Bridging Worlds: Book 1 Celestoria's Time

Chapter A Pact Forged in Forlorn Hollowstead

-Forlorn Hollowstead-

Master Gaza and Eamon reappeared at the clandestine meeting spot, burdened by an unshakable sense of unease. Abandoning Rosche and Geran had been a difficult choice for them, guided by the ominous scent of demons that hung in the air.

Upon entering the clearing where Rosche and Geran were left, they discovered the duo sitting together, their faces betraying a mix of concern and relief. Tension gripped the atmosphere as Master Gaza, without delay, inquired about their well-being. “What happened? We sensed demons and hurried back. Are you both safe?”

Geran, not skilled in the art of deceit, stumbled through an explanation, “We... we’re fine. We didn’t sense the demons initially, but then they attacked us. Fortunately, someone came to our rescue and drove the demons away.”

Eamon, an astute reader of people, furrowed his brow, clearly questioning the authenticity of their account. He probed further, “The demons attacked? And someone saved you? That’s quite fortuitous. Where is this savior? We should thank them.”

Struggling to maintain composure, Geran nodded and continued, “Yes, it was a close call. But the person who saved us had to leave. They mentioned they had another urgent task and couldn’t stay.”

Quick-witted as ever, Rosche joined in, “We wanted to thank them properly, but they were gone before we had the chance. Truly selfless.”

Master Gaza’s features relaxed with relief as she agreed, “That was lucky. We owe this person a great deal. We should be more cautious in the future.”

Eamon, still harboring suspicion, concurred, “Yes, and we should improve our communication. I’m just glad you both are unharmed.”

As the palpable tension lingered, Master Gaza suggested the group leaving the forest to reunite with the rest of their team. Geran and Rosche exchanged uncertain glances. The thought of parting ways with their comrades burdened them, but the awareness of their unique mission persisted.

Geran hesitated before finally speaking, “Master Gaza, we appreciate your concern, but we have relatives in the nearby city. We need to visit them and ensure they’re safe after what we’ve encountered here.” Rosche nodded in agreement with her brother’s words.

Master Gaza’s expression hardened, and she vehemently forbade the idea, “Leaving the forest alone is far too dangerous, especially considering the demons might return. As your senior, I cannot allow you to be defenseless.”

Sharing a meaningful look, the siblings understood the necessity of separating from the group for their own mission. However, Eamon, perceptive and sensing their ulterior motives, stepped forward. He offered, “I can come with you and ensure your safety as you travel to the city. You won’t be alone, and we can protect each other.”

Rosche, hoping to avoid Eamon’s company, tried to argue but was promptly interrupted by Master Gaza. She stated firmly, “I will only agree if Eamon accompanies you. It’s too risky to let you go alone.”

Resigned to the situation, Geran cast a look at Rosche that silently conveyed, “Let him come. It’s the only way.” They reluctantly agreed to the terms, acknowledging the imperative to fulfill their side mission.

As the conversation drew to a close, Master Gaza bid them goodbye and, with a wave of her hand, conjured a portal that would transport her to the other group. The forest’s mystic energies hummed as they, now joined by Eamon as their protector, prepared to embark on their journey to the city. A shared understanding prevailed among them, acknowledging that their destinies were inextricably linked, whether they welcomed it or not.

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