Broken Bonds (The Bonds that Tie Book 1)

Broken Bonds: Chapter 21

Eating lunch is usually my favorite part of the day, but being jammed between Atlas and Gabe, with Sage and Sawyer dying of laughter at their vicious jabs at one another, kind of ruins it for me. Atlas had picked up a timetable that slotted him into all of the same classes as Gabe and me, grinning at me when I questioned him about it.

“You’re in the general courses, if I have to repeat, at least we’re doing the easy shit.”

I roll my eyes at him with a huff, mostly because it definitely doesn’t feel easy to me, and our relaxed familiarity pisses Gabe off. He then shadows us both, scowling and snapping at us whenever Atlas leans in to me or makes me laugh with his easy-going humor.

I’d taken my bag back and kept my hands to myself as soon as we’d made it out onto the campus grounds, but Atlas hadn’t commented, just accepted the boundaries I was putting in place like this is all going exactly the way he expected it to.

Sage and Sawyer had accepted Atlas in without an issue, both of them already rooting for him in the ‘Bonding race’, as Sawyer has so nicely dubbed the mess that my life is.

When lunch is over, Sawyer heads off to his computer science class, and I have an awkward moment of trying to get around Gabe to walk with Sage to our next class, but he’s not willing to just step back and let me walk with her. Atlas smirks at him when I finally shove at him to get him moving, and I decide that I would rather drop out and deal with North’s scathing reaction than deal with this every day until I get out of this place.

We arrive at our Econ class to find Gryphon’s second, Kieran, on watch outside the lecture hall. He’s my least favorite of all the TacTeam security, and I struggle to keep the disdain off of my face when I realize he’s the one checking over the students’ ID’s to get in and I’ll be forced to speak to him.

I forget that Atlas has no clue about any of the history between us and when he gets an eyeful of the look on my face, he instantly shifts to tuck me into his side, curling a little so he’s covering me.

“Who the fuck is that and what did he do to you?”

I shake my head at him, because I have no idea of who is around us and what their powers are, but Gabe, who is watching us both with a moody sort of obsession, murmurs, “He’s on Gryphon’s TacTeam. She just hates him.”

Sage scoffs and darts a look at Kieran, like he’s venomous and she’s afraid of being hit with that acid. “He’s the one who caught her, tackled her to the ground in broad daylight like she was a criminal, and then dragged her back here to have all of her freedoms and liberties taken away by Councilman Draven. As glad as I am to have Oli here, I hate him for doing that to her too.”

Atlas’ arm tenses around me for a second but then he relaxes, that grin back on his face again, and I’m learning very quickly that the grin spells out danger.

We have to wait in the line as the ID of every student is checked. I fumble to grab mine out and Sage curses as she digs through her bag, loose sheets of paper rustling at her rough treatment. Gabe stands there like a brick wall, scowling and huffing under his breath at the wait.

When we finally step up to the door, I have to take a deep, calming breath, checking in on my gift and my bond to ensure they’re locked down tight. Kieran is huge and kind of terrifying this close but he acts like I don’t exist, grinning at Gabe and clapping him on the shoulder as he ushers him through without question, completely ignoring the frown on my Bond’s face. He checks Sage’s ID but only because she already has it out, waving her through quickly as well.

He holds out an arm when Atlas steps up, pulling me along with him.

“Who are you? There are no extra seats in this class for a bystander.”

Even his voice has my jaw clenching, but Atlas just flashes his own ID at him. “I just transferred in. You should move your arm.”

Kieran’s eyes narrow at him until they’re nothing more than dark slits, but he doesn’t move his arm. “Bassinger. You’re related to Athena Bassinger of the East Coast Council?”

“My aunt. I’m not going to ask you to move again.”

Gabe takes a step back through the door and says, “He’s telling the truth, he’s Oli’s other Bond.”

Finally his eyes dart down to me and the disgust on his face is palpable, like a sharp slap to my cheek, and I immediately flush scarlet as though I’ve done something wrong.

Atlas doesn’t like that reaction at all and when the grin drops away, Kieran finally figures out that Atlas isn’t just a grinning, arrogant kid. He’s a Gifted making threats.

Because things can only get worse for me and because that is exactly what I need in my life, Gryphon turns the corner and stalks towards us, reading the malevolent atmosphere perfectly. “Move aside, Black. They’re late for class, and I know you weren’t about to use your gift on campus grounds, Bassinger. That’s rule number one here.”

Atlas smirks and shrugs. “I have an exemption, Shore. I can’t turn mine off, it’s a part of me. Your thug here didn’t like that I’m not worried about him. Honestly? I think he didn’t like that I’m not a Gift-less girl half the size of him that he can throw around.”

Oh God, I don’t want to be around for this dick swinging competition and I definitely don’t want my entire life aired out and picked through in the hallway with way too many eyes on us all.

“Fuck this, I’m going to class. If you guys wanna whip them out and measure them to get this over with, then go right ahead, I’m not sticking around for it.”

Kieran scoffs at me and snaps, “Of course you’re running away. Oleander Fallows is exactly the type to just disappear when things get hard.”

I walk away because there’s nothing I can say back to him. I don’t want to see any of the reactions from the others and Sage immediately moves to tuck her arm in mine, stalking over to the back row of seats where we normally sit together, as if the entire room isn’t listening in on the drama happening at the door. Literally, the entire class is waiting for my Bonds to sort their issues out and sit down so the professor can start the class.

I want to scream.

“Ignore it, this has nothing to do with you. They’re all just on edge because Gifted are being taken and Atlas has shown up to rock the boat,” Sage whispers, shooting Zoey and her giggling friends a look when they all stare back at us.

I block them all out. When Atlas finally takes his seat next to me, he’s still looking calm and steady, pulling out textbooks and his laptop to take notes as though nothing has happened. Gabe sits next to Sage and seethes the entire time, a walking timebomb today. I’m sure he’s planning on destroying me with the temper tantrum that’s brewing.

When the class is finally over and we’re all heading to the library to study, Altas slings an arm over my shoulders as we walk out. Kieran is nowhere to be seen, and his replacement doesn’t so much as glance at us as we walk past.

The library is busier than it usually is and when we finally wade through the crowd to our table, we find Sawyer and Felix already waiting for us. I smile at them both and introduce Atlas to Felix, who accepts him into the fold as though this is all completely normal and there’s not a seething sort of rage radiating off of Gabe right now.

I’m set on ignoring it and just focussing on my damn assignments, but I’m also prepared for Sawyer’s shit-stirring ways by now.

“I heard about the spat this morning but the real question here is, which one of your Bonds has the biggest dick? Tell us so we know who won, Fallows.”

Sage groans and buries her face in her hands. “For the love of God, can we please stop talking about dicks for five fucking minutes?”

Sawyer grins like he’s going to torture his sister but Gabe buts in, “Kieran might be an asshole but he wasn’t wrong, was he? It’s hard to defend someone when everyone knows their rap sheet.”

Atlas slips his hand into mine on the table, threading our fingers together where everyone can see. I think it has more to do with claiming me than showing me any sort of affection.

Gabe’s eyes drop down and glue themselves there and Atlas smirks at him. “Oh yeah? Well, unlike you, I’m not afraid to tell the others to fuck off and keep my Bond to myself. I don’t care what’s happened in the past, that shit is over with. She’s mine and you’ve chosen for her to not be yours.’

Gabe’s nostrils flare. ‘It’s not as easy as saying she’s mine. There’s more going on-‘

‘I don’t give a fuck,’ Atlas cuts him off, and then resolutely ignores him for the rest of the afternoon, no matter how badly Gabe wants the fight.

WE STUDY until the dining hall opens for dinner, the table falling into a tense sort of quiet while we all cram as much knowledge into our skulls as possible.

Sawyer, Felix, and Gabe leave to go to football practice together. I notice how much calmer and less stressed out Sage is about hanging around Felix now and I give her a raised eyebrow about it as we head to dinner together.

She glances at Atlas and then murmurs, “I told him I just wanted to hang out as friends… for now. He hasn’t pushed the subject and— I mean— it’s been nice to have him back. I’m still positive he’s going to find his Central and leave me but… well, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to enjoy the time until then.”

I tuck my arm into hers again and whisper back, “You absolutely should. Why should you be alone forever if Riley has made his decision? He doesn’t own you, Sage. You can do what you want.”

She shrugs at me with a little smile, glancing over at Atlas who is very kindly pretending he can’t hear a thing we’re saying and has no interest in what we’re gossiping about. I’ve vented out my anger about Sage’s Bond situation to him before, just general shit and none of the personal details she’s trusted me with, so I’m sure he’s got a pretty good idea of what’s going on.

We eat dinner together, a very dry and flavorless lasagne, which Sage gives up on two bites in thanks to the luxury of having a car, money, and access to a fridge at home. Atlas eats all of his but doesn’t look happy about it.

I choke the entire plate down and try not to be pissed off all over again at my lack of options.

Sage hugs me before she heads home for the day, leaving Atlas and I alone together for the first time since he opened my bedroom door to find Gabe heading our way this morning.

I’m suddenly completely unsure of what to do.

Atlas grabs my hand again and gives it a squeeze. “I’ll walk you back up to your room, Oli, unless you want to head somewhere else first?”

I shake my head and try not to look like I’m completely shitting myself, which, to be fair, I absolutely am. This is why I’ve kept everyone else at an arm’s length… okay, not really, because the Draven brothers have been the ones to put distance between themselves and me. Gabe is an anomaly because I think he’s both desperate to bridge the gap between us, but also completely unwilling to let go of the damage my supposed abandonment did to him. Then there’s the small fact that not only does Gryphon sleep in my bed every night now, but I’m also wearing his hoodie right now and just wallowing in his scent like it’s a drug I’ll die without.

My legs move on autopilot while I try to figure out what the fuck I’m going to say to him, what explanation I can possibly give him for not being able to do anything with him, no matter how much I like him.

The moment we get to the dorms, my skin starts to crawl at the eyes that follow us both the entire way up to my room. News has clearly gotten around that Atlas is the last of my Bonds, come from the other side of the country to be here with his defective Central Bond, and the attention we’re getting is enough to get my back up in a big way.

I fucking hate this place.

I usher Atlas into my room without thinking, desperate to get out of sight of the entire freaking building. I flick the lock and throw my bag down onto the bed, wincing at the fact that I didn’t make it this morning and it looks messy.

I also don’t want to admit that I don’t like to make it because I can still see the indent in the shitty mattress of where Gryphon slept, which is very pathetic, stupid, and a little too heartsick for what I’m trying to project here.

It’s clear I’ve forgotten how bleak the room really is because it takes me a second to realize why Atlas’ lip curls as he looks around the room. “How the fuck did I not notice how bad this is this morning? Pack a bag, Oli. You’re moving in with me.’

A nervous laugh creeps up my throat. ‘I can’t do that! This is where the Council put me, they’re paying for it. I don’t have any money or anything. They won’t let me get a job.’

I feel shame curling in my stomach. I hate admitting just how freaking bad my situation really is. I have nothing, no money, no job. The education I’m getting is just to keep me under their thumbs and not to actually help me find a job I want. I’m freaking powerless and it sucks.

Gryphon’s card sitting in my bag is taunting me, but I’ve already decided that I’m not using that little plastic rectangle unless someone is dying.

‘Pack a bag. Looks like they haven’t let you have anything here anyway, so it’ll all fit in your duffle. You’re coming with me now and I’ll deal with the Council if they have questions. You’re my Bond, I’ll take care of you.’

My cheeks flush with shame. ‘You don’t need to do that, I can take care of myself. Well, I could if North would let me work. I’m kind of… bored sitting around here all day.’

Atlas gently moves me over to the bed with a hand under my elbow. ‘Pack. We can figure out how to get you a job later, once you’re out of this shithole. It would be my honor to take care of you while you find your feet, Oli. Wouldn’t you do the same for me?’

I answer without thinking. ‘Well, of course, but the others will be pissed you’re doing this and… I can’t bond with you. I can’t give you any reasons why either, this is a fucking mess.”

He scoffs. “We’ll figure out our bond when we’re ready, you don’t owe me a goddamn thing and, Oli, I need you to understand that I don’t give a fuck what they think. I care about our bond. I care about getting to know you and us making decisions together. My place isn’t swanky or anything, it’s just an apartment, but it’s better than this. We can eat real food too, not the cafeteria crap we just had to choke down.”

There’s no arguing with him and he’s right, it only takes me a minute to pack everything into the small duffle bag I have. Honestly, the only reason it looks reasonably full is because I have two other hoodies that Gryphon left behind and they take up a heap of space.

He takes my duffle off of me and slings it over his back, smirking at one of the girls when we step out together in the most arrogant, cocky way that has me giggling. She looks shocked and a little shaky as she darts back into her room.

“Come on, Sweetness, let’s get the fuck outta this shithole.”

He leads me down to the small parking lot behind the dorm that I’ve never stepped foot into because everyone always picks me up from the loading zone out the front. I know which car is his immediately because there’s no car that screams BDE like the black Dodge Challenger Hellcat, and the grin he shoots at me when he unlocks it is total smug asshole. It’s cute, and also a little gross, how well he pulls this off without looking like an utter douchebag.

His apartment is only a few blocks away, still within walking distance of the campus. He drives as confidently as Gryphon and a little less crazy suicidal than Gabe on his motorbike.

The apartment is on the top floor and he was definitely underselling it when he said it was nothing fancy. Sure, it’s not North’s mansion, but there’s a view of the entire campus and two bedrooms in the place. The kitchen is full-sized with granite countertops and the bathroom has a tub.

The dorm feels like a dirty little hovel compared to this place.

When Atlas finishes the tour in his bathroom, he drops the duffle down onto the bed and scrubs a hand through his hair and blows out a breath. ‘I can take the couch.’

I glance out of the open doorway and then give him a look of disbelief. The couch is a two seater and there’s no way in hell he’s going to fit. Hell, I won’t fit on it either. ‘It’s fine, I don’t mind sharing. I mean, we’re Bonds, right? We have to get used to it sometime.’

He smirks at me, the dimples flashing at me. ‘I was hoping you’d be a little more enthusiastic about sharing a bed with me but we can work on that.’

I scoff at him and shove at his chest a little. ‘It’s not that, I just… I still feel bad about mooching off of you by being here. I don’t know what to do about finding a job. North can track me, if I even get close to the edges of campus, he calls me and scolds me.’

Atlas clutches dramatically at his chest where I pushed him and stalks past me to the fridge, pulling us each out a bottle of water. ‘There’s shit you can do online, that way you can stay here and North won’t ever know about it. Money and secrecy, it’s a win-win.’

I perch on the couch, still a little uncomfortable. ‘What, like a cam-girl? I guess I could get my tits out. Do you think I have a voice for sex work?’

I’m joking, there’s no way I’d ever have the confidence to do that kind of thing, but the glare Atlas shoots me is kind of awesome. I haven’t had any sort of possessive actions from any of my Bonds like this so having him care about my tits… is pretty great.

‘Over my dead fucking body, Fallows. Never, and certainly not before I’ve even gotten to see them.’

I giggle and wiggle my eyebrows at him. ‘Play your cards right and I might get them out later.’

Again, I’m joking. I’ve known him in the flesh for about ten hours, but the look he gives me melts my panties right off of my body. ‘I’m playing to win, Oli. This is one hand I refuse to lose.’

Fuck, and I’m pretty sure he will too because I’m struggling to keep my cool right now and he’s not even trying to seduce me. I’m not going to be able to handle anything he throws at me right now. He notices all of my brain-melting and grins lasciviously even as he flicks the TV on and changes the subject.

It’s awkward at first to just sit around with him and hang out but he’s the perfect gentleman, never pushing me or questioning me, and I spread out on the floor in front of the TV with all of my textbooks to work on my next assignment to hand over to North. It’s become my obsession, but I will prove that man wrong even if it kills me.

When we both finally head for bed, there’s an awkward moment when I want to be embarrassed about the old, oversized cotton tee I have for pajamas and the silky boxer shorts, but I’m not exactly a lingerie kind of girl. Atlas’s eyes trace over me appreciatively anyway, as if I was only standing here in lace, and I find myself getting addicted to the heat in his gaze.

‘Is it cool with you if I sleep in just my boxers? It’s too hot for a shirt,’ he mumbles as I pull back the covers and climb in.

I shrug. ‘Whatever is comfortable for you.’

I don’t mention Gryphon and his penchant to do the same. There’s an ache in my chest over the thought of him showing up to my dorm room tonight to find it empty so I flick him a quick text to tell him where I am instead. I already know he won’t answer, but at least I’ve tried.

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