
Chapter CHAPTER 10


We chant walking into Faith’s work place and the doors shut behind us as we make our way into my sister’s office. This is the sacrifice we have to make for the greater good, this is what is needed to be done inorder to bring about balance in nature. Wolves and Vampires are enemies and that’s how it should be and has always been, these filthy creatures are not equal to witches and should be destroyed and returned to the order and the balance of nature. Hybrids, tribrids and heretics are a mistake of nature and should not exist. Our cause is to bring about balance in nature and return to where we once were.

Aunty Nala has filled me in on what needs to be done, whatever was in that tea has helped me have some kind of control over my powers and I must say that being in control of who I am feels great. This is the darkness I am willing to allow to consume me and it feels heavenly. I am strong and in control of my life and how I do things with my life, for a change I don’t feel weak and in need of anyone but myself.

We stand in front of her office, everyone we passed by has collapsed and fainted and will not remember anything after we have left. The doors swing open and she drops the phone as I stand before her with my hand held out and I chanting bringing her to her knees as she cries in agony of an intense painful migraine until she eventually passes out. My aunty places her hand on my shoulder and we whisk away back into her layer. We place her on the floor in a circle and then line the circle with salt to keep her bounded inside the circle and then my aunty hands me a knife and shows me what to draw whilst chanting on her forehead.

“This will help you channel her without hurting her, it will get her ready for the greater sacrifice” she says and I take the knife and draw what she has told me on my sister’s forehead. I feel this cold chill that makes the hairs at the back of my neck stand and feel this massive power flow into me and my sister turns grey. I drop the knife and Nala helps me up.

“Step one is complete, it shouldn’t be long before we start implementing the second phase of our cause”




“Thank you for understand Ma’Sibeko” I say to mom and she lets out a sigh and brings me into her arms and squeezes me tightly.

“I don’t like bickering with you Sybil. You are my daughter and I love you” she says and I break the hug.

“I know mom and I promise I will come out of this alive and stronger” I assure her and she smile and brushes my cheek, I lean into her touch when I get this vision of her held somewhere and helpless, she looks like she’s in pain. I quickly step back away from her.

“What is it honey?” Mom asks.

“What did you see Sybil?” Nellie asks.

“Mom was held somewhere and in pain” I explain and she shakes her head.

“I’m fine” Mom assures.

“What about Monalisa?” Nellie asks, “She’s your doppelganger and you and her are connected, maybe that’s who Sybil saw?” Nelli asks.

“well I don’t know, when we last spoke she had just landed. She’s supposed to be here already unless she made a stop somewhere. Let me try and call her” Mom says and then she walks away from me and into the lounge, Nellie and I follow behind her as she takes her phone to call Sibu’s mother.

“She’s not picking up” Mom says turning to us.

“What if they have her? What exactly did you see?” Nellie asks and I shrug.

“It wasn’t clear, mom was in pain that’s all” I explain.

“Do you think you can find a way to connect to her?” Mom asks and I shake my head no.

“NO!” I say quickly and they both look at me.

“It’s going to hurt you mom and I don’t want to put you through that pain. Lets wait for Sibu to get home and use her blood to find her mother” I say to mom and she takes my hands into hers.

“it’s ok Syb” Mom pleads and I shake my head no.

“NO mom, I can’t put you through that. Lets just call Sibu to come home and use her blood” I say to mom and she lets out a sigh and dials Sibu’s number which rings from the kitchen. We look at each other and just then Sibu walks in looking distraught.

“What happened?” I ask her and she sits on the couch.

“They have Mona” she says and then she breaks down, mom sits beside her and brings her to her chest and holds her tightly as Sibu cries.

“Sibu we need your blood” I say quickly and she breaks out of mom’s hold and looks at me.

“Why?” Sibu asks.

“It’s the only way to find your mother. Give me your blood to perform a locator spell” I say to her and she holds her hand out to me. I rush to the kitchen and then I get a knife and a bowl and then return to Sibu who closes her hand around the knife blade and her blood drips into the bowl. Nellie and I leave them in the lounge and head down to the basement to perform a locator spell with hopes in finding her.

We look at the map before us at the blood from Sibu splits into different locations on the map.

“It can’t be, it’s like she’s everywhere”




By the time I get to Faith’s office, she’s gone and nobody remembers anything. I drive back out to my place and try to perform a locator spell but to no luck. I am frustrated as I walk into my house because I don’t even know where to start or how to even go about this. My phone rings startling me from my train of thoughts, it’s Sybil and nothing good ever comes from her calls.

“Sybil” I answer.

“They took Sibu’s mom. She’s a doppelganger vampire” She explains and I just sink down into the couch.

“They took Faith, Faith is a hybrid” I explain to her and she goes silent for a while.

“You don’t think they trying to channel all these people, do you?” Sybil asks.

“Unless they trying to create some kind of a tribrid then I don’t know. I don’t think they would try and channel all these supernatural beings, the power would be too much” I explain to Sybil.

“Maybe they using them for a sacrifice? They are witches, they have a doppelganger and a hybrid… What could they possibly create with all these supernatural beings?” Sybil asks and I think for a second.

“They not trying to create anything, they trying to break the curse that was placed upon them all those years ago and in order to that they need one last supernatural being and that’s a very powerful witch. In order for them to succeed they need to first break the curse and then move on to breaking the factions apart…” Nellie explains when Sybil cuts her off

“Where’s Ntando?”

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