Broken Rules: (Broken Duet #1)

Broken Rules: Chapter 6

Frank waits in the kitchen with a glass of neat vodka. He’s not alone. Jess sits beside him, painting her nails hot pink despite the clock showing two-thirty in the morning. I’ve had enough excitement for one night, but one look at Frank, and I know I’m not allowed to go upstairs before he tells me off. He’s too fixated on maintaining his image in front of Jess.

“Explain because I’m having a hard time understanding,” he says, drilling a hole in my face with a piercing, hateful stare. Nothing new. “Why are you suddenly willing to risk everything I worked for all my life?”

Translation: Why aren’t you listening to what I say? Follow the orders like everyone else.

I glance at Jess, who pretends she’s not listening, but this conversation will be relayed to her friends early in the morning. Her inquisitive nature means we have to watch what we say, even in our own house.

Especially in our own house.

“I’m not trying to endanger your business. I tried to get rid of Dante,” I say. I did try, I think… or maybe not. “He’s persistent, but he won’t use me against you.” I match his pointed stare with my own, nonverbally asking him to trust me this once.

I enjoy the panic flashing in his eyes; the hint of uncertainty on his face. I wish I were cruel enough to openly admit I like Dante. That spending time with him is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.

“Why are you taking his word for it? You don’t know him, Layla. You’ve no idea what he’s capable of.”

“He’s the same as you, I guess. You taught him all he knows, right?”

He ignores the mockery ringing in my voice, proud like a peacock when he nods, glancing at Jess, whose cheeks match the color of her nail varnish. “That’s why I know he won’t hesitate. I won’t repeat myself again. Do as you’re told. Don’t engage.”

He treats me the same way he treats his pawns, as if he pays me to follow his orders. As if I’m his errand boy.

“I’m not sure if Adam told you, but I wasn’t looking for Dante tonight. He found me.”

Two wrinkles mark Frank’s forehead, his worldview shifting for a second. “How did he know where you were?”

“How do you? You both have your ways.”

“The fact he was looking for you should make you pause, Layla. Stop being so fucking naïve. Start acting like the adult you claim to be.”

“Dante didn’t ask me about your business, Frank…

I trail off, suddenly enlightened.

Irritation replaces hormonal dizziness. The lustful fog clouding my mind dissipates, sharpening the scene as if a picture came back into focus. Of course Dante hadn’t tried to dig for information. I took the ace out of the hole when I told him that I don’t know much. What if he wanted to corner me last night but needs to alter his game plan?

Jesus… I actually told him how to deceive me. I gave him the gun and showed him how to pull the trigger.

I should’ve been smarter.

Dante’s devious, and I… I’m short-sighted. Blinded by the novelty of his attention. The attention my father wants to give me but can’t while Dante’s around.

Frank leans back in his chair. “You’ll fall in love with him, and you’ll soon beg him not to hurt you. He won’t listen. He doesn’t understand what mercy is, Layla.”

I’ll fall in love with him?” I raise my eyebrow. “I think you’re forgetting—”

“Layla,” he snaps, casting a sideways glance at Jess. “I know Dante. I know how charming he can be when it matters. He already has you wrapped around his finger.”

Jess clears her throat, waving her hands to dry the nail varnish. “Oh yes, he’s charming as all hell. I can’t blame you for liking him.” She winks, driving Frank up the wall. His nostrils flare, and anger almost froths at the corners of his mouth. “The heart wants what it wants, Layla. If you trust Dante, don’t back down, or you’ll regret it forever.”

She’s an incurable romantic who never experienced true love. I’m not surprised she’s siding with me despite knowing little about what’s happening. All Jess sees is a movie-worthy relationship looming in the distance. She will push past Frank to see me in Dante’s arms.

Frank shuts his eyes briefly, taking a deep, calming breath. “I don’t stick my nose in your life, but I won’t calmly watch while you endanger yourself and me. You need to listen to me, or we’ll end up six feet under.”

“Since the day I turned fifteen, all you do is stick your nose in my life. You introduced me to my boyfriends. You introduced me to Allie. You told me to grow my hair and chose my degree, so don’t tell me you don’t dictate my life!” My voice shakes, the words bitter on my tongue.

I follow his orders, no whining or objecting. Even now, I’m ready to bow out again, but not so fast.

This time I’m in control.

I dictate the rules of my relationship with Dante. Maybe if I stand my ground for once, I’ll earn Frank’s respect. Perhaps proving him wrong will help him realize that I’m more important than his lowest-ranking soldiers, smarter than them, too.

“Burly will remain your shadow until I say otherwise. You don’t move unless he’s around. Dante will be looking for another chance to see you.”

“He found me once. Do you really think he won’t do it again?” I jump to my feet. “Do you think I’ll discourage him?”

Frank grips the edge of the table, anchoring himself in place. “Do you think if you follow him around like a lovesick puppy, he won’t question your intentions?!”

“I’ll take the risk.”

Frank turns purple, but one glance at Jess reminds him that he needs to remain in control no matter how difficult that may be. “Trust me, Layla. Trust me for once in your fucking life. Stop taking offense! If he finds you again, get rid of him. Do you honestly think he’s falling in love with you? After two evenings?!” He bangs his fist on the table so hard the nail varnish tips over, splattering the white oak tabletop with hot-pink stains. “You might be pretty, but stop and really think about this! It’s fucking ridiculous!”

He hits the soft spot, and my arguments fly out the window. I can’t deny it all smells a bit fishy. Dante started to care about me fast. Too fast. Frank’s not the father-of-the-year type, but he knows Dante well. He understands his way of thinking better than anyone. 

I bow my head low, fresh tears prickling my eyes as I retreat upstairs. I’d give a lot to erase this weekend from my mind, or at least the emotions Dante awoke. Not in my wildest dreams did I expect him to be so caring. Frank made him out to be a monster, a ruthless, vicious killer.

That may be true, but he’s much more than that. And that more, will be the death of me if I’m not careful.

Curled in an almost fetal position, I hug the pillow to my chest, fighting the tears, but I smell like Dante’s spicy cologne, and when I touch my lips, the memories of his kisses bring me undone.

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