Bound To The Elf Prince: A Snow White Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 4)

Bound To The Elf Prince: Chapter 6

I quickly slip into my sleep gown and crawl into bed. Pulling the comforter over my shoulders, I snuggle into the sheets. Since I did not sleep at all last night, I will try to at least rest for a few hours before my family calls for me.

I close my eyes, but sleep eludes me. I cannot stop thinking about Prince Caelen’s green eyes baring my soul as he gave me his blade and his vows. My instincts tell me he will not hurt me, but my mind still urges caution.

I’ve heard far too many terrible stories about the High Elves to discount them all.

Our people have been enemies for so long, it is hard to put aside all the mistrust between us and forget the history of bloody wars we have fought.

A knock at my door draws my attention. “Enter!” I call out.

The door slowly opens to reveal my stepmother and friend, Rina. With her long, blonde hair braided and twisted in an intricate style atop her head, she is so lovely. Her pregnancy lends a healthy glow to her skin. She sits on the edge of the bed and gently strokes my hair, brushing it back from my face.

Her hazel eyes search mine. “I know you wish to do what is best for the kingdom, but I would see you happy, Lyana. Prince Fredrik would be an excellent husband to you. He is handsome—”

A chuckle bursts from me. “You seem so intent on selling me to him, I wonder if you wish him for yourself,” I tease.

Her expression falters for a moment before her lips curve up. “Oh, Lyana, do not say such things. You know I only have room for one man in my heart—your father.”

With a heavy sigh, I drop back onto the bed and stare wistfully at the ceiling. “I remember well, Rina, how he took you from me.” I grin and place a hand on her abdomen. “At least I’ll get a sibling out of it.”

“Yes, you will.” She takes my hand. “I will speak with your father about Fredrik if you wish, my dear.”

“No, Father is right. It makes sense for me to marry Prince Caelen. How could I marry Fredrik instead? Knowing that I chose my happiness over the lives of my people?”

Her pursed lips lead me to believe that my answer disturbs her, but I suppose that is because she loves me and wants only the best for my future.

I sit up in bed. “I appreciate you, Rina—really, I do—but I have made up my mind. I suppose all that’s left is to inform Father.”

She dips her head. “Of course.” She squeezes my hand, then stands. “I will see you downstairs.”

When I enter the dining room, I find Father and Rina already there. I take the seat beside him, opposite my stepmother, and he turns his gaze to me. “Now that you have had more time to think about it, what have you decided?”

Father has never been one to mince words, so his blunt question does not surprise me. “I will marry Prince Caelen for the good of our kingdom and our people.”

A pained smile curls Father’s lips as a tear slips down his cheek. “You remind me so much of her. She was selfless like you.”

I swallow against the knot in my throat when he brings up my mother. She died giving birth to my younger sister. Neither of them survived.

Rina’s gaze drops to her plate. I’ve often wondered if she ever feels jealous of my father’s memories of my mother. She has said nothing, but I still worry for her.

I reach across the table and grip her hand. She lifts her eyes to me and smiles.

“So much of who I am was shaped by you as well, Rina.” I glance at my father. “I think Mother would have given you her blessing.”

Rina’s eyes shine with happiness. “Thank you, Lyana.”

Father sighs heavily as he blinks back tears. “After breakfast, I will summon Prince Caelen and his people to the throne room so they may hear your decision.”

I nod before turning my attention to my eggs and toast. Suddenly, my appetite has completely vanished and my stomach twists as dread settles deep in my gut.

Today, I make an important commitment for my kingdom’s future. I only pray that I choose well for us all.

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