Breakaway: A Coach’s Daughter College Sports Romance (Beyond the Play)

Breakaway: Chapter 46

I FLOP AGAINST THE BED. This is going to be the best period orgasm ever or a total disaster, and while I hope it’s the former, the latter seems more likely.

Cooper comes back with a towel and spreads it over the bed. Then he coaxes me out of the ball I’ve curled into once more, with gummy bears as a bribe. “Do you want all your clothes off?” he asks as I shove a couple into my mouth.

“Just my bottoms, I think,” I say when I’ve swallowed.

He pulls off his sweatshirt and jeans, so he’s just in a t-shirt and underwear, then settles on his side next to me in the bed. It’s a tight fit, given the fact it’s just a twin, but we’ve made it work plenty of times already. He leans over and kisses me.

“Lift your hips for me, sweetheart.”

My face feels like it’s literally aflame as he pulls down my sweatpants and panties. I press my legs together, but he just curls his hand over my thigh. “Let me see. Want me to just touch your clit and keep the tampon in? Or should we take it out so I can finger you?”

“I want your fingers,” I admit. “I can always run to the bathroom and take it out.”

He kisses me again, softly, and reaches between my legs. “I’ve got it.”

I tense as he pulls on the tampon string. He goes slowly, kissing me all the while, and I’ve never given much thought to whether this would be sexy or just plain awkward, but somehow, he manages to make it the former. Maybe it’s the fact he’s man enough not to be embarrassed or grossed out, or maybe it’s the way he strokes my hair as he looks down at me. I’d swear there’s love in his eyes, but I’m probably imagining it. He replaces the tampon with two fingers; I gasp against his mouth. He bites down on my lip, as gentle as the way he’s fingering me, and gives my clit a long, sensual stroke.

“Talk to me,” he murmurs. “Is this good?”

I nod, then remember my voice. “Yeah. I feel really… full.”

“Good.” He curls his fingers, making me cry out. I swear, his fingers are like magic; he knows exactly how to hit my g-spot. He keeps working my clit with his thumb, and soon I’m trembling, unable to hold back the whimpers.

“Shh,” he says. “I’ve got you. You’re such a good girl, Penny, letting me take care of you.”

I sniffle. I don’t deserve this, but I’m going to ride it as long as he’s willing to give it.

“Cooper.” I reach my arms up around his neck, pulling him into another kiss. “Babe, I need…”

“Tell me, gorgeous girl. Tell me and I’ll give it to you.”

Tears leak out of the corners of my eyes. Maybe my period is making me more emotional than usual, but how can I not react to words like that, said so quietly they couldn’t be for anyone but me if they tried? I kiss him so hard our teeth scrape together, but he gives as good as he gets—and understands what I wanted anyway, a third finger, stretching me in the most delicious of ways. I buck my hips, seeking just a little more contact, a little more friction, and he rewards me by rubbing my clit faster. Orgasms always come quickly when I’m on my period, and it doesn’t take long at all before I bite down on his shoulder, riding out a climax that has me shaking. He jerks when I bite him, laughing against my hair, and the sound goes straight to my core.

“Fucking hell, Red.” He keeps moving his fingers inside me, pressing his lips to my temple. “Can you give me one more?”

“Not sure,” I say with another gasp.

“I think you can.” He looks down at me; from this angle and the low lighting, his eyes look like the sky before nightfall. I blink, holding his gaze. There’s an almost feral glint in his eyes, like he’s looking at the sexiest woman he’s ever seen, and his voice has that rough edge to it that I’ve noticed when he’s about to come. “Relax and let go for me.”

I break apart while looking at him, while tears slip down my cheeks, while my heart races in my chest. The orgasm roars through me, stronger than the first, and I think I shout his name, but I can’t hear myself over the buzzing in my ears. I think, distantly, that Mia better be wearing headphones, and that makes me giggle.

He pinches my thigh. “What’s got you laughing so hard?”

“Just Mia. I hope her music is loud.”

He pulls his fingers out carefully, like with the tampon, and wipes them on the towel. The embarrassment rushes back when I see how messy I made him, but he shakes his head at my blush. “None of that. I came, you know that? Came in my pants like I’m fourteen again and watching porn on my phone under the covers.”

I choke on my laughter. “No fucking way.”

We clean up together; not for the first time, I’m grateful for the private bathroom. The cramps haven’t gone away entirely, but they’re less vicious than before. Cooper insists on carrying me from the bathroom back to bed. He settles me underneath the covers, turns on the heating pad, gives me the gummy bears and my water bottle, and finally climbs in beside me, balancing his laptop on his stomach.

“Something weird happened earlier,” he says as he queues up the comfort movie I requested, The Princess Bride. He’s never seen it, and I just know he’s going to get a kick out of Wallace Shawn’s character’s exclamations of ‘inconceivable!’

“Weird how?”

“Remember how I left my uncle that voicemail?”


“I think I saw him.”

I pause with a gummy bear halfway to my mouth. “What do you mean, you saw him? He didn’t call you back?”

“No, he hasn’t said anything, but he was sitting in the stands during practice. Left before I could get a closer look.” He shakes his head. “At least, I thought it was him. I don’t get why he’d just drop by suddenly without saying a word.”

“Maybe your dad knows he was there?”

He snorts. “Hell, if he does, he’s actively plotting how to get him back across the country.”

I cuddle against him, and he puts his arm around me. “I hope it is him. I know you miss him.”

He just nods, pressing play on the movie. “I’d rather have him around than my father, I’ll tell you that.”

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