Bound To The Elf Prince: A Snow White Retelling (Once Upon a Fairy Tale Romance Book 4)

Bound To The Elf Prince: Chapter 32

We make our way to the water’s edge, but I am discouraged to realize just how wide the river is and how swift the current. I do not know its depth, but I know it will not be easy to cross, especially for Lyana, who is much shorter and not as strong as a High Elf.

Her eyes are wide as she studies the turbulent water, no doubt assessing the fast-moving torrent with a healthy dose of cautionary fear.

“Can you swim?”

“Yes.” As if reading my concern, she adds, “We have to do this, Caelen. We do not have a choice.”

Panic tightens my chest at the thought of her being swept away. “I’m going to tie you to me, like we did when we went through the narrow part of the tunnels.”

“No,” she states firmly. “It’s too dangerous. If I were to get swept away, I’d pull you down with me. I don’t want you to drown.”

“I am a High Elf,” I counter. “I am stronger than you. The chances of us both drowning while tied together are—”

“More than I’m willing to risk,” she interrupts. She sets her jaw and looks back at the water. “Let’s go.”

She approaches the riverbank, staring transfixed at the current. “It’s too strong, Lyana. We should travel further down and find another way.”

“All right,” she replies. “We’ll—”

A howl echoes through the forest behind us. I spin toward it, scenting the air, hoping it is merely a wolf and not a shifter. I clench my jaw as my nostrils fill with a familiar stench. “Wolf shifter,” I curse under my breath. “We’ll have to cross here. We do not have a choice.”

I take off my pack and quickly rummage through it for my rope. As soon as I find it, I stand and loop it around Lyana’s waist.

“Caelen, no!”

My eyes snap to hers. “Forgive me, my wife,” I emphasize the title. “But I do not care what you say right now. What kind of husband would not do everything he could to keep his mate alive?”

I tie the rope in a firm knot around her waist and then secure the other end to myself. “Give me your pack,” I demand, my tone a bit harsher than I’d intended, but we do not have time to argue. “I’m going to strap them both to my front.”

She does as I ask, and I study the water once more before turning my attention back to her. “I’m going to carry you on my back, but you must hold on, no matter what. Can you do this?”

Her eyes search mine. “Yes.”

“All right. Climb on.” I start to turn my back to her, but her hand on my forearm halts me.

“Caelen, wait.”

“What is it?”

She stretches up on her toes until her face is almost level with my own. She cups my cheek. “I just want you to know, in case anything happens to me, that I’m glad it was you.”

I start to ask what she means but stop abruptly. Her luminous golden-brown eyes search mine and I am lost in their depths. She leans in and presses a tender kiss to my lips.

It is all too brief, and when she pulls back, I am reluctant to let her go. I twine my arms around her waist, and drop my forehead gently to hers.

“I know you did not want this marriage, Caelen, but you have been a wonderful husband. And I am glad that out of everyone I could have ended up with, that it was you.”

She still believes I do not desire this marriage. In truth, I did not. Not at first. But now, everything is different. I’ve fallen in love with her. A human. A woman who has possessed me: body, mind, heart, and soul. “Lyana, I—”

Another howl pierces the air and worry floods my veins. There is no time to tell her all that I want and need to say. My words and feelings will have to wait. I must get my mate to safety. “Whatever happens, do not let go of me.”

She nods.

I turn and she climbs onto my back, coiling her legs around my torso and her arms tight around my neck. Drawing in a deep breath, I start toward the river.

The cool water runs over my feet and ankles and then up my legs as I wade in. The current is dangerously swift as it pulls at my form, trying to drag me into its ice-cold depths.

We’re not even halfway across and it’s already up to my waist. The instinct to lock my arms around Lyana’s lithe form is strong, but I need my arms free to keep my balance as we cross.

The turbulent water threatens to sweep us away, but I fight with everything inside me to keep moving forward.

Another piercing howl makes the hair rise on the back of my neck; this one far too close for my liking. The silver moon shines down from above, casting an eerie glow across the roiling water.

I take another step and the river bottom drops off, plunging us into the icy water. The torrent sweeps us up and drags us down the river. My limbs burn with exertion as I fight against the current, struggling to keep us above the surface.

Panic fills me as Lyana’s hold begins to loosen.

“Do not let go!” I yell over my shoulder.

“I’m—” Her words are swallowed by the water as she loses her grip and the current rips her away. The sharp tug, a moment later, on the rope between us jerks my entire body, pulling me under. My arms and legs flail wildly as I go tumbling along the riverbed, grasping for anything to hold onto.

My hand slams against something solid and I grip it tightly, pulling myself up. The sharp tug of the rope threatens to drag me back under, but I manage to break through the surface.

Gasping for air, I scan downstream for Lyana, but see nothing. “Lyana!”

I brace myself against a partially submerged branch and pull at the rope, but it’s no use. The current is too strong.

Fear stops my heart.

I will die or I will save her, but I will not let her go.

I release my grip on the branch and allow the water to take me, praying that it leads me to my mate.

Hand over hand, I haul on the rope as I’m swept along, the resistance telling me she’s still on the other end. When I bump against her, I wrap one arm solidly around her form, and push off the riverbed toward the surface.

As soon as we break through, I stroke with all my might. Her body is limp even as I hold her head above the surface, and panic threatens to consume me, but I force myself to press on. I have to get us out of the water. My muscles ache in protest as I pump my arms and legs, desperate to reach the shore.

Up ahead I spot a low-hanging branch that extends out from the shore, and into the river. The current carries us toward it and I grab hold.

With one arm banded around Lyana and the other on the branch, I manage to wrap my legs around it and pull us toward the shore. After what feels like forever, my feet find purchase on the riverbed, and I force my body to keep going despite my exhaustion.

I drag us up onto the riverbank, and roll her onto her back.

Her eyes are closed. A blue tinge colors her normally pink lips and she lies with a stillness that stops my heart. “Lyana!” I cry out, watching for her eyes to flutter and open.

But she remains still. Warm tears escape my lashes. “No! I won’t lose you!”

Remembering the time that my sister nearly drowned, I recall how Ruvaen saved her. I place my hands on Lyana’s chest and begin the compressions that I once watched him perform.

Her eyes fly open and I turn her onto her side as she coughs the water up from her lungs.

She draws in great gulping breaths. I pull her into my arms, sending a silent prayer to the old gods for sparing her life.

Gently, I brush the hair back from her face as I study her. Extending my fangs, I bite my wrist to draw blood and then place it over her mouth, sharing some of my life force to help her.

She tries to turn her head, but I protest. “Please. You need strength. You must drink.”

She stops fighting and does as I ask.

When I pull my wrist away, I am glad to see her color beginning to return, but she is still shivering uncontrollably. If I do not get her warm, she could freeze to death.

I push myself up and force my aching body to stand. I loop the packs over my shoulder and gather her in my arms and trudge toward the forest.

I check over my shoulder, satisfied that we don’t appear to have been followed. I look down at Lyana, her teeth chattering as she folds herself into my chest, seeking warmth.

I find a large grouping of boulders and move to the far side, away from the river. I carefully set Lyana on the ground, propping her up against one as I dig through the pack, searching for anything to keep her warm.

Everything is completely soaked and unusable. We need fire. But I—

I stop as the mere thought makes a small flame flicker in my upturned palm. I smile in relief. “We are beyond Eryadon’s borders.”

I close my eyes, summoning the last of my strength and filling my veins with the familiar energy of my magic. It flows through my body, crackling between my fingers like lightning.

Lyana’s eyes are wide as I speak the words of enchantment to create a barrier, concealing us from enemy eyes. In my weakened state, my body sways as I seal it in place. I conjure fire to warm us, the roaring flames providing warmth and light.

As the magic flows through me, my strength begins to wane. My hands shake as I lower them to my sides. This is all I can manage right now, but it should be enough.

I move to Lyana. “Forgive me,” I say as I begin to strip her of her clothes. “You will freeze if you stay in these.”

Unable to speak through her chattering teeth, she nods. I remove mine as well, leaving us only in our underwear.

I avert my eyes, not wanting to look upon her nearly naked form because I know it makes her uncomfortable in even the best of times. But I also know we have no time for modesty as I pull her back against my chest, wrapping her in my body as I curl protectively around her.

I tuck her feet between my calves, angling us as close to the fire as I can. I loop my arm around her waist, locking her in place and molding her to me. She snuggles even further against my chest, and I’m pleased when her shivering begins to ease.

She tips her face up to me, her luminous golden-brown eyes searching my own. “You could have died, Caelen,” she whispers. “Why did you risk your life for me?”

“Because you are mine.” The words leave my lips, full of conviction because it is true.

She is mine.

Mine to love. Mine to protect. Mine to cherish. She is my mate and I am hers.

“Sleep, Lyana.” I speak softly. “You must rest.”

As her eyes close, I gently brush the hair back from her face and study her lovely features, thankful that she lives. “Ashal’veh,” I whisper the ancient Elvish words for I love you.

Closing my eyes, I allow myself to fall into oblivion.

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