Bridging Worlds: Book 1 Celestoria's Time

Chapter Veil of Destiny

High above the vast expanse of Arantle, the ravens, messengers of the kingdom, soared through the skies with urgent news. Each carried a sealed parchment bearing the royal emblem of King Sirius, destined for the leaders of the twelve kingdoms. The decree conveyed a message that all kingdoms were to mobilize their elite soldiers and dispatch them across Arantle to confront the relentless demonic threat.

Without hesitation, the rulers summoned their bravest warriors to unite forces and prepare for a battle against the demonic force. As the elite soldiers gathered, twelve distinct banners, stood side by side—a testament to the unity forged in response to King Sirius’s call.

-Ebonvale Village-

The aftermath of the demon onslaught painted a grim scene of horror and despair. Lifeless bodies scattered across the ruined Terrain, and the few survivors, including the Daramar family, were overwhelmed and injured. Lord Omar, Rosche's father, bore the scars of the relentless battle, while Lady Elara and Rosche's brother Geran were equally battered and exhausted.

As the family's hope waned, a ray of light appeared on the horizon with the arrival of Master Gaza, Eamon, and Rosche. The trio launched into battle with newfound energy, clashing with the demons in a fierce magical confrontation.

Amidst the chaos, Rosche took a moment to approach her wounded family. She knelt beside her parents and brother, witnessing the pain in their eyes. Lord Omar managed a weak smile and whispered his gratitude, “Rosche, you’ve come.”

Tears filled Rosche's eyes as she reassured her family, “I’m here, Father. We’re going to get through this together.” Geran, struggling to maintain composure, added, “We’ve held out this long, we won’t give up now.”

As Rosche assisted her family to safety, the demons' relentless assault persisted. In the midst of battle, a raging demon lunged at Rosche, poised to strike. In a selfless act, Lord Omar sacrificed himself, blocking the attack to save his daughter. His final words, hung in the air as Rosche cradled him, watching his hand fall limp.

Beside her, Geran wept, sharing in the depth of their loss. Master Gaza and Eamon, witnessing the heart-wrenching scene, exchanged somber glances but focused on the ongoing battle.

However, amidst the grief, Lady Elara noticed an unusual sight. A faint, silvery glow appeared on Rosche's forehead. Wiping away tears, she paused, realizing the significance of this moment.

Lady Elara, her voice trembling, handed Rosche the pendant found with her on the mountain fifteen years ago. In that place, Young Rosche lay in a deep slumber, as if under a spell. The pendant had been a silent witness to that mysterious encounter. The family had exhausted their magical powers to awaken her, driven by the insistent voice from the mountain, compelling them to bring Rosche back. Despite the memory loss, Lady Elara emphasized the crucial need for Rosche to return to the mountain, where the answers to her true identity awaited.

Rosche's eyes widened in disbelief at Lady Elara's revelation. As her mother urgently conveyed crucial information, she learned that she was not their biological daughter. Despite this, Lady Elara emphasized the enduring love and belonging Rosche had always held in their hearts. Now, it was time for Rosche to embark on a journey to uncover her true origins and unravel the mysteries of a mountain that had played a significant role in her past.

Confusion laced Rosche's trembling voice as she questioned, "What mountain, Mother?"

Lady Elara, with a sense of urgency, directed Rosche to find Verdant Spire. The pendant in her hand, adorned with unreadable symbols, held potential clues to her identity. Urged by her mother's words and the weight of the situation, Rosche was left with an imperative directive—to go and discover the truth.

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