Broken Bonds (The Bonds that Tie Book 1)

Broken Bonds: Chapter 10

As much as I’d like to wear some cute, tiny dress that shows off all of my hard work in that stupid TT class, I’m also keenly aware of the fact that I’ll be getting onto a motorbike with Gabe and it probably isn’t the best idea to fuck with him like that, especially since we had that little… moment the other day. I’ve never been so keenly aware of my own bond and how it’s reacting to the world around me.

Something about being here, around these men I’m fated to be with, has lit a fire in me that I’m desperate to smother.

I check my outfit in the mirror one last time as I walk out and sigh because I didn’t exactly have a lot of options. This whole deprivation thing North has me on is the perfect torture because I might just crack to get a decent pair of cute boots and jeans that hug my ass a little better. I don’t look bad though, and the jacket Sage lent me covers enough of me that the low cut of my cami is hot without being too much.

When I make it downstairs to where Gabe is waiting, the sight of him knocks the air out of my lungs. Dark blue jeans, a white tee that’s stretched out over his wide chest, and his football jacket slung over his broad shoulders, he looks like every college girl’s wet dream. His light brown hair is styled for the first time, not a lot, but enough that I know he’s putting some effort into his appearance for the night, which raises questions. Is it me or the other people going to the party that he wants to impress? Is it because the council members are attending and he doesn’t want to make North look bad? Should he even be caring about that sort of thing?

This is all too hard and convoluted to think about and, God, it’s not smart but my bond writhes inside of my chest with jealousy over him being out here, looking like this, with half of the girls from my dorm walking around trying to grab his attention.

I’m not stupid enough to do something about it right now but, fuck, do I want to.

When his piercing blue eyes meet mine there’s a smug look on his face, he knows I’m checking him out, and I have to scramble to save face.

“Hoping to pick someone up tonight?”

He scoffs at me and holds out his spare helmet. “If I was looking to get laid, I wouldn’t have to put in effort. I could fuck any of these girls without saying a word to them.”

He grins at someone behind me like he’s proving a point and sure enough, I hear the giggling and swooning. It sets my teeth on edge and I snatch the helmet out of his hands, catching myself and pushing the anger down before it becomes too obvious how jealous I am about it.

Gabe holds an arm out to me so I can swing on behind him and he pauses for a second before he starts the engine, just sitting there and staring out across the street before finally shoving his helmet on.

My instincts start screaming instantly. “What’s wrong?”

He shrugs and kicks the stand. “It’s nothing. Nothing you need to worry about, anyway.”

Fuck that, I jab him in the ribs but he’s a wall of muscle and barely reacts as he starts the engine and then we’re off, weaving into the traffic and flying into the night air at speeds that are definitely not legal.

I can’t see anything out of the ordinary without using my gift, which Gabe will without a doubt sense thanks to how close together we are, so I have to just trust him for now.

It’s something I would struggle with even if he didn’t hate me, but knowing how hurt he was by my disappearance? It makes it almost impossible to sit there and know that there’s something going on and I can’t figure it the hell out.

Thankfully, Sage’s house isn’t too far from campus and we make excellent time with Gabe’s reckless driving. It’s in a gated community like North’s and although it’s a little smaller than his, it’s clear they’re also filthy rich.

Most Gifted families are.

It makes sense of course, because there’s usually three or more adults to each Bonded group, all of them working and providing for the family unit. God, the earning potential of my Bonds is unreal to think about, even if the Draven’s weren’t freaking loaded. Six incomes can go a long way and after years of scraping by on the run, that’s a tempting thought.

Then I think about North’s assumption that I’m a gold-digging brat and the whole little fantasy of not starving and maybe having cute outfits just dries up.

I still haven’t really worked out a game plan on what I want to do after college, mostly because I’ve never considered a future where my life isn’t in danger… or the danger.

We pull up at the front of the house and I force my mind to clear because that’s exactly what Gabe had warned me about. Gifted who can read my mind, rifle around in there and pull out all of my secrets until the Resistance comes calling for me.

I swing down from the bike, pulling the helmet off and handing it over to Gabe to shove into the pack. I hesitate for a second before biting the bullet and just waiting for him. I don’t want to cause a scene and have him do something to ruin Sage’s party.

She’s already so nervous about it.

When he’s got everything secured away, he tugs his jacket a little to straighten it and then turns to face me, raising a brow when he finds me standing there. “I didn’t think it’d be as easy as asking you to stay close.”

I roll my eyes at him even as I follow him like some obedient little puppy. “I’m passing all of my classes thanks to Sage and she’s the only reason I’m not a complete fucking nutcase in this stupid place, so if I have to stick with you to get through tonight for her, then I’ll do it.”

He doesn’t knock or ring the doorbell, just pushes the door open and walks in like he’s been here a million times before. I know he’s on the football team with Sawyer but it still feels weird to me.

“Are you sure you’re not fucking her? Nox is—“

I cut him off, “If you want me to stick with you, stop fucking talking about the Draven brothers. North is a controlling asshole and Nox is a complete freaking psycho. You’re at least tolerable when you keep your mouth shut.”

Gabe’s cheeks flush a little underneath his tan and he speaks through his teeth, “You’re such a fucking nightmare yourself, Fallows, you can’t exactly talk. What about Gryphon or Bassinger? Are they tolerable too?”

They’re both entirely unattainable and distant, so they’re safe, but I’m not telling him that. I’m saved from speaking by a group of people chatting and laughing through the hallway, loud and oozing that familiar sort of joy that you get from people who’ve known each other since birth.

It makes my chest ache with jealousy and I guess that’s just the feeling of the night for me, goddammit.

I’m happy to just walk on past them to find Sage but one of the guys turns and calls out to Gabe, waving him over. I scowl at him but Gabe just hooks his fingers around my arm and tugs me over to the group, that easy grin of his plastered back on like we’re not still at each other’s throats.

It’s only when we approach that I see Riley standing there with them and freeze, totally out of place standing around Sage’s hallway, with Sage’s asshole Bond, as though this isn’t a complete betrayal to her.

Okay, I’m being dramatic but it feels like that to me, and I’m a loyal friend to the end.

“I thought you hated your Bond, Ardern, what are you doing cozying up with her?” one of the girls says as though I’m not freaking standing here with them all.

I’m too busy inching away from them all but then Gabe slings an arm around my shoulders and smirks again. “We had some teething issues but Oli has figured out where she’s supposed to be now.”

They all laugh like this is some big joke and I decide that I’d rather have North’s worst enemy pick through my brain than stand around with these assholes. I tug out of Gabe’s arms and start down the hallway, ignoring the jeers and catcalls that the group throws at me.

By the time I make it to the kitchen, picking a door at random and lucking out, Gabe jogs to catch up with me and gets his arm around my shoulders again. “If I’m being forced to keep you out of trouble, the least you could do is take a little heat. That shit was mild compared to what I’ve dealt with since you left.”

“I don’t care, and it’s your own fault for hanging around those types of people. I’m here for Sage and if you want to go hang out with fucking idiots, then go right ahead,” I snap right as Giovanna steps into my path and this is it, this is the moment I get kicked out of this party, because the look on that girl’s face sets my teeth on edge and my temper is ready to ignite.

“Idiots? They’re all the next generation of council members and leaders of the Gifted community. Every last one of them comes from distinguished families, Bonded that have earned their place here. You’re the outsider from sullied stock.”

I can handle a lot of shit, being here has proven that to me, but there’s no fucking way I’m having her talk shit about my parents. “Shut your mouth before I break your jaw.”

Gabe’s arm slides away from my shoulders only so he can hook his fingers into my arm again, tugging me back as though he’d be able to stop me from taking a swing at this bitch. Sage has told me everything about her gift and telekinesis means nothing to me right now.

It’s not like she’s strong enough to use it against me.

She clicks her tongue at Gabe condescendingly. “You should keep a better leash on her, she’s insulting the wrong family.”

I look her up and down, slowly and with contempt dripping from every pore of my body. “If your family is so important, then the community is fucked because you’re the most vile, petty little bitch I’ve ever been forced to interact with.”

Her lips curl and I note with a detached little kernel of victory that the slash of red lipstick is a shade too orange for her skin tone. “Why would the opinion of some little runaway whore matter to me? You’re nothing to the community, to me or my Bonded.”

Bonded, even the word is a slap in the face because she’s taken that away from Sage. Gabe tries again to tug me away but I’m too angry now, too out of control of my mouth, and I snap back, “I’ve done more for this community than you will ever do, you pathetic, attention-seeking little whore.”

Her hand snaps back to strike me but before she has the chance to swing, a wall of a man steps between us and all I can see is leather, but my bond purrs in my chest at Gryphon’s sudden proximity.

He’s never been this close to me before.

His voice is rough in all the right ways, goddamn him, as he says “I’m sure you’re not trying to start a fight in the Benson’s kitchen right now, Giovanna, because that would be pretty stupid— even for you.”

Her cheeks flame but she finally stalks off, turning on her heel so her skirt flares to show off her long, tanned legs that Sage is so insecure about.

I don’t think they’re that great, personally, and the rest of her is fucking disgusting. I don’t know how Riley can stand touching her because her looks can’t compensate for the shitty personality.

Gryphon turns around, his face as solemn and moody as it usually is, but I have another Bond to deal with right now.

“Oli is—“ Gabe starts but I rip my arm out of his grip so viciously that he takes a step away from me as I tear into him, “You are a spineless asshole and if you lay a hand on me again I will break it, got it?”

His eyes flick over to Gryphon and whatever he sees in his face shuts him down fast, cursing under his breath.

I want to say a lot more on the matter but Gryphon interrupts me, “Pissing Daniella’s sister off isn’t a good idea if you want to stay off of North’s radar.”

I shoot him a look but his eyes aren’t on me as he nods at some older man across the room, barely paying me a second’s worth of attention, even though he came to intervene for me. Well, I’m sure he was coming to make sure I didn’t actually body slam Giovanna into a wall for daring to talk shit about my dead parents. I hated her before, but now I want to hunt her down and… well, I can’t keep thinking about all the ways my gift would mess her up right now or I’ll end up hunting her down and ruining her.

I turn away, ready to find Sage and just disappear for the rest of the night, only to find that Gabe is scowling at us both, surly like a kicked goddamn puppy, but I’m more than over his shitty attitude for tonight.

He didn’t even attempt to back me up, and if he’s really that intent on making sure I’m safe tonight, then one strike and he’s out. I’m definitely not a sports girl and three chances isn’t my kind of deal.

“Oli! You made it, thank God! Sage is hiding over by the pool, can you help me get her out? Oh! Gryphon, I didn’t see you!”

Gracie definitely isn’t the savior I want right now but I’ll take it. I slide past Gryphon and do my best to ignore the bubbly and flirty looks Gracie is throwing him. “Point me in the right direction and I’ll find her myself.”

She blinks at my savage tone, not at all looking repentant for drooling all over Gryphon, and waves an arm at one side of the room carelessly. Yup, she really did approach me as a way to get in with my Bond, the man I’m fated to be with.

I fucking hate this place.

I stalk off without another thought, definitely without thinking about whether or not Gryphon is reciprocating all of Gracie’s charms and flirting giggles. I weave through the other guests easily, spotting North in a corner with a glass of amber liquid and bricks of ice in it, schmoozing some other men in suits like he was born for this life. I duck my head before he can spot me and pick up the pace until I make it out to the sprawling backyard, complete with a pool, outdoor kitchen, and fire pit.

It’s a gorgeous night out, warm air and with the twinkle lights on over one of the hedges it looks like something out of a fairytale. I take a second to just enjoy it before I remember the shark tank I just walked out of and go to find Sage, spotting her huddled by the fire pit with her brother like they’re both hiding from the party.

When I approach them both, Sawyer glances up, startled, and then winces at me like it’s such a hardship to look at me. I’ll admit, it hurts my feelings a bit but I’m also a little too worked up right now to be dealing with anyone’s bullshit.

“Oh God, what happened in there?” Sage moans, looking just a little bit tipsy, and I immediately want a drink too.

“I’ll give you a complete play-by-play of me almost knocking Giovanna’s head off if you find me a drink. I need to forget what that bitch’s voice sounds like. Sage, you’re a freaking saint. How you put up with her without lighting her ass on fire, I’ll never know.”

Sawyer snorts at me before swooping down to kiss Sage on the cheek and getting up. “I’ll grab you both drinks… try not to start a riot while I’m gone.”

I nod at him with a tight smile, the wince still stinging a little, but then I launch into a completely true and not at all exaggerated version of what went down with that tanned skank of a woman.

We’re both dying of laughter by the time Sawyer and Felix find us there, enough bottles of beer between them to drown a hippo. I pull a face because beer is not my favorite, but Felix grins and shrugs at me. “Maria caught us grabbing the good shit, so we had to compromise.”

I shrug back and take one of the bottles from him. “It’s fine, I just need the alcohol to forget how pissed off I am, really.”

Sage scrunches up her nose but takes a bottle as well, introducing Felix and I properly, even though I’m sure we both already know too much about each other. It’s awkward for a second, with Sage trying to scoot in closer to me to make room and Felix’s eyes following her with a hunger that he’s not even attempting to tamp down, but then I start the Giovanna story all over again, with a few more embellishments and commentaries, and the air clears around us all and there isn’t another awkward silence between us.

It’s a good night, one I was never expecting.

As I look over at the group of gossips, Gabe once again accepted into the fold, I make a point of leaning into Sawyer to hear his story and the look of pure rage Gabe sends me feels like a victory.

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