Bound: Highgate Preparatory Academy, Book 2

Bound: Chapter 10

After that bombshell, which poses more questions than answers, we all eat a light but delicious lunch of finger sandwiches, more fruit, and some divine mini cakes.

The boys leave Lexi, Ryan, and myself to catch up, sitting on the sofas as we sit round the small table. I tell them all about Highgate, about the crazy amount of schoolwork, and the beautiful Colorado scenery. Lexi almost chokes when I tell her in hushed tones the story of Ash’s party, when I danced for the guys using all the moves she taught me—obviously omitting being tag teamed afterwards by Loki and Jax whilst Ash watched.

She makes me promise to have a girl’s night whilst I’m here, and I just know she’s going to ask me all about the guys, because she’s always been a dirty bitch!

As they’re getting their coats on, Lex suddenly turns, a huge smile on her gorgeous face.

“What are you doing tonight?” she questions, practically bouncing on her toes.

“Um, I don’t think we have any plans…” I start, but she interrupts with a squeal.

“Yay! It’s the Grey’s New Year’s Eve party, you must come!”

“Wait, it’s New Year’s Eve?” I ask, my head spinning as I try to work out what day it is. She rolls her eyes at me.

“You always were clueless, Lilly Bear!” she laughs, pulling me in for a hug. “I’ll tell Grey to reserve you a table. You remember Bom Bidi Bom and Candyman, right?” she whispers in my ear, and it suddenly dawns on me what she’s saying.

A grin takes over my face, which she returns with a wink as she pulls away, and leans back in to kiss my cheek. “Let’s show those boys what you can really do, huh?” she murmurs.


We find ourselves standing in the entrance hall of one of the most exclusive gentlemen’s clubs in London. The walls are painted a soft grey, with matching velvet drapes, and black and white tiled flooring.

A thrill runs through me at being here. I mean, it’s fucking Grey’s! This is where deals that change the course of the world are made, all whilst sipping the finest alcohol, and watching the most gorgeous girls dance, although the latter no longer interests me now that I have the most beautiful woman in my bed nightly. In all our dealings and preparations to take over our roles at Black Knight, we’ve never been invited inside Grey’s until tonight.

“Welcome, and Happy New Year,” a stunningly attractive redhead greets us, beaming but not overly familiar. “Let me show you to your table, Lilly will join you shortly,” she tells us, leading the way to a dark wooden staircase and down to a basement level.

The lighting down here is more typical of what I would expect from a strip joint, albeit a high-class one, being dark and moody, with clearly expensive furnishings, a clean woodsy small and twinkling lights on the ceiling that I think are in the patterns of star constellations. The redhead leads us to a set up in the corner that has dark grey semi-transparent drapes surrounding it, a large circular table in the center, and is surrounded by deep red leather chairs. There are steps that lead up to the table, and I notice that each of the tables are set up the same, all with identical drapes to create a more intimate feel. I like it and my heart beats faster with anticipation of the unknown.

She takes our drinks order, leaving us to seat ourselves. I look around as we take our seats and grin, excited to see what Lilly thinks of our attire. Being an exclusive joint, Grey’s demands high standards from its guests, so we are all wearing black tie outfits, as is the expectation here, and look fine as fuck.

Lilly left this afternoon, not long after Lexi and Ryan, as she said she needed to prepare for tonight. Whatever the fuck that meant. Our drinks are brought to us, and I peer around, fingers tingling with the night to come, whatever it entails.

“Where the fuck is Lilly?” Jax growls out, sipping his soda like it did him wrong. I can’t help chuckling at him, earning a glare which only makes me laugh harder. “Fuck off,” he grumbles, but the corner of his lips lift ever so slightly.

We appear to be the last people to arrive because we’ve not long sat down when suddenly the lights go out, plunging us into complete darkness. My heart starts racing again as the familiar opening beat of Bom Bidi Bom by Nick Jonas starts to sound over the speakers. Spotlights appear in front of the tables, one by one, illuminating girls wearing a variety of black lingerie, standing there clicking their fingers in time to the beat. A wicked smile comes across my lips as I get an idea of where Lilly might be. The naughty minx.

The light in front of our table goes on, and I swear I stop breathing, my heart pausing in its thumping rhythm. Holy fuck.

Lilly stands in front of us, wearing…well, fuck me. My eyes peruse her body slowly, giving me the best kind of torture as I take her in.

She has a jeweled halter bra of sorts on, the jewels swirling around her gorgeous fucking tits, with a small part, just over her nipples, covered with black cloth. There are ropes of sparkling crystals dangling down from her bra to her hips, and I bite my knuckles at what lies there. A jeweled belt lies low on her luscious hips, so fucking low that I’m not sure how the fuck it’s staying up. The sparkling gems swirl, creating a heart type shape right over her pussy, where black silk, that is almost fucking transparent, flows to the ground, scooping down so that her bitable thighs are exposed, and presumably just covering her ass in the back. More ropes of jewels hang from the belt, decorating the outside of her thighs.

I manage to tear my eyes away for a brief second to glance around at the guys. They are all in a similar state to me, devouring her like she’s a meal and we are starving men.

My gaze flits back to her as she ascends the steps, the curtains coming to close behind her of their own accord, creating a magical world where only she exists. The beat changes and she begins to dance for us.

Jesus fucking Christ.

The way she moves her body hypnotizes us, like a snake luring its prey. We are her willing fucking sacrifices, eyes following her every move as she dips and turns, running her hands all over her delectable body. I’m hard as a fucking rock right now, almost ready to blow my fucking load watching this goddess perform for us, and only us.

It suddenly feels very warm even though I can feel the breeze of the air conditioning against my neck, and I pull at my shirt collar, knowing that it’s no good, it’s the fire inside me that burns for this woman that’s raising my temperature.

She catches my eye, giving me the sexiest fucking grin, and a groan slips from my lips when she moves her leg and her skirt splits, revealing a creamy inner thigh. Ash hisses a breath to my right, and I can hear Jax’s growl over the music to my other side.

She turns around, giving me a view of her silk-clad ass as she winds down to the tabletop, going on her knees then spinning round, facing me and moving her body the way she does when she’s riding my fucking cock. Instinctively, my hand goes to my crotch, rubbing my hardness to try and get some relief from this inferno inside of me.

Suddenly, hazel eyes have caught mine, darting down and becoming hooded when she sees what I’m doing. Licking her lips, a wicked, naughty smirk comes over her plump lips, and I just know that what she has in mind may get me in trouble. Fuck it!

Her eyes come back up, and she mouths, “I dare you,” at me. She fucking knows I can’t resist a dare, so holding her hazel eyes with my own, I lower my zipper. She looks down, still moving her body, kneeling on the table. A gasp leaves her lips, that I want so desperately wrapped around my cock, when my dick springs free. I lean back to make sure she has a good view as I spit into my hand, grabbing it in my slicked palm. Shit, that feels good.

Pumping my fist a few times, I can’t help but close my eyes at the rush of pleasure that skitters up my spine. My lids jerk open when I feel something brush my tip softly, to see Lilly leaning over me, her fingers outstretched. She catches my eye.

“Stand up,” she orders, and although I raise my brow, I’m not objectionable to being ordered around in the bedroom. Or well, exclusive strip club.

I do as she says, glancing around to see that with the drapes, you can barely see what’s happening at the tables. All thoughts are cut off when smooth lips give me what I want, wrapping around the tip of my aching cock.

“Fuck…yes…” I hiss, my hand coming up to tangle in her hair, grabbing a fistful and using it to push down slightly.

She follows my lead, taking me all the way to the back of her throat and holding me there, swallowing around my length until my legs fucking twitch. Looking down, I watch as she starts to pull back, taking a breath before sinking down again.

I look up at the others, seeing that they all have their dicks in their hands, stroking to the same rhythm that Lilly is sucking. Even Ash has his out, and I finally get to see what metal he got. Fuck, he doesn’t do things by halves! I catch his hooded gaze, smirking, and he puts his finger to his lips, clearly asking me to keep my mouth shut.

Before I can think of a smartass remark, Lilly does something with her tongue that she knows drives me fucking wild, and I snap my hips forward, burying deep inside her throat.

“Jesus, Pretty Girl,” I exclaim in a whisper-growl, drawing my hips back so that she can breathe before snapping them forward again. I repeat the move until I’m fucking her mouth, and she relaxes, letting me use her.

Shooting stars of pleasure light up my whole fucking body until I feel the familiar burn of my orgasm fast approaching. The possibility of being caught any moment, in one of the most exclusive clubs in the world, has me climaxing so fucking hard I swear I black out.

Ropes of cum coat the back of her throat, and I pull out so that it covers her tongue and fills her mouth too. She looks up at me, eyes watering with her makeup smudged. But to me she’s never looked more beautiful, especially when she opens her mouth to show me my own cum before closing her lips and swallowing it down.

The guys groan around us, and I see Ash quickly put his dick away before Lilly turns her head in his direction. Her chest heaves as she looks at him, and her eyes narrow when he holds his cupped hand out.

“Drink, Princess,” he smirks, his voice a little breathless.

I swear my dick starts to get hard again when she crawls towards him, grabbing his hand and bringing it to her lips. Not taking her eyes off him, she starts lapping at the cum in his palm like a cat with fucking cream, only stopping when it’s all clean, his palm glistening.

“Good girl. Now the others,” Ash commands, stroking the side of her face tenderly.

My breathing quickens as she does his bidding, turning to go over to Kai who holds out his jizz filled palm to her. She drinks that, then moves on to Jax where she does the same thing one more time. Even I hear his growl of approval as she licks his big palm with sure strokes of her pink tongue.

She finishes with one final lick, and I regret not putting my dick away sooner as he’s pretty much hard again. But I guess I can’t spend the whole night with him out. Shame.

I Feel Like I’m Drowning by Two Feet comes over the speakers just as Lilly straightens up and the drapes around our table begin to slowly open.

“That’s my cue,” she tells us, giving me a cheeky wink, then walking down the steps, scurrying off across the polished floor towards a door that Ryan is guarding. He gives us a nod.

“What the fuck is she up to now?” Ash muses aloud, his eyes narrowed on the door that our brunette pixie vanished through.

A devilish smirk lifts my lips, my own eyes going back to the door as I remember the feeling of her plump lips wrapped around my cock, which twitches at the visual.

“Whatever it is,” I start, grabbing my drink and leaning back in my seat, “you know it’ll be good,” I tell him. “And besides, you can punish her later, brother.”


My mouth still tingles from the pounding that Loki gave it earlier, my throat a little sore and my pussy damp and fluttering, Her Vagisty demanding satisfaction.

“Did they enjoy Bom?” Lexi asks, leaning over and helping me to pin the army-style navy blue garrison cap into my forties styled hair.

My lips twitch, and that’s all the answer she needs. She chuckles that throaty laugh of hers, and I get up, surveying my costume in the full-length mirror for the next dance. I’m looking damn fine if I say so myself!

A navy and cream striped bra, which gives me awesome cleavage, with red sequin trim; high waisted navy shorts, with gold buttons that end just along my arse cheek line, with red sequin suspenders; black fishnet tights, and red sequin heels complete the look. My makeup is on point with cherry red lips and sharp cat eye eyeliner.

“Your mum would have been so proud of the stunning young woman you’ve become, Lilly Bear,” Lexi tells me as she comes up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. Tears sting my eyes at her words, my heart beating double time.

“Do you think so?” I ask, a slight wobble in my voice as I catch her eye in the mirror.

“I know so, gorgeous,” she assures me, straightening up. “And I think, for what it’s worth, that she would approve of your harem,” she adds with a wink.

“Lexi!” I scold, my cheeks flushing as she just smirks at me. “Thanks for convincing Grey about tonight,” I say in a more serious tone. “I know he doesn’t usually let underage girls perform.”

“No worries, darling. You’re practically part of the furniture here, and he, like the rest of us, was just so relieved to have finally found you,” she replies, dropping an air kiss on my cheek then sauntering off in her own red sequin heels.

My mind takes me back to entering the club earlier this afternoon, the squeals and tears from the girls, and the way that Grey’s eyes glistened slightly as he looked me over. He’s a man of few words, and when he does speak, people tend to listen, so when he said “Welcome home, Lilly,” I got so choked up I could barely breathe.

Lexi’s right, I basically grew up at Grey’s; apparently, I used to nap the best in a corner during rehearsals with the music turned up full volume. These people are my family, and I’m ashamed that I forgot that fact for a time.

“Time to go, girls!” Justin, who’s been at Grey’s for-fucking-ever shouts, clapping his hands and breaking into my thoughts.

We all start to exit the doors, down the performers’ staircase to the basement, and I can just hear the faint sound of the current song coming to an end as I reach the bottom step. Nervous butterflies flutter in my stomach as the door opens into darkness, and I bounce on my toes in anticipation of what the boys will think when the lights go up.

They looked utterly drool worthy in their tuxes, so much so that it was hard to remember my steps when I danced for them earlier. I don’t have any more time for thoughts of my hot as fuck guys, as the opening bars of Christina Aguilera’s Candyman starts playing, the lights go up, and I run to my table, along with the others, in order to get there on time to start the dance.

I can’t keep the wide smile off my face as I step up onto the table and see my guys’ faces. Loki’s jaw is hanging open, Jax is biting his lip in the most distracting way, Ash is rubbing his jaw, his eyes molten, and Kai’s eyes are full of fire as he takes me in from my cap to my heels.

It’s a quick paced dance, a mix of sensual burlesque moves, pausing in provocative positions, and lindy hop, with some good old sexy dancing thrown in. The true beauty of this number is that we dance in unison, some moves even in perfect synchronicity following on from one another, and as the curtains around the table are open, I see the other girls all dancing with me.

I’m not sure the Knights notice though, their eyes glued to my body as I dance in time to the beat. The look in each jewelled orb is positively feral, like wolves that have spotted their next meal, and my heart starts racing from more than just the dancing. We come to the part of the dance that’s floor, or table work, our legs in the air opening and closing in time to the music.

As the number begins to draw to a close, I keep Ash’s eye, unable to look away as I perform the closing moves. I can’t help the smirk that lifts my cherry lips when he reaches down to adjust himself. I’m still pissed that I clearly missed seeing his dick earlier, and the mystery piercing. And I bet Loki won’t tell me later! Jizzfucker!

My chest is heaving when the song finishes, leaving me in a classic pin-up pose; standing with my knees bent, arse out, and hands on my thighs. I vaguely register the applause around us, watching as Ash slowly brings his hands together, keeping eye contact.

Our stare off is interrupted by two of the serving girls bringing over what looks like chocolate fondue. I look back to Ash, registering his devilish smile as they set it down.

“Thank you,” he says to them, and they bow their heads in return.

The curtains that surround us start to whisper closed, encasing us in our own world again. I look over to Loki, seeing a look of delighted puzzlement on his face that probably matches my own.

“What’s going on?” I question, locking eyes with Ash as he reaches over to grab a strawberry.

“Lie down, back on the table, Princess,” he orders, and his hard voice lets me know that I best obey. Of course, my inner brat decides to make an appearance, unable to help herself.

“Why?” I query. His nostrils flare, but a delighted gleam enters his steel eyes. I hear Kai growl behind me, just as Twisted by Two Feet starts to play.

“For that, you don’t get to come until the stroke of midnight,” Ash informs me casually, taking off his jacket.

My gaze is focused on his hands as he achingly, slowly undoes each silver cufflink, setting them on the table. Then, he rolls the sleeves of his shirt up his forearms and to his elbows, showcasing his beautifully inked arms, leaving me breathless and my cunt dripping. I swallow hard at the arm porn show he’s giving me, hearing his low chuckle.

“Now. On. Your. Fucking. Back,” he orders, all traces of humour gone, and my gaze snaps up to see his are hard and unblinking, his jet black brows lowered over them, screaming that he’s the hunter and I’m the prey.

Unable to keep standing, even if I wanted to, I sink shakily to my knees, careful to avoid the desert that surrounds me. Sitting back, I finally lie down, looking up at the dark ceiling that resembles the night sky, with glittering crystals and twinkling lights.

Kai’s face comes into view, and I notice that he too is without a jacket, his sleeves rolled up. The top two buttons of his shirt are undone as well, and his bow tie is missing.

“See,” he whispers seductively as he leans further forward. “You can be a good girl.” He pulls back, bringing his hands up, and I notice that he is holding his undone bow tie in them. “Lift your head up, darling.”

This time I do as ordered straight away. I wouldn’t put it past them to withhold orgasms all night. He wraps the cloth around my eyes, plunging me into darkness, only the slight glitter of light appearing along the edges of my blindfold. My head jerks slightly as he knots it to one side so that the knot isn’t pressing on the back of my head when I lower it back down.

“Arms up, Baby Girl,” I hear Jax rumble, and my head turns towards his low voice, again doing as I’m told without a fuss.

My heart rate picks up, my breathing coming in short pants as I feel my wrists being bound, presumably with his own bow tie. My thighs rub together, desperate to ease the ache that is building in my core, soaking through my thong and shorts.

“Naughty, Lilly,” Loki croons, grabbing my foot, and bringing my leg up, placing a gentle kiss on my inner ankle that sends shivers skittering across my skin. The move effectively stops me from even attempting to ease the throbbing between my legs, and I whimper.

“Oh, Princess,” Ash tsks, and my head turns to look down, but obviously with the blindfold, I can’t see what he’s doing. “You’ve got forty-five minutes until midnight yet,” he chuckles like the cuntmuffin that he is. “Loki, take her shorts off, expose her pretty pink pussy.”

My breath hitches at his words, a flash of nervous anticipation flooding through me. I mean, I know I just gave Loki head, and there aren’t any more dances planned for me to take part in, but someone could interrupt us at any moment. The thought of getting caught has a rush of liquid seeping out of my cunt.

What I assume are Loki’s hands brush the bare skin at my waist, my skin tingling at the touch.

“Lift your hips, Pretty Girl,” he orders once he’s undone the side zip, and I obey.

Slowly, he pulls them down my legs, managing to get them over my heels without taking the shoes off. I swear that boy has as much of a shoe fetish as I do!

He’ll have to take them off to take the tights off…I start to muse but the fucker just has to prove me wrong. With a tearing sound, that I hope the music covers, he rips open the crotch of my fishnets.

“Don’t you fucking dare!” I hiss, but it’s too late as I feel the crotch of my knickers rip, Loki snapping the thong.

Before I can curse him out, I hear a growl, then feel a wet tongue lick my damp folds from opening to clit, and my hips buck off the table as a deep moan leaves my lips. The action causes more liquid to seep out of my lower lips, earning another Loki growl.

“She’s fucking soaked,” he groans, and I can feel cool air as he blows on my overheated sex.

“Such a pretty pink pussy,” Ash coos in appreciation. “Now, there’s some melted chocolate up there that I’m sure Kai will enjoy,” he tells me, and a fine tremble begins in my limbs at the idea of the burning hot chocolate dripping on my body. “But I prefer my strawberries with cream, don’t you, Loki?” he asks.

I whimper as I feel the cool round fruit being dipped into my dripping cunt, just as someone moves the cups of my bra aside, exposing my pebbled nipples to the air. Ash hums in approval from near my feet, just as my left nipple is tweaked hard, and I cry out.

“What’s your safe word, Lilly?” Kai asks, his voice gruff and full of desire.

“Red,” I whimper back just as I feel a hot tongue slide through my folds again, not sure if it’s Ash or Loki.

“Good,” he replies, seconds before I feel the burn of the molten chocolate hit my sensitive nipple.

I gasp, which turns into a moan as a mouth seals over the bud, a tongue swirling over the sensitive flesh, then sucking the chocolate off. Another burn on my other nipple leaves me panting, a cool strawberry dipping into my cunt at the same time.

I lose all sense of time as I’m consumed, lost in the sensations of hot tongues, cool fruit, and burning chocolate until I’m quivering so close to the edge I can feel myself beginning to fall off.

“Not yet, Princess,” Ash’s husky voice growls out, and I cry out in alarm as all of them stop, leaving me untouched until my thrashing heart starts to slow.

Then, they begin the sweet torture once more, building me up only to stop as soon as I near climax. They repeat this process several times over, swapping places, until I’m a sweaty, sticky mess, aching and pleading for release.

After what feels like a lifetime, the music quietens, and a countdown begins.

“Ten!” voices from outside our bubble shout.

“Ten seconds, Princess,” Ash whispers in my ear, and I jump thinking he was at the other end of the table. He pinches my nipple, tugging it until I groan.


I can feel myself edging closer as a hot mouth covers my other nipple and a tongue dips inside me.


My whole body starts to tingle, from my toes to my teeth in sweet anticipation of the release to come.


“Not yet, Pretty Girl,” Loki cautions, his musician’s fingers teasing my side as he peppers my neck with gentle kisses. He must have swapped places too.


God, I’m so fucking close, my entire body trembling with the need to come.


“Are you going to squirt for us, Princess?” Ash’s husky voice asks in my ear. Fucking hell.


Ten seconds have never felt so fucking long!


“Almost there, darling,” Kai’s melodic voice sounds from the bottom of the table, his fingers teasing my clit. “You’re doing so well, beautiful.”


“I want you to come all over my face, Baby Girl. On the one,” Jax orders, his husky voice and naughty words bringing me so close I can taste freedom.


Thick fingers slam into me as four mouths descend on my body at the same time.




My whole body lights up, only being held down by strong hands as I explode like the fireworks that are no doubt covering the sky in multicoloured light at this very moment. Wave upon wave of intense pleasure crashes through me, and I obey Jax’s command coming all over his face as my liquid release gushes out of me.

Happy fucking New Year.

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