Broken Bond by C.J. Primer

Chapter 33

When Vienna brought me out here today, I underestimated her commitment to making sure I let loose and have fun. She pulled
me into a game of beer pong against Fallon and Serena, talked me into partnering up with Alec for chicken fights in the water
against her and Chase, and has replenished my beer every time it started to get low. I’m not a big drinker but I’m rolling on a
solid buzz at this point, and I can tell that my girl Vee is past her threshold by the way she’s glassy- eyed and hanging off Chase.
Having endured more than enough of their PDA, I announce that I’m going swimming, kicking off my flip-flops and shorts and
heading for the water’s edge. This place is a complete contrast to the hot springs by the lodge- while that water is always piping
hot, this water seems to be perpetually cold. It
stings my skin like tiny needle points as I wade into the pool, my breath catching from the shock in temperature change. I flop
backwards once I’m waist-deep, spreading my arms and legs and floating on top of the water, releasing a breathy sigh of
This is the life. The sun is hot, the water’s cold, and my body’s relaxed from the copious amount of alcohol running through my
bloodstream. My eyes slide closed as I float, losing myself in the moment and allowing my sluggish mind to go blank.
My peaceful relaxation doesn’t last long. I’m floating along, minding my own business, when I suddenly feel an arm wind around
my waist, pulling my body down into the water. My eyes snap open, limbs thrashing as my mind struggles to catch up to what’s
happening. My head stays above water, but my body’s yanked backwards against a hard chest.
“You’ve been avoiding me,” a low voice rumbles in my ear, eliciting a tingle of excitement at the realization of who it is that has
ahold of me. Callum’s strong, tattooed forearm tightens around my middle, the hard ridge of his erection riding against the crack
of my ass. Either that whole cold water causing shrinkage thing is a lie, or it’s bigger than I remember. 2
Great, now I’m thinking about his dick.
Cal’s lips tickle my ear as he speaks again in a throaty murmur. “Remember the last time we went swimming?”
A shiver runs through me, and I’m not sure if it’s from the cold water or the memory that question ignites. How could I forget the
first time he brought me to a toe-curling orgasm without even taking my underwear off?

I don’t need a mirror to know my face is crimson. I wriggle free from his grip, feet finding the rocky bottom of the swimming hole.
Water splashes as I spin around to face him.
Callum’s turquoise eyes are glassy, a lazy grin spread across his lips. He looks... different. More relaxed than usual. “You’ve
been drinking,” I think aloud.
He runs his tongue over his teeth, nodding in affirmation.
I arch a brow. “What happened to always keeping a clear head?”
Callum’s hands land on my waist, fingers tightening and tugging me closer. Cool water sloshes between our upper bodies from
the force of the movement. “Like that’s possible around you these days,” he growls, his carefree smile dissolving into a tight
frown. “You and Miles...”
“Are over,” I supply.
His eyes spark in delight, lips tipping into a smug smirk. Cal always keeps his emotions. so buttoned up- it’s strange to see them
play out on his face so plainly. Hell, if I knew booze was all it took for him to wear his emotions on his sleeve, I probably would’ve
encouraged him to drink more often.
Another shiver runs through me as Callum’s hands slide down to my hips. His devious gaze and the flex of his fingertips against
my flesh are more than enough to convey his wicked intentions. “So...” he drawls suggestively.
This man’s touch is doing crazy things to me right now, but somehow, even through the fog of my beer buzz, I find the
wherewithal to press my palms against his chest and push back to maintain some semblance of distance between us. “We still
have things to figure out.”
Even as I say it, I know I don’t want to talk about all that right now. It’s not the time or place. I just want to enjoy feeling of being
close to someone else- to be touched by the only person who can do it without giving me the overwhelming urge to squirm away.
I shut down after Callum left, but now that he’s back, it’s like parts of me are slowly coming back online. Like I’m finally
remembering how to be myself again.
He narrows his eyes on me, a dangerous smirk still dancing across his lips. “Vee said you’re going to make me work for it.
I can’t help but crack a smile of my own in return. Of course my bestie has already delivered a warning. If I know her, and I do, I’ll
bet it also came with a threat to cause bodily harm if he screws up again. “Damn right I am,” I reply, wetting my lips with my

His eyes track the movement, a hungry spark flaring in them. He suddenly spins me around by the hips, locking an arm around
my waist and yanking me back into his chest again. I shudder a gasp at the sudden movement, the warmth of his firm chest
leeching into my back.
“I like a challenge,” Cal rasps, his other hand landing flat on my belly. “Maybe I should start making it up to you right now ...” His
hand glides down my stomach beneath the surface of the water, my breath hitching.
“Callum!” I hiss, squirming in his grasp. He’s got me locked in tightly, though, and my fight is futile. His fingertips brush the top
edge of my bikini bottoms, my eyes flying wide as they wriggle beneath the fabric. I’m suddenly all too aware of the number of
people in the water around us, my throat tightening in a strange mixture of panic and excitement.
“Shhh,” he whispers in my ear, walking us backwards through the water until his back collides with the rock face on the rear edge
of the pool.
The water laps against our shoulders, our bodies hidden beneath the surface, but I still feel like I’m on full display right now. If I
wasn’t a little buzzed, I would’ve put a stop to this as soon as he grabbed for me. If he wasn’t a little drunk, I doubt he would be
this bold, especially given everything we’ve gone through lately. We’ve been walking on eggshells around one another, but the
alcohol has lowered our inhibitions just enough to have us both making questionable decisions.
“Do you want me to stop?” Callum rumbles in my ear, his fingers delving further into my bikini bottoms. They’re so close to my clit
that I’m suddenly panting with need.
Logically, I should say yes. I should tell him to stop. I should say we need to have a real conversation and figure our shit out
before this goes any farther. I should point out the number of people around, and how it’s entirely inappropriate for him to have
his hand down my pants in front of an audience. But I haven’t been touched like this in months, and every ‘should’ dies on my
tongue before it can even form. I’m hot and bothered, wound up in a way that can only be relieved by the man at my back. I
squirm against him as he awaits my response, seeking friction that he’s refusing to give me until I answer.
My cheeks grow hotter as I whisper, “No.”
It’s all the invitation he needs. He sinks his hand fully into my bikini bottoms, fingers. immediately finding my clit, and I have to
bite down on my lower lip to stop from screaming out at the sudden jolt of pleasure. All my nerves fire to life, desire coiling tightly
in my belly and aching for release.

“Can you be quiet, baby?” Callum asks, his voice gravelly as he continues torturing me with the methodic strumming of his
fingers. “Or are you gonna let everyone hear how you scream for me?” 4
Goddamnit, he knows what effect his dirty talk has on me. Heat floods between my legs, and I’m already so close to coming
undone that I can barely think, barely breathe.
He rocks his hips against me slowly, grinding his throbbing hard-on against my ass more insistently as he reaches down lower to
sink a thick digit inside my pussy. I gasp at the intrusion, clamping my mouth shut hastily and darting my gaze around in alarm.
Somehow, nobody seems to have noticed us tucked away at the edge of the swimming hole, pressed together so closely that not
even the water can slip between our bodies.
He begins thrusting his finger inside me with the same rhythm of his hips punching against my backside, my breath hissing out
between my teeth in short, frantic bursts. I’m biting my lip so hard to hold back my moans that tears spring to my eyes, the
metallic tinge of blood coating my tongue.
Four months. That’s how long it’s been since someone has touched me like this. I wish I could savor it, make it last to make up
for all those lonely nights, but four months without it has my body on a hair trigger, ready to combust.
He knows my body better than anyone else, just like I know his. We spent weeks exploring and memorizing each other, tangled
up in and consumed by one another. He knows my tells, knows how close I am. He can feel it.
“Go on,” Cal coaxes, pushing another finger inside to stretch me wider while the pad of his thumb rubs my clit relentlessly. Let
go, babe. I wanna feel you shatter.” 4
Yup, that’ll do it. 1
Maybe it’s because it has been so long, or maybe it’s just because it’s him. Either way, the coil in my belly snaps, my body
as an intense orgasm washes over ing like a tsunami. Callum holds my hips tightly in place as they buck, my body jerking,
ripples forming around us in the water. It takes everything in me to hold back my scream, only a small whimper escaping as I
squeeze my eyes closed and ride out the waves of my climax.
“Good girl,” he rumbles in my ear, and I never thought I had a praise kink, but damnit if that doesn’t spark something in me that
sends another wave of pleasure crashing through my

I’m breathless when I finally come back down, blinking my eyes open to the harsh afternoon sunlight. Callum’s arms are still
wound securely around me as I go boneless in his grasp, dragging gulps of fresh air into my lungs.
“Fucking beautiful,” he murmurs, nipping my earlobe with his teeth.
Holy crap.
I can’t believe I just did that.
Reality comes crashing back in, and my head jerks from side to side as I look around
wildly, panicked that someone could’ve just watched me come undone beneath Cal’s fingers.
I can’t even describe the relief that washes through me at the realization that nobody’s looking this way. We haven’t drawn any
attention to ourselves. Maybe we were really that discreet, or maybe everyone’s just too lost in their own conversations and
games. Either way, they’re all oblivious to the fact that I just got off right in front of them.
My cheeks burn with embarrassment as that sinks in and I twist around in Callum’s arms until I’m facing him, resting my hands
on his broad shoulders. I’m still buzzy and a little lightheaded, a nervous giggle bubbling up my throat and escaping through my
In stark contrast, Cal’s gaze is scorching and intense, transfixed on my mouth. “I want to kiss you so fucking bad right now,” he
Well, if we just did all that, what’s a sneaky little kiss? I dive forward, slamming my lips against his.
And that’s when I feel it.
The jolt.
The flare.
The spark.
It’s just like it was yesterday, lasting a fraction of a second, a flutter of a heartbeat.
Like a filament igniting in the dark space inside that was left when the bond was ripped away, only for the briefest instant.

If I doubted it before, I can’t deny it this time – nor can I ignore the way he flinches back, his blue-green eyes widening.
Maybe it’s an echo of what used to be there between us. An aftershock. Or maybe it’s something else.
... something more.

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