Broken 'N' Loved

Chapter 10

Alpha Jack's POV

"I want her back, no scratch that I need her back, Beta Josh." I looked over to him with angry in my eyes. He looks at me, "I know, Alpha Jack. It is not my fault that she ran into the Silver Stone Pack. She is under their protection now." I pick up the closest thing to me and throw it at the wall, which happen to be a vase that was on my desk. "If we do not get her back than this whole plan is gone." Beta Josh looks up at me, "We have gotten seven black tailed-white wolves in total, that we have skinned. Those alone would make you the richest and the most popular with the hunters. Why do we need her so bad to make the plan work?" I look over to him and give him a sinister smile, "My plan with her was not to skin her, like the others. My plan was to breed her and get more as they grow up. We would be at the top with the kind of money." Beta Josh shook his head, "Well, if that is the case than we have to go there and get her back. Alpha Michael told me if you have beef with the she-wolf, that you have to go there yourself and get her." I roll my eyes, "Of course, he said that. Mine and his pack have never seen eye to eye with things. When we do have to meet up with each other for some reason. One look from me and he wants to tear my head off." Beta Josh looks at me confused. "I may have tried to take over there pack a while back. let me just tell you it did not go well for Black Moon Pack. He wiped out half of my pack and threated to do more if we even think about doing it again. His warriors are the biggest and strongest fighters out there. they are trained to kill on site." I rest my hands on the desk as I look down at the piles of papers in front of me. My Beta Josh walks up to me, "So how are we going to get her back then. We cannot have a war with them again." I look up at him "Well the only thing I can think of to wait and let her come out when she is more comfortable with the land and snag her when she is alone. When we get her back, I want her to stay. Do you understand me, Beta?" I look into his eyes, He bows his head in submission, "Yes, Alpha" and walks out. As I look at the papers, I think "I will get you back, Kelly, and when I do. Good luck getting away."

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