
Chapter CHAPTER 8


I knock on Faith’s office door and she calls out for me to come in. I walk into the office and she stands up.

“I don’t believe we had an appointment” she says looking at me as if trying to figure out how she knows me.

“You don’t know me but I know you. I am Max Walmer” I say holding my hand out to her, she looks at my hand and then up at me and she shakes her head. I chuckle and retract my hand.

“You’re a Heretic” She points out moving back, I shrug.

“I am, I’m the one that your sister visited and helped her know what’s been going on with her” I explain.

“What do you want from me?” she asks.

“I need you to point me to where your sister is” I say and she shakes her head no “If you could allow me to show you something” I say holding out my hand to her and she shakes her head no.

“You’re a heretic! I don’t trust you” she says and I shrug.

“Fair enough but I need to show you something about your sister. Joy needs help and not from your beloved aunty because she’s evil and will use Joy to achieve her malicious acts” I explain and she shakes her head no “I understand why you don’t trust me but it’s the only way to help her. You need to trust me else there’s going to be war and trust me you won’t win” I assure her and she looks at me.

“What do you want?” She asks again.

“I need to find your sister and your aunty. Her father reached out to me last night when she burnt the house down, I know you grieving your mother but trust me, you don’t want to grieve your sister too in such a short space. Take my hand and let me show you something” I hold out my hand to her and she walks around the table and she places her hand into mine and she closes her eyes.


“I have managed to trace her and her sister” Nala says to a witches ball.

“That’s not enough. We need her under your care, you need to groom her into one of our own” The ball speaks back to her

“I will reach out to her tonight. We need to manipulate her into her power’s consuming her that way she will become a danger to the people surrounding her” Nala says.

“Leave that to me”


Faith pulls her hand away from my grip with her eyes wide open in disbelief.

“I don’t understand. She said she could help her” Faith says.

“The bloodline from which your sister was born from is tainted, they practise dark magic, sacrificial magic and if your sister spends enough time with Nala, who is to say that she won’t turn on you and sacrifice you to achieve the evil they are hoping to achieve?”




“Here, drink this” Nala says handing me a cup, I smell it first and it smells disgusting.

“You have to drink this in order to help control your magic and to calm your anxiety down. Right now you are a danger to yourself and to anyone around you. I need you to calm down” She explains and I shake my head no.

“I killed my mother, I don’t want this anymore. I don’t want any magic or powers” I say placing the tea on the table.

“Joy look at me” she says sitting beside me and turning my face to hers “I am your father’s sister, he loves you and he wants you to practise and practise the right way. I am the only one who can help keep your magic from imploding” Nala says and I look at her, she picks up the cup and she hands it to me “It’s ok, you can trust me. I only want what’s best for you Joy and this is the only way” she explains and I take the tea from her and take a sip

“That’s it, drink all of it and you will feel better” she encourages and I slowly drink this tea of hers. No lie it’s the most disgusting thing I have ever smelt but the taste is not as bad as it smells, funny enough it actually tastes like chamomile tea without any sweetener.

“It’s not bad” I admit and she smiles.

“This herb is known to calm anyone who drinks it, after finishing a cup you will feel tired but that’s how you know it’s working and when you wake up, you will feel different, light as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders” she explains.

“Thank you aunty Nala, thank you for taking me in and taking care of me” I say and she smiles widely.

“What is family for?” she says and I smile and nod drinking the tea.

“When I wake up, can we please call Faith? I don’t want her worrying and panicking about me” I say and she smiles and nods.

“Not a problem sweety”




“Either way, I am the regent and it doesn’t matter how many Leiria witches came to my door step and tried to overthrow me, they would never win” The regent says confidently and Nellie chuckles.

“I don’t think you are as powerful and you believe yourself to be. Sybil is offering her help here, take it and stop being prideful. It took more than a regent to lock away be rid of the last Leiria witches” Nellie says angrily and I nod in agreement.

I don’t know what happens but I find myself in a garden with a lot of fog such that I can’t see anything or anyone but I know I’m not alone here.

“Show yourself!” I command to the person lurking in the woods and the person comes forth.

“It’s done! She’s coming” he says and I frown confused, I can’t see his face but I can see the rest of his body. “It’s done! She’s coming” he repeats and he keeps repeating the same thing over and over again until I feel someone violently shaking me calling out my name.

“Sybil!” Nellie says worriedly.

“We’re already late”

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