Broken 'N' Loved

Chapter 25

Kelly POV

After closing the link with Darrick, I just laid there hoping that the sharp pain would go away soon. I stayed to the far side of the cell. Bradley must have noticed that I was going into heat because he has kept to himself at the furthest corner from me, which I am thankful for. Brianna was sitting next to me telling me that I would be ok and that she would make sure no one hurt me. I smile to myself at that because she is a ten-year-old girl, she cannot do much, but I was thankful for her anyways.

Another wave of pain rips through my body again and I wrap my arms around my stomach area to try to ease the pain. As I am waiting for this round of pain to go away, a guard came down the stairs. I moved to the back of the cell because I know for a fact that if he smells that I am in heat, he will try to take me for himself. He opens the cells one by one to give out water to the prisoners, then he gets to ours. He opens the cell door hands a cup the Bradley and Brianna, he goes to leave but he stops and turns around. He looks right at me with an evil grin, "Well, it smells like someone is coming into her first heat. Do you want me to help with that pain of yours?" I whine and move closer to the back of the cell. Bradley and Brianna get in between me and him. They start to growl at him, which shocked him and me.

Bradley looks up at him, "You come any closer and it will be the worst mistake you could make." The guard looks at me and then back at him, "Are you going to stop me? I am a fully trained warrior, and you are just a small wolf." I look at the guard and at Bradley, the guard would shred him to pieces, I have to find a way to get him to leave without taking me or hurting them. Before I could do anything, I hear a little wolf howl from another stall, it was not a painful howl, it was a warning howl that our packs do when we are at war, then the rest of the cells echoed with howls of warnings.

It was the loudest, and prettiest sound I have ever heard. I look back at the guard to see him covering his ears from the echo. He starts to back up, locks our cell, "Shut up, you are giving me a headache." They did not stop till he left the dungeons, then all was quiet again. I look up at Bradley, "What was that?" I say in my painful voice. He looks at me with a smile, "That was a pack howl. Packs use it to let their enemies know that the pack is here. We stick together no matter what the case is. We are all here for the same stupid reason. So, we need to stick together." I smile back him, "I have something to ask you. I have people on their way to save us. They are planning to release all of us, but the only way that we will have a fighting chance is if we fight together as pack. Also, how are not going crazy by my scent right now?" He looks at me and then at Brianna, who is not sitting next to me, "Well, for the first thing, after that howl I think you got everyone here to help. For the second thing, my wolf is going crazy from your smell but where I come from, we are trained from a young age on how to control our urges. My alpha does not want any wolf to be forced to do anything they do not want to do."

I nod my head at him and then I lean my head back against the cold wall. I open the mind-link to Darrick, "Darrick, everyone here will help when it is time. Please hurry Darrick. This pain is killing me, and a guard already tried to take me but the wolves in the cell did a pack howl to stop him." Few minutes went by, "Ok, Kelly. We are on our way now. I will be there soon. Do not go with anyone but me or Ryan. If they send someone down, I need you to fight as much as you can." I smile at him through mind link, "Ok, I will. Darrick, you sound like dad there" He giggles in the link, and I close it. We will be out of this shit hole soon, Snow.

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