggle.

“You sis are mean, you know that?” Aaron sighs, and Oriel is laughing now.

“Just get going,” she orders.

Aaron hasn’t taken his eyes off me, looking over every inch, and I feel myself blush under his gaze.

“You look beautiful. Are you ready to go?” He asks me.

“Thank you,” I shyly reply and nod. He smiles and holds out his arm for me to take, and I do.

Oriel smiles at us. “You two look great together. Have fun.” She gives me a sly wink.

We leave the room and walk downstairs, getting a few glances and smiles from omegas and warriors in the common room. It’s late afternoon, and outside, the black SUV is waiting. Aaron walks me over and opens the door for me. He helps me inside, and we are off.

The car ride is a bit awkward, and I keep glancing over at him as he’s driving. He looks so handsome. He shaved, and his strong jaw and full lips are tempting. His auburn hair is still in slightly messy waves, and I think I want to run my hands through that hair; it looks soft. I start feeling warm butterflies and my body heating up.

Aaron’s jaw clenches slightly. “If you don’t stop staring at me like that, I don’t think we’ll ever get where I planned. I’m also more than happy to change those plans, however, and we can continue whatever it is that is making you look at me like that.”

He glances at me, his eyes darkening slightly, and a slight smile playing at his full lips. My face erupts into a bright red blush, and I look away out of the window. He actually chuckles next to me. I’ve never heard him even come close to laughing. I think I want to hear him laugh. I try and calm my embarrassment. When I finally calm down, I ask him, “Where are we going?” The curiosity is killing me.

He looks over at me and smiles. His whole face is warm, and I’m lost for a moment in his eyes as well as the fact that he’s actually smiling. How can this be the same man?

“We are going to the city. It’s going to take about an hour to get there, but that’s all I’m telling you.” He gives me a wink, and I know I’m blushing again.

As we drive, I sit there looking at my hands in my lap, getting lost in my own thoughts, and wondering where we are going, what we are doing. Then, I wonder about Grandma and the Boss. My mind is swimming and plunging into worrying over things when Aaron’s large hand reaches over, taking one of my hands.

“Whatever you are worried about, please stop. We’ll work it out another time, I promise, just not right now.” He has a concerned look on his face, and I wonder if he can read my thoughts.

“Can you read my mind?” I blurt out.

He laughs. God, I think I love that sound. “No, just your face. You’re not very good at hiding what you’re thinking.”

He doesn’t let my hand go, and I can’t say I mind. I like the warm tingles from our skin touching. Every now and then. He rubs his thumb on the back of my hand, sending the tingling shooting up my arm, and Diana purrs more in the corner of my mind.

It didn’t feel like it had been that long, but I see the traffic increase around us and large buildings towering in the distance. I haven’t ever been in a place like this, the tall buildings taking the place of tall trees. Concrete takes over the ground as far as I can see. There is a rush of people and sounds, and everything is buzzing and busy. I think I like the trees and woods better. This feels frantic but also exciting.

We drive along the city streets, and I’m staring out the window, trying to take in everything I see, but it is so much it’s impossible.

“You haven’t been to a city before, have you?” Aaron askes, a little amused.

I shake my head. “No, I only ever lived in a small human town. Then with the rogues. The Boss didn’t let me go anywhere.” Aaron growls a little when I mention the Boss, and I flinch a little unintentionally.

“Sorry,” Aaron says, rubbing his rough thumb on the back of my hand again. “I just really hate him for so many reasons,” Aaron says through a clenched jaw. I look out the window worried I said the wrong thing when suddenly he lifts my hand to his lips, kissing the back of my hand. “I’m not mad at you, my love.”

A rush of heat and sparks flow through my hand and arm straight to my core and making all of me warm. Aaron smiles, “Is that all I have to do?” He asks me, smirking and making me blush. “Well, too bad we are here. I was having other ideas.” He winks at me. This is an entirely different Aaron. I’ll have to ask Oriel about it. She did tell me that he was different before his mate was killed. I just didn’t realize how different.

We have parked in some kind of garage, so I still don’t know where we are. Aaron gets out and comes around, opening my door. I get out. He offers his arm, and I take it. He leads me through the lot. We come out on the busy sidewalk, and I grip his arm a little tighter. We walk down the sidewalk, and I can see people look at us as we pass them. I definitely notice the women that look at Aaron, and I don’t like it at all. Diana has also noticed, and I hear again. “Mine.” She is a bit stronger than before.

The next thing I know, we are walking into a very nice-looking restaurant. I’m a little worried. I’ve never been somewhere so nice. I tense a little, and Aaron noticed and smiles at me, “You look beautiful, and don’t worry.” I try to relax as we walk the hostess. He doesn’t even have to say anything to her before her face lights up. I don’t like the way she’s looking at him, and I have to fight the urge to glare at her.

“Oh, sir, we have your table ready. Right this way, please,” she says brightly.

Now I’m looking up at him, very curious. He just winks at me. The hostess leads us through the beautiful restaurant to a table in the back. We sit, and she hands us our menus.

“Can I bring you anything?” She asks, flirting a little, only looking at Aaron, and flipping her blond hair over her shoulder. Aaron isn’t looking at her.

“What would you like, my love?” Aaron asks, looking at me, and I can see the hostess falter a moment, she but recovers quickly.

I shrug and ask for ice tea, and Aaron orders something. I was too busy hating the hostess that kept batting her eyes at Aaron. I don’t like her. She leaves, saying our waiter will be here soon with our drinks and to take our order. I look at the menu in front of me and have no idea what to get; it all sounds good.

Aaron clears his throat, and I look up at him. “Well, what do you think?” He asks me with a hint of mischief in his eyes.

“It’s really beautiful, and everything on the menu looks good. I don’t know what to try.”

“Well, maybe I can make some recommendations.” He’s grinning now. A tall well-built and handsome man with dark blond hair comes walking over, and it dawns on me the man is in a chef’s coat.

“Aaron, here you are!” The man greets Aaron, and Aaron stands to meet the man and shake his hand.

“Darik, Good to see you, man.” Aaron says to him, looking a bit more serious, “This is Kay.” Aaron gestures to me, and Darik looks at me, smiling.

“Wow, nice to meet you, Kay. You are beautiful.” He says in a flirty tone.

Aaron gives a little growl next to him, and I’m surprised. Darik only chuckles, “Calm down. I won’t steal her from you, Alpha.” So that answers that question. This man is clearly a werewolf, and that also explains his size.

Aaron clears his throat, “Sorry about that, Darik, but you know better than that.” Aaron is relaxed again now.

Darik shrugs, “I know better than to do a lot of things.” He has a wide grin on his face, “Hey, give me those menus. I’m taking care of your meal tonight.” With that, Darik takes the menus, tells me it was nice to meet me, and explains that we will see each other again soon.

With that, he’s rushing off, and Aaron sits down, sighing a little. I look at him, hopeful he may explain a little. “That’s Darik for you,” Aaron says, shrugging.

“How do you know him?” I ask before I can help myself.

“He’s my business partner.” Aaron is grinning now.

I sit a little dumb. “You own this place?” I ask him. He nods at me.

“Yes, I do. I do know food. I own this one and a few other places with Darik. Pack responsibilities keep me out of the kitchen here, but I’ll cook for you.” Aaron says, winking at me and making me blush.

I can’t believe he can cook. I am definitely curious about this. He’s more than the grumpy, brooding Alpha I have known.

“So, are you a chef then?” I’m smirking at him now.

“Not exactly. That is all Derik, but I like to think I can hold my own in the kitchen. Darik wouldn’t let me in there if I couldn’t. I also mentioned to Derik that you are a pretty amazing baker with no real training, and he was curious to try some. But, after the way he was flirting with you, I don’t know about that.” There is a bit of a frown is on his face now, and it makes me giggle at him,

Our food comes, and to say it was delicious would be an understatement. Darik came back with a bottle of wine, winking at me, getting another growl from Aaron. He seems to enjoy getting under Aaron’s skin. He pours the wine for us and leaves the bottle before hurrying off again. We eat. I try the wine, and I find that it goes well with our food. We are enjoying each other’s company, and a few times, I get lost in warm eyes.

We finish our food and the wine, and while it takes a lot for werewolves to get drunk, I can feel a slight warm buzz. Aaron stands and holds out his hand for me. I take it, and he pulls me to my feet. The light-headed buzz from the wine and his calming cedar sent has my mind swirling and my body warm.

Aaron pulls me closer to him, kissing my forehead. I can’t help the happy sigh that slips from my lips. Aaron gives a little chuckle of amusement.

“No more wine for you, I think. I may want to take advantage of you.” He kisses my forehead again. “We should get going. It’s getting late.” He wraps his arm around my waist, and my body tingles from his continued closeness.

We leave the restaurant, and the slight chill of the spring air outside makes me shiver. He holds me closer, and the tingles turn to electric shocks that don’t hurt but feel nice.

I can’t imagine anything feeling better than how close he is to me right now. We get back to the car, and he opens my door for me. I’m sad that he’s no longer holding me. I get in, and he closes the door giving me a funny smile. I wonder if he knows that I miss his arms already.

Before I know it, we are leaving the parking garage and heading back leaving the city. It looks different in the dark with so many twinkling lights from hundreds of windows. Aaron turns on the heater, and I feel warm and a little sleepy. His scent fills the car, and I look over at his handsome face.

The thought occurs to me, and I wonder what his lips would feel like on mine. I feel a rush of warmth, and my stomach clenches. I feel strange thinking about him, but I start thinking about his hands on my skin, and my stomach is clenched more. I’m trying to stop the thought of his hands and my skin, but I seem to have lost control of my thoughts.

When Aaron speaks, his voice sounds a little dark with something, and I don’t fully understand. “You are making it very hard on me, and if you keep thinking whatever it is you are thinking about, I can’t promise I won’t stop the car and take advantage of you.”

I look at his face. His jaw is clenched, and his eyes are swirling with darker shades. He looks like he’s fighting with himself. It dawns on me he can smell me and my treacherous body longing for him. I turn my face away, burning red again with embarrassment. I can’t believe what I was thinking about, but I’m not sorry about it. Aaron has my hand again, caressing it lightly as we drive back in electric silence.

We get back to the pack house, and Aaron parks the car and comes to open my door, helping me out. He wraps an arm around my waist, and we walk back into the dark, quiet pack house.

He walks me all the way to my room, and I still feel warm and tingly. We stop at the door, and I half don’t want him to leave me, but I feel unsure about that as well. I know we are going to have mark each other and complete the matting process, but I know I’m not ready for all of that. Or am I? The thought of his hands on my skin rushes back to my mind, along with the warmth.

Before I can think, he wraps me in both his arms, pulling me close to him and nuzzling his face in my neck.

“Are you making this so hard on purpose?’ He asks as he starts brushing his nose down my neck. I whimper a little as sparks race down my body, making me heat up and tingle. He pulls me even closer, and I melt into him. He growls low in my neck, creating a strange new feeling between my legs.

He pulls his face away from my neck, and I see the lust growing in his dark honey eyes. I can also feel his erection pressed up against me. He’s reading my face like he’s torn on what to do. He finally closes his eyes and sighs, releasing his hold on me slightly. He kisses my forehead.

“Goodnight, Kay,” he says, letting me go. He looks a little defeated, and honestly, I wish I was back in his arms, feeling warm and safe. I go into my room and get changed into shorts and a tank top. I go in the bathroom and finish getting ready for bed, brushing my teeth and hair, and put my hair up in a high loose ponytail. I go and climb into bed with warm honey eyes and rough hands on my skin filling my mind as I fall asleep.

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