Breakaway: An Accidental Marriage Hockey Romance (Sinners on the Ice)

Chapter 13

Stifling a big yawn, I step into the elevator with a few colleagues from other departments. They chat about some new club they’re going to on Friday, while I just lean against the wall, exhausted. Last night, I got about four hours of sleep, and I could barely open my eyes when my alarm went off this morning. Even if I hoped to feel more productive and awake after I got to work, it didn’t happen. Five cups of strong black coffee did give me a boost of energy to make it through my workday. But once that boost was over, I crashed.

“Dammit.” I cover my mouth with my palm, yawning loudly.

The elevator comes to a stop on the sixteenth floor, and the second the doors open, I regret not taking the stairs. Travis and one of his colleagues, Viraj, walk inside, talking about some code they’re trying to fix. I don’t move, silently praying my ex won’t notice me.

I have no idea what I’ll tell him if he asks where I’m living.

When the elevator stops at the underground parking garage, I linger, waiting for everyone else to walk out first. Purposely dragging my feet, I follow people out, keeping my eyes on Travis’s broad shoulders in a white tee ahead of me. Please don’t let him see me.

The moment he looks over his shoulder, our eyes meet. His eyebrows hit his hairline as he gapes at me in surprise. I give him a small smile and zip to my car, the clicking sound of my heels echoing through the space. Just a few more steps and I⁠—

“Nevaeh, wait!”


Halting in my tracks, I turn and see Travis hurrying in my direction. He stops a few feet away from me, a gentle smile playing on his lips. He’s always been the kindest man, even if things are shitty. His gaze roams over my face and slides down my body; I shift awkwardly, crossing my legs at the ankles.

“Hey, Trav,” I say hoarsely. My mouth is suddenly dry.

“Hey.” He exhales, hiding his hands in his pockets. “How are you?”

“Good. You?”

“Okay, I guess. Getting used to a new routine has been weird.” Travis shrugs. “Did you take some time off? I haven’t seen you for a few days…since you…”

I look away, glancing at my car and then bringing my gaze back to Travis. “It’s my first day back after a week off.”

“Oh, that makes sense. I was worried you decided to quit because we work in the same building.”

“That would be pretty extreme, even for me.” I chuckle, and his smile becomes broader.

“Did you find an apartment? I’ve heard the market is tough right now.”

“I got lucky. I found something affordable in a good neighborhood,” I lie.

“Where is it?”

“It doesn’t really matter. It’s just temporary.”

His face lights up, and I suddenly realize the twisted meaning of my words. At least, I realize how he could’ve mistaken them. I’m giving him false hope again. Exactly what I wanted to avoid.

“I’m really happy you found a place to stay. I’d have hated if you⁠—”

“Trav, I’m so sorry, but I need to get going. Angie’s back from France, and I promised her a sleepover.”

“Oh, well, then…tell Angie and Drake I said hi.”

“Of course.” I take a step back, putting more distance between us. “Bye.”

“See you around, Nev.” His voice hitches, sounding hopeful, while all I want is to disappear. I certainly didn’t think it through when I broke up with him and hoped time apart would help him move on. How is that possible if we work in the same building and, knowing Travis, he’ll be trying to see me?

I deserve a master’s degree for my excellence in the art of creating problems.

Even once I’m in my car, Travis still stands where I left him. His eyes are glued to me, and the longing in his gaze, one I know so well, makes me uncomfortable. He doesn’t look like someone who’s ready to forget about his ex. Not even a little bit. Fingers crossed, he’ll never find out about my marriage to Roman. It would be a disaster if he did.

“I’m so, so happy for you!” I hug Angie tight as the aroma of vanilla and cinnamon surrounds me.

Closing my eyes, I let my imagination run wild, trying to figure out what she’s been baking. It’s a game we’ve played since graduation. Any time I caught her experimenting in the kitchen, I would guess what new recipe she was trying her hand at. The woman can do no wrong in my opinion, and she always has the most delicious food I’ve ever tried. Nothing really compares to it…maybe Roman’s cooking.

That was the dumbest thought ever, Nevaeh.

“Thank you, Nev,” she whispers, moving away and settling comfortably on the couch.

My gaze falls on her little baby bump, perfectly pronounced under her red tee, and I reach out my hand and press my palm to it. An overwhelming wave of warmth washes over me, causing my throat to tighten. Happy tears form, and I wave a hand in front of my face to stop them from spilling.

“I feel like the most extra person ever,” I mumble, sniffling.

“You’re not extra.” Angie laughs, covering my hand on her belly. “You’re just my best friend.”

“And you’re my soon-to-be-married best friend, who’s going to have the most beautiful babies in the world,” I tease, making her laugh even harder.

“I’m not so sure about the ‘soon’ part.”

“What do you mean?” I ask, picking up my glass of wine from the coffee table.

“The season starts soon, and we won’t have time to plan everything before that. I think we’ll wait till summer.” She shrugs. “It’s not a big deal, honestly. If I’m not meant to become Drake’s wife before our baby is born, so be it.”

Taking a sip of my drink, I look around the room. My thoughts are in shambles. The things I want to share with Angie hang on the tip of my tongue, but I have no idea how to start the conversation. I tap my fingers on my glass, the nervous rhythm echoing the rapid beat of my heart. It’s Angie, for fuck’s sake—why am I so afraid to open up to her? She’s never judged me.

The sound of a door opening and closing brings me back to reality. I tense, listening to paws slapping the tile. A moment later, Cooper appears in the doorframe. The dog tilts his head, watching me, and it feels like he’s smiling. His tail is wagging, and I can’t help but grin in return.

“Hey, Coop,” I say and shift my gaze to look at Drake. He stops beside Cooper, an open smile gracing his features. “Hey, Drake. Congrats on your engagement!”

“Hey, Nev. Thanks.” He smiles at me, pushing his curls out of his eyes. “I’ll take Coop to wash his paws, and then we’ll be in the bedroom. It’s girls’ night. I don’t want to be in the way.”

I frown, pinching my eyebrows together. “You’re not in the way.”

“Okay, okay, I’m not. I just have a book I’m dying to finish, and it’ll give you the opportunity to gossip without me around. Win-win situation, if you ask me.”

Angie mouths I love you to him, and he winks at her. My insides constrict; it’s becoming harder to breathe. Their love for each other makes me all dizzy and fuzzy, filling me with love and affection. I’m levitating; my skin ignites with the happiness they make me feel. If I ever have even the tiniest ounce of the love they have, I’ll be over the moon.

“How’s Trav?” Drake asks, peering at me. His deep brown eyes reflect kindness, and the smile curving his lips is gentle. And yet I feel like I’m center stage under a spotlight, getting ready to give a speech.

I forcibly swallow a gulp of wine and lower the glass to the table. Straightening my back, I glance between Angie and her fiancé, and then just say on an exhale, “We broke up.”

“What?” Drake mutters, his eyebrows lifting.

But his surprise is nothing in comparison to the gloomy look on Angie’s face. She sighs. “I knew something was wrong.”

Drake pushes himself off of the doorframe and heads to the couch, sitting down beside Angie. They both stare at me, making me fidget in my seat. A huffing sound from the doorway diverts my attention to Cooper. He lies down on his belly and puts his head on his paws, as if waiting for me to explain myself. With a click of my tongue, I focus on Angie and Drake and tell them about how I walked out of Travis’s apartment after I discovered the ring.

“Well, that sucks,” Drake says, patting my knee sympathetically. “But if you weren’t happy, then it’s for the best.”

“Thank you, Drake. But the hardest part is that Travis is dead set on us being end game.” I shake my head. “I saw him today after work…and I’m afraid he’ll think there’s still a chance we’ll get back together.”

“What are you going to do about it?” Angie takes my hand in hers, her eyes wandering over my face. “What if time apart⁠—”

“Time apart won’t change anything for me. Besides, things are way more complicated now. It’s better if I keep my distance from him. If Travis knows what happened—he’ll hate me.”

A loud huff from the doorway makes all three of us turn our heads to Cooper. “Dammit,” Drake exclaims, jumping to his feet. “I forgot to wash his paws. Coop, I’m so sorry.” Drake bolts out of the room, and the dog happily follows him.

Taking a deep breath, I meet Angie’s gaze. She’s watching me with a pensive expression on her face. Her dark green eyes remind me of lasers, because I feel like she sees right past my bullshit. She leans forward and grabs an apple slice from a plate. Her silence makes my skin itch. She knows there are things I’m not telling her.

“What happened after you left Travis?” Angie finally asks.

I close my eyes and rest my head on the back of the couch. Without looking at her, I start talking. I tell her about the hotel I stayed at, about Sam and his offer, about Roman suggesting I stay at his place while he goes to Vegas.

“Dammit, Nev.” Angie lightly slaps my forearm. “Dammit!” I open my eyes and stare at her, biting my bottom lip. “I’m so happy Roman found you in the club, that he was there and that he noticed you. I don’t even want to think about what could’ve happened if he hadn’t been there.”

“I know.”

She moves closer and hauls me to her chest, hugging me so hard my breath hitches. I wrap my arms around her, clinging to her like my life depends on it. She’s my sunlight, always guiding me through the darkness and helping me find my way whenever I feel lost. And it would be a lie to say I don’t feel lost.

I need her.

“Did you find an apartment? Or are you still staying with Roman?” she whispers.

“With Roman,” I answer, and Angie leans away. “I’ll be staying with him for a while.”


“Because I went to Vegas with him.” I lower my voice, holding her gaze. “We got wasted, and now we’re married.”

Angie’s eyes round into saucers. Perplexed, she gawks at me in silence. Clearing her throat, she blinks several times to get rid of her shock. “You’re married to Roman?”

“You’re what?” Drake’s voice tears us apart. Angie and I turn to see him frozen in the doorway. “You’re married to Roman? Pashkevich?”

I nod, my hands becoming clammy. “It’s an absolutely insane story, and we still don’t remember why we decided to do it. But yeah, Roman and I are married. And if Travis finds out…I can’t even imagine how much it would hurt him. I want him to move on because we’re not right for each other, not because he hates me.”

“Why don’t you get an annulment?” Drake comes closer and sits beside Angie again. “I’m sure neither you nor Roman want this marriage.”

Shifting, I cross my arms over my chest. The ache in my heart becomes stronger. I like Roman—a lot, actually—and the fact that he doesn’t like me is a bitter pill to swallow. I haven’t figured out how to deal with it yet, and Drake’s words slice right through me, hurting me even more.

With a lift of my shoulder, I explain what happened once we went to the chapel, that we agreed to stay married until the season is over. I tell them how Roman suggested I live at his apartment, and how he told me that whenever I feel like I need a way out, we can get a divorce.

“I don’t feel obligated to stay, but…I want to help him. Plus, it works for me.” I twirl the stem of my glass between my fingers. “We’re like roommates.”

“I kinda see his reasoning.” Drake shakes his head, pulling Angie to his side. “To have all the attention on you when the season is just starting is a pain in the ass. Especially if that attention is about him getting wasted and marrying a random girl.” His eyes zip to me, and he winces. “Sorry, Nev.”

I laugh, but it comes out bitter. “You have nothing to be sorry about. He did marry a random girl. One he doesn’t even like,” I blurt and look away, noticing Cooper walking into the room. I beckon him with a hand, and he comes closer, wagging his tail. “Hey, Coop. You’re such a good boy, aren’t you?”

Angie and Drake continue to stare at me, but I don’t pay them any attention. I just focus on petting the dog. I need time to collect myself. Anything to stop them from asking questions about Roman and our arrangement.

There’s something I’ll never mention to them. One more reason why I want to stay by his side and help him. Hearing him scream and cry in his sleep broke my heart.

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