Broken Rivalry : New-Adult Angsty College Romance (Silverbrook University Book 1)

Broken Rivalry : Chapter 12

The bathroom fan hums as I fasten my moon locket with trembling fingers, its weight a little comfort that alleviates some of the apprehension I have for tonight. Evangeline’s distant music contrasts with my inner turmoil.

Gazing into the mirror, a stranger draped in royal blue stares back, her face adorned with intricate makeup, a ritual I hadn’t indulged in for over two years. The locket gleams in the soft light. I grab it in my hand and take a deep breath, still conflicted about meeting Ethan at the ball only minutes before the car is supposed to pick us up.

My mind drifts to last Tuesday, the way Ethan’s eyes lingered on me a moment too long, revealing a depth of emotion that both thrilled and terrified me. His touch always a tad too intimate yet undeniably comforting in its warmth. I remember the softness in his voice, how his manner subtly changed in our private moments, and the words we left hanging in the silence as he held me close in that store and how much I loved it.

I sigh. Deep down, I know it isn’t simply a friendly meet. The flutter in my chest tells me so. Spending over an hour on my hair and makeup wasn’t just for any ordinary date, and certainly not with my heart racing this wildly.

Nessa sweeps into the bathroom, embodying gothic elegance with her eyes smoldering in a perfect smoky hue and lips painted a light purple, harmonizing with the lower half of her cascading hair.

“You seem on edge. What’s got you rattled?” Gracefully, she places her hands on my shoulders, our eyes locking in the mirror’s reflection. Her height allows her to rest her chin atop my head, a familiar gesture that usually brings comfort.

“I don’t know…” It’s half the truth.

A wicked smile plays on her lips. “One word and he becomes a eunuch,” she declares, flaunting her long, pointed black nails with a sinister flourish.

A genuine laugh escapes my lips, a lightness expanding in me as Nessa’s joke dissipates the tight knot of anxiety, if only for an instant. “No headphones tonight,” I tease, my voice a gentle nudge against her armor.

She tilts her head, revealing the tiny earbuds nestled discreetly.

“Alright, let’s get Brainy out there,” Nessa says before exiting the bathroom as the same storm she was coming in.

“What’s going on here?” Nessa’s voice filters through as I near Eva’s room, curiosity threading my steps. “I mean, I’m all supportive of the devil-may-care look, but you may have pushed it a little too far.”

I find Eva lounging on her bed in sweatpants, her hair in a messy bun. “The car’s almost here, right?” I note, spotting snacks and a paused episode of The Office on her laptop, but no dress in sight.

“Yep,” she pops the p with a carefree flick of her wrist, sending a kernel of popcorn into her mouth. Her eyes, however, betray a flicker of something deeper, a momentary lapse in her nonchalant armor.

Nessa and I exchange a glance, then turn back to Eva.

She shakes her head. “I’m sorry for lying to you, Pops, I really am, but I never planned to come.” She lets out a laugh, nestling more comfortably in her pile of pillows. “There was never a scenario in which I would have even considered going, but I could see you were dying to go, and I knew I had to pretend for a while.”

“But the dress. Ethan…” My voice trails off, questions unspoken.

She laughs. “I returned it the next day. The extra eight hundred dollars in the food jar? That’s from the dress.”

Nessa exhales dramatically, her attempt to lighten the mood obvious. “Oh, thank God! I was half convinced that one of you sold your body or something. And if so, it was a bargain,” Nessa tries to joke, lightening the dense air around us.

My mind whirls, caught between admiration for her audacity and the guilt at leaving her behind and also the awkwardness when we’ll get there without her.

The buzzer sounds, a timely interruption to the spiraling thoughts. “It’s probably your car,” Eva murmurs, her eyes returning to the screen. “Have fun; seriously, you both need it.”

As we grab our bags, Nessa smirks. “I like this version of Eva. Her craftiness is humbling.”

I nod, but as I descend toward the limo, thoughts of Eva dissolve, replaced by a stampede of broncos in my stomach. Despite my internal denials, tonight unmistakably morphs into a date.

The limo glides through the city, the bright lights from towering skyscrapers casting fleeting shadows inside the plush interior. My fingers dance nervously over the keys of my phone, composing a message to Ethan.

We’ll be there in 10. I hesitate briefly before pressing send, the tiny “sent” notification somehow amplifying the fluttering in my stomach.

Nessa, perceptive as always, shoots me a knowing look, her lips curving into a mischievous grin. “Nervous, Pops?” she teases, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on the back of my hand in a silent offer of comfort.

I offer a half smile, my gaze drifting to the window, where the cityscape blurs into a cascade of lights and shapes. “Just… a lot on my mind,” I admit quietly, the reflection of my anxious expression ghosting back at me through the darkened glass.

The limo slows, pulling up to the opulent facade of the luxury hotel. My heart leaps into my throat as the driver opens the door, the sounds of laughter and distant music wafting into our secluded space. Nessa steps out first, her posture radiating a confidence I desperately wish I could mirror.

Taking a deep breath, I follow, my heels clicking against the cobblestone as we make our way toward the entrance. Ethan, Liam, and Cole stand there, an almost surreal vision of elegance as they look like they escaped from a magazine in their designer tuxedos.

My breath catches in my throat as my eyes lock with Ethan’s, his gaze holding a warmth and intensity that sends shivers down my spine.

He steps forward, extending a hand, but before my hand can touch his, Cole’s sharp voice slices through the moment.

“Where the fuck is Eva?” His eyes, burning with irritation and an undercurrent of something darker, flick between Nessa and me, demanding an answer.

The spell is broken. Ethan’s hand drops back to his side, and I’m abruptly yanked back to reality. “She… uh, she couldn’t make it. She’s sick,” I manage to stammer, the lie bitter and heavy on my tongue.

Cole’s eyes narrow, a storm brewing behind them, but before he can unleash it upon us, Ethan intervenes, his voice calm yet firm. “It’s alright, Cole. Let’s not ruin the evening over this.” He shoots me an apologetic look, the unspoken words hanging heavily between us.

Cole’s jaw tics, and his gaze is concentrated on the glass doors behind us, narrowing every so often as if he were calculating.

He turns abruptly and leaves, his pace rigid.

“What’s up with Small Prick?” Nessa asks with a frown. “I’m sure he only needs to snap his fingers to have ten desperate girls at his feet.”

Amusement dances in Ethan’s eyes. “I thought I was Small Prick.”

Nessa smirks, her gaze shifting to Liam. “You’re all Small Prick, except you. I honestly hope you’re not.” Liam, unfazed and ever the flirt, extends his arm, a devilish grin playing on his lips. “One way to find out.”

A small smile crosses my face as I dismiss the thought.

“Shall we?” Ethan’s voice is soft, his hand extended toward me, an invitation hanging in the air.

My heart stutters, caught on the edge of a precipice. Friends don’t hold hands like this; don’t stand suspended in a moment charged with unspoken promises. But I do it anyway, and as my skin touches his, the way his pupils dilate and my skin burns is anything but friendly, and as we follow Nessa and Liam into the luxurious room, I know one thing… my heart is in far more danger than I predicted.

The grandeur of the room envelops me as I step inside, a breathtaking spectacle of luxury and elegance. Crystal chandeliers cascade from the ceiling, casting a golden glow across the room. Couples twirl gracefully across the dance floor, their laughter intertwining with the gentle melodies of the live orchestra. My breath catches in my throat, momentarily lost in the enchanting scene before me.

Ethan extends his hand, a silent invitation, and I place mine in his, allowing him to lead me onto the dance floor. His fingers are warm against mine, his touch steady and reassuring. We move together, our bodies swaying in harmony to the lilting melody, and if only for an instant, the world fades away, leaving just the two of us.

His eyes, deep and intense, lock onto mine, and I find myself drowning in their depths. Ethan’s fingers brush against my cheek, a gentle caress, as he tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear. Our eyes remain locked, a silent conversation passing between us, and I feel myself leaning in, drawn to him like a moth to a flame. A playful smile tugs at his lips, lightening the charged atmosphere between us. “You’re stepping on my foot, Poppy,” he whispers, his voice a gentle tease.

My cheeks flush with embarrassment, yet his smile only broadens, his thumb caressing the back of my hand in reassurance. “It’s okay,” he murmurs, “I’ve survived worse.”

As we continue to dance, my gaze drifts across the room, landing on Liam and Nessa. Liam leans down, whispering something into Nessa’s ear. Her eyes widen, and she pulls back sharply, her expression unreadable, before she vanishes into the crowd.

Ethan’s fingers encircle my waist, pulling me closer, and I can’t help but be acutely aware of every point of contact between us. His hand is warm against the small of my back, his fingers exerting the slightest pressure, guiding our movements. The other hand entwines with mine, lifting it delicately in the air. His eyes, a deep, mesmerizing gaze, never leave mine, and it feels as though we are the only two people in the room.

The music, a slow, sultry melody, wraps around us, and our bodies move in sync, a gentle ebb and flow that mirrors the rhythm of our breaths. His proximity is intoxicating, the faint scent of his cologne mingling with the warmth of his skin. My heart flutters wildly, a delicate bird caged by ribs that feel as though they may shatter under the weight of my longing.

Ethan pulls me close, his breath a whisper against my ear that sends shivers down my spine. “Poppy,” he murmurs, “you’re enchanting tonight.”

My breath catches, and I tilt my head up to meet his gaze, finding a depth of emotion that leaves me breathless. His eyes flicker to my lips, and for a heartbeat, time stands still.

He leans in, his lips hovering mere inches from mine, and I can feel the warmth of his breath, the almost kiss lingering in the charged space between us. “I’ve been wanting to do this all night,” he confesses, his voice a barely audible whisper amid the gentle sway of the music.

My heart hammers as he leans in, our lips almost meeting, and I pull back a fraction, torn between the mistake and the desire.

We continue to move together, the world around us fading into insignificance, and for those few stolen moments, nothing else matters but the two of us, lost in the music and the unspoken words that linger in the air.

Ethan’s voice, gentle and earnest, pulls me back. “Tell me a truth, Poppy.”

I blink, taken aback. “A truth?”

He nods. “Something raw and real. And in return, I’ll do the same.”

I hesitate, then exhale, my gaze dropping to our joined hands. “Sometimes, I think I’ve made peace with what my life has become. But other times, the weight of injustice is so heavy on my chest that I want to scream until my throat hurts and my voice is gone.”

His fingers tighten around mine, yet when I look up, I see the light has dimmed in his eyes. I step back, a pang of regret piercing through me. Perhaps I’ve said too much, or maybe not enough.

Suddenly, the music halts, and an administrator takes the stage, his voice echoing through the now-silent room. My eyes scan the crowd, but Nessa is nowhere to be found, and Liam, off to the side, wears a sour expression.

“I have to go look for my friend,” I murmur, pulling away.

Ethan’s grip on my wrist stops me. “Wait. I didn’t tell you my truth. I… I can’t only be your friend, Poppy. I want to be more, so much more.”

His words hang heavily between us, a silent plea in his eyes. My heart races, conflicting emotions warring within me. I open my mouth, but words fail me, my thoughts a chaotic whirlwind.

His name echoes from the stage. His grip falters, and I withdraw my hand, my heart pounding a rapid beat against my ribs. Without a second thought, I make my exit. Just before leaving the ballroom, I risk a glance back. Ethan’s eyes are scanning the crowd, missing my retreat.

Outside, the city’s hum is a stark contrast to the ballroom’s intensity. I quickly hail a taxi, and as it winds through the streets, Ethan’s words and the look in his eyes play on repeat in my mind. I hug my arms around myself, trying to contain the whirlwind of emotions.

The taxi stops at my apartment. I pay, my fingers trembling, and hurry inside. The moment I enter, a golf club narrowly misses my face. Eva, holding it, looks unfazed.

“Really, Eva?” I exclaim, my heart still racing.

She sets the club down. “You’re back early. What happened?”

I collapse onto the sofa, the weight of the night pressing down. “He wants more,” I murmur, the confession feeling like a betrayal.

Eva’s gaze sharpens. “And you?”

I swallow hard, tears threatening. “It’s complicated. I want to, but that’s the problem.”

She sits beside me, her presence grounding. “Tell me everything.”

And so I do. I spill everything, from the dance to Ethan’s confession to the fear that grips my heart. Eva listens, her expression unchanging, offering a safe harbor in the storm.

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