Breakers (Academy of Stardom Book 3)

Breakers: Chapter 21


The shipment of drugs arrives almost two weeks to the day after our meeting at Tales.

According to Xeno, the drugs crossed the British Channel via a shipping company delivering, amongst other things, dancewear and equipment. One of the containers held a couple hundred boxes. All of them, bar one large box, were filled with dance related items. Interpol’s undercover officers, who were conveniently working at Southampton port at the time, unloaded the container onto the back of a lorry which was then driven to a warehouse in Hackney. The large box marked ‘Dancing Shoes’ in bold letters was separated from the shipment, by an unsuspecting worker, and labelled for delivery.

Another couple of hours later, a million pound’s worth of Dancing Shoes— the new drug made and developed by Santiago Garcia’s scientists back in Cuba— arrives at the door of Stardom Academy just as Clancy and I pass by the reception desk and head into the canteen for lunch after a long week of dance classes and rehearsals.

“Did I tell you that Tiffany has been acting up for River in their duet, the bitch is treating him like shit. I fucking hate her, she really just needs to get over herself…”

“Uh-huh,” I reply absentmindedly as I pull out my mobile phone and type off a quick message to the Breakers, letting them know the shipment has arrived.

“You alright? You seem a little distracted,” Clancy asks me, her pretty eyebrows drawing together in a frown. They’re like two strikes of lightning, and the same bright orange colour as her hair. She’s so pretty, but just like a lightning storm, unpredictable too. I love that about her.

“Shit sorry, my ballet lesson was brutal today,” I explain. It’s not a complete lie, Sebastian had us going through a particular section of a routine repeatedly and now my toes are bruised from the footwork. Even with the beautiful pointes Zayn bought me, I haven’t come out unscathed, and will need to soak my feet as soon as I get a chance.

“River said that he’s a cool guy, but a hard taskmaster.”

“Yeah. I really like Sebastian too. He’s down to earth and non-judgmental, not to mention a really beautiful dancer,” I say, taking a tray from Clancy and loading it with tuna salad, a bread roll, and a bottle of water. Clancy helps herself to a slice of pizza, an iced doughnut and a chocolate milkshake. My girl loves her junk food. Not that it matters, we burn off the calories as soon as we consume them, but after years of eating junk food because it was cheap, I choose to eat healthily now.

“Hey, I’m sorry Tiffany’s giving River shit,” I say, nudging her and jerking my chin at River as he enters the canteen looking thunderous. “Poor guy has his work cut out for him with that bitch.”

“You did hear me then,” Clancy replies with a wink. “Oh fuck, he looks pissed off. I think he was supposed to be meeting Tiffany for a rehearsal this lunchtime. Looks like he’s been stood up. Why am I not surprised?”

River spots us in the queue and gives us a little wave, but another female dancer starts chatting to him, preventing him from coming over right away. Clancy makes a little growly noise, like a puppy practising to be a guard dog. “Who the fuck is that, and why is she pawing at my man?”

I laugh. “Ease up, Clancy. Pretty sure River only has eyes for you.”

She huffs, folding her arms across her chest and narrowing her eyes. “Don’t tell me to ease up, Pen, you know as well as I do that you’d scratch out her eyes if she were doing the same to one of your guys.”

“Yeah. Point well made.”

In my pocket my phone vibrates with a new message. I pull it out, and quickly open my group chat with the Breakers. Next to me Clancy’s attention is fixed on River and his new admirer.

Xeno: We’ve been called to Rocks tonight.

Me: About the delivery?

Zayn: Yep, Jeb wants to make sure everything’s in order.

York: Cocksucker

Dax: I’ve checked the delivery. It’s all there.

Xeno: And the placebo?

Dax: D-Neath’s swapping the required amount as we speak. I’ll package them up and call Hud. He’ll send a courier to collect them and hand them over to Interpol to bag up as evidence.

Zayn: Good. We’ll deliver the rest to Rocks tonight as planned.

York: Has Hudson been informed?

Dax: Called it in just now. I’ve let Grim and Beast know too.

Xeno: Good, and so it begins.

I read the exchange with trepidation. I knew this was coming, but the reality is so much harder to stomach. This is dangerous and I’m scared. Clancy looks from River, who is still chatting to that chick on the other side of the canteen, to me.

“Please tell me you’re having a sext chat right now. I bet those Breakers are dirty as fuck!” she says, trying to peer over my shoulder. I press the phone to my chest.

“It’s private!”

She pulls a face but doesn’t push me to show her. “Spoilsport,” she counters.

“But you still love me, right?”

“Yep, like a shitload.” Then she turns away and gathers second helpings of everything on her tray, presumably for River. My attention flicks back to the messages on my phone.

Me: Please be safe.

Dax: Always.

Xeno: Tiny…

Me: Yes?

Xeno: We’re going out tomorrow night. I’ll pick you up at 7pm.

Me: Isn’t there gangster shit you need to be getting on with? Besides, I have a dress rehearsal at Tales tomorrow night before the reopening next week.

Zayn: We settled it with Grim already.

York: Yep. Rehearsal tonight, tomorrow night you’re ours.

Me: Okay, I’ll call a cab to get me to Tales.

Dax: Beast is picking you up. I squared it with him.

Xeno: The fuck he is.

Dax: Chill man. Beast loves Grim. Besides I’d rather it was him looking out for Kid than some dodgy fucking cab driver.

The three bubbles seem to turn over forever, and someone behind me in the queue mutters “Hurry the fuck up,” under their breath.

“Patience is a virtue,” I snap, catching up with Clancy who’s moved a few feet further along in the queue.

Xeno: Fine. This time only.

Dax: Dress up.

Me: Dress up?

York: Yeah, tomorrow night. Dress up. Adele is singing at Jewels.

“What the fuck?” I squeal, slamming my mouth shut when Clancy gives me a curious look.

Me: Don’t joke.

Zayn: No joke, Pen. Adele is gonna be singing.

My heart races and I have to stop myself from doing a happy dance. I’m going to hear Adele sing in the flesh! She grew up in Tottenham in the borough of Haringey, a stone’s throw from Hackney. Another kid who made good on her dream.

Jesus fucking Christ.

“Oh man, here he comes,” Clancy says, nudging me with her elbow. I glance over at River who’s now striding towards us looking stressed as fuck, and my heart sinks a little. He’s had it rough these past few weeks, and it makes me feel guilty.

Me: Can I invite Clancy and River? Tiffany has been giving them shit.

I hold my breath and wait, half expecting the answer to be no, but I care about River and Clancy a lot and they deserve a night out after everything Tiffany has put River through recently. Not to mention Clancy who’s had to deal with the bitch most of her life.

York: I don’t see why not.

Xeno: Sure.

Me: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!!! Can you tell I’m excited! Argh!!! I love you all. Be safe tonight, okay?

Zayn: Right back atcha Pen.

York: Love you too, Titch.

Dax: Love you, Kid.

Xeno: Everyone delete this message.

I smile at Xeno’s abruptness, my thumb hovering over the delete button when three floating bubbles appear once again.

Xeno: I love you.

I smile, then press delete.

“I’m telling you, Clancy, I’m gonna knock your sister out one of these days. She’s being a complete fucking bitch!” River complains the second he’s within hearing distance.

Clancy pulls a face. “What has she done now?”

“How about not turning up for any of our goddamn rehearsals for a start. Today’s the last fucking straw. She no longer has a partner in me. I’d rather concentrate on the group dance than be fucked over by your sister one more time. She can go fuck herself. After lunch I’m going to speak with Madame Tuillard and explain my situation.”

“Oh shit, I’m so sorry, River,” Clancy replies, pressing her hand against his chest.

“It’s not your fault. You’re not responsible for her actions. She’s a spoiled little bitch and you’re the complete opposite. You’re my little tapper.” His eyes soften as he looks at her.

My little tapper? I hold in a giggle at the affectionate nickname. I mean I can hardly talk. I’m known as Kid, Tiny and Titch….

“You keep talking sweet to me like that and a girl could get used to it,” Clancy replies, her cheeks blushing pink. He grins at her then meets her lips with a kiss as she pushes up onto her tiptoes.

“Oy, oy! You two wanna get a room?!” Someone in the canteen jeers as their kiss deepens. I flick my gaze away from their public display of affection whilst Clancy lifts her middle finger to whomever called out and then jumps up into River’s arms, continuing to kiss him passionately. I chuckle. There she is, my little exhibitionist. By the time they pull apart, all flushed cheeks and lust-filled eyes, the whole canteen is cheering.

Clancy smiles broadly, and so does River.

“I’m sorry about the whole Tiffany situation,” I say to him.

“Hey, it’s not your fault. You were always supposed to dance with Dax anyway. Besides, I’m still a winner. I’ve got my little tapper right here.” He grins at Clancy who presses another kiss against his mouth before he lowers her back to her feet.

“Come on, let’s eat. I’m bloody starving,” Clancy says.

We pay for our lunch then find a seat in the canteen. Ten minutes later, with a full belly and a grin spreading across my face at the affection between my two pals, I mention Jewels nightclub.

“Wait, you know the location of Jewels nightclub? Fuck me, that’s like the best kept secret in the whole of London.”

“Yep, I do.”

“How…” She narrows her eyes at me, then widens them suddenly. “Wait a minute, that’s where Zayn took you on the date wasn’t it? You were cagey as fuck about where you went and now I know why. That’s like THE MOST exclusive club in London ever. The rich and famous party there,” she explains to River, happiness flooding her face as she bounces excitedly in her seat.

“Cool,” he replies, shaking his head and laughing at her enthusiasm.

River isn’t the type of guy to be easily impressed by exclusive clubs or famous people. He’s the type of guy who takes people at face value regardless of their background or baggage. I love that about him. He’s not judgemental in the slightest. River is one of the few people at the Academy purely here for dance and doesn’t give a flying fuck about fame and fortune.

“I wasn’t being cagey about it,” I protest with a smile, and a roll of my eyes. “Just because I didn’t want to give a blow-by-blow account of what went down doesn’t mean I was being cagey.

“You so were!” she retorts with a huff, then waves her hand in the air and squeals in excitement. “I can’t believe that you’re going to Jewels nightclub tomorrow night. You lucky bitch. Who are you going with? Zayn took you the last time, so I reckon it won’t be him again.” She taps her chin thinking hard. “Ooooh I bet it’s gonna be my partner in crime, Yorky baby. That sneaky little bugger has been cagey all week. Plus, the guy is like a bitch in heat… Oh, wait, what’s the male version of that?”

“I’ve no clue,” I reply.

“It doesn’t matter,” she says, waving her hand in the air again, and batting the rogue thought away. “I bet he’ll be ramming his dick inside you the second he gets a chance.”

“Clancy!” River exclaims, shaking his head at her crudeness, but smiling through it all. He looks at her just like my Breakers look at me. There’s no doubt he’s in love with her. My heart warms.

“What, River? She’s dating all four of them. The whole bloody Academy knows that just the same as you. I just want to know who’s drawn the lucky straw tomorrow night, that’s all.” She grins mischievously and River rolls his eyes in mirth.

“We’re all going together,” I reply with a grin.

“All four of them are taking you on a date to Jewels nightclub. Oh my god, girl. I’m so jelly.”

“Yep, and by all, I mean you two as well—”

“Wait, what?” Clancy sits up straight, her curls bouncing around her head as she moves. “Girl, you better not be pulling my leg!”

“I’m not. You two have been working as hard as the rest of us and putting up with Tiffany’s shit more than anyone. You deserve a night out. It’s going to be amazing!”

Clancy squeals then throws herself across the table, pulling me in for a hug and kissing me like an overzealous mother would a toddler who’s just managed to piss in a potty. “Oh my GOD! I fucking LOVE YOU, girl!” she cries, dropping back in her seat and turning her enthusiasm towards River who is shaking his head and chuckling.

“And that’s not the best part of it,” I say, unable to hide my own excitement now.

“What’s better than this?” Clancy asks.

“Adele’s going to be singing.”

“Shut the back door!” Clancy screeches loudly, capturing the attention of a few of the dancers sitting at tables close by. She stands upright, her chair scraping across the floor noisily as she starts doing a little tap sequence.

“Shhh, keep it down,” I say, placing my finger over my lips and tugging at her arm so she sits back down. “This is a speakeasy club, totally exclusive and there are rules,” I hiss, grinning mischievously.

“Rules?” she asks, her eyes wide and her smile growing.

“Yep. You can’t tell anyone the location, it’s top secret. It remains exclusive because everyone signs a non-disclosure agreement when they enter…” I lie, loving how gullible she is as she nods her head and promises not to tell.

“Well shit, now I’m even more excited.”

“Is that even possible?” River says dryly, winking at me when she elbows him in the side.

“Shut up,” she whispers. “Adele is my idol. I love her.”

“Since when,” River replies.

“Since forever! Just because I haven’t told you that yet, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.”

“Well, you know what this means?” Clancy says, her smile widening even further.


“A shopping trip. We need new outfits, girl!”

River groans. “Count me out. The last time I went shopping for clothes with you I ended up with leather hotpants.”

Clancy bursts out laughing and throws her arms around his neck, planting a kiss on his cheek. “Don’t even pretend you don’t like them.”

“I didn’t say that. I’m just not coming this time.” He presses a kiss against Clancy’s mouth then untangles himself from her arms. “I’m going to go see Madame Tuillard. Catch you later?”

“Sure, babe,” Clancy replies, waving him off before turning her attention back to me.

“So motherfucking Adele, huh?”

“Yep, motherfucking Adele.”

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