Break Me (The Wolf Hotel Book 2)

Break Me: Chapter 27

I’m far ahead of Henry, rushing through the emergency room, my stomach in knots.

Jed hasn’t updated me.

He hasn’t responded to my messages.

I know my phone’s working because Ronan and Connor have been texting me, but Jed has not.

I fear the worst. That my father has died and Jed doesn’t want to tell me over the phone.

A nurse kindly points me in the direction of the emergency room waiting area.

The first person I see is Reverend Enderbey. His back it to me, but I’d recognize that short-sleeved button-down and summer vest ensemble anywhere. Jed’s mom, a tiny blonde woman, stands next to him. They’re talking with a man in doctors’ garb. Jed and Mama are on the other side of him.

Jed’s eyes widen when he sees me. “Abigail!”

“Oh, thank God!” Mama exclaims, her short brown curls matted, her eyes red rimmed.

My stomach sinks. Bernadette Mitchell doesn’t cry. Ever.

They must see the panic on my face because Jed rushes for me, arms up. “No! It’s okay! He’s out of surgery. They think he’s going to be okay!”

What? I process this as Jed scoops me into his arms. I offer no resistance. “But…. Why didn’t you call?”

“My phone died and nobody in this hospital has a freaking cord!”

That’s a fair excuse, given he’s been here all day. I hadn’t even thought of that. “So, he’s going to be okay?”

“Yeah, we think so. It’s still early but it’s mainly a lot of broken bones. One of his lungs collapsed and he ruptured his spleen, but they said it’s a miracle that it wasn’t worse.”

I crumple against Jed’s chest as tears of relief overwhelm me.

“Come here, baby girl.” Mama waits with her arms open wide. She’s still in one of her floral nightgowns, which looks a lot like most of the dresses she wears anyway—long and flowing and covering her girth. I dive into her arms, happy to be consumed by her overbearing presence as we listen to the doctor answer our questions.

Surprisingly enough, it feels good to be home.

“We didn’t expect you until tomorrow, Abigail,” Reverend Enderbey says.

“I know. I lucked out.”


I pull away from Mama long enough to search for him with my eyes. I find him near the registration desk, talking to an older woman in a suit. She looks like she works here, and perhaps knows him, because she’s smiling and nodding in a friendly way. They part ways with a handshake and Henry’s thanks.

“I’ll be back in a second.” I feel everyone’s eyes on me as I make my way over to Henry.

He offers me a smile. “Good news, I take it?”

“Yeah. It looks like he was really lucky.”

“I’m glad.” His gaze drifts over to where Mama and the Enderbeys wait, his eyes narrowing slightly. At Jed, I assume. “There’s a suite booked at the Wolf downtown, if any of you need to grab some sleep or a shower. They just need to give your name at the front desk.”

“That’s…. Thank you.”

“No problem. I’ll be heading back first thing in the morning. Call Room 4001 if anything changes. Otherwise….” He sighs. “Take care of yourself, Abbi.” He turns to leave.

“Wait!” I’m not ready to say good-bye to him again, even if what we had is done.

I don’t care who’s watching. I don’t care if he’s not okay with this. I throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck in a tight hug, reveling in the feel of his strong, hard body against mine.

With a slow exhale, his arms wrap around me, returning the embrace, his nose grazing the top of my ear. I’d like to think it’s an intentional sign of affection from him. “I’ve gotta go, Abbi,” he whispers into my ear.

Reluctantly, I peel myself off him, and watch his back all the way down the hall.

~ ~ ~

“You should go and get some sleep, Mama. May said there are two bedrooms and a couch there.”

“I’m not goin’ nowhere until he wakes up.” Mama holds Dad’s still hand. They let us into his room an hour ago, and I burst into tears at the sight of all the machines and tubes. Outside, the beginnings of daylight creep into the sky, warning of the coming sunrise.

A nurse strolls in. “How are we doing in here?”

“We’re doin’ just fine. Got my man alive and my baby girl home, where she belongs. I’m counting our blessings.” Tough Mama is back in full force.

The nurse smiles at me as she checks the machines and drips. “It certainly was a blessing. I hear they pulled Dr. Eisenhower out of surgery and threw him right into a helicopter.”

I frown. “You mean he doesn’t work here?”

“Dr. Eisenhower?” She chuckles. “No. He’s out of New York. And he’s considered to be the best trauma surgeon in America. Your father must be someone pretty special to the Wolf family.”

My heart starts racing.

That’s why Henry was talking to that lady in the suit. She was probably the Chief of Staff or something. He must have made that phone call the second he heard about my father’s accident, before he met me on the plane.

Without Dr. Eisenhower, would my father have survived?

“Where you goin’?” Mama glares at me as I grab my sweater and purse.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

“You are not goin’ anywhere, young lady. Your father is going to wake up any minute. He’ll want to see you here when he does.”

“I’ll be back as soon as I can. But I have to go.”

“This doesn’t have anythin’ to do with that man, does it?”

I snort. “That man is Henry Wolf, and he’s the reason I got home so fast, and the reason Daddy had the best trauma surgeon in America.”

“So we can all call him and thank him together, later. Now it’s time to focus on your family.”

I head for the door.

“Just so you know, Jed broke up with Cammie. He’s still in love with you. He’s determined to win you back.”

She obviously thinks that’s going to matter to me, that the news will stop me from wanting to run to Henry.

“Sorry, Mama. Gotta go.” I charge out the door.

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