Breakaway: An Accidental Marriage Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

Chapter 22

“I still don’t think this is a good idea.” Nevaeh purses her lips and pets Happy, who sits on her lap.

Glancing at her, I reach over and ruffle the dog’s smooth fur. “There’s no way I would’ve fit in your car.”

She rolls her eyes. “You make it sound like you’re so big.”

“I am.”

Her gaze darts to me, and an adorable pink hue spreads across her cheeks. Why am I not even surprised that she’s thinking about my dick?

With a clipped exhale, she starts to grin. “Sorry I don’t believe you, Roman. I need proof.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll get it,” I tell her, knowing it’s a bad idea. Fucking her would complicate everything, open the door for inevitable heartbreak. It would be another brick in my wall of reasons to hate myself. As if that wall’s not high enough already.

“Looking forward to it,” Nevaeh murmurs, a seductive smile lifting her lips. Looking down at Happy and then out the window, she turns to me. “At least stop the car away from Travis’s building. Please.”


Once my BMW is parked, I put my hand between Happy’s ears and pet him tenderly. He’s a good boy, playful and friendly, and it was really nice having him around, taking him out for walks and just playing with him.

“I think you should get a pet,” Nevaeh blurts out, and I meet her gaze, looking at her skeptically. “I’ll be home when you’re at away games.”

Something happens to me when I hear her call my apartment home. A long-forgotten warmth envelops my whole body. I haven’t felt that in quite a while, even at my parents’ apartment. Everything changed when Maks died. The word “home” lost its meaning, and the apartment turned into just a place I spent time between hockey and sleep.

Nevaeh makes it feel different. Brings up emotions I thought I’d never feel again.

“Roman, what do you think?” I blink and squint at Happy, still perched on her lap.

Is her suggestion tempting? Yes. Will I go for it? No. Our marriage is only temporary. When summer comes, she’ll leave me, probably hating my guts and cursing the day she agreed to go to Vegas with me. I’ll be lucky if she’s still talking to me after this.

Making her fall with me into the pit of my self-loathing isn’t something I plan to do. She’s so much better than I’ll ever deserve.

“Nah, I don’t think I’m ready for the responsibility.”

Nevaeh narrows her eyes, studying me in silence. With the quickest shrug, she unbuckles her seat belt and opens the car door. “I’ll change your mind.”

As if I don’t have enough problems without any pets.

Getting out of the car, she holds Happy close to her chest. “Say bye to Roman, Happy,” she chirps, raising the dog’s paw and waving it at me. “Who knows, maybe next time we’ll have a little kitten for you to play with.”

My jaw drops, and I just blink at her. This girl…I swear, she drives me crazy. Not only with her beauty, but with her wit and her smart mouth. Laughter spills from her lips, and she winks at me, closing the door and putting Happy down on the sidewalk. They stroll away from my car and head toward her ex’s building.

Realization dawns on me. Before now, I hadn’t really thought about where she’s going. Memories from the first time we met flash in my head, when I watched her walk to this building and disappear behind its closed doors. Venomous jealousy finds its way under my skin, fueling my veins and poisoning my thoughts. It’s not like I don’t believe her when she says she’s over him…I just don’t trust him.

I don’t think someone can turn off their feelings like magic. I never could. No matter how much I tried.

To distract myself, I take out my phone and send a message to my mom. I need to tell her about my marriage. Once the season starts, I’m sure the news will get out. Maybe even earlier, as soon as preseason rolls around. I’m running out of time, and the longer I wait, the more disappointed she will be. And I truly hate making Mom upset; she’s been through enough with Maksim’s death and my father’s. I don’t want to add more worries onto her already full plate.


I have some news any chance we can talk today?

Instead of an answer, my mom decides to FaceTime me. Ochen’ v maminom stile⁠1.

“Hey,” I say, plastering a smile on my face.

“What news?” Her eyes, the same color as mine, are narrowed, a deep wrinkle between her brows.

“Gotta love your approach, Mom. Srazu k delu⁠2. No excuses,” I joke, my cheeks suddenly feeling hot. Okay, I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous…not even when Mom caught me and Maks smoking our grandpa’s cigarettes one summer, when we were ten.

“It’s your fault. I’m still recovering from your teenage years, so messages like that one give me an instant headache.” Mom laughs heartily. “What’s going on?”

“Remember how I went to Vegas?” She nods, tucking her curly blonde hair behind her ears. I take a deep breath and confess on an exhale. “I got married there.”

Mom is staring at me, unblinking. Pressing her palm to her forehead, she twists her lips in a scowl. A trickle of sweat slides down my spine, and I shiver uncomfortably. I prefer the yelling version of her over this one; her silence makes things a thousand times worse.


“Roma…” She sighs, shaking her head. “Ty chto s uma soshel⁠3?”

“Definitely not. I’m just…I went to Vegas to distract myself, to get a break from my nightmares. When I asked Nevaeh to join me, it was just to keep me company. And everything was fine until we got drunk and got married. I still don’t know why we did it. Like, I have a few ideas, all of them are based on her ex, but they’re just a guess. Neither of us can remember shit from that night.”

“And you’re still married?” Mom asks, and I nod curtly. “From all the Hollywood movies I watched, I know it’s possible to get an annulment. Why didn’t you do that?”

I put the phone in its stand and rub my face with my palms, mulling over my answer. Lowering my hands to the steering wheel, I peer at Mom and explain to her my reasons. Slowly, without any rush. I need her to understand.

“Hockey. It’s always about the damn game,” Mom states once I stop talking. “Have you even thought about this girl? What is her name again?”


“Have you even thought about Nevaeh? Or are you just thinking about hockey and your career?”

“Mom, she agreed. I didn’t⁠—”

“Trust me, Roma, if I would’ve been told that someone’s future depends on me agreeing to stay married to them for a year, I would’ve agreed too. That’s what good people do.” Mom purses her lips, glaring at me from under furrowed brows. “Does she like you?”

“Yeah, but⁠—”

“Do you like her? And I swear, Roma, I’ll know if you lie. Do you like your wife?”

My wife…The words light up my skin like a burning match; a sizzling heat spreads from my cheeks down my neck. I wrap my hands tightly around the steering wheel, clenching my teeth.

“I do. I like her a lot.”

Mom watches me, puffing her cheeks out in anger. I wait. Every second of her silence makes me more and more nervous.

With a loud sigh, she tilts her head, her eyes softening. “Then don’t fuck it up. Please.” She smiles gently. “Sometimes we get something we desperately need when we least expect it. Maybe Nevaeh is that for you.”

I swallow down the words that are threatening to spill out. About me being a fucking disaster, how I can’t be anything more than Nevaeh’s worst nightmare. That I’m like King Midas, but instead of turning things into gold, I poison every good thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life. I’m something no one can cure…not even the girl with the most beautiful smile.

“I know that look,” Mom says. “You deserve the world, and it’s time you realize it. Live. For you and for him, Roma.”

“Did you miss me?” My head swivels right, and I gawk at Nevaeh, who’s climbing into my car. “Sorry it took me so long, I…” She falls silent, glancing between me and my phone.

“Is that Nevaeh?” my mom asks, switching to English and bringing my attention back to her.

I reach over to my phone and adjust it so Mom can see Nevaeh.

“Yeah,” I confirm. Nevaeh’s eyes round, her cheeks sporting an adorable pink shade. “Nevaeh, this is my mom.”

“Hi,” she whispers, waving her hand awkwardly. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

“You too. I’m Iryna. Sorry, it looks like my son forgot how to introduce people,” Mom says, and Nevaeh giggles, her features relaxing. “I’m really sorry Roma dragged you into his mess, but I’m also grateful. Thank you so much for being there for him. The past few weeks haven’t been easy for him.”

Nevaeh sneaks a glance at me. “I’m happy to be there for Roman.” Then she peers at my phone, smiling affectionately at my mom. “And he didn’t drag me into anything. It was my decision, and I don’t regret it.”

“I’m happy to hear that,” Mom says with a broad smile on her lips. “What are you two up to, anyway? Isn’t it your last day before training camp starts?”

We talk some more until Mom says that it’s time for her to take Adele for a walk. After I hang up, my whole body feels light. It’s easier to breathe, and my mood is good. I don’t think there’s anything in the world that can spoil it. I not only told my mom about my marriage, but I also introduced her to Nevaeh…and it went a thousand times better than I could’ve imagined. They seemed to like each other.

“Ready to go home?” I start the engine and peek at Nevaeh. She’s still smiling, looking absolutely irresistible with her blonde hair spilling over her shoulders and her makeup-free face.

“Your mom seems like an amazing person,” she says. “I didn’t expect to meet her like that, but…I’m glad I did.”

“I’m glad you did too.” Without giving it much thought, I reach over and take her hand. “Thank you, Malyshka.”

She threads her fingers through mine and squeezes. “Always.”

I’d be lying if I said I don’t enjoy having her hand in mine.

Opening the door to the apartment, I let her in first. My hand is on her lower back. It’s like I haven’t been able to keep my hands to myself since the moment she got in my car. Touching her, talking to her, making her laugh. Anything to see that gorgeous smile on her face, the one I know she wears only for me.

“I have something for you,” I tell her, leaning down to her ear. “I wanted to give it to you yesterday, but I forgot because of Happy.”

“Another gift?” Nevaeh turns around, walking backward and holding my gaze.

“I wouldn’t consider it a gift.”

“Then what is it?” She arches an eyebrow, her hands on her hips, drawing my gaze to the perfect curve of her body.

“Wait for me in the living room,” I mumble and bolt to my room, quickly pulling the plastic folder from my drawer and retrieving the document.

When I’m back in the living room, I see Nevaeh sitting on the couch. Phone in hand, she types something, chewing on her bottom lip. My eyes roam over her body, her white cotton dress sticking to her like a glove and emphasizing her narrow waist, and round tits. A need forms in my lower abdomen and hardens my dick in no time.

This is a terrible idea, Roman, my inner voice warns me. I know it is, but I never have been super rational. Especially when it comes to the most stunning girl I’ve ever seen.

“Here it is,” I say, plopping down beside her and almost groaning with discomfort. Sitting with a hard-on hidden behind my fly is not pleasant at all.

Nevaeh locks her phone, puts it on the couch, and takes the paper from my hands. She reads it as I prop my head on my knuckles, watching her reaction. Lifting her eyes, she sweeps her gaze over my face, a little crease between her eyebrows.

“So it’s really official. I’m your wife now,” she mutters quietly. “How did you get our marriage certificate?”

“Made a quick stop in Vegas on my way home from Mexico.”

“How quick?” Nevaeh asks, placing the certificate on the coffee table.

“Just long enough to get the certificate and head back to the airport for my flight home.”

The room plunges into silence the second I shut my mouth. We stare at each other, the tension becoming heavier with each breath I take. My heartbeat skyrockets, and I ball my hand tighter to stop myself from reaching out to her.

“You know…” Nevaeh scoots closer to me. Her sweet scent envelops us both, and her hot breath warms my cheek. “It’s still not real, even if it’s official.”

Forgetting my better judgment, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her to my lap. “What do I need to do to make it real?”

“Fuck me, for starters.” She presses her forehead to mine. “And to make it really real, give me an orgasm.”

I smirk, hauling her up from the couch. “One isn’t possible without the other.”

“You’d be surprised⁠—”

I catch her bottom lip between my teeth, silencing her. “Not with me,” I state and head to my bedroom.

If this is a mistake, I’ll deal with it later. For now, my wife needs attention.

A lot of attention.

1 Очень в мамином стиле. — It’s very much like Mom.

2 Сразу к делу. — Straight to the business.

3 Ты что с ума сошёл? — Are you out of your mind?

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