Bound By The Past (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles Book 7)

Bound By The Past: Part 6 – Chapter 2

I’d never seen the appeal of playing golf. If I wanted to hit a target, I shot my gun, if I wanted to exert myself, I chose a sport that actually got my heart rate up, and if I wanted to engage in business negotiations, I preferred to sit down and talk without any distractions.

Yet, I found myself on a golf course in early Spring with Maximo Clark, Giovanni and the old Clark Senior. We engaged in meaningless chitchat for a while, as was habit in those circles, even if I wanted to cut to the chase. I had more important things to do.

The Clark family have been important players in the political game for decades. They were political royalty. Clark Senior, who had been Senator before his son, had a penchant for our underground casinos and the complimentary girls. His son, the current Senator, was a harder nut to crack. Even if his first name was Italian, thanks to his mother, he was wary of intensifying contacts with the Outfit.

“You want to become Governor?”

Maximo Clark leaned on his golf club, a hint of suspicion on his face. He was a born politician, a turncoat and opportunist. I didn’t trust him and he didn’t trust me. “I do, indeed.”

“Your chances are good,” Clark senior said. “We only need the right campaign to give you a push.”

“Good campaigns are expensive,” Maximo said.

“They are indeed,” Giovanni agreed.

I hated beating about the bush, all these veiled hints. Stifling my annoyance, I gave a tight smile. “Money isn’t an issue.”

Maximo smiled, all sharp teeth and condescension. “It can become an issue if it derives from the wrong sources.”

“It’s a matter of interpretation what’s determined a wrong source,” I said. “We have close connections to the gun lobby. They are one of your main sponsors if I’m not mistaken, and some people might argue that their money is blood money too.” I flashed my teeth at him, done playing nice.

His smile became tenser. “I assume you’re hoping for favorable legislation, for influence and the occasional amnesty?”

“That, and involvement. We want to become part of the public eye, of your social circles. We need the light.”

“Some things are better left in the dark,” Maximo said.

“Indeed.” I narrowed my eyes. Maybe he didn’t visit our establishments, but his father and brother did. It would be bad press for him if word got out. No matter how white his vest, his family’s dirt would stick to it.

He was well-acquainted with veiled threats.

“In the long term, we’d like to have one of ours in senate to really solidify our connections.”

Maximo raised his brows. “Yourself?”

I smiled. My name and face were too well known, too closely linked to less savory endeavors. “No. Dario Fabbri is a good option. He’s one of the most capable lawyers in Chicago as you certainly know.”

Maximo’s eyes remained carefully blank. “I’ll have to think about it.”

“Do that,” I said, then glanced at my watch. “I’ll have to head out now. You enjoy yourself.” I nodded at Giovanni and Clark Senior before I gave Maximo another hard smile.

The moment I stepped into the lobby of our home, Val strode toward me, curiosity reflecting on her beautiful face. She looked stunning in a tight pencil skirt and silk blouse tugged into the narrow waistband.

I kissed her. “You look gorgeous.”

Val smiled woefully, turning around so I could see that the top of the skirt’s zipper was open. “This is the last time I get to wear it for a while. It’s just too tight. Even stretch can only go so far.”

I gently placed my palm against her bump, still marveling at this miracle. I hadn’t expected another baby. We’d been trying for so long, but then it happened like a sign from above in the worst period of our life: a glimmer of hope. Our miracle baby.

“How are you?”

Val covered my hand with hers. “We’re both good. She’s moving more every day.”

“Only four more months.”

“Enough of me, tell me how it went?”

My mood dropped.

“That bad?”

“Not bad, but Maximo Clark is a snake. He plays hard to get.”

“He needs our money if he wants to fund his campaigns.”

“Our funds will make things easier. He might be good without them as well however.”

Val pursed her lips. “Can’t you put pressure on him?”

I laughed. “Blackmail is always a good option, but it might be a bad start to our cooperation and he doesn’t have any skeletons in his cupboard. Blackmailing him with his father’s or brother’s nightly activities might hurt his reputation or it might make him look like the noble king.”

“Everyone’s got skeletons in their cupboard,” Val murmured. “And I’ve met his wife a couple of times. She’s out for the glitz, the glamor. She talks about the British Royal family nonstop. She dreams about being royalty herself, about being part of a society other people only talk about. She’s fascinated by our traditions, our weddings. For her, this is like one of her historical romances come true.”

“I gather your lunch with her went well?”

Val’s expression became wicked. “It did. Of course, I told her everything she wanted to hear. She was absolutely enamored by our arranged marriages. She thinks it’s just utterly romantic, like something straight out of a Shakespeare play.” Val imitated the woman’s enthusiastic lilt.

“Romantic. That’s a new take on it,” I said as we headed into my office. We settled on my sofa, my arm around Val’s shoulders.

“From what I gathered, her marriage to Maximo leaves quite a bit to be desired.”

I perked up. “Does he have an affair?”

“She didn’t mention anything. She isn’t that airheaded. She knows how to keep up a perfect public front.”

I stroked Val’s knee that the slit in her skirt had revealed. “Shame.”

Val’s expression became thoughtful. “Her words made me think though.” She hesitated then shook her head. “Maybe my brain’s muddled by pregnancy hormones.”

I twisted around to her fully. “What is it?”

“Anna and Leonas both will have arranged marriages.” She searched my eyes and then it dawned on me and my first knee-jerk reaction was to say no.

“You suggest marrying Anna off to Maximo Clark’s son?” Despite my best intention, my voice shook with protectiveness.

Val bit her lip. “It is an option. I know a traditional arranged marriage isn’t common in the outside world, but the political elite often marries among each other as well.”

I’d met Maximo Clark’s children twice. He had three of them. His oldest son Clifford was Anna’s age, his twin girls a few years younger. They were polite, raised to behave in public.

“She’d be safer in a marriage with an outsider, and if our children married into important political families that would solidify our contacts.”

I tried to consider this from a logical standpoint but when Anna was concerned objectivity was difficult to maintain.

“They know each other. He’s at the same tennis club,” Val said. “I could talk to Anna if you’d like to get her take on things.”

I sighed. “Thinking of promising Anna to anyone makes my blood boil.”

“She can’t stay our little girl forever. She turns thirteen in September. She’s growing up.”

“I know.” Val didn’t look too happy about the prospect of a possible bond between Anna and the Clark boy either. “You don’t look convinced.”

Val smiled strangely. “I’m just being a bit emotional. I wanted a love marriage for our children.”

“Our arranged marriage turned into a love marriage, and so did Ines and Pietro’s. It’s possible.”

“It is, of course, but still.”

“Let’s keep your plan in mind for now and don’t share it with anyone yet. I want to wait for Maximo’s decision regarding a cooperation first. If he refuses to establish stronger business and social connections with us, he certainly won’t agree to a bond between our children.”

Val leaned her head against my shoulder. “I talked to Ines today.”

I tensed. “And?” I hadn’t talked to my sister since she’d thrown us out of their house.

Pietro and I had come to a tentative understanding, and even Samuel had come around to my surprise, but Ines still mourned Serafina’s absence. “She asked about the baby, and when Anna would come to visit again.”

“What did you say?”

“I told her Anna will visit next week.”

Anna would start private school this year for the first time. She’d insisted and I couldn’t deny her any longer. She and Luisa didn’t want to be homeschooled anymore.

“I suggested that we could vacation at the Great Lakes together this July.”

My chest tightened. “And?” I tried to keep my expression neutral, even if it was useless. Val knew that Ines’ refusal to talk to me bothered me deeply.

Val touched my chest. “She agreed. But she suggested the Mione’s family lodge in Barron County.”



As usual, Val’s warm smile set me at ease like few things in this world could.

Pietro, Ines, Samuel, and Sofia had arrived two days ago in the Mione vacation home and had already settled in. Pietro’s Range Rover parked in front of the two-floor timber lodge. I hadn’t seen Ines in seven months, and I couldn’t deny that I felt a hint of apprehension about our first encounter. Leonas and Anna jumped out of the Mercedes the moment we stopped; Anna to dash toward the house and Leonas down to the jetty leading into the lake. Val laughed then awkwardly pushed herself out of the seat, cradling her belly and tilting her head up to meet the sun. I pressed my palm into her lower back, then gave our bodyguards a curt nod. They could settle into the guard house nearby.

“Leonas! Say hi first,” Val called. Leonas dragged himself away from the water with obvious reluctance and ran back to us. He stormed past us and through the front door which Anna had left open. “Just witnessing his energy gives me backlash,” Val said with a laugh. “I hope Beatrice is a calm kid. We’re not getting any younger.”

Hearing Val say our unborn daughter’s name filled me with calm and joy. It had from the first moment we’d decided on it. She who makes happy was the meaning of the name. It couldn’t have been more fitting. She came into our life when everything was in shambles and we seemed to have come to an impasse and showed us that the future still held many wonders and opportunities.

“You’re young,” I said, stroking her back.

Val gave me an amused look. Then her expression became tight as we entered the lodge and followed the voices into the vast living area with the floor-to-ceiling windows sandwiching a fireplace between them and with a majestic view over the lake. It was too warm outside for a fire though.

Anna and Sofia huddled together on the sofa, talking animatedly, and Leonas showed his new Swiss knife to Samuel. Pietro had his arm wrapped around Ines. My sister had lost weight. Her eyes met mine.

She peered up at Pietro who rubbed her upper arm in encouragement. Ines walked over to us. She smiled at Val and touched her belly. “My God, you’re already so big.”

“I know!” Val said then pulled Ines into an embrace.

I went over to Pietro and shook his hand then Samuel’s. “She’s forgiven you,” he said quietly.

I glanced back at Val and Ines. “Because of the wedding?”

The wedding between Remo Falcone and Serafina a couple of months ago had been the scandal of the year.

“She had already forgiven you before that, but the Cavallaro pride kept her from admitting it,” Pietro said.

Ines looked my way and for a moment neither of us moved. In the past it had always been Ines who’d made the first move, getting over her pride more easily than I did, but this time I walked over to her. Val stepped back and greeted Pietro and Samuel.

“Ines,” I said quietly. “I’m glad you agreed for our families to spend our vacation together.”

Ines rolled her eyes. “Don’t sound so official, as if we’re distant acquaintances.”

“In the last few months we were hardly more than distant acquaintances,” I said.

She nodded. “I’m not mad at you anymore. I’m still mad at the situation, but not at you.”

I didn’t say anything. Ines stepped closer and hugged me. “I saw the photos. Fina looked so happy in them. I don’t understand. I never will.”

I touched her back. “Me neither.”

Samuel had taken a couple of photos while he’d attended the wedding. It had been a risky move, one he’d insisted on making. He’d been certain Remo’s feelings—whatever nature they were—would protect him, and they had. Samuel had returned unscathed and with interesting insights into the dynamics of the Falcone clan.

He’d stayed true to his word and not gone behind my back, even if I could guess how difficult it must have been for him to admit Fina had contacted him. Maybe he would have kept it a secret if Remo hadn’t reached out to him as well.

It was a mystery to me what went on in his twisted brain, and I didn’t waste time on it anymore. While war with the Famiglia and Camorra was still going strong, we all resorted to obligatory attacks on our delivery trucks or outposts—for the time being. It was a respite that wouldn’t last forever.

We all had something to lose. Wives, children.

Ines pulled back. “I’m happy for you and Val. I can’t wait to hold my niece in my arms.” She smiled bravely. “And what do I hear about you having political ambitions.”

“Not me. I’m not good at schmoozing others.”

“You prefer to give orders and have them obeyed.”

I tilted my head. “But we’re making efforts to establish bonds with the political elite.”

“It’s just another shark tank, isn’t it? Intrigue is their form of public torture.”

I smiled because Ines hit the nail on the head as usual.

“Dad, can Samuel show me how to shoot a crossbow?”

Val’s eyes widened. She always worried about Leonas but I was glad he was daring. “Sure.”

“Be careful!” Val added as Samuel and Leonas walked outside. Anna and Sofia followed curiously, their heads together as they whispered excitedly.

Val hurried over to me. “A crossbow?”

I chuckled and rubbed her side. “He’ll be fine.”

“Why don’t we settle on the porch and watch the spectacle?” Pietro suggested.

Val didn’t need to be told twice. She wanted to keep an eye on Leonas. We settled in chairs outside but Val practically perched on the very edge. “Don’t stand so close, Anna, Sofia!”

The girls took a few steps away from Samuel and Leonas but Val moved closer. Her pregnancy had made her even more protective.

“She’s overprotective,” Pietro said. “I’m surprised she agreed to have Anna go to school.”

“It was actually her idea. She wants our daughter to grow up normally, or as normal as is possible. And Santino will be with Anna at all times.”

Pietro’s gaze settled on Santino who sat with the other guards in front of their cabin. “I’m surprised you chose someone that young to guard your daughter.”

“He’s one of the best. An attacker will have a hard time getting past him.”

“Still. He’s a good-looking guy.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “He’s ten years older than Anna and she’s a kid. He’s good at his job.” Not to mention that he knew what would happen to him if I ever caught him looking at my daughter with more than professional interest.

Pietro shrugged. “Your age difference to Val is bigger. Danilo made his point very clear when it came to choosing Sofia’s bodyguards. They need to be my age, and he insists she’s being homeschooled, which we’d wanted to do anyway after the thing with…” He trailed off, pain flashing in his eyes.

“Understandable,” I said, allowing Pietro to gather himself. The wound of Serafina’s loss was still fresh. Maybe it would never heal completely. “Anna will probably be promised to Clifford Clark.”

Pietro looked surprised. “Really? His father agreed?”

“He’s open to the suggestion. His wife and father are in favor of the bond, and he enjoys spending the money we gave him as an incentive. It’s not going to be official for a while. We have to see how things go between us but it’s a possibility.”

“I never thought you’d consider marrying Anna to an Outsider.” It was a difficult decision, one I still wasn’t entirely comfortable with, but Val had made a valid point. Anna would be safe in a marriage with a politician. She’d grown up among Made Men, she’d be able to handle a mere Outsider and it would open many doors for her. She loved art exhibitions and music. As the fiancée of a politician’s son who would undoubtedly follow in his father’s footsteps as well, she’d have the opportunity to study art or music.

Anna laughed when Leonas missed his target by several yards and as usual, it filled me the sense of peace that had been absent from my life so often in the past.


Beatrice was born on the hottest day of the summer, in the last few hours of August. As with Leonas I had gone full term.

Returning home with our daughter filled me with relief and joy, especially when I saw Anna’s and Leonas’ excitement over the newest addition to our family. Leonas was relieved over not being the youngest anymore, and Anna was just excited about having a little sister she could potentially dress up.

“She looks like Leonas!” Anna said as she looked down at Beatrice in her crib. “Can I hold her?”

“Here,” I picked Beatrice up and showed Anna how to hold her. When Leonas had been born, she had been too young to hold him.

Leonas watched curiously but made no move to hold her as well. He glanced up at his dad almost questioningly. Dante only smiled but his eyes followed everything closely.

I handed Beatrice to Anna who cradled her carefully. “Oh, she’s heavier than she looks.”

Leonas rolled his eyes.

“Why don’t you hold her too?” I suggested.

He nodded slowly and came closer. Anna proudly demonstrated how to hold Beatrice before she handed her to her brother.

“My heart’s going to explode,” I whispered as I moved to Dante’s side.

“It’s something I never considered in my future when Carla died. I was willing to give up without a fight even if it isn’t in my nature to admit defeat. I’m glad you came into my life and showed me that love is worth taking risks.”

I smiled up at him. “I know you prefer to take safe gambles but I’m glad you bet on me.”

Dante chuckled. “A safe bet you aren’t that’s true. You keep me on my toes, Val. I’ve never met anyone who tests my patience more often than you do.”

I nodded toward Leonas. “Give it a few more years. I’m sure he’ll fight me for the position.”

Dante moved his eyes skyward. “Don’t tempt fate.”

“You don’t believe in fate.”

“I don’t. But Leonas having your temper can only be fate’s way to pay me back.”

“We all just want to keep you young and agile.”

Dante kissed my lips.

“Ewww, can’t you do that behind closed doors?” Leonas shouted, waking Beatrice who began crying. His eyes grew wide in shock.

Dante walked over to him with a stern expression. “Troublemaker.” He didn’t say it angrily and Leonas only grinned as Dante took Beatrice from him.

He rocked Beatrice gently while Anna hovered next to him. Dante kissed the top of her head then Beatrice’s forehead. “Can I call her Bea?”

“As long as she’s this small she can’t really say no,” Dante said with a chuckle.

Anna grinned, her eyes gleaming excitedly. “I can’t wait to dress her up. I’ve seen so many cute plaid outfits.”

“She’s not a doll,” Leonas said.

“You’re a dork.”

Leonas jumped at her and tickled her. She shrieked and tried to shove him off but he was almost her height.

Beatrice mewled. I opened my arms. “My cue to nurse her. You can play referee.”

Dante slid Bea into my arms. “All right. Can’t be worse than listening to Clark senior’s never-ending stories from his youth.”

Dante let Giovanni and Dario do most of the political schmoozing, but on occasion, it was required for us to make appearances, especially on social events. Working our way into certain circles proved challenging, mainly because we were still regarded as more of an oddity or attraction than a part of the scene. Yet, people were curious and that was better than suspicion.

Dante preferred our circles, the directness of them, our rules. He was doing this for our children, guaranteeing a safer future for all of them, especially Leonas, and I was grateful for it. He was a family man through and through, the best husband and father I could imagine.

Bea was down for her nap. At six months old, her naptime routine worked like a clockwork.

Anna and Leonas were in the library doing homework, which would keep them busy for a while.

I knocked at Dante’s office and slipped in without waiting for his reply.

Making time for ourselves had become a challenge with three kids and our social responsibilities, so I made sure to use every chance we got.

Dante looked up with a hint of annoyance then he leaned back. He knew the look on my face.

“How about we go upstairs for a bit?”

Dante pushed his chair back and motioned me closer.

Frowning, I headed toward him. “Are you too busy?”

When I was beside him, he gripped me, turned me around and pulled me down on his lap. He pushed up my skirt then spread my legs with his thighs. Pressing a hot kiss to my neck, he slipped his hand into my panties and shoved two fingers into me. My head fell back as he fingered me.

“What if someone walks in?” I gasped out, but my walls clenched tightly around Dante’s fingers, needing more. I hadn’t even locked the office and while the kids would never barge into our bedroom, they might do it in Dante’s office. His fingers slowed but didn’t stop and he nipped my throat.

“They always knock before they enter. Everyone follows my rules, except for you, Val.” The growly note to his voice made me shiver.

I opened my lips to protest, but Dante flicked his thumb over my bundle of nerves. Soon I was panting and grinding myself shamelessly against his hand and the erection digging into my backside.

“On your knees,” he ordered, pulling his fingers out of me before I’d come.

Stifling my protest, because it would only make Dante tease me more, I turned around and gave him a seductive smile before I sank down between his legs.

I didn’t take my eyes off him as I opened his zipper and took out his cock. Dante’s fingers tangled in my hair as I began blowing him. Dante’s breathing deepened.

Steps thundered down the hall before a half-hearted knock sounded.

My eyes widened and I jerked back. Dante pushed me under his desk and dragged his chair closer to hide his open pants.

“Dad, Anna keeps—”

“Didn’t I tell you to wait until I give you permission to enter?” Dante said sternly. I covered my mouth with my hand, worried my breathing was too loud. Even worse: a hysterical laugh wanted to burst forth, even if the situation wasn’t funny in the slightest.

“Yes, but—”

I stared at Dante’s erection right in front of my face and again had to fight down giggles. This was just too much.

“Is this a matter of life and death?”

“No,” Anna said. “Leonas is just—”

“Then it can wait. I’m working. Are you done with your homework?”

“No,” Leonas began and Dante cut in. “Then you should do that.”

“Where’s Mom?” Anna asked.

“She’s busy.”

I bit my lower lip, sure I’d lose it any moment now.

“In her office?” Leonas guessed.

“Do not disturb her. You need to figure out your conflicts by yourself.”

“Okay,” they said simultaneously. I didn’t understand how Dante could talk to them as if nothing was the matter when our kids had almost caught us in the act. I dug my teeth harder into my lip.

“Now back to your homework.”

“Okay,” Leonas grumbled.

Then steps sounded and the door clicked shut. I released a small breath then laughed quietly against Dante’s thigh. Dante’s fingers tangled in my hair as he pushed his chair back a bit to look down at me. “Keep sucking.”


He gently pushed me closer to his cock. “Suck my cock, Val.”

With an indignant huff, I took him into my mouth and really worked him deeply. Soon my arousal returned full force, the almost blunder forgotten.

Dante’s hips twitched, a clear sign that he was getting closer.


I pulled back and Dante got up, holding out his hand for me. I took it and he pulled me to my feet. “Bent over the desk.”

I began to shake my head but he walked over to the door and engaged the lock. I laughed, couldn’t help it. “That was close.”

He stalked toward me and kissed me hard. “Over the desk, Val.” Pulling my skirt up to expose my ass, I leaned over the desk then smiled coyly at Dante who rubbed his erection slowly. Exposed like this, I felt naughty and impossibly aroused.

He stepped close to me and began to rub his tip over my sensitive folds, up and down, parting me. A low groan rumbled in his chest when he pushed in slowly. I gripped the edge of the desk, my eyes rolling back.

Soon I had to press my lips together to keep in moans and Dante’s grunts became less controlled as well. I was beyond caring. The library was far enough from the office.

“Harder,” I begged, and Dante complied, digging his fingers into my hips. We were both getting closer when Dante moved back. “Turn around,” he said. I slowly rolled over until I lay on my back across his desk. We were creating a complete mess on his papers. I’d never cared less. Since Bea’s birth, we’d made careful love in our bed at night when the kids were asleep. This was the first wild fuck and I craved it like a drug.

Dante hooked his arms under my thighs and jerked me against him, impaling me on his length. He bent over me as he pounded into me and kissed me passionately, swallowing my moans. His jacket caged me in. God, nothing was sexier than Dante taking me fully clothed in his three-piece suit.

The photo frame tumbled off the desk and a pen holder rattled in the most annoying way. I pressed my heels into Dante’s back, arching against him as pleasure radiated from my center into every nerve-ending of my body. Dante groaned into my mouth and twitched inside of me as my walls spasmed around him.

“Wow,” I breathed.

Dante smiled.

Steps thundered down the hall once more, a knock sounded then the handle moved down, but the lock prevented a debacle.

Dante shook his head with an exasperated laugh.

The handle rattled. “Dad?” Leonas called.

“Is it locked?” Anna asked distantly.

Dante breathed into my ear. “Why did you have to hand down your aversion to closed doors to our son?”

I giggled into his shoulder, clenching around him again. He sucked in a quiet breath.

“Dad?” Leonas’ voice became almost indignant. Maybe he thought Dante was playing a prank on him. The handle jiggled again.


“He inherited your stubborn nature as well,” Dante said.

I gave him a look. He straightened and began cleaning himself with a few tissues. I did the same, trying to look halfway decent.

“Dad!” Now Leonas sounded almost angry.

I stifled laughter.

“He’s going to drive me to the brink,” Dante muttered as he smoothed back his hair and straightened his tie.

“How do I look?”

“Thoroughly satisfied.”

I pursed my lips. “Dante.”

“Your hairdo is messed up.”

I peered into the window and let my hair down. It was a mess.

Dante headed toward the door, and I perched innocently on the desk.

The moment Dante unlocked the door, Leonas stumbled inside. When he spotted me, his frown deepened. “Mom, why are you here?”

Anna’s eyes twisted with horror as if she had a suspicion. “Oh man,” she got out. She turned on her heel and stalked away.

Leonas watched her disappear with confusion.

“What’s so important that it can’t wait until I’m done with work?” Dante asked firmly.

“Anna’s done with homework and wanted to dress up Bea. I told her she can’t.”

“That was so important you tried to rip out my door handle?”

Leonas glanced at me. “Anna thinks Bea is her responsibility because she’s the older one, but I’m the boy. I will be the man in the house when Dad’s gone.”

“Already planning my early death?” Dante asked with a hint of dry humor.

Leonas’ eyes grew wide. “No! I mean when you’re out for business. I’m the man then.”

Dante touched Leonas’ shoulder. “When I’m not home, you’re supposed to keep an eye on your sisters and Mom, but that requires that you follow orders, especially the guards’ orders as long as you aren’t old enough to protect yourself and our family. A man needs to know his responsibilities and right now yours is to make your homework.”

“Okay,” Leonas said reluctantly.

He trudged away.

I gave Dante a lingering kiss before I went in search of Anna to see how disturbed she actually was. I found her in Bea’s nursery, looking through outfits. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“Please don’t give me the talk again,” Anna begged, her cheeks turning red. “I just want to pretend you and Dad aren’t doing stuff.”

I bit my lip, stifling amusement. “All right.”

“I’m looking for a cute outfit for Bea for the afternoon. Luisa is coming over and I want to show her how cute Bea is in plaid.”

Anna was growing up so fast. Now her interest in fashion was almost as big as in art. Almost thirteen, my God. Time flew. Sometimes she already drove me up the wall with her first tentative teenage antics.

Bea began squirming in her crib. “I think you’re in luck.”

I lifted Bea out of her bed and she beamed up at me with sleepy green eyes. She had inherited Dante’s blond hair and my eyes, a combination that always got admiring glances.

“This?” Anna held up a plaid dress and a white romper with frills around the neckline. I let Anna change Bea’s nappy and dress her, then took over so Anna could put on a matching outfit.

She came out of her room in a plaid skirt and a beige cashmere sweater, beaming. She looked so grown up then, and absolutely stunning. It was strange to hold one baby girl in my arms while my first baby girl was ready to hit puberty with full speed.

An hour later, I stood on the porch, wrapped in a thick coat and a blanket around Bea and me while I watched Leonas, Anna, and Luisa engage in one of the most enthusiastic snowball fights I’d ever seen. They laughed loudly as they pummeled each other with snowballs. It had snowed all morning and our garden had turned into a winter wonderland.

Anna giggled then shrieked when Leonas’ snowball hit her butt.

One moment half grown-up, the next back to being children. What a strange phase in life, but one I didn’t want to miss. Despite Bea’s need for attention, I was determined to spend as much time with Leonas and Anna as possible. Before I could blink, they’d be adults.

Hands came down on my shoulders and Dante brushed a kiss against my cheek, then pressed another one to Bea’s head. “Isn’t it too cold for you?”

I shook my head. “I’ll come in soon. I don’t want to miss this. Who knows if Anna’s still going to enjoy snowball fights next year?”

Dante wrapped his arms around me. “Already becoming wistful?”

I shrugged. “I just want to enjoy every day, every single second. I’m so happy right now. I want to conserve this exact moment and keep it in my memory forever.”

“So many moments of happiness still lie ahead of us, Val.”

I turned away from the fight to look up at Dante. “That’s my line.” I was the one who always tried to see the positive.

Dante chuckled. “You’ve rubbed off on me over the years.” He kissed me and Leonas groaned loudly. Then cried out in surprise as Luisa hit him in the face.

I shook my head, laughing but then became serious at the look on Dante’s face.

“Fourteen years, and I’m still waiting for the day when you don’t make me love you a little more every second I spend with you.”

I blinked. “That’s a lot of love over the years,” I got out. “But you started on a very low level.”

Dante ran his thumb over my cheek. “I’m not without failure. I’ve made so many mistakes over the years. You and our children aren’t one of them, and every moment of suffering, of pain, of uncertainty was worth it, because it ultimately brought me to this moment.”

“I love you,” I said quietly, trying very hard not to cry. Anna had already suffered one moment of mortification today. If I started bawling in front of Luisa without any apparent reason, she’d experience her second.

Dante’s hold on me tightened. “And I love you, and every day a little more even if it seems impossible.”

“It’s a good thing that love’s infinite,” I said softly. Dante pulled me even tighter against him and Bea beamed up at him. Leonas and Anna laughed boisterously.

Surrounded by endless love. It couldn’t get any better than that.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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