Bound By The Past (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles Book 7)

Bound By The Past: Part 4 – Chapter 1

Part 4 – The Fourth Betrayal

About three years later

I rubbed my temples, trying to ignore the hints of a headache throbbing at the back of my head. Since I’d declared war on the Famiglia a few months ago after Liliana ran off with Luca’s soldier Romero and they killed one of my men, I hadn’t slept more than a few hours per night. I wanted to be a father to Anna who seemed to grow every day but for me to have time for my little girl during the day I needed to work at night.

Soon I’d have another child to take care of, not to mention that Valentina needed my support raising two small kids. I didn’t have any illusions about our future relationship with the Famiglia. After everything that had happened, peace was out of the question. This war would soon become bloodier and more brutal, and I needed to make sure that my family was safe.

My phone flashed with a message from Enzo. I scanned it quickly and stilled, then read it once more.

I think Aria’s in town. She’s in the restaurant.

A few seconds later a photo followed. It was taken from a bad angle and obviously half hidden but I recognized Aria’s face at once. Even her dark wig couldn’t distract from her extraordinary facial features.

“What’s the matter?” Rocco asked carefully.

I considered what to tell him. Aria was his daughter and her appearance here in Chicago in a time of war was a major shock. She was Luca’s weakness, his absolutely greatest weakness.

Should I grab her? She and Val were in the restroom together. Val’s back out but I think they might meet again.

Why had Aria contacted Val? And more importantly, would Val tell me? I really hoped she would. She was my wife. Her loyalty should be for me, not for her cousin, no matter how close they’d been.


I lifted my gaze to Rocco. He was frowning at me, worried. He never talked about his daughters anymore. They were dead to him. It was difficult for me to understand. I couldn’t imagine ever hating Anna like he seemed to despise his daughters. Of course, Anna would be bound by certain rules like all of us were and I hoped she wouldn’t break them, wouldn’t put me in a position that I’d have to force her to bow to them.

Rocco was my Consigliere and he was still Aria’s father. Keeping her appearance from him could cause an uproar if word got out after all. I wasn’t sure what Aria was planning, so it wasn’t unlikely that she’d draw unwanted attention to herself very quickly. Her face was too well known in Chicago. “Enzo just told me about a possible sighting of Aria in Chicago.”

Rocco stiffened in his chair, his eyes widening. “Luca would never allow her to leave his territory.”

“True,” I said. Luca was very controlling when it came to his wife, and every other aspect of his life as well. “I think she might have acted on her own.”

Rocco stared off past me for a couple of moments, his mouth tight. “What about Gianna? I can’t imagine Aria coming up with this idiocy on her own. It must have been Gianna’s idea. She’s always caused trouble.”

I didn’t say anything. Marrying Aria off to Luca was meant to bring peace, but in the long run, the bond had led to so many unfortunate events that had plunged us into a more brutal war than before. “I don’t have detailed intel yet.”

“Did Enzo capture her?”

“I don’t think so. He hasn’t reported back to my order yet. I need to know what she’s up to and if she’s contacting people. You know how long we’ve been looking for the traitor among our own. Maybe she’ll lead us straight to him.”

Rocco nodded. “Capturing the mule is our utmost priority.”

“Will you be able to advise me in this without your emotions getting in the way? I need to be very strategic about this. Revenge takes time and shouldn’t be forced.”

Rocco smiled thinly. “Don’t worry. My only interest is the Outfit. Aria’s a pawn, not more.”

I tilted my head. He sounded certain but I wondered if he wasn’t hiding his true feelings. He certainly desired revenge for the embarrassment his daughters had caused him in his eyes.

“Very well.”

“Once we have her in our hand, Luca will completely lose his mind. He’s obsessed with her. My daughters have a talent to drive men crazy. He’ll do anything we ask, he’ll risk anything, give us anything if we hurt her.”

I leaned back, trying to predict how Luca might react. What would I do if Valentina was in his hands? The mere thought drove me up the wall. I’d do anything to protect Val, to get her back. Would I give in to Luca’s demands? Would I trust him to keep up his part of the bargain? I wasn’t sure. I didn’t trust Luca in the slightest. The only other option would be an attack and try to free Val with sheer brutality. It would be dangerous and considering that it would happen in Luca’s territory unlikely to succeed.

But Luca was even less restrained than me. The second I told him I had Aria he’d be driven by emotions, fury and love equally, and would raise an army to attack Chicago. He would leave a bloody trail. I couldn’t see how he’d go out of this weaker unless I managed to kill him, but until then he’d kill hundreds of my men. And even if I killed Aria, that wouldn’t destroy the Famiglia, it would only make Luca completely unpredictable, unhinged and far more dangerous than he was now. If I was being honest, those strategic thoughts weren’t the only reason why I was hesitant to keep Aria as a captive. Harming an innocent woman went against my convictions, and not just that, part of me actually felt a sliver of obligation to protect Aria from harm. I’d thrust her into the arms of a monster to silence the Golden Couple enthusiasts and avoid marrying close after Carla’s death. Even if Luca treated her well, I didn’t know that back then. I sacrificed an innocent girl for my own selfish reasons. The idea of doing that again, of keeping Aria a captive, disgusted me. Those weren’t considerations I should entertain as Capo. Only the Outfit should be my concern.

“You intend to capture her and blackmail Luca with her wellbeing and life, I assume?” Rocco said when I’d been silent for too long.

“I’ll definitely capture her. What I’ll do with her once I have her, that’s still uncertain. I don’t want word about this to get out.”

“We need to figure out what to do with Aria. Luca is a dangerous opponent, especially when provoked.”

“He is, which is why I don’t think keeping Aria as a captive is the most promising plan.”

Rocco opened his mouth as if to protest but I raised my hand. He probably would have voiced valid objections, but it didn’t matter. I considered alternative options. I couldn’t just let her go. The Outfit needed to profit from her mistake, or my men would mutiny.

“We need to drive a wedge between them, to destroy them from within. If Luca’s marriage breaks apart, the people in the Famiglia who were against a bond with an Outfit woman will rise.”

Rocco narrowed his eyes in thought, then nodded. “Emotional warfare is an option. Luca is raving jealous when it comes to Aria. Maybe he thinks it’s love, but it’s pure ownership. He’d defend his territory at any cost, the East and Aria both. If he thought Aria wasn’t as angelic as he considers her to be, if he feels betrayed by her, he could become an easy target.”

“You want to stage an affair? With whom?”

“Have you ever seen Luca’s expression when someone brought the Golden Couple rumor up?”


“Dante, Luca hates you. You are his enemy, another predator who wants his prey. It would unravel any semblance of humanity he’s put up. The mere idea that you could touch what he considers his will destroy him. This could be our first step toward victory.”

It could be, or it could spiral this war completely out of control. Only time could tell.


After my encounter with Aria in the restroom, I headed back to Bibiana and Luisa, holding Anna’s hand tightly. Enzo gave me a curious look, obviously worried because I had spent so long in the restroom. I hoped Anna would play along and keep Aria’s appearance a secret. If she let something slip around Enzo, I wouldn’t be able to stop him from capturing my cousin and delivering her to Dante.

God, Dante. How was I supposed to keep this from him?

I couldn’t tell him though. The war with the Famiglia wouldn’t give him any choice but to use Aria against Luca, especially when Rocco found out. Maybe he was a clever strategic genius, but I didn’t like him. Since he married that young girl, less than ever. His desire for the girl had ultimately caused the debacle with Liliana.

I sank down across from Bibi who looked up from the drawing Luisa was doing and frowned. She knew me well. I glanced toward Enzo and gave him a tight smile because he still hovered close to me instead of taking his seat beside Taft. He finally retreated and sat down. My eyes darted to the restroom door, wondering when Aria would emerge, but I didn’t dare focusing my attention there.

Bibi raised an eyebrow. “What’s wrong?”

Her voice was a bare whisper.

“Nothing.” Then I mouthed, “Later.”

“Nothing,” Anna echoed with wide theatrical eyes before she smiled proudly at me. I kissed her hair. Louisa grinned at Anna who hopped off the bench and headed over to her friend so they could draw together. Those two were too cute together.

“How are things with your parents?” I asked softly, needing to change the topic before Anna’s excitement got the better of her, or my worry drove me crazy.

Bibi sighed. “They are very unhappy that I’m still unmarried. It’s scandalous in their eyes. They’ve been talking to Rocco. They think Dante needs to stop putting a hand over me. It’s family, not Capo business.” She gave an apologetic smile. “I hope he doesn’t get in trouble because of me.”

“He won’t,” I said firmly. It had taken a long time for Bibi to recover from Tommaso’s abuse. She hadn’t been interested in being with another man, much less someone her parents chose for her again. They’d given her to a monster the first time. I doubted their taste had improved. They were despicable human beings. “Have you considered going on a date? Getting to know someone?”

Bibi’s eyes widened in shock. “You know how it is. It would be a scandal. Even if I were okay with the backlash, I don’t want Luisa to get problems because of me.” She’d lowered her voice and leaned over the table so her daughter wouldn’t hear her but Luisa and Anna were busy anyway.

I touched her hand. “You act like I want you to become some kind of scarlet woman.”

Bibi snorted, and I smiled. “I mean why not go on dates with possible suitors. Or do you prefer to stay alone?”

Bibi sighed, looking embarrassed. “I want to marry. I want love and everything you have with Dante. But I’m not sure it’s something I can ever have.”

“Of course, you’ll have it.” I paused. “Someone asked me about you. If you were already promised anew, or if you might be up to get to know him.”

Bibi stared at me as if I’d told her earth was a disc. “Really? I mean… who?”

I smiled at her reaction. Enzo got up and scouted the restaurant and street once more. I tensed, wondering if Aria was already gone. I hadn’t dared look in the direction of the restrooms to check if she’d left. I hoped she’d change her mind and take the first flight back to New York instead of meeting me tonight.

“Val?” Bibi asked.

I blinked, returning my attention to her. “Oh, Dario Fabbri. You have met him at social gatherings…”

“The head of Dante’s legal team?”

I nodded. “Yes. He’s very intelligent, very poised, and looks quite nice, don’t you think?”

Bibi flushed a deep red. “I never looked at him that closely.”

I gave her a look.

She smiled sheepishly. “He’s nice to look at. He isn’t promised?”

“He focused on his career so far, and as the third son of a Captain, it’s not really that important to be married. His brothers already have more than enough children to carry on the family name.”

“How old is he?”

I frowned. I wasn’t entirely sure. “Maybe thirty?”

“He really asked about me?”

“Don’t be so shocked. You’re beautiful, Bibi, and since he-who-shall-not-be-named doesn’t suck the life out of you anymore, you’ve got curves in all the right places.”

“But I’ve been married before. Surely, he’d rather have a younger, more innocent bride.”

I rolled my eyes. “Maybe he’s like Dante and wants a woman close to him in age with a little experience in life. Who knows? Why don’t you find out for yourself? Meet him.”

Bibi bit her lip. “Maybe I should do it, but can you be there? I don’t think I can meet him alone yet.”

“I’ll be your chaperone, Bibi. No hanky-panky until I say so.”

Bibi burst out laughing, causing Anna and Luisa to look up, surprised.

My heart felt lighter after this. Being with Bibi and Luisa always cheered me up, no matter what had been before, which is why I met Bibi at least once a week, and right now every second day.

After saying goodbye to Bibi and Luisa, Anna and I got into the back of the car with Enzo and Taft in the front. Enzo gave me a searching look through the rearview mirror and I wondered why. “Home now?” Enzo asked.

“Yes, please. I’m tired.”

I cradled my belly. Anna rested her ear on my bump, looking up at me with wide blue eyes. “Is he dancing again?”

I smiled. Leonas had been very wild lately, which led to sleepless nights and back pain, but I only had a few more weeks to go. “He’s asleep now.”

Anxiety tightened my insides when I returned to the mansion. Dante came out of his office and Anna rushed toward him like usual and flung herself into his arms. He lifted her up and pressed her to his chest. Then he walked toward me and kissed me. “Everything okay?” he asked.

For a moment, I thought he knew about Aria but then I told myself that I was being ridiculous. He always asked how I was. I was practically bursting by now. “Leonas and I are fine.”

“How was your lunch with Bibi?”


“Luisa and I painted a jungle. And a tiger, and an elephant! And Mommy and I played hide and seek with—”

“Luisa and Bibi. It was so much fun,” I said then added quickly. “Oh, and I convinced Bibi to go out with Dario. You said I don’t have to worry about her with him, right?”

Dante set Anna down who darted away toward the kitchen, probably to beg Zita and Gabby for sweets.

“From what I know of him, he isn’t a man who’d abuse a woman.”

Something about Dante’s gaze had me worried. “Is something the matter?”

He shook his head. “Plenty to do.”

I smiled. “Will you meet with the Captains tonight as usual?”

“That’s the plan, unless you need me home?”

He searched my face.

I shook my head. “No, I’ll probably watch my favorite series and then go to bed early if Anna allows it.”

“All right,” he said then kissed me again before he returned to his office.

Guilt slashed through me. I’d lied to his face.

I should have known Dante would find out. Since the start of the war, he’d been even more careful, more vigilant. Now it was too late. I’d unknowingly led Aria into a trap.

My heart beat frantically as I hurried out of the Santa Fe. I threw a last glance over my shoulder through the wide windows of the restaurant where Aria and Dante were sitting. What was he going to do to her? Dante despised hurting women, and he’d known Aria all her life. I couldn’t imagine him causing her harm. I had to trust in that.

Enzo was waiting for me behind the steering wheel of his car and I slipped into the backseat, cradling my belly.

He started the engine at once and drove off. He’d told Dante about Aria. He hadn’t asked me about it. This showed me once more that ultimately I had only very few people to rely on who wouldn’t report to Dante. Not that I had any intention to keep more from him. Maybe Aria’s appearance would already drive a wedge between us.

I closed my eyes, feeling exhausted and tired. My eyes shot open. “We need to pick up Anna from Bibi.”

Enzo shook his head. “Taft already did.”

I bit my lip, hoping Bibi wasn’t in trouble because of me.

Anna stormed my way when I entered the mansion, beaming. Bless her and her childish joy. “Mommy! Look at my painting!”

I stroked Anna’s head and took the piece of paper she held out to me. With my huge bump, I couldn’t lift her into my arms anymore, even if I wanted to do it.

It was a drawing of flowers and four stick figures.

“That’s us! And Leonas!”

“It’s beautiful.”

“Can we draw together?”

I glanced at the clock. It was already past Anna’s bedtime, but I was glad for the distraction. Nodding, I allowed Anna to lead me into the living room.

I kept checking my phone for messages from Dante but only Bibi asked how I was. The later it got, the more worried I was. What was Dante doing to Aria?

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