Bound To The Elf Prince: A Snow White Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 4)

Bound To The Elf Prince: Chapter 51

As we lie in bed, Caelen slips his arms around my waist and tugs me to him. I nestle even further into his chest, resting my head on his shoulder. “They all love you,” he whispers, and I realize he is speaking of the Dwarves. “I’d always heard they were like dragons. Incapable of loving anything but gold, silver, and gemstones, but it seems I was wrong,” he muses. A smile tugs at his lips. “They tolerate me, but only for your sake.”

I laugh, because it’s true. “Are you not the same toward them, my love?”

“I suppose you are right,” he chuckles. His expression sobers and he nuzzles my hair. “Promise me you’ll stay with Veron.”

“I promise.”

He holds me until my eyes will no longer remain open and I fall into a fitful sleep.

When morning comes, Caelen and I both dress. Neither of us slept much last night. In fact, I doubt he slept at all, judging by the dark circles under his eyes.

He looks so fierce and handsome in his Elvish armor. Like a warrior king of old. He tightens the straps of my armor, making sure it is secure. My heart melts as he goes over it once more after that.

As we stand with King Edwyrd, I allow my gaze to travel over the Dwarves, armored and ready for battle. My heart clenches because I know they do this more for me than anything else.

They could easily keep to their mountain and I doubt Fredrik or Rina would bother them. Instead, they choose to go to war to help me retake my throne and my kingdom. I think on my death foretold by the mirror and only pray that I live long enough to see victory.

I do not want the Dwarves to be left to the mercy of Fredrik and Rina after I’m gone.

King Edwyrd addresses his men and then they begin to march toward the castle. He turns to me, taking my hand. “Your parents would be proud of you. You honor them today. Remember that.”

I swallow against the lump in my throat. “Thank you. And… thank you for coming to my aid when I need you.”

He dips his chin. “We owe you our lives. We’d have starved if not for you. The people remember and they love you for it.” He turns to Caelen, who is observing us from off to the side. He claps a hand on his shoulder. “You, on the other hand, are a bit of a hard sell,” he teases. “Fortunately for you, Lyana has vouched for you with our people.”

A smile tugs at Caelen’s mouth as he nods.

King Edwyrd mounts his horse and leaves to join his men.

Veron stands behind us in his dragon form, waiting.

Caelen gathers me to his chest and crushes his lips to mine in a fiery kiss. When he pulls back, he cups my chin and drops his forehead gently to my own. “You are my heart, Lyana. Whatever happens today, I want you to promise me that you’ll not risk yourself, no matter what.”

“I will be careful,” I promise.

A knot of dread twists deep inside me, but I push it back down, not wanting him to see my fear.

He kisses me again; this time tender and slow. When he pulls back, he touches my face, staring at me with a strange mixture of worry and devotion. “Remember your promise. Stay with Veron. No matter what happens, Lyana.”

“I will,” I whisper softly. “Be careful, my love.”

He presses another tender kiss to my lips before he returns to his horse and leaves to join his army.

I draw in a deep and steeling breath as I turn to Veron and climb onto his back. “Hold tightly to me, my Queen,” his voice rumbles low. “I plan on both of us surviving this day.”

“So do I.”

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