Broken Bond by C.J. Primer

Chapter 23

** Four Months Later **
“Let’s go, Ness!” Vienna calls out, her voice echoing down the hallway of the guest wing of the packhouse.
“Just a minute!” I yell back. I’ve been searching for my little gold clutch for the past ten minutes in vain; it’s like it
somehow grew legs and walked away. I’m almost certain that I packed it when I moved into the Norbury packhouse a few
months ago at Vienna’s invitation, but for some reason, it’s not where it should be among my other purses in the closet.
I blow out a frustrated breath, spinning around and strutting over to the dresser to pull open the top drawer. I rummage through
the random assortment of things I’ve shoved in there in search of the clutch, hoping I might’ve tossed it in here after the bar one
night or something. As I push
through the mess of hair accessories and odds and ends, a piece of paper falls out, fluttering to the floor and landing at my feet. I
bend to pick it up with an annoyed groan, straightening with the paper clutched in my hands and freezing when I realize what it
My heart squeezes painfully in my chest when I read the words scrawled on the page; four little words that sent my world
crumbling down when I woke up alone in that cabin several months ago.
I’m setting you free. -C
I stare at the paper, my eyes mapping the shape of the letters scrawled out in Callum’s handwriting. I looked at it so many times
in that first month that I’ve memorized every loop and curve of the words, and looking at it now, that same feeling of devastation
and despair grips in my chest.
“What’s the holdup?” Vienna asks from the doorway, and I startle, dropping the paper into the open drawer and slamming it shut.
I whip around to face her, blinking.

“I, uh... I can’t find my gold clutch,” I breathe, shaking my head to banish the intrusive thoughts associated with that damn note.
Vee’s lips stretch into a mischievous grin. You mean this clutch?” she asks sweetly, holding it up and wiggling it back and forth.
“You little thief!” I laugh, crossing the room to her and lunging forward to snatch it from her grasp.
She pulls it back before I can grab ahold of it, tucking it under her arm. “C’mon, it totally goes with my outfit,” she whines. “Can’t
you use a different one?”
I roll my eyes, giving in easily. Rather than arguing with the most stubborn girl on the planet, I head back over to my closet and
fish out my black wristlet instead, returning to the dresser to stuff my phone and cash inside it. “You could’ve saved me like ten
minutes if you’d just asked to borrow it,” I chastise, smoothing my hair back as I spin around to face her and slip my hand
the loop of the wristlet.
“You were in the shower,” Vee shrugs innocently. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”
“I don’t,” I concede. Crossing the room to my friend, I slide an arm around her narrow shoulders, pulling her with me out the door.
“C’mon, let’s go. I’m sure the boys are getting antsy.”
Vienna’s heels click against the hardwood floor as we make our way down the hallway toward the main part of the packhouse.
Even though I’m not part of the Norbury pack, I’ve become quite comfortable here after moving in a few months ago. I completely
fell apart after Cal took off, and although I love my family, having them breathing down my neck trying to ‘fix’ me was the last
thing I needed. Vienna offered me a welcome change of scenery and helped to slowly put me back together. I’m not sure if I’ll
ever be the same girl I was before he left, but I’m seeing more and more of her resurface every day. There’s something to that
whole ‘time heals all wounds’ adage.
Mostly, I just try to avoid thinking about

him. I suppose it was a kindness for him to leave the territory to go off on a mission
with the squad, because without him here, I can shove all thoughts of Callum out of my mind and try to move forward. I’m not
sure how well I’m doing, but at least I’m trying.
“About time,” Chase huffs as Vienna and I stride from the hallway into the living room.
“Shut it,” Vee warns, pointing a finger in his direction and narrowing her eyes.
A goofy grin spreads across Chase’s face and he pushes up from the couch, crossing the room in a few long strides and
scooping Vienna up, tossing her over his shoulder. ” Watch it, little devil,” he growls, delivering a sharp swat to her ass.
Vee giggles and squirms, protesting for Chase to put her down. He finally acquiesces, laughing as he sets her on her feet and
darting out of the way before she can land a playful punch on his chest in retribution.
Miles shuffles over, slinging his around my
shoulders and flashing me a boyish grin. Hey, babe.”
“Hi,” I breathe, unconsciously tensing up at the contact. I slip out from underneath his arm, spinning to face him and forcing a
smile. “Where are the other guys?”
“They got impatient and took off already,” Chase provides. “Said they’d meet us there.”
I nod, fiddling with my wristlet as I feel Miles ‘ lingering stare traverse my body. Then he leans in, his voice a breathy whisper that
tickles the skin of my neck. “You look great.”
I meet his hazel eyes, offering him an appreciative smile. “You always say that,” I tease.
His grin widens. “Because you always do,” he shrugs, his gaze roaming my body once more, like he can’t help himself.
We typically get all dressed up for bar nights, but Vee and I both opted to go for a more casual look tonight since the Stillwater
Tap is throwing a party in the parking lot with a live band. Both of us are rocking

toff jean shorts, hers paired with a slinky
black tank top and gold hoop earrings, mine with a threadbare cropped band tee. The last time I wore this top was when Callum
and I took that trip to Breckenridge- the one that ended in disaster, then our first time together. I suppose it was all a disaster
looking back at it now. I haven’t been able to bring myself to wear this shirt since then, but I consciously made the decision to put
it on tonight as a way of reclaiming those memories, stamping over them with new ones that don’t hurt.
“Let’s go!” Vienna urges, tugging on Chase’s hand as if a pipsqueak like her could move the colossus of a man. He chuckles at
her efforts, yanking her in and tucking her under his arm.
I pull myself out of my own head, plastering on a bright smile and nodding in agreement, taking Miles’ hand when he offers it.
The four of us head out, piling into Chase’s big pickup truck and heading out of town, turning on the forest road in the direction of
Stillwater. We listen to music and chat
excitedly all the way there, eagerly anticipating the night ahead. This same band played at the Stillwater Tap a few weeks ago-
they’re a group of twenty- somethings from Norbury who play covers by request and have a knack for getting the crowd riled up.
I’m glad I opted for the comfort of sneakers because I’m sure I’ll be dancing the night away under the stars.
It’s already crowded when we arrive, the band playing a lively cover of a Journey song that has the audience singing along. Even
though the sun has gone down, the air is still heavy, sticky with the oppressive summer heat. I hope I remembered to slip a hair
tie into my wristlet, because I doubt I’ll make it long before I have to get my hair off my neck, especially if I’m going to dance.
People clear the way for us as we walk into the fray, several of them offering Chase a respectful nod in recognition of his Alpha
position even though this isn’t his home territory. I’ll never get used to going out
with his group and being treated like I’m
part of a royal entourage or something. My
excitedly all the way there, eagerly anticipating the night ahead. This same band played at the Stillwater Tap a few weeks ago-
they’re a group of twenty- somethings from Norbury who play covers by request and have a knack for getting the crowd riled up.
I’m glad I opted for the comfort of sneakers because I’m sure I’ll be dancing the night away under the stars.

It’s already crowded when we arrive, the band playing a lively cover of a Journey song that has the audience singing along. Even
though the sun has gone down, the air is still heavy, sticky with the oppressive summer heat. I hope I remembered to slip a hair
tie into my wristlet, because I doubt I’ll make it long before I have to get my hair off my neck, especially if I’m going to dance.
People clear the way for us as we walk into the fray, several of them offering Chase a respectful nod in recognition of his Alpha
position even though this isn’t his home territory. I’ll never get used to going out
with his group and being treated like I’m
part of a royal entourage or something. My
best friend commands that same kind of
respect now as Luna of the Norbury pack, and I know she’s still uncomfortable with the attention her new status draws.
“We were wondering when you guys would show up,” Alec teases as we approach him and his brother. Vienna narrows her eyes
in warning and he throws his head back on a laugh, tossing an arm around her shoulders and shoving an unopened can of beer
into her hand. “Easy, little savage, I’m just messin’. Here, I got you a drink.”
“Hope you’re not fond of that arm, because I’m about three seconds away from tearing it off,” Chase growls, eyeing Alec with a
devious glint in his eye and a smirk on his lips. I can’t tell if he’s joking around or if there’s a hint of a real threat in his tone. I
never can, with Chase- he’s kind of a loose cannon, especially when it comes to staking his claim over his mate.
Vee laughs, wriggling out from under Alec’s arm and whacking Chase’s chest with the back of a hand in admonishment. She’s
got all of these guys wrapped around her finger,
attentive to her needs and eager to wait on her hand and foot like she’s their queen.
Since mating with Chase, she’s fallen right in with their group like she’s always been a part of it.
I try not to think about how that could’ve been my life, too.
Before I can get too lost in my own head, Levi approaches us with an armful of beers and starts passing them out to the rest of
us. I crack the tab on the can and take an eager sip, welcoming the refreshing coldness of the liquid as it slides down my throat.

“The beer girl totally wants me,” Levi declares confidently, glancing back over his shoulder at the waitress working the beer tub.
She blushes under his attention and he tosses her a wink, grinning as he turns back to our group. “See? Wonder how many free
beers I can get tonight.” He waggles his eyebrows, taking a sip from his can.
“Bet you can’t get her to come home with you,” Miles challenges, nudging Levi’s
I roll my eyes, taking another drink of my own beer. These boys and their stupid bets. I’ve come to learn that it’s like an addiction
for Miles- he’s always making wagers with the other guys over trivial crap. I want to point out that it’s childish and unfair to the girl
in question, but I bite my tongue,
choosing to ignore it in favor of maintaining the lighthearted energy of the evening thus far.
Levi snorts, tossing back another swig of his beer and wiping his mouth with a forearm. ” Easy. What’s the prize?”
“I’ll pick up your bar tab the next time we go out,” Miles shrugs, never shy about tossing his money around.
Levi grins. “You’re on.” He taps his can with Miles’, then downs the rest of his beer, turning on a heel and making his way back
over to the beer tub for another.
Miles chuckles to himself and slides in
beside me again, resting a hand on the small
of my back.
I try not to flinch.
It’s not him, it’s me- ever since Cal, every touch that isn’t his just feels wrong. Yet another thing I’ve been trying to work through.
I just kinda fell into dating Miles. He was always hanging around the packhouse, always offering a sweet compliment or funny
joke to lighten my mood in those first couple months after Callum left. I came to appreciate his companionship, and after a while,

he started actively pursuing me. He asked me out no fewer than ten times before I finally gave in, and even though I’ve told him
that I’m not ready for a full-blown relationship, he’s been respectful of my boundaries thus far. Despite how my
intimacy issues must frustrate him, he never pushes me into doing anything I’m not comfortable with.
Things are easy with Miles. Uncomplicated.
He makes me laugh and smile and forget
that I’m still broken on the inside.
Vienna’s hand slips into mine, tugging me away from the boys and toward the
makeshift stage set up at the far end of the parking lot.
“We’ve gotta dance to this one!” she implores as she pulls me along with her, weaving through the crowd to get closer to the
band. They’ve just started in on a cover of the Maroon 5 song ‘Moves like Jagger’ and the crowd is going nuts, pulsing along to
the rapid beat. We find a spot to dance and start shaking our hips, cheering on the band and singing along to the lyrics. It’s even
hotter amongst the crowd, my hair sticking to my neck and face as I sway to the music.
By the time the song ends, we’re both covered in a thin sheen of sweat, panting and giggling and eager for the band to start in
on the next one. I glance around to survey the crowd when I spot someone familiar approaching the parking lot party from the
street- someone tall, lean, and tattooed, who my best friend just happened to date before she met Chase: Logan Evans.
I nudge Vee with an elbow. “Hey, isn’t that ...?” my voice trails off, my mouth running dry when Logan steps aside and I see who
he’s arrived with. I capture Vienna’s hand in my own and grip onto it for dear life, my heart coming to a grinding halt and all the
air whooshing from my lungs.
The blue-green eyes that have haunted my dreams for the past four months lock with mine, and it all rushes back. The adoring
way he used to look at me. The deep timbre of his voice. The way he felt moving inside of me. The way he left.
I can’t breathe. Can’t think. Can’t look away. I swear I can physically feel the hollowness inside me where the mate bond
between us used to reside before it was so cruelly ripped away. The band suddenly starts in on a cover of Blink 182’s ‘I Miss

You’ and the
melancholic soundtrack to my own devastation nearly brings me to my knees.
“C’mon,” Vee demands, grasping my hand tightly and yanking me backwards.
My world tilts, my mind caught in a shocked daze as Vienna pulls me through the crowd, all the way to the door of the building
that houses the Stillwater Tap. She pushes inside and I blindly follow, struggling for breath as she leads me through the nearly
empty bar to the restrooms in the back. My ears are ringing as we enter the women’s restroom, the door swinging closed behind
us and sealing us inside.
Vienna spins to face me, her eyes clouded with concern.
“Did you know?” I choke, blinking at her as I struggle to string words together. “Did you know they were back?”
“Yeah,” she whispers guiltily. “I... I didn’t know he’d show up here tonight, I swear to god, Ness. I would’ve warned you. I was
going to tell you they were back, but I
wanted you to have one last night out before
laying that news on you. I’m so sorry, I should’ve...”
“No,” I interrupt, shaking my head firmly.”

It’s not your fault. I get why you didn’t. I jus “My voice breaks and I shake my head
again, forcing back the tears stinging behind my eyes. I’ve cried enough tears for Callum Conway to last a lifetime.
I knew he’d be back someday. I knew I’d have to face him again. I just didn’t know it would be today. I didn’t know just seeing his
face would break me apart all over again.
I take a deep breath, steeling my resolve. I can do this.

“Do you want to leave?” Vee asks, her eyes rounded in earnestness. “We can go back home, just say the word. I can have
Chase pull the truck around...”
“No,” I say confidently. I ghost my fingertips over the cherry tattoo on my ribs, drag in another deep breath, then let it out.”
Running away is his thing, not mine.”
A smile creeps across Vienna’s lips. “That’s my girl.”
I laugh weakly, wrapping my arms around my friend and pulling her in for a hug.
“I can go out there and beat his ass for you,” Vee offers, her words muffled against my chest.
Another laugh escapes my lips and I pull back, shaking my head. “No, Luna, you’re not gonna do that.” I blow out a breath.” This
is between me and him. I’ll handle it.” I ball my fists at my sides, swallowing hard. “I can do this,” I murmur, still talking myself into
going back out there and facing the music.
“Damn right you can!” Vee declares, throwing her hands on her hips. “That asshole never deserved you, and now he has the
nerve to show up here like nothing happened?!” she scoffs. Her eyes flare with a defiant spark, a smirk creasing her lips. “Go
show him what he’s been missing out on, girl. Show him you’ve moved on.” She reaches forward to take both of my hands,
squeezing them tightly in hers. “Make him hurt.”
I blow out a shuddered breath, nodding resolutely. I’m not sure what I would do without a friend like Vienna. She’s the one who
convinced me to cave and go on that first date with Miles, imploring me to take control of moving on with my life. I was stuck for
so long, but now I’ve finally got some forward trajectory, and I refuse to let Callum’s sudden reappearance tear down everything
I’ve built back up in the wake of his abandonment.
“C’mon,” she urges, pushing the door open with a hip and tugging me by the hand. Fire blazes in her eyes when they meet mine,
lending me confidence. “You’ve got this.”

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