Break the Day (Nightstar Book 1)

Chapter 19

They got back to Kyr-Toryl ten weeks after they had originally left, and all the snowing was giving way to rain instead, the snow on the ground melting slowly but surely, the cold only properly intense now during the night. And while Fennrin liked that winter was slowly coming to an end because he didn’t enjoy the cold, much, it did fill him with anxiety. Because soon, a new war might break out.

And he could tell Ainreth was thinking about this too, no matter how much he smiled and chattered about unimportant things. But Fennrin didn’t doubt Ain’s prowess in combat. He was sure they would emerge victorious with both of them fighting together. Fennrin didn’t think his own fighting was that good, but as long as he could grab shadows and snap necks, he would be useful, moon be willing.

As they entered the city again, they were met with a person here or there waving at them or greeting Ainreth, but the atmosphere seemed heavier than when they’d left. Or perhaps Fennrin was just projecting, it was difficult to tell.

After they left their horses at the stables, Petre gave Fennrin the carrier box with Snowflake, excusing themselves as they likely went home. Fennrin couldn’t blame them. He too wanted to go home, very interested in relaxing after such a long trip, but once they got up to the palace, they were stopped by a guard and told to go see Daryan.

Fennrin didn’t really want to force Snowflake to be stuck in her box for longer than she already had been, but they couldn’t just ignore the Herald’s wishes, so they let themselves be led inside the palace where Daryan was once again in the greenhouse.

Fennrin blinked when he saw him turn a plant from green to blue, not aware that a sproutkeeper could do such a thing. The man’s face brightened when he saw them, much like Ainreth’s darkened.

“I hear the trip was a success,” Daryan said, smiling, despite Ain looking like he wanted to call him every insult under the sun.

“I hope so,” Fennrin said, not sure what else to add. Only time would tell how much of an effect this trip had been, but people did seem to see him in a better light now, either way. The farther they’d gotten, the less likely they were to run into people actively fearing him.

“There haven’t been any other protests, if that helps,” Daryan added, his smile growing into a toothy grin. “Good work.” Then his expression darkened. “Unfortunately, Orinovo does seem determined to attack. We tried to communicate with them, and come to some kind of agreement, but the queen refuses to negotiate. And her army is amassing. They will attack any day now.”

Fennrin nodded grimly. He had been afraid that was what would happen, but actually hearing it put him in an even worse mood. He looked at Ainreth as he adjusted his hold on Snowflake’s box, only to see his formerly hateful expression had transformed into a worried one.

“The Bulwark will be sending you to the border wall,” Daryan continued, a saddened grimace on his face. As if he was feeling guilty about it, which was ridiculous. Fennrin had already agreed to defend Lys-Akkaria. And besides, it was his job to protect Ainreth, who, as a general, was definitely coming. There would be no discussion.

“Not today, of course. Even Tysalin must agree that you deserve rest, but as soon as possible. Likely in less than a week.” Daryan shot a curious look at Snowflake’s carrier box when she made a small meow, but he said nothing about it. “I did think of another way of making you look more trustworthy to the common folk, though, Fennrin.”

Fennrin immediately started paying even more attention, incredibly curious what this meant since they’d just spent over two months doing just that. And there was a war on the horizon. Surely they had more important things to worry about.

“Every year, around this time of year, I make a trip around Lys-Akkaria. To show people that the courtiers do care about them, no matter where they live.”

“Don’t you think we have other things to worry about?” asked Ainreth, clearly not bothering to hide the irritation from his voice as he narrowed his eyes at Daryan. The Herald responded in turn, looking annoyed.

“If you would let me finish, general,” he said, his tone flat as he turned his eyes back to Fennrin. “There is still time. You could come with me as a personal guard, and we could head to the border, stopping at towns along the way. It would be a week at most.” Then he smiled again. “Surely, seeing you as a guard for me will help people trust you because they trust me.”

“That…does make sense,” Fennrin said, nodding, once again looking at Ainreth. The lightweaver’s face was stony and unreadable, but he wasn’t saying anything. Fennrin knew Ain didn’t like Daryan, but hopefully, if he really did have concerns, he would say them.

“Great. We will leave in two days, then.”

Fennrin nodded, not exactly thrilled about having to travel around some more—he had spent enough time in a saddle to not want to do it for the rest of the year—but he couldn’t complain or argue. This would be for the best. Especially with assassins around. The sun knew if there weren’t any more, and if there were, they could very well attack Daryan once he was outside of the city walls.

“Can we go now?” Ainreth grumbled, rolling his eyes. It was quite childish, but the petulance did make Fennrin want to laugh. Just a little. He did resist it.

Daryan scowled at him, but nodded, his eyes narrowed. “Yes, I’m sure you have a busy schedule.”

Ainreth immediately jumped at the sarcasm. “That’s right. Fenn and I have a nap scheduled. Goodbye.”

He turned around before anyone could say anything, grabbing Fennrin’s hand and leading him out of the room. Fennrin felt like he should say something, but he didn’t manage to, too surprised by the turn of events to do much other than look over his shoulder as they were leaving the greenhouse to see Daryan waving at him, his expression unreadable.

Fennrin adjusted his grasp on the cat carrier, letting himself be led outside of the palace and to Ainreth’s house, not saying a word. He felt like he should scold Ain a little for being so dismissive of Daryan. They barely knew how this trip was going to work, after all. But a nap with him sounded delightful.

Had Ainreth been planning that the whole time, or had he just said that to get Daryan to let them leave? Fennrin certainly hoped for the former.

Sighing deeply in relief as they walked inside of Ainreth’s house, Fennrin let himself take in the familiar space. He’d not lived here that long, but he had missed it dearly. The place was warm, much to his shock, fire going in the fireplace downstairs, so someone must have been tending to the house, which Fennrin hadn’t been aware of. Though he supposed Ainreth must have paid someone to do these things. He had told him about how every so often there was a military training that required him to leave for a week or two, and that he had to travel around, in general.

“Home, sweet home,” Ain said, grinning at Fennrin. “You can let Snowflake out.”

Fennrin blinked, blushing a little when he remembered that he should do that. He’d momentarily completely forgotten. “Yes, of course.”

He closed the door behind them before opening the wooden box, only for Snowflake to jump out at him and into his arms. Fennrin quickly caught her, laughing as she started to purr.

Ain chuckled, petting her head. “She’s adorable.”

Fennrin grinned at him. “Thank you for letting her live here. I…wasn’t sure.”

Ainreth frowned, looking almost offended. “What do you mean? Where else would she live?”

Fennrin shrugged, putting Snowflake on the floor. She jumped down, fluffing up in displeasure, but she quickly seemed to forget her annoyance at not being petted and held anymore as she began exploring the kitchen.

“This is your home, too, Fenn.”

Fennrin blinked, shocked at both those words and the completely serious tone. “But…it’s yours. You’re just letting me live here.”

Ainreth rolled his eyes, embracing Fennrin and pulling him close. “Liri, don’t be stupid.”

Fennrin wasn’t sure what to say to that. Was he being stupid? Probably. It was just still difficult for him to accept that Ainreth was serious about all of this. That this wasn’t some kind of fling for him. And it wasn’t because of Ain’s history, he didn’t think. It was more that Fennrin didn’t feel good enough for the great Daybreaker.

“You belong here,” Ain said, nuzzling Fennrin’s neck with his nose. “And that extends to your pets. Unless of course you don’t like it here, in which case I suppose we’d have to move.”

Ainreth’s tone was light, joking, but that changed nothing about Fennrin’s alarmed reaction. “W-what? No, I love it here.” He sighed, looking down. “Mostly because this house is yours, though.”

“Aw, Fenn.” Ain grinned happily, picking up his arms so that they were on Fennrin’s shoulders, clasped behind his neck. He leaned in to kiss him, which Fennrin happily returned, even deepening it a little as he poked at Ain’s lips with his tongue, prompting the lightweaver to open up his mouth.

They’d started doing that a lot over their trip, Fennrin realized at that moment. Kissing deeper, longer, until they were gasping for breath. They hadn’t slept together yet, though mostly because that thought filled Fennrin with anxiety, and Ainreth hadn’t brought it up yet.

He wondered if Ainreth would mention it now that they were…home. Fennrin would have to work on using that word without feeling like a leech.

They broke the kiss, panting, still holding each other.

“How about that nap, huh?” Ainreth said, smiling as he let go of Fennrin and shrugged off his coat. Fennrin took a second to once again run his eyes over the sun symbol stitching running over most of the coat’s back. He really did have everything themed. It was ridiculous.

He pulled off his own coat along with the scarf, hanging both up by the door next to Ainreth’s before following him upstairs into Ainreth’s room. It felt so much less strange to be here now that they’d spent every night in the same bed for more than two months, but Fennrin still felt just a little like he was intruding on Ain’s privacy. Still, that was a ridiculous feeling, and he was sure Ainreth would agree if he voiced this thought.

He watched Ain plop down on the bed, stretching out a little as he grinned at Fennrin, gesturing to him to join, which Fennrin did, very eager to cuddle with him. He took his usual pose next to him on his side, laying his head on Ainreth’s chest and his arm over his chest.

“Oh, oops, dammit,” Ain suddenly said, getting up again, much to Fennrin’s displeasure.

“What’s wrong?”

“I forgot to leave some water out for Snowflake. Maybe with a nice piece of bacon,” he said, rushing down the stairs, making Fennrin chuckle. Though he did feel a little bad for also forgetting that. He had simply gotten too distracted with Ainreth, so he was glad at least one of them remembered.

Ainreth returned a moment later, resuming their cuddling, making Fennrin sigh in contentment. He hummed when Ain captured his lips in another kiss, melting a little as he kissed right back.

“Hey, liri?” Ain said when he broke the kiss, smiling at him with hooded eyes. “Do you think maybe we could…you know?” He lets out a shaky laugh even as Fennrin tenses up. Oh, so he was going to bring it up. He supposed it was to be expected. “I don’t know why I’m nervous. I’ve done this plenty.” He pauses, grimacing. “I hope that doesn’t bother you.”

Fennrin shook his head. “Of course not.” He grimaces, looking away. “I just….”

“Hey, it’s all right. We don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Ainreth said, smiling as he stroked his thumb over Fennrin’s cheek. “I mean, if nothing else, the trip over here was long.”

Fennrin shook his head again. “It’s not that. I…do want to. I just….” He takes a deep breath, sitting up and staring at his hands in his lap. “I’ve never…done this.”

Ainreth’s eyebrows flew up in shock as he sat up as well, which just made Fennrin feel worse and more insecure about this whole thing. “Really? Never? Handsome guy like you?”

Fennrin wrinkled his nose. “I’m not that handsome.”

Ain rolled his eyes, shaking his head as he took Fennrin’s hands into his own. “You’re right, you’re even more handsome than that.” Then his expression softens again as he smiles. “But hey, that’s fine. I’ll walk you through it and tell you what to do. It’s easy, I promise.”

Fennrin nodded hesitantly, biting his lip in worry. Ainreth always had so much faith in him, but surely one day that faith had to prove wrong, hadn’t it? And sex seemed very important to Ainreth. So what if Fennrin was actively bad at it?

Clearly sensing his doubts, though, Ain pulled him into a tight hug, which Fennrin returned immediately, his face pressing against Ainreth’s shoulder. “It’s going to be great. You’ll see.” Then he hesitated for a moment. “Assuming you do want to do this. It’s okay if you don’t.”

Fennrin shook his head. “I do want to. Really.”

Ainreth pulled away, grinning ear to ear, so very excited. It was quite adorable. “Okay! So, let me just….”

He turned to the bedside table, rummaging through one of the drawers before bringing out a small, metal bottle. Fennrin blushed. He was very inexperienced, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t guess what was in the little container. Despite that, though, Ainreth decided to explain this, too.

“Oil!” Fennrin’s face grew even hotter at Ainreth saying that. “You know, Petre makes this for me. I don’t know which mushroom it comes from, but I haven’t found anything better. It really is that good. I pay them handsomely, but hey, it’s worth it.”

Fennrin stared at Ain with a raised eyebrow, not sure how to feel about knowing this. It seemed a little strange how enthusiastic Ainreth was about apparently getting oil like this from Petre of all people. His and their dynamic had always seemed so familial to Fennrin. But perhaps he was the one being odd for finding it strange.

“What?” Ainreth asked, grinning with amusement. “Did you think all they make are healing tonics?”

Fennrin shrugged. He hadn’t given any of this much thought before if he were to be honest. He did know Petre was a very good healer, and that most of it came down to their collection of healing mushrooms that they cultivated with their sproutkeeping. But that was about it.

Ain’s smile fell a little. “Are you sure about this? You don’t look very…enthused.”

Fennrin sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I am. I’m just…nervous.”

Ainreth was pouting now, watching him with big, sympathetic eyes. He put his hand on Fennrin’s cheek, rubbing it with his thumb a little before leaning in to kiss him again, his eyes sliding closed. And so were Fennrin’s as he sighed, kissing back, relaxing despite still being very nervous about this, raising his hand so he could run his fingers through the hair on the back of Ain’s head.

This was nice and familiar. Though he couldn’t help but make a surprised hum when Ainreth’s tongue touched his lips, opening his mouth to let him deepen the kiss, venturing out with his tongue as well, groaning a little.

He could feel himself hardening a little already, just from this. Not wanting this was certainly not Fennrin’s problem, of that he was certain. He just couldn’t help but overthink every little thing.

He let out a strangled, muffled gasp when he felt Ainreth’s hand brush against his crotch, breaking the kiss just as the hand began to retreat. Fennrin wanted it back, but he was a little too shocked to say as much.

“Ah, sorry, Fenn,” Ainreth said, grimacing with guilt. It made Fennrin’s heart clench to see it. “I got a little lost in it.”

Fennrin shook his head, leaning in to kiss him deeply. “I like it.”

Ain’s face immediately broke out into a grin, his dark eyes sparkling as he palmed Fennrin’s crotch again, forcing a small whimper past his lips. “I could just use my mouth on you, if you don’t want to fuck me today.”

Fennrin blinked, that last part shocking him enough to get him out of his fantasizing over Ainreth sucking him off. “I’ll…be doing that?”

Ainreth grinned, raising an eyebrow. “I do like to be on the receiving end.”

Fennrin couldn’t help but admit that he was surprised. It hadn’t even occurred to him that he’d be the one to make love to Ainreth, and not the other way around. And he wasn’t even certain as to why. Perhaps because Ain was older? And a general? While Fennrin was…nothing.

If anything, this only increased his anxiety about messing this up. But he truly wanted to do this. It was so very enticing.

“Okay.” He nods, trying to summon as much courage as he can muster, helped by Ainreth once again looking a little unsure. Fennrin didn’t want him to have to backtrack yet again. “What…do I do?”

He had a vague idea, but he wanted Ainreth to tell him. He didn’t want to hurt him, or ruin this in any other way.

Ain nodded enthusiastically, pulling his tunic over his head. “We should get a little less dressed first, I think.”

As Ain laughed, Fennrin only then realized that he’d never seen the other man naked before, certainly not like this. Ain usually slept in the tunics he wore during the day, and Fennrin hadn’t caught more than a few glimpses when he changed.

And now he was stuck staring at his muscled chest and strong arms, the long, thin scar under his collarbone, and— Fennrin narrowed his eyes. “Is that a blighted sun tattoo?”

Ainreth snorted, grinning as he chuckled, looking at his right shoulder where a stark black tattoo was, swirling lines forming a circle, jutting out in a wavy representation of sun rays. “Do you like it?”

Fennrin ignored the way Ainreth wiggled his eyebrows, reaching out to the tattoo and running his finger over one of the black rays. It did look very nice. Highly attractive, also. But if anything, Fennrin was more annoyed by that fact.

“I can’t believe you even have a themed tattoo,” he grumbled, not taking his eyes off it for even a second.

“Hey, maybe you could get something shadowy,” Ainreth suggested, grinning. “That would be really pretty, I think.”

Fennrin shook his head, putting his hand away and wrinkling his nose. “No, thank you.”

Ainreth chuckled, leaning in to kiss Fennrin’s nose. “You’re adorable, liri.”

Fennrin would have gotten annoyed and more than likely embarrassed at those words, if not for Ain’s gentle smile, and his warm, soft eyes. It was almost overwhelming with how much adoration he was looking at Fennrin. Like Fennrin was the most precious thing Ainreth had ever seen.

It made his head spin that someone could feel that way toward him.

As his eyes once more found Ainreth’s bare chest, though, he froze, realizing that he should also now take his tunic off. And prove to Ainreth that he didn’t have much to show off. But he trusted that Ain wasn’t shallow enough to make that into a big deal.

As he pulled the tunic over his head, he avoided Ainreth’s gaze, anyway, though, not brave enough to meet his eyes as he blushed, folding and putting the tunic aside on the bed.

“Look at you,” said Ainreth, his voice almost sounding dazed, which made Fennrin meet his gaze. To his shock, Ain looked absolutely delighted. He looked down at himself, not sure what about his weak arms and still somewhat visible ribs was prompting that reaction. “You got so much better, Fenn. Good job!”

Fennrin just shrugged, not sure what to say to this. He did feel much better than when he’d arrived here, but he felt inadequate next to Ain’s own muscles. But it didn’t seem to deter Ain, who was still looking at his bare chest with…well, undeniable lust. Whatever worked for him, Fennrin supposed.

He flinched a little when Ainreth ran his hand over his chest, not used to any physical contact there, but thankfully the lightweaver didn’t stop, running a thumb over one of Fennrin’s nipples, rubbing, making him gasp as much to his surprise he felt his cock twitch.


Fennrin nodded, too shocked to say anything. He’d never felt like this. Much to his embarrassment, he hadn’t even known that it could feel like this.

“Me too,” Ain chuckled, grinning, his eyes still dark from arousal. “Feel free to pinch any time you want.”

He chuckled a little, clearly only half-serious, but Fennrin found himself reaching out his hand to Ainreth’s right nipple, very curious how he’d respond to pinching it. And he got the answer as soon as he squeezed it, prompting Ainreth to gasp, biting his lip as he groaned a little with such a pleasured expression on his face that Fennrin felt his cock twitch again.

“Uh-huh. Just like that,” Ainreth gasped when Fennrin let go, blinking, still looking a little dazed. “See? You’re getting it.”

Seeing Ain like this was making Fennrin feel things he never had before. He couldn’t even really properly articulate what they were, but whatever it was, he liked it.

“Right. Do we take off the rest of our clothes now, then?”

Ainreth chuckled. “You’re so serious about it. It’s adorable.”

Fennrin blushed as Ainreth kissed his cheek, scowling. “It is serious.”

Ain just laughed again, grinning as he pulled off his trousers, only to reveal that his dark underwear also had suns stitched into it with golden thread. Fennrin tore his eyes from that to give Ainreth a blank look.


Ainreth snorted. “Why are you still surprised, liri?”

Fennrin rolled his eyes, not sure what to say to that. He probably should stop being surprised. Maybe he should instead try to figure out how many articles of clothing Ain had that wasn’t lightweaver themed.

His mind summoned an image of himself smacking Ain over his ass and his blighted, themed underwear, then, immediately making Fennrin blush furiously, banishing the thought from his mind. What in the sun had that been about?

“Are you okay, Fenn?” asked Ainreth, clearly noticing this, but Fennrin quickly nodded, humming in confirmation as he struggled to take off his own trousers to distract himself from what he’d just thought, in his haste grabbing his underwear as well, not realizing until it was too late, and he’d exposed himself and his half-hard cock.

Freezing for a second, he swallowed, deciding to just go with it and took off his remaining clothing off completely, leaving him naked, his skin already breaking out in goosebumps, though he didn’t think they were due to the temperature, given that Ain’s room had its own fireplace, which was lit.

“Whoa!” Ainreth exclaimed, practically drooling as he stared at Fennrin’s cock, though very quickly he wrinkled his nose, grimacing at what seemed to be his own reaction. “Oh, sun.” He snorted, slapping his forehead as he shook his head. “Sorry, Fenn. I’m usually more suave than that. You really make me feel like I’m sixteen again.”

Fennrin wanted to ask what exactly he meant by that, but the words died in his throat as Ainreth took off his underwear as well, fully hard and a little bigger than Fennrin’s. If he could manage to tear his eyes away, Fennrin would have looked down at his own with insecurity, but those thoughts died quickly as well when his mind instead summoned images of his putting his mouth on Ainreth’s cock, almost whining at just that.

And yes, he’d had stray thoughts like that already, but not this intense.

“Like what you see? I sure do,” Ain said, grinning, his face flushed, his eyes dark and wide. Fennrin nodded eagerly, making the lightweaver’s grin even wider as he eyed his cock again, licking his lips. Was he thinking about the same thing Fennrin was?

Then he cleared his throat, looking into Fennrin’s eyes again. “So, um, still want to fuck me?”

A half scoff half laugh made its way out of his mouth, his voice breathy. As if he wasn’t even more eager now than before. He swallowed, his hands shaking a little. “Yes. Of course.”

Ainreth grinned, giving Fennrin a quick kiss. “Right.” He chuckled, brushing his hair back. “Look at me getting nervous, too.”

Fennrin blinked, shocked by this. “You’re nervous? Haven’t you done this…a lot?”

Ain shrugged helplessly. “Well, yeah, but this is different. I didn’t feel anything for those other guys. It didn’t mean anything to me aside from it being a distraction. I don’t even remember most of them. But you….” He sighed, smiling at him with so much joy. “You’re special.”

Fennrin paused, his heart fluttering happily. He always felt so special when Ainreth said things like this. Maybe he was starting to believe him, too.

“All right, let me just prepare myself a little,” Ainreth said, winking as he tipped the metal vial over onto his fingers, slathering them with oil before reaching between his legs. Fennrin watched him stick two fingers inside of himself at once, his eyes going wide, practically salivating at the sight.


Ain paused, pulling the fingers out, frowning. “No?”

“I’ll do it.” Fennrin wasn’t sure where he was getting all this confidence from all of a sudden, but he truly meant it.

“I mean, if you want to skip this, I’m sure I can take you without if you just use a lot of oil,” Ainreth started, apparently completely misunderstanding. “I just like a bit of fingering. Always gets me going.”

Fennrin scowled, taking the bottle of oil from him and pouring some of it on his own fingers. “I said I’d do it.”

He had to pause at how commanding his voice had been just then, just as Ainreth blinked at him, his face growing red, swallowing in what was clearly arousal. Did Ain like it when Fennrin talked like that?

“Well, then, be my guest,” Ainreth smirked, getting onto his knees and bending forward, letting him see his ass properly. If Fennrin wasn’t too distracted by that sight, he would make a comment about being surprised Ainreth didn’t have a tattoo here. Though there was a scar on his left ass cheek.

Fennrin found himself running his finger over it, not missing the way Ainreth shuddered slightly. “How did this happen?”

Ainreth snorts, looking over his shoulder with a smirk. “Shall I make up a dramatic story about fighting Orinovo’s kapetan? Perhaps I fell down a cliff while trying to fend him off?”

Fennrin frowned, tilting his head. “What?”

“Sunray bit me, okay?”

Fennrin couldn’t help but burst out laughing, imagining how Ainreth’s beloved horse bit him in the ass. Ain joined him in laughing, which didn’t help him in trying to calm down. It was just too amusing.

“Is that true?” he gasped out once he finally collected himself, Ainreth nodding enthusiastically.

“She wanted a treat. I had a sugar cube for her but accidentally dropped it. And then I bent down to pick it up.”

Fennrin snorts, shaking his head at this insanity. It was especially ridiculous given what they were currently doing, having a conversation like this while naked, with Ainreth waiting for him to finger him.

That thought sobered him up, his amusement once more replaced with arousal. He looked at his oil-slicked fingers, putting two into Ainreth’s hole, wanting to push them in, but then he decided to rub at it instead. He had to smile when he heard Ain make a whiney noise, his teasing working.

“Uh, y-you’re supposed to put the fingers in me,” he said, sounding a little breathless as Fennrin continued rubbing, now using his thumb to massage the ring of muscle.

“I know.”

Ainreth says nothing else for a moment as Fennrin continues not giving him what he wants, only gasping a little when Fennrin’s thumb almost pushes in before he pulls it away immediately.

“You, um, are a little bossy, aren’t you?” Fennrin stopped touching him, pausing everything, wondering if that was a good or a bad thing. At least until Ainreth looked over his shoulder at him, grinning in a slightly dazed way, his face red, and his eyes half-lidded. “I like that.”

“You do?”

Well, that was unexpected. Fennrin wouldn’t have guessed that either. It seemed Ain still had ways of surprising him.

The lightweaver chuckled and hummed. “I like being tied up, too, but unfortunately I don’t have any rope or cuffs, here.” Then he craned his head to look over his shoulder better. “What do you think, liri? Would you like to do that to me?”

Fennrin swallowed, his cock jumping at the mental image. Even though he’d given no thought to this concept before now, he knew very well what his answer would be. “Yes. I…want to try.”

Ain’s face brightened up further, flashing Fennrin a very happy grin. “It’s great fun!”

Fennrin nodded, his brain summoning more images of Ainreth tied up in various poses. He didn’t know why it appealed so much. He hoped this wasn’t some indication that he was a bad person after all because it truly was incredibly tempting.

“Anyway, um, could you maybe finger me, already?”

Fennrin snorted, almost wanting to deny the request, but his cock was getting slowly but surely uncomfortably hard. They’d best get to the main event.

Once again not sure where he was getting so much confidence from, Fennrin shook his head, deciding to just enjoy it as he pressed three of his fingers against Ain’s entrance, watching them sink inside of him as the lightweaver groaned, clenching down.

“Oh, sun, I don’t know how,” Ainreth said, panting, “but you make even this feel so much better than anyone else.”

Encouraged by this, Fennrin pushed his fingers in deeper, spreading them, pulling Ainreth’s hole wide as he stuck in a fourth finger, too, just to see Ainreth twitch. And he did, whining, bending forward some more so that his ass was in the air, as if to give Fennrin better access, and pushing back on his fingers, trying to get them deeper.

Sunder, he was so beautiful.

Fennrin withdrew the fingers then, prompting a very adorable, very appealing whine of disappointment from Ainreth. Fennrin ignored him, pouring more oil onto his hand, stroking it over his cock and biting his lip as pleasure sparked through him at the touch. He had to stop himself from going too far, deciding that he was slick enough. At least he hoped.

He lined his cock up with Ain’s entrance, pausing before deciding to do this differently. “Turn over. Onto your back.”

Ainreth did as he was told, his eyebrows raised, apparently not having expected that, and soon he settled onto his back, his legs spread, his cock now leaking a little. Fennrin smiled down at him, thinking of another nice addition.

“Put your arms under yourself and lie down on them. That’s close to being tied up.”

Ain grinned, doing just that, raising himself up a little so he could put his arms into position before laying down again, his throat bobbing. Seeing him follow his orders made Fennrin want to whimper as his cock twitched.


Grasping Ainreth’s knees, Fennrin pulled his legs apart even more, kneeling between them. Ainreth picked up his hips a little immediately as Fennrin lined up again, giving him a slightly unsure look, to which Ain nodded with a smile.

And so, despite his nervousness returning in full force, only beaten by his desire to make love to Ainreth, Fennrin pushed forward, breaching Ain slowly with a groan, gasping in pleasure, his eyes rolling back in his head as under him Ainreth moaned.

He couldn’t stop himself, the feeling so much better than he thought it would be, jerking his hips forward, and pushing into Ain much faster than he’d been intending, unable to stop until he was fully inside of him, only then bending forward, his hands running over Ain’s chest.

“Sun,” Ainreth gasped, once again looking very dazed. He was so beautiful like that, lost in pleasure. “Y-you feel so good.”

Fennrin couldn’t help but laugh a little, grinning, too happy right now not to. He groaned again as Ain clenched down on him. “You, too.”

“Sunder,” he moaned, squirming a little. “Please, move.”

Fennrin considered teasing Ain by not moving a muscle, but the urge to start pushing in and out was too much for him to handle, and so he did as Ainreth wanted, groaning as more pleasure threatened to overwhelm him.

Immediately increasing his pace, his hands found Ainreth’s nipples, squeezing at them as he kept fucking him, making the lightweaver jerk and cry out, his back arching up. Fennrin wasn’t sure how long he was going last like this, but he hoped it would be long enough.

Still, feeling himself rapidly getting close, one of his hands found Ainreth’s cock, starting to rub at it as he kept pushing in and out. Ainreth cried out again, his own hips thrusting as Fennrin kept going, barely holding himself back now.

But just a moment later, Ain finished with a cry, spilling over Fennrin’s hand and his own chest and stomach, clenching down on Fennrin in a way that made him unable not to join him, groaning and panting, his heart hammering away.

Dazed and unsteady, he pulled out, laying down next to Ain, kissing his shoulder, which Ainreth responded to by pulling him closer, and kissing his forehead.

“Moon,” he muttered, sounding in awe. “That was amazing, liri.”

“I-it was?” Fennrin asked, shocked that Ain would use such strong words. He agreed, but he’d assumed that was only because he’d never done this before.

Instead of confirming it, Ainreth kissed him, soft and sweet, making Fennrin melt, his eyes sliding closed, his body pleasantly tired. For now, the battles looming in their future didn’t matter.

All he could think about was Ain. And how in love he was with him.

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