Broken Rules: (Broken Duet #1)

Broken Rules: Chapter 21

I’m tossing in bed as if I have an epileptic fit. Anger dissipated long ago, but sleep doesn’t want to take me.

I don’t care what happened at Delta and didn’t expect details. Not even a summary. A simple Layla, it’ll be better if you don’t hear this would’ve been enough, but no. They treated me like an idiot, so I snapped.

Dante was right when he said nothing can justify his reaction, but truth be told, I had his outburst coming. When he called me back to the car, I knew something terrible had happened. The tone of his voice and the worry in his emerald-green eyes spoke volumes. My temper didn’t help.

Getting me to boil over is easy. Calming me down takes much more effort. With each sentence pouring out of my mouth, I saw Dante’s patience wearing thin, but I couldn’t stop.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. My guilty conscience won’t let me sleep, so I get out of bed, determined to write my dissertation. Pulling my hair into a bun, I press double espresso on the touch screen of the coffee maker, my phone in hand in case Dante calls. Unlikely considering it’s five in the morning, but I hope.

The fault is on both sides, but his sins are bigger.

He scared me enough to warrant a breakup, but the regret dancing in his eyes when he thought I’d leave him crushed me inside out. I’m starting to think clearly once caffeine filters through the noise of my thoughts. Instead of diving into the world of the insane, I grab my keys and leave.

Dante’s charger is parked in the open garage when I pull up outside his house twenty minutes later. As I make my way upstairs, an ashtray sits on the countertop next to an empty glass. Clothes litter the bedroom floor, and Dante’s asleep, lying on his back. I rest against the wall, watching his chest rise and fall steadily.

A few weeks is all it took for him to take my heart hostage. The one thing I promised myself not to do the day I entered Delta happened faster than I anticipated.

Careful not to wake him, I shimmy out of my clothes, leaving on my red lingerie. Dante wakes up as soon as the mattress dips under my weight.

He sits up, and his hand flies toward the gun on the bedside, but his features soften once he sees it’s just me. “God, I’m so fucking glad you’re here.” He grabs my arm, falling back, cuddling me into his chest, lips on the crown of my head. “I’m sorry, baby. It won’t happen again.”

“I know. I’m sorry too. I overreacted.”

He flips me, so I lay under him, letting out a shaky breath a second before he sinks into my lips, the kiss soft, slow, but full of something more profound than lust. “You’ve nothing to apologize for.” He stamps a kiss on my forehead. “What time is it?”

“Almost six.”

“Six? Why are you up already?”

“I couldn’t sleep.”

“You haven’t slept at all?” He rests on his elbow, brushing my hair behind my ears.

“I hate it when we fight.”

“That wasn’t a fight. If we ever fight, sharp things will fly in my direction.” He smirks, pushing his hand under my back to undo my bra.

“What are you doing?”

“Take it off. You’ll be uncomfortable.”

“No, I won’t.”

He dips his head to kiss a straight line from my neck to the soft spot between my breasts. “How’s my pussy?”

God, that filthy mouth of his…

“Still sore.” I squirm when his warm breath fans my abdomen as he hooks his finger under the elastic of my thong.

“I bet I can make it better.” With methodical, slow moves, he slides my red lacy panties down my legs, throwing them on the floor. “You smell so fucking edible, baby.”

He stares down for a moment, making me squirm. It’s the most intimate yet insanely erotic thing imaginable when he looks me over with hungry eyes, grazing his finger up the inside of my thigh.

He grips my hips, tugging me closer, and leans forward, his face moving between my thighs.

I whimper, weaving my fingers in his hair as his tongue drags over my folds before he latches onto my clit, drawing the sensitive flesh into his mouth.

“Oh God,” I gasp, clawing at his shoulders.

I arch my back when he pushes one finger deep into my core, using it as he would his cock… or not. He curls his finger, stroking something deep inside me, and I cry out with full-blown need.

My hips buck, and thighs clench, locking his head in-between. He groans, prying my legs open with one hand, ensuring I’m spread wide for him.

I might be the one on the verge of a violent orgasm, but I know this is for his pleasure, too. I feel how hungry he is for me, lapping and laving my clit, drawing every slight tremor out of me when I start shaking, coming so hard I feel like I’ll pass out.

My delirious moans bounce off the walls as Dante prolongs the high, his finger working inside me as he licks and sucks in a delicious, torturous rhythm.

This is addictive, the orgasm so intense and long, bordering on uncomfortable, that it’s impossible to hold onto inhibitions. Impossible to care how loud I am or who could hear. I doubt I’d care if someone watched.

“You’re so hot when you come,” he says, close to my ear, his lips on my neck. “How’s my pussy now?”

“Much better.” I open my eyes to find him hovering over me with the most arrogant smile ever.

“Told you.” He dips his head, kissing my forehead, before he moves over, wrapping his arms around me. “There was a problem at the club—”

“Um,” I move away, rising on my elbow to look at him. “What are you… I mean, aren’t we having sex?”

“Not until you’re no longer sore.”

“I’m not that sore. I’ll be okay.”

“Not until you’re no longer sore,” he repeats, pulling me back to his chest, his fingers in my hair, toying with a thick tangle. “About last night—”

“I don’t want to know. I’m not mad that you didn’t tell me. I’m mad because you treated me like someone who doesn’t know better. Next time say it’ll be better if I don’t know, but don’t act like I’m too stupid to understand.”

“You’re not stupid. You’re smarter than all the girls of my people put together. I know you’re made of a different cloth, but I’m a man. I’ll always want to protect you. I always will protect you, baby.”

I lift my head to peck his lips. “I’ll try to tone down a bit.”

“Don’t. You drive me fucking insane with your godawful attitude, but it’s part of your charm. Don’t change it. Don’t ever change, Star. You’re exactly how I dreamt you.” He kisses me again. “Now shut your beautiful mouth and get to sleep. I’m exhausted, and I need to be up at nine.”

“Coffee?” The maid asks when I come downstairs around noon.

I slept like a baby, didn’t hear Dante’s alarm, and didn’t feel him wriggle out of my embrace. “Yes. Cappuccino. “

She bobs her head without a smile and retreats to the

kitchen. I braid my wet hair into two braids and check the phone to find a voicemail from Frank.

Nikolaj is coming over for an early dinner. I want you back home before three.

The maid enters the room with a silver tray in hand. “Would you like breakfast?”

“Yes.” Dante enters the living room. “Pancakes with honey for Layla, eggs benedict for me.” He leans over the back of the couch to kiss my head. “Morning. Sleep well?”

“Yes, but looking at your energy, I’m starting to doubt it. You hardly slept; how can you be so cheerful?”

He shakes his jacket off, throwing the car keys on the table. “Two coffees, some good news, and my girl waiting at home might have something to do with it.”

“Your girl needs to go home after breakfast. the Capones are joining us for dinner today.” I sigh, rolling my eyes. “Frank’s trying to impress Julij so he doesn’t cut him out when he takes over New York.”

Dante sits, creases on his forehead. “Is Nikolaj retiring?”

“He doesn’t have much choice. He’s got cancer. From what I gather, it’s bad. He’s not long left. That’s why they flew over, to tell Frank that Julij’s taking over.”

Dante seems lost in thought for a moment but snaps out of it quickly, pointing to something behind me. I look over my shoulder, and when I turn back around, he’s sipping my coffee.

“I don’t like that you’re spending time with Julij, but at least you won’t be here alone. I have to leave again in an hour.”

“Will you be disappearing like this all week? If you will, can I sneak in here to work on my dissertation?”

“Yes, this is your house. You’ve got the keys.”

“It isn’t but thank you. I’d love to return the favor, but you’d leave in a body bag if Frank found you wandering around his house.”

A shadow sweeps across Dante’s face, forcing the fine hairs on the back of my neck to stand on ends. “Yeah, that’s not the best idea.”

“Did you know him?”

“Be precise, Star. Who is him?”

“The one who ended up in a body bag last night.”

A small smile curves his lips. “Clever girl. How did you know? No, I didn’t know him.”

“I suspected it yesterday, but I wasn’t sure, but your body language betrayed you just now.” I scoot closer to him, weaving my hand through his hair. “I wanted to know if it was one of your people.”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s been taken care of.”

I bob my head, and moments later, we sit at the table to eat breakfast.

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