
Chapter CHAPTER 16


I snap my fingers putting her to sleep.

“We have more pressing matters than her right now. We need to undo whatever spell was placed on Ntando to bring back his magic and then we can go after joy properly.” I say and they all agree.

“She needs to stay asleep that way we are able to get everything done accordingly, she’s a vampire so she won’t be out for long” Ntando reminds and I nod and walk over to her and place my hand on her forehead chanting a sleeping spell.

“This should hold her down for a couple of hours but we’ll have enough time to help Ntando with his magic” I say and then head out with Ntando following me.

“What’s the plan here? The regent of the witches is already dead and chances are Joy’s spell was already in motion” Ntando says and I take a deep breath in and let it out.

“I know what we need to do. I don’t want us to fight her else she’s going to get hurt badly so the next best option we have here is to stop her spell and syphon out the dark magic and store it into something else” I say and Ntando looks at me.

“I don’t like the look you have right now. What are you planning to put the magic into Sybil?” Ntando asks.

“We can banish it with Lindelwa as soon as we bring her out of Mona” I explain to him and he shakes his head no.

“That wouldn’t kill her though, it’s just going to fuel her anger and make her darker than she already is. You can’t just syphon magic and place it into a spirit” Ntando argues “It’s never been done before and that spell is dangerous and a lot could go wrong! No!” Ntando says.

“We have mom, we can channel her to bring out Lindelwa’s spirit and then move the magic to Lindelwa. It’s the only way Ntando else we have nothing to go on here. We need to solve this problem before it gets out of hand. Max can’t hold Joy off for long” I remind him and he shakes his head.

“I don’t know Sybil, this is a huge risk!” he says and I nod.

“I know, grandma Sibeko and the ancestors are backing us up Ntando. We can do it, just trust me ok?”




I take out my phone and call Sibu who answers after a while.

“Yes” She answers.

“Has your sister woken up? I need her help” I ask her.

“She just woke up, I don’t know if mom will allow her to go anywhere. Our great grandmother is back” Sibu says and I let out a breath knowing how much of a pest Lindelwa is.

“Ok listen, I’m coming over to your house ok. Joy is currently locked into a boundary spell. I’m on my way to your home” I say and then I end the call and head over to Sibu’s home.

As I am driving out I hear people chanting causing me an intense migraine. I lose control of the car and it rolls over to hit a tree. I open the door and then get out and fall to the floor and I raise my eyes to see some witches from the covens doing a spell that disorientates me and stops my heart making me desecrate instantly.




I stretch out my hand and the spell is broken. I walk over to the bowl and then I continue with my spell. Surely Max and Sybil didn’t think that I wouldn’t get people to do my bidding for me. The spell I sent them to do was to stop Max’s heart for a while, enough for me to complete the spell and destroy the curse that was once placed on my blood line all those years ago, a dead witch’s boundary spell is broken by their death and fortunately for Max, he’s part witch and part vampire so he can still wake up any other time but sadly by the time he wakes up I’ll be done with my spell.

I stir blood in the bowl and then and then smoke starts to come out of the bowl, I walk over to the fridge to get my last item. It’s a good thing that Nala got all the ingredients that I needed for the spell. A human’s heart, a powerful witch’s heart, a cross breed’s heart and lastly the totem that harbours the curse. I pour the blood from a cross breed, I don’t know where she managed to get the cross bread’s heart because we were meant to use my sister to make the spell more effective but I guess she lied about that too amongst other things. I drop the last ingredient and the entire thing goes up in flames and red smoke arises from the bowl while I chant the spell that is supposed to break the curse and then the smoke clears forming a black liquid looking thing. I pick up the bowl and then I open a portal that is supposed to transport me to the very first ancestor’s grave where I have to pour the potion over their grave to undo the mess they created all those years ago. Never again will the next generation be slaves to the witches of the covens. The regent title is rightfully ours and will always be ours. This spell will also free my ancestors from the dark place that they were banished to so that I can gain access to their magic.

I pour the liquid over her grave chanting the spell to undo the curse and free my ancestors, I feel this overwhelming warmth surround me and I know that they are free and are with me to travel this road with me. All that’s left is to take my position as regent of the witches and everyone of the covens bow down to me. Lightening flashes across the sky and then it starts raining very hard, I look up into the sky and I smile proudly of what I’ve just accomplished. The portals opens yet again and then I walk through it and back to my layer. I get to my later dripping wet when I feel this intensive energy clearing everything off the table.

“I can’t let you do this Joy, it’s not the right way!” Someone says and I try to banish them but nothing happens.

“When you freed your ancestors you also allowed us a foot into your world my dear daughter and this is not the way to go about it and for that you shall be punished” he says and I feel my cheeks getting wet, I touch them and come back with blood, my heart constricts and I feel like something is pressing down on my throat making it hard for me to even breathe.

“It didn’t have to be this way Joy” he says and I finally see him, it’s my father as I have seen him from the pictures before.

“You were never supposed to allow the darkness to take over you, that’s not how it’s done and as your father it is my duty to punish you how I see feet. Until you undo the mess you have done, you will lose your magic and not have the ability to practise until I see redemption and the darkness inside of you is removed”




It’s done” I say to Ntando and he tries to do a locator spell and it works, we share a brief hug when lightening starts flashing and thunder shakes the entire house. We break the hug and look at each other.

“She did it” I say to Ntando unable to hide the shock.

“Now what?” Ntando asks.

“I think I know who I need to talk to” I say to him and then I walk over to find a spell book to conjure up a dead witch. I create a boundary spell to keep them inside and unable to make contact but nothing works.

“It’s not working unless he’s here” I say and Ntando looks at me confused

“Who is here?” He asks.

“Joy’s father. It’s either the curse was broken or he’s been returned to life, I don’t know Ntando” I say to him confused by everything that just happened.

“We need to go to Joy’s layer” I say to him and then perform a locator spell to find Joy when Sibu comes inside our layer with her phone in her hand.

“Max just called, he said he ran into some witches but he’s alive and he’s coming here” She says and we nod.

“We have to find Joy, something is going on. I can’t feel or sense her magic” I say to Sibu.

“I’ll drive you guys, I’ll tell Max to meet us there” Sibu says.

“We need to take Mona’s body with, incase we have to perform the spell” I say to her and she nods.

We all rush out and explain what’s happening to our parents and they get on board with everything and we rush out to Joy’s layer and we find her crying what looks like blood on the floor.

“What happened?” I ask walking closer to her.

“My father, he punished me and now I can’t do any magic” She explains crying, I look at Ntando and he shrugs.

“So he’s out?” I ask her and she shakes her head no.

“He’s an ancestor” Joy explains and I nod and turn to Ntando

“Would make sense why we couldn’t reach him, he was here with his daughter. We need to bring out Lindelwa and send the dark magic with her” Ntando says and I nod.

“Are you ready?” I ask mom and she nods and places her hand into mine and the other to Ntando’s and then Ntando and I perform the spell to trap Lindelwa’s soul/spirit inside a boundary spell and then we place each of our free hands on Joy’s shoulder and then we close our eyes and syphon the magic out of it and this black spirit or lump of smoke rises out of her and we hold it up and transfer it to Lindelwa who falls down on her knees and the magic goes right to her heart and she screams in agony shaking the entire place Joy passes out and Lindelwa faces down on the ground.

“Ntando Now!” I say to him and then we let go of mom and hold hands and hold out our free hands to Lindelwa and start chanting.

“This is not the last you see of me!” she threatens before her spirit is banished to where it belongs and she disappears like smoke and Mona wakes up.

“What happened?”




It’s been a difficult year for me. The witches weren’t happy with me, I have cruciefied and humiliated and most of all shunned by the covens of this place for the crimes I committed but thanks to Sybil and her family I guess the witches were linient on me with their punishment. I’m still not able to perform any spells or so any magic ever since that night my father punished me. Max and Sybil have been teach me the basic spells, they say I need to believe in myself that I can do it but how do I begin to do something that made me kill people and almost kill my only living family?

Faith still won’t talk to me after what I almost did to her and I don’t blame her, Max has tried to talk to her and tried to help mend our relationship but what I did was unforgivable and I accept whatever punishment she sees fit for me because I don’t know how to forgive myself after what I did. School is going well I guess, I mean I’m just living because I have to, either than that I see nothing to live for after everything I have done to everyone around me.

My phone rings and it’s Max, I let out a breath and answer his call. He’s been the best thing to ever happen to me, so loving and patient and forgiving of my crimes. I can’t begin to thank him enough. He and I are friends, good friends if I could put it like that and I’m happy with that and also Sybil is a good friend to me.

“Hey” I answer.

“Oh? Have I done anything?” He asks and I frown confused stopping in my tracks.

“I don’t understand, why?” I ask him.

“Your tone is not as happy to hear from me. What are you doing?” He asks and I chuckle.

“I’m going to my next lecture. What are you doing?” I ask him.

“I am driving to see my little brother, he’s playing today and he asked me to be there” He says.

“That’s nice, good luck to him” I say and I hear him let out a breath.

“You know we connected right? I know when you not ok. What’s wrong?” He asks me and I let out a breath.

“This other witch from one of the covens goes here to this same university and she was more than happy to teach me a lesson” I say with a heavy sigh.

“Who is she?” He asks.

“I don’t want to go to war with the covens Max, lets just leave her be please” I say. This is why I don’t tell him things because he always wants to come to my rescue.

“You paid for your sins Joy, you cannot punish yourself forever. You can’t let this witch walk all over you over one little mistake. You were manipulated into everything you did, it wasn’t you but the dark magic inside of you” Max says and I shake my head no.

“Still Max, I allowed the dark magic to take over me and now I have to pay the price. Please just pretend I didn’t say anything so that we can just go on with our lives. I’m just tired” I say with a sigh and he lets out a breath.

“Go to class ok, I’ll see you after your classes?” he says.

“Yes, bye. Enjoy the game and great Ethan for me” I say.

“I will, bye”

I rush to the ladies and I find Rissa with her friend there and walk past them and get into the stall and go about my business. When I’m done I open the door when suddenly this fire shows out of nowhere blocking me from leaving the toilet stall. Rissa laughs it off with her friend as they watch me struggle to get out of the bathroom stall.

“What? Afraid of a little fire?” Rissa asks.

“Rissa please, please just let me get to class” I plead.

“How does it feel to be helpless huh? To not be able to defend yourself as you did with those other witches? You put yourself into this mess Joy” she says provoking me and I feel myself getting really hot.

“Rissa just let me go. I don’t want any trouble!” I say to her and she laughs at me again and the windows shatter and the mirror breaks and before I know it the fire goes off. earning a scream from both of them. I take a step back shocked and confused as to what just happened.

“What did you just do?” Rissa asks

“You said she didn’t have any magic!” the friend says to Rissa.

“Breathe” I say to myself remembering the lessons from Max and Sybil. There’s no longer any dark magic inside of me but in order to control myself and my magic I need to learn to control myself else the magic will consume me. I chant a little spell and the broken glasses start to levitate.

“What are you doing?”

My name is Joy and this is who I am, a Lieria witch. The last remaining of my kind doing my second year in university and this was my story.




“What are you doing here?” The current regent of the witches asks me when I storm into her house.

“Joy served her punishment. Why is your daughter still tormenting her?” I ask her and she fakes a shock.

“Rissa would never do that!” she says defensively.

“You and I both know that you not the rightful regent and as soon as Joy can practise again, you are supposed to step down and let her take her rightful place!” I say to her angrily.

“The witches will never agree to being ruled by someone who killed their regent!” she says and I chuckle.

“You think? The witches are being fed BS by you. The ancestors spoke and do you know what was decided? To give Joy her rightful place and you return to being a common witch that you are. Tell your daughter to lay off on her or I won’t hesitate to call a meeting with the witches of all covens.” I threaten.

“And what happens if I don’t?” She challenges.

“I don’t think the witches would be happy to know about the hand you played in manipulating Joy and her aunty”

My name is Max Walmer, a heretic and the future husband of Joy Lieria. I may have not chosen Joy as my wife or partner or anything of that nature but today I stand to be corrected and I am grateful that she is the woman I am meant to spend my future with.




“I’m glad you came Sybil” Syre says

I chuckle sarcastically “You left me no choice. What do you need?” I say bored

“This ground we on is sacred, lots of people died here so we need you to give back their magic to us” this old woman says, I have never seen her before but I’m assuming she’s Syre’s mom.

I look at the woman speaking “Give back their magic? Why didn’t you consecrate their bones or something?” I ask

She takes a deep breath and lets it out “With what bones? Sybil we need you syphon up the magic here on these grounds and find a way to get it back to us”

I sigh “So what? I suck in the magic and then the next thing I implode? We all know what happens when a witch sucks in that much power”

She looks at me and walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder “You know how the harvest ritual is done right? We can do it like that. Have the magic flow from you to each one of us”

I chuckle “You must think I’m stupid. I have to die in order for that to happen”

“But that’s the beauty of it Sybil, you don’t die. You the definition of immortal”

I pop out my eyes “So I’m supposed to risk my life? Death for me is different compared to the death you guys experience. If I died again, havoc would occur. People would die!” I explain. Not that I’m special but if I died there’d be a way to free my great grandmother from her prison

“So what do you suggest?” she asks, I look at her and shrug my shoulders

“We need to send Ariana back where she belongs or your boyfriend will die together with his doppelganger and Ariana will be unstoppable” she says, I take a deep breath and let it out.

I look at Syre “I’m not doing any harvest ritual but this is what will happen. The magic here is too much for one person, it’s way too much for even two or three so I will need 12 people to join me in the circle after I’ve consumed the magic so that we can do a splitting transference spell. I need the most powerful witches of your coven and syphon witches cannot participate else a lot could go wrong”

They nod and pick the 12 people I requested. I create a circle that will keep the magic within us all. I am hoping Ntando can handle this else we are screwed! I place my hand on the ground and start chanting to take in the magic and store it between my brother and I and I can literally feel it consuming me. It’s a lot that I had anticipated. I suck into my system until its all finish and I collapse to the ground.

My name is Sybil and my story continues. I was and will always be the mistake caused by fate and that’s ok, it’s who I am and will always be.



The End

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