Broken (Manhattan Ruthless Book 1)

Chapter 11

Nathan stands outside my apartment building, leaning against his black limo with his arms folded over his broad chest and his foot resting on the door panel. He’s dressed in jeans and a navy polo shirt, and I swear he makes them look as tailored as one of his Savile Row suits.

I walk over to him with a spring in my step. It’s a beautiful summer evening, and I’m going on a date with a handsome, brilliant man who makes me laugh even if he doesn’t mean to. What’s not to be happy about? I catch his attention and smile, and I don’t miss the way his eyes rake hungrily up and down my body, taking in my bare tanned legs in my pink summer dress.

“Hey.” My voice comes out in a breathy whisper that I was totally not expecting to sound as sultry as it does.

His eyes are dark and intense. “You look beautiful.”

My cheeks flush with heat, not to mention that space between my thighs. “You look handsome.”

He flashes me an arrogant half smile. Yeah, he knows he’s hot. I bet women have been telling him that every day of his adult life. He opens the car door. “After you, Miss Edison.”

I climb inside, holding my dress at the back so I don’t flash him my matching pink panties, and I’m sure I hear him mutter a curse under his breath.

“So where are we going?” I ask as I peer out the window. He sent me a text message earlier, but all he’d tell me about tonight’s date was to dress comfortably. Comfortable to me means yoga pants and Tyler’s old football jersey, but I figured that wasn’t what he meant, so I opted for my favorite dress. Casual enough to wear to a ball game, but fancy enough for dinner.

“It’s a surprise.”

“Can you give me a clue?” I ask, fluttering my eyelashes.

“You’ll love it,” is all he offers.

Nathan wasn’t wrong about me loving our date destination. I stand outside the entrance of Central Park Zoo with a huge smile on my face. “But it’s after seven. I thought the zoo was closed.”

He winks at me. “Not to us.”

He holds out his arm, and I link mine through his as the zookeeper ushers us through the barrier. I guess money really can buy you anything.

“There’s no paparazzi around here though.” I glance at the empty pathways. I’ve been to this zoo plenty of times, but it’s more peaceful and serene than I realized when nobody else is around.

“What about that guy?” Nathan jerks his head toward the snow monkey exhibit, where one of them watches us walk by.

I snort a laugh. “I think he forgot his camera.”

He flashes me a grin. “I thought it would be nice to not have to worry about cameras flashing in our faces tonight.”

“It’s a perfect date. Thank you.”

He looks away and clears his throat. “You’re welcome.”

After we’ve seen all the animals and watched the sea lions being fed up close, Nathan gets each of us an ice cream cone. We sit on a bench to eat, enjoying the last rays of the evening sun.

“So, Miss Edison, if this is a perfect date, tell me about some of your worst ones.”

I press my lips together and search my memories. “Oh!” I turn to face him. “One time a guy took me to meet his mom on our first date. She cooked us dinner and sat at the table while we ate. That was awkward.”

He shakes his head. “Wow. Someone needs to teach that boy some game.”

“Well, not everyone is as blessed with game as you, Mr. James.”

He arches an eyebrow. “You think I have game?”

“Oh, come on,” I huff, rolling my eyes. “We’re alone in the Central Park Zoo, watching the sunset and eating ice cream. If we were on a real date, I’d be riding you like a rodeo bull already. You know you have game.”

He snorts, then coughs and wipes ice cream off his nose. “You’d be what?”

My cheeks burn. Did I really just say that aloud?

“Because I’m pretty sure this is about as real a date as it gets,” he says in that low, husky growl he has that melts my insides like chocolate.

“I wasn’t being literal. It was just a figure of speech,” I insist. But heat is building in my core, and a dull ache thrums between my thighs. The thought of climbing onto his lap and pretending I’m a cowgirl is an entirely pleasant one. Desperate to change the subject, I blurt, “Anyway, tell me about your worst dates.”

“One time a woman proposed to me before we even got to the restaurant,” he says, deadpan.

I slap a hand over my mouth, worried I’ll spit out the bite of ice cream I just took, and laugh.

“Another time, my date insisted on trying to impress me with her pole dancing skills but got a cramp while she was upside down, dropped onto her head, and gave herself a concussion. We spent all night in the ER.”

“What?” The look on his face has me suppressing my snicker. “Was she okay?”

“As far as I know, her pole dancing career is over.” He flashes me a wicked grin. “But yes, she made a full recovery.”

“Okay, I can beat that.” I wiggle on the bench and sit up straighter. “One guy I dated got his dick completely stuck in his fly when he used the restroom during dinner, and I had to take him to the hospital. I’ve never seen so much blood or heard a grown man make those kinds of noises before.”

Nathan winces. “Ouch.”

“I know, right. Then there was the time I was having sex with a guy, and he started singing “Yeah” by Usher when he was about to come.” I thrust my hips forward and back and sing a line of the chorus to give him the full effect.

Nathan doubles over, clutching his stomach, and for a second I’m worried he has food poisoning or something, but his shoulders are shuddering, and I realize he’s laughing.

I laugh too, not only at the memory but at the sight of the Iceman himself so undone. When he sits up, tears are streaming down his face.

“That is the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.” He wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. “Jesus, Mel.”

I shrug. “I’ve had some crazy dates.”

“Yeah, you win.”

“Women always have worse date stories than men. I think it’s probably because we have way more invested.”

“What makes you say that?”

“When you go on a regular date, I bet your only real concern is where to go and whether the condom in your wallet is expired.” He arches an eyebrow, and my cheeks flush again. “Although you probably never have a condom long enough to worry about it expiring.”

His lips twitch. “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult.”

I roll my eyes and continue. “Women have to worry about all kinds of things. Should I wax? Do I wear the sexy panties or the ones that will hold in my stomach if we go for pasta? Is he going to think I’m easy if I put out? Will he think I’m a prude if I don’t? Is he going to turn into an asshole if I run into a guy friend? Is he all about that possessive big dick energy, and if so, does he have the equipment to back it up?” I stop talking, aware I’m babbling and also guilty of stereotyping.

Nathan’s dark eyes narrow. “Is he all about the what?” Sᴇaʀ*ᴄh the Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Um. Possessive big dick energy.”

He rests his arm on the bench behind me, so close I feel the warmth of his skin on my shoulders. “And just what in the fuck is that?”

I sigh. “It’s when a guy is all possessive and controlling or acts like an arrogant asshole. Basically, he acts like he has a huge dick. Big dick energy. It can be hot if done right and if he has the means to back it up, if you know what I mean?”

He shakes his head. “Had no idea that was a thing.”

“Having a huge dick?” I snort a laugh.

His expression darkens. “If this was a real date, Miss Edison, I would put you over my knee and spank your bratty little ass for that.”

Oh, dear sweet mother in heaven. Nathan James is the epitome of big dick energy. I flick my tongue over my ice cream. “Shame it’s not a real date then, Mr. James.”

His eyes burn into mine, and he licks his lips. I see him clenching and unclenching his fist in my peripheral vision, like his palm is twitching to smack my ass. My core contracts with need because the thought of him doing that is way more appealing than it ought to be.

“We thought you might like to take one of these as a reminder of your visit.” One of the zookeepers approaches, smiling and clutching a stuffed red panda. “With our compliments.”

Damn my love for those cute little ginger bandits interrupting the moment. I force a smile. “Thank you so much.” I take the toy from her and sit back against the bench while images of me bent over Nathan’s lap race through my mind.

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