Broken Rivalry : New-Adult Angsty College Romance (Silverbrook University Book 1)

Broken Rivalry : Chapter 20

The stadium is alive with energy, the anticipation palpable. For most, today’s game is a matter of pride, a chance to prove themselves. For me, it’s personal. Sure, we could afford to lose and still make it to the playoffs, but that’s not how I play. Especially not today.

The noise of the crowd is a constant backdrop, but my focus narrows to a specific section: the family and friends’ stands. Poppy is there, looking radiant and relaxed, her eyes scanning the field. Beside her, Vanessa and Eva chat animatedly. Eva’s attendance is a surprise. She’s not one for sports, but her presence today speaks volumes about her bond with Poppy.

I can’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment as I spot the sweater she’s wearing. I had left a jersey with my number in her room, a silent hope that she’d wear it. But Poppy’s always been unpredictable, and I respect her for it. Still, the fact that she’s here after our night together means more than any jersey ever could.

Stretching my legs, I feel a burst of energy. Last night was my second time making love to her, and the intimacy, the connection, was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. Waking up with her in my arms was pure bliss, and it’s given me a boost of confidence for today’s game.

“Maybe you should stop daydreaming about your girl and focus on warming up,” Liam’s voice cuts through my reverie, a hint of amusement in his tone.

I roll my eyes, smirking. “Worry about your own game, Captain.”

Cole chimes in, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “Yes, Ethan. Listen to the wise words of our captain.”

I shoot him a playful glare. “Don’t worry, with Poppy here, I’ll be on top of my game. Though I’m already perfection, there’s not much room for improvement.”

Liam snorts, shaking his head. “Your ego, man.”

Cole smirks. “Your ego’s almost as big as my cock.”

I scoff, “At least my girl’s here willingly. Yours, on the other hand…”

Cole’s expression hardens briefly, but then he sighs. “She’s… stubborn. I’m ready to forgive the past, but she’s not ready to let go. But she will. She’ll come around.”

I nod, understanding his frustration. Relationships are complicated, and each has its own set of challenges. But today, on the field, we’re a team. And nothing will stand in our way.

The whistle blows, signaling the start of the game. I take a deep breath, pushing all thoughts aside. It’s game time, and I’m ready to give it my all. For the team, for the win, and for the girl in the stands who’s captured my heart.

As the game progresses, each goal, each save, pushes us closer to victory. I look at her every time the team scores, and she cheers like her heart is on the field with me, and I hope that part of it really is.

She disappears for a few minutes during the second half, but she’s back soon, and her smile is radiant.

When the final whistle blows, signaling our crushing win, the euphoria is overwhelming. But amid the team’s celebration, my eyes seek out Poppy. Her face is lit up with genuine joy, and it amplifies my own happiness tenfold.

Without a second thought, I break away from my teammates and sprint toward her. She looks up, her beautiful eyes wide with surprise, perhaps not expecting such a public display. But before she can utter a word, I vault over the barrier separating us, closing the distance in mere moments.


Cutting her off, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close, and our lips meet in a passionate kiss. It’s a statement, a proclamation to everyone around that she’s mine. It’s as close to being “official” as I think she’ll allow it to be.

Pulling back, I’m met with her flushed face, her breath coming in short gasps. “I’m going to hit the showers. Mind waiting for me by the locker room?” I ask, trying to sound casual but failing miserably.

She glances briefly at Nessa and Eva, who are both grinning knowingly, then nods. “Sure, I’ll be there.”

Bounding back to the pitch, I feel invincible, as if I’m floating on air. My teammates’ cheers and playful jabs only add to my high.

“Whipped much?” Cole teases as I rejoin them in the locker room.

“Just marking my territory,” I retort with a smirk.

Liam chimes in, “Man, you’ve got it bad. Never thought I’d see the day.”

I let out an amused huff, rolling my eyes. “Neither did I, but here we are.”

After a quick shower and change, my anticipation grows. Exiting the locker room, my heart rate spikes when I spot her.

She’s engrossed in her phone, but the moment she senses my presence, she looks up, her lips curving into a soft smile. The dim lighting of the corridor casts a gentle glow on her face, making her look even more beautiful.

“Hey,” I greet, my voice low, the adrenaline from the game still coursing through my veins.

“Hey yourself,” she replies, her voice teasing. “Quite the show you put on out there.”

I give a self-deprecating smile, rubbing the back of my neck. “Well, I had to make sure my number one fan was impressed.”

Her smile turns sly, her interest clearly piqued. “Oh, I’m your number one fan now?”

“Always have been,” I reply without hesitation, taking a step closer to her. “You only need to admit it to yourself.”

She laughs, a melodious sound that warms my heart. “You’re something else.”

I grin, closing the distance between us. “Only for you.”

I take her hand, interlacing our fingers, and I’m glad she’s not resisting or tensing. It seems to feel as natural for her as it does for me, and it gives me hope for what I’m about to propose.

But before I can voice my thoughts, she beats me to it. “My mom got a new job.”

We’re almost at the players’ parking lot when I respond, perhaps too eagerly, “The administrative position?”

She stiffens, and I instantly regret my words. Her gaze sharpens, suspicion evident. “How did you know about that?”

Caught off guard, I confess, “I might have… facilitated the interview.”

Her face twists, anger clashing with disbelief. “You did what?!” She jerks her hand out of mine, and I try to grab it back, but she storms out of the stadium in the frigid fall wind.

“I wanted to help,” I defend, following close behind her, but I can see her walls going up, the distance growing between us.

She swirls around. “What then? You pity me?” she spits out, her voice dripping with disdain. She looks skyward and throws her hands up in surrender. “I knew it! Of course I did. It was just too perfect. You were too perfect.”

I feel a surge of frustration. “It’s not about pity, Poppy! Why can’t you see that?”

She takes a step back, her eyes glistening. “As long as you pity me, Ethan, there’s no future for us.”

My anger matches hers. “Maybe there’s no future because you don’t intend to give us one! You’re ashamed of what you feel for me. I’m your dirty little secret; admit it!”

“At least I have genuine feelings for you. You… you pity me,” she retorts, voice breaking.

“No, I don’t!” I shout, my patience snapping. “Damn it, Poppy! I love you. It’s not pity! It’s love! I fucking love you like a madman, and I have the power to make your life a little easier. Why won’t you let me?”

“Do you really not see it?” She wraps her coat tighter around herself. “It makes me feel cheap, Ethan. It makes me feel like one of those dolls we used to mock at your garden parties. What did you call them, ‘cheap counterfeit rich whores’?”

I wince. “They are not you. God, you are the polar opposite, fighting so hard to do everything alone that I wonder if you would even accept a helping hand if you were drowning. The thing is, I love you enough to jump into the shark-infested water to save you against your will. Don’t think it’s for you then; see it as helping your mother and brothers. You’re not living there anymore.”

I’m attuned enough to her to catch a slight relaxation in her posture, a sign that my argument is sinking in. “She never did anything wrong, your mother. Don’t you think she deserves some luck?”

She relaxes a little more, letting go of the strong hold she had on her coat. “Wow, now I’m not only drowning, but there are sharks too?” she asks with a frown. Moving forward with a tentative smile, I breathe a little easier now that the crisis is defused, at least for the moment.

“For you, I would.” I raise my hand, brushing her cheek with the back of it, almost expecting her to move her face away.

She keeps her eyes on my face. I’m not sure what she is looking for, but she must find it because she exhales and takes a step toward me, resting her forehead against my chest.

I don’t miss that she didn’t acknowledge or reciprocate my feelings. It stings. I can’t lie, but I also understand. I’m not sure she’s even there yet. We’ve just reconnected three months ago, and even if my feelings for her have developed over a six-year period, hers might be very new.

“Thank you. She really needed a win.”

I rest my hand against her neck and press a kiss on her hair. “You never need to thank me, beautiful, and I can assure you if she got it, it’s because she’s capable.”

I kiss her head again. Taking a deep breath, I ask, “Would you come with me for the weekend before the break to the cabin? Just the two of us. I think we need to work out what we are and what we want to be.”

She pulls back and chews on her bottom lip, her gaze thoughtful. “Why the cabin?”

“It’s secluded, peaceful. Away from all this.” I gesture around, indicating the school, the crowd, the world that often feels like it’s pressing in on us. “I think we need that. Time away to just… be.”

She nods slowly. “Okay. But promise me something.”


“No more secrets. No more trying to ‘help’ without telling me.”

I nod, relief flooding me. “Promise.”

The weight on my chest lifts somehow. We have a lot to figure out, but for now, this is a start. With a newfound sense of purpose, I walk her to the car, opening the passenger door for her. She slides in gracefully, and I can’t help but steal a glance at her before heading to the driver’s side.

As I start the car, the stadium lights begin to recede in the rearview mirror, their glow gradually fading. The energy of the game, the cheers, and the adrenaline all become distant memories. The drive envelops us in a comfortable silence, punctuated only by the soft hum of the engine. Yet, beneath that calm, there’s a palpable tension, a silent acknowledgment of the unresolved emotions and the revelations of the evening.

“Poppy?” I start, my voice hesitant.

She glances over, her eyebrows raised in question. “Yeah?”

I inhale deeply for composure before I speak. “Would it be okay if I… stayed over tonight? I’ve noticed my sleep is better with you around. It’s like… everything falls into place with you beside me.”

She seems taken aback by my admission, her eyes searching mine. Then she nods slowly. “I’d like that. But first, we should grab some takeout. And remember, you have to get enough for my roommates too. It’s an unwritten rule.”

I chuckle. “Alright, what are you in the mood for?”

“Chinese?” she suggests with a hopeful smile.

“Sounds perfect.”

We pull into a nearby Chinese restaurant, and I’m overwhelmed by the array of options. “How much is ‘enough’?” I ask, bemused.

She laughs. “Just get a variety. They’re not picky.”

Taking her word for it, I order an assortment of dishes, probably enough to feed my boys too. Inviting them over would have been cool, trying to mix our friendship groups, but putting Eva and Cole in the same room would be nuclear.

Back at her apartment, the delicious aroma of the food fills the apartment. Her roommates, Nessa and Eva, are already in the living room, their eyes lighting up at the sight of the feast.

“Wow, Ethan, trying to bribe us?” Nessa teases, eyeing the food.

Eva giggles. “Or maybe he’s making sure we’re well fed before he whisks Poppy away to play doctor in her bedroom.”

Poppy rolls her eyes, a playful smirk on her lips. “Joke’s on you. We’re staying right here for the evening.”

I can’t help but laugh, the banter lightening the mood. We settle down in the living room, plates piled high with food. The TV plays in the background, some sitcom that I’m not familiar with. But honestly, I couldn’t care less about what’s on the screen. With Poppy curled up beside me, her head resting on my shoulder, I’m in my own little world.

The hours fly by, and the room is filled with laughter and light-hearted conversation. Every now and then, I catch Poppy’s roommates throwing us knowing glances, their smiles teasing. But for the most part, it’s a normal evening, a group of friends hanging out and enjoying each other’s company.

As the night wears on, the room grows quiet, the only sound the soft hum of the TV. One by one, Nessa and Eva excuse themselves, leaving Poppy and me alone.

Nessa being Nessa. “Don’t forget protection!” she shouts before closing the door behind her.

Poppy shifts, her fingers tracing patterns on my arm. “Thank you,” she murmurs.

“For what?”

“For tonight. For being here. For… everything.”

I turn to face her, my fingers brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. “Always,” I whisper.

She smiles, her eyes shining with unspoken emotions. Slowly, she stands up, extending her hand to me. “Come on,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

My heart rate accelerates, anticipation building. Taking her hand, I let her lead me toward her bedroom. The night may be drawing to a close, but for us, the real journey is only beginning.

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