Bound By Temptation (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles Book 4)

Bound By Temptation: Chapter 19


After more than fourteen hours on the road, we arrived at Luca’s penthouse. Lily had fallen asleep a couple of times during our drive but she’d startled awake almost instantly. She was probably having nightmares about Benito. I was so fucking glad that I’d killed him. When I’d walked into the master bedroom and seen Benito with a letter opener in his body, I’d wanted to scream with joy. I knew the next few weeks and months, maybe even years, would be hard on the Famiglia, and for each of us. Dante would retaliate with everything he had.

I parked the car in the underground garage and got out. Lily could hardly stand on her own feet from exhaustion but she put on a brave face. I wanted nothing more than to take her home with me, but first Luca, Matteo and I needed to have a talk without the risk of an Outfit attack.

When we stepped into the penthouse, Aria and Gianna led Lily toward the sofa. A protest lay on the tip of my tongue. I still felt very protective of her after almost losing her and wanted her at my side at all times, but it would have been ridiculous to say something. She was still in the same room as me. Her longing gaze in my direction when she sat down between her sisters told me that Lily felt the same way.

“We have to call everyone in for a meeting. They need to know that the truce between the Outfit and us is no longer in effect. I don’t want anyone to walk into a trap because they thought they could trust an Outfit bastard,” Luca said. I could tell that he was still pissed at me, and he had every right to be. That he hadn’t killed me was a bigger sign of his friendship than I’d ever hoped for.

“Some people might not be happy with Liliana and you,” Matteo said. “They probably won’t act on their anger but I’d be careful if I were you.”

“Don’t worry. And if someone lays a finger on Lily, I’ll rip their throat out.”

“I think you have done enough damage for a while,” Luca said tightly. “And nobody will try to hurt Liliana. She’s now part of the Famiglia and under my protection. I assume you’re going to marry her?”

I had never asked her but I wanted her to be my wife. “If she says yes, then I’ll marry her.”

“After all the drama of today, she better marry you,” Matteo muttered. He leaned against the dining table and yawned widely.

“I’ll ask her soon enough.”

Luca raised his hand. “This isn’t our main concern right now. We have to double security measures. We didn’t only kidnap Scuderi’s daughter, we killed a Captain with a loyal following of soldiers. There will be blood to pay.”

I chanced another look at Lily. The Outfit might try to kill her. Knowing her Father, he’d probably do it himself. He’d have to go through me if he tried to hurt her.




After two hours in Luca’s apartment, we were finally at Romero’s place. I’d never been there and I was curious despite my exhaustion. I could tell that Romero was tense but I wasn’t sure why. Maybe he regretted everything that had happened? Or maybe he was only worried about what was to come.

Romero unlocked his door and opened the door wide for me. I walked past him into a long hallway. Family photos in pretty silver frames decorated the walls. I promised myself to take a closer look at them when my eyes didn’t fall shut anymore. Several doors branched off of the hallway. Romero led me toward the last one on the right. A master bedroom waited behind it but we didn’t stop there. We had been on the road for hours and I’d been awake for more than twenty-four hours. It was already past noon but I wanted to sleep.

I could still smell Benito on me though; his blood, his sweat, his body odor. It made me sick. Romero opened the door to the adjoining bathroom. I quickly shimmied out of my clothes and stepped into the glass shower. Romero watched me silently, an unreadable look on his face. He looked exhausted. When the warm water streamed down my body, I felt some of the tension leave my limbs.

“Do you want to be alone?” Romero asked after a moment. He sounded…uncertain. That wasn’t something I was used to from him. Maybe I needed to take into consideration that he needed some time to work through everything.

I shook my head. “I want you to join me.”

Romero got out of his clothes. I didn’t try to hide my admiration as I watched him. I loved Romero’s body. I loved everything about him. I moved to the side so he could step into the shower with me. I slipped my arms around his waist and pressed my cheek against his chest as the water poured down on us. I’d missed the feel of his skin against mine. I squeezed my eyes shut. So much had happened and so much was still to come.

“Things will get really bad for Luca and the Famiglia now, won’t they?”

Romero stroked my back. “The union between the Famiglia and the Outfit was bound to break at some point. I’d rather have it over something as important as you than over money or politics. You are worth a war.”

“I’m not sure Luca agrees. He’s probably already regretting taking me to New York.”

“I know Luca. He doesn’t regret his decision. Once he’s made up his mind, he stands by his decision. And this wasn’t only for you. It was also for Aria and Gianna. They want you to be happy.”

I tilted my head up and smiled up at him. His body shielded me from the water. Romero lowered his head and kissed my forehead, then my lips. We didn’t deepen the kiss, instead we finished showering quickly. Romero stepped out first and took a towel. He wrapped it around me and gently started drying my body. I relaxed under his gentle ministrations. The last bit of tension slid out of me. After he was done with me, I took a towel out of the shelf and dried Romero in turn. He closed his eyes when I massaged his shoulders. “How do you feel?” I asked softly. I knew men, and Made Men in particular, didn’t like to talk about their feelings, especially sadness or fear.

He looked at me. “Tired.”

“No, I mean because you had to kill Benito for me. Are you okay?”

Romero let out a humorless laugh. He took my hand and led me back into the bedroom. He sank down on the bed and pulled me between his legs, then made me sit down on one of them. “He hasn’t been my first and he won’t be my last, but I enjoyed his death more than the others, and I don’t regret it. I’d do it again and enjoy it just as much.”



It was the truth and now that Lily and I would start living together, she needed to know it, needed to know every dark part of me. I searched her eyes for a sign of revulsion but there was none. She kissed my cheek before resting her head on my shoulder. Her fingers traced my chest lightly. That and the feel of her firm butt on my thigh stirred my cock, but now wasn’t the time to follow that urge. Not too long ago Lily had to fight off her new husband, had to stab him and watch him die. She needed time to recover. I stood and lifted Lily into my arm, then carried her around the bed and lay her down. She kept her hands wrapped around my neck and didn’t let go even as I tried to straighten. “Lily,” I said quietly. “You need to rest.”

She shook her head and pulled me down on top of her. I braced myself on my elbows so I didn’t crush her under my weight. Lily wrapped her legs around my hips and dug her heels into my lower back, pressing me down.

I didn’t resist. Slowly I lowered myself until our bodies were flush against each other and my cock pressed against her pussy. She raised her head to claim my mouth for a kiss. I stared into her eyes, they were soft and filled with longing. I wasn’t sure how could I have ever believed that Lily didn’t want me. Her eyes showed her love for me as plain as day.

“I need you,” she murmured, lifting her hips a few inches and making my tip glide over her lower lips. I let out a small hiss at the sensation. She was wet and warm. She always felt so fucking inviting. I didn’t need to be asked twice. I always wanted her. I quickly put on a condom, cupped her head and eased into her slowly, and as I did I realized just how much I needed it too. She was tighter than usual, maybe from tension and exhaustion, and I made sure to be careful.

I made love to her slowly. This wasn’t about getting off, about being consumed by desire and lust, this was something to show us everything was okay. A few days ago I’d thought I would lose her forever and now she was mine.

Between soft moans she told me she loved me. I kissed her lips. I’d never been the overly emotional type but I never got tired of her saying those words. “I love you too,” I said quietly. It still felt strange to admit it to someone.

When we lay in each other’s arms afterward, I felt a deep, all-encompassing peace I’d never felt before.


I woke at sunrise but Lily wasn’t there. I jerked upright, reaching for my gun on the nightstand, as usual expecting the worst. But Lily was there at the window, looking out. I didn’t have floor to ceiling windows like Luca’s penthouse, but they weren’t exactly small. But Lily had grown up as the daughter of a Consigliere. She’d had the best of everything all her life.

I swung my legs out of bed and walked toward her.

“It’s not as grand as you’re used to. Your family’s townhouse and Aria’s penthouse are much bigger than my apartment. You’re going to be the wife of a mere soldier.”

Lily jumped slightly, then she peered over her shoulder at me.

“Do you really think I care about things like that? When I lived in a huge house and had more money than I could possibly spend I was never happy, but when I’m with you I am.”

“Still, this will be a big change for you,” I said. I wasn’t exactly poor but she wouldn’t be able to afford as much as she had done before.

Lily turned to me fully and touched my cheeks. “I want only you, Romero. I don’t care about money.” She motioned around. “And this is a gorgeous place. Most people would be happy to live here. I love it.”

That was why I knew Lily was the one.

The sun finally peeked over the surrounding skyscrapers. “Look,” I said, pointing out toward the city.

Lily turned around in my arms, her back pressed against my chest, as we watched the sunrise. I wanted to enjoy this moment of peace and quiet, because I knew there wouldn’t be many more moments like that today. The Famiglia was at war with the Outfit now.

“I’m worried about Fabi. I wished there was a way to find out if he’s alright. What if Dante and Father didn’t believe his story? I could never forgive myself if something happened to him because of me.”

“I’ll figure out a way to get information, but I’m sure he’s fine. He’s your father’s only son. Even if your father is unhappy with him, Fabi won’t be punished too hard.”

“He’s married to a young woman now. He could produce a new heir,” she said bitterly.

“Let me call Luca and see if he knows anything,” I told her and untangled myself from her. Luca would probably be awake already, if he’d gone to bed at all.

Luca picked up after the second call. “Did you kill another Outfit member?” It was mostly said in a joking way, but I could hear the strain in his voice.

“No. Have you heard anything? Did Dante try to contact you?”

“He didn’t. He only sent me an email through one of his men that our cooperation is terminated.”

“He didn’t even contact you himself, or at least through his Consigliere?” I asked. That was a blatant show of disrespect and showed how bad the situation really was.

“I don’t think Scuderi is very keen on talking to me right now,” Luca said wryly.

Lily came up to me, an anxious look on her face.

“I suppose not,” I said. “Listen Luca, Lily is really worried about her brother. Do you have any way of finding out if he’s okay?”

“Aria has been trying to get in contact with Valentina but so far she hasn’t had any luck. She’ll try again later. You and Lily should come over anyway. We have a lot to discuss and the women can spend time together.”

“Alright. We’ll be there soon.” I hung up.

“And?” Lily asked hopefully.

“Luca doesn’t have any information about your brother yet, but he and Aria are trying to contact Valentina.”

“Do you really think Val will react to Aria’s calls? She’s Dante’s wife and now that there’s war between New York and Chicago, she’d risk a lot by getting into contact with Aria.”

Romero touched my cheek. “We’ll find out about your brother, Lily, I promise.”

We showered quickly before we headed for Aria’s apartment. When we stepped into the penthouse, Gianna and Matteo were already there despite it being only seven in the morning. The scent of freshly made coffee greeted me and Danishes waited on the kitchen counter. My sisters were standing and talking and I steered toward them while Romero walked up to Luca and Matteo who sat on the stools at the kitchen island.

Aria put her arm around me. “How are you Lily?”

“Okay. I didn’t sleep much but I’m just happy to be here with you and Romero.”

“Of course, you are,” Gianna said. “I’m so glad Romero got rid of that sick bastard Benito.”

An image of Benito’s blood covered body popped into my head but I pushed it aside. I didn’t want to think of him anymore. He wasn’t part of my life anymore.

Aria handed me a cup of coffee. “Here, you look like you need it. And you should eat something.”

“Mother hen mode active,” Gianna teased but then she too fixed me with a worried look. “And? How was your first night with Romero?”

“Gianna,” Aria warned. “Lily has gone through a lot.”

“It’s okay. I loved spending the night in Romero’s arms without being afraid of getting caught. For the first time we could watch the sunset together.”

“I’m so glad you are happy,” Aria said.

I nodded. “But I can’t stop worrying about Fabi. I want to know if he’s okay.”

“I’ve left two voicemails on Val’s phone. I really hope she’ll call me back.”

“Even if she does,” Matteo said. “We don’t know her motives. She might be doing it on Dante’s orders and be looking for information.”

“Val wouldn’t do that,” Aria said uncertainly.

“She’s the wife of the Boss. The Outfit is with where her loyalties lie. You are part of the Famiglia and that makes you the enemy,” Luca said.

I glanced at Romero. All this because I loved a man I wasn’t supposed to love, and because I wanted to be with him. Was I a selfish bitch? Romero met my gaze. I wished I could say I wouldn’t do it again but looking at him now, I knew I’d stab Benito again to save myself from a horrible marriage and be with the guy I was supposed to spend my life with.

I was a selfish bitch.

“Hey,” Aria said gently. “Don’t look so sad.”

I turned back to her. “You and Val got along so well. I know you talked on the phone often and now you can’t because of the mess I caused.”

“You are my sister Lily, and seeing you happy and having you in New York with us is more important than my friendship with Val. And maybe Luca can negotiate another truce with Dante. Dante is a pragmatic man.”

“Not as long as your father is Consigliere. It would be like a slap in the face for your father if Dante didn’t seek revenge,” Romero said.

“I hate this revenge crap,” Gianna muttered. Matteo stood from his stool, went over to her and pulled her against him with a grin. “I know you do, but it’s how things are.”

Gianna rolled her eyes but let Matteo kiss her. In the past that would have sent a stab of envy through me, but now I walked over to Romero and leaned against him. His arm came around my shoulder and he kissed my temple. “We’ve been at war with the Outfit before. We’ll handle this.”

“I don’t want people to die because of me.”

“Romero is right. We will get through this. And I don’t think Dante will kill one of ours. The Russian threat is still too strong. He can’t risk his soldiers’ lives in a war with us.”

“Nor can we,” added Matteo.

A phone rang, making us all jump. Aria snatched her phone off the counter and peered down at the screen, then she raised her head with wide eyes. “It’s Val.”

Luca got up. “Don’t let anything slip that Fabi helped us and be careful.”

Aria nodded, then she lifted her phone to her ear. “Hello?” She paused. “I’m so glad you called. Can you talk?” Aria listened for a few seconds, her expression dropping. “I know. I only wanted to ask about Fabi. He got shot when he tried to stop us and I’m just so worried about him. He’s so young. He shouldn’t have been involved in this. Can you tell me how he’s doing?”

Aria released a breath. “So he’s okay? He’ll be able to use his arm like he used to?”

I slumped against Romero in relief, but at Aria’s next words I tensed again. “Is he in huge trouble because he wasn’t able to stop us?” Aria nodded, then gave us a thumbs-up. She was silent for a long time after that, listening to Val.

“Okay, I will tell him. Thank you so much, Val. I won’t forget it. I hope our men figure something out soon. I’ll miss talking to you. Bye.”

“So?” I asked, the moment she had hung up.

“Father and Dante seem to believe Fabi’s story. Nobody blames him for letting us get away. He didn’t have enough experience for the job. Only because of Father’s insistence did he get it in the first place.”

Luca looked like a blood-hound on a trail. “Did she say anything else? About Dante’s plans and his mood?”

“He’s furious,” Aria said with a shrug. “But he wanted Val to give you a message,” she told Luca, her eyes flitting to me.

Romero became still beside me. I had a feeling I knew what kind of message.

“If we send Lily back today, they might consider not retaliating.”

Romero pushed himself off the stool. “She won’t go back.”

Luca narrowed his eyes but then he took a deep breath. “Of course not. Dante knows we won’t agree to that offer. That’s why he made it.”

Romero rubbed my arm lightly and brought his mouth down to my ear. “Nobody will take you away from me. I’ll fight a million wars if it means I can keep you.”


Two days had passed but they might as well have been a lifetime. Romero had been busy and I’d spent most of my time with my sisters. But tonight Romero wanted us to have dinner together alone in his, no, our apartment. He’d ordered food at his favorite Italian place and spread it all out on the dining table in his huge kitchen.

A few minutes into the dinner, Romero set down his fork. “Luca made me Captain.”

“Really? That’s wonderful!” I could see how much this meant to him. I’d never gotten the feeling that he was unhappy as Aria’s bodyguard but of course it was a big deal if you got promoted, especially because the mob was a place where people usually took over their father’s position. “What business are you going to get?”

“I’ll be taking over a few clubs in Harlem. The old Captain has cancer and needs to retire, but he’s got only daughters so Luca decided to give me his businesses. I’ll be making more money for us.”

I smiled. “You know I don’t care about that. I’m just happy for you because you deserve it.”

Romero grimaced. “Some people don’t think so after I caused war with the Outfit.”

“I thought the majority was eager to stop cooperating with Chicago?”

“Those think I deserve to be Captain,” he said in amusement.

“So who will be guarding Aria?”

“That’s a bit of a problem. Sandro will guard Aria and Gianna for now. But that won’t be enough especially when you’re with them often. He can’t protect all three of you, but we’ll figure something out.”

When we were done with desert, Romero got up and walked around the table toward me. I watched him in confusion. Did he look nervous?

Without warning, Romero dropped to his knees right in front of me and pulled a small satin box from his pants pocket. I froze as he held it out to me and opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. Of course I’d hoped we’d marry soon. It was expected in our world but I hadn’t expected Romero to have bought a ring already. He hadn’t wasted any time, that was for sure!

“I know you’ve been through a lot and your last wedding experience was horrible, but I hope you give it another chance. I want to be the husband you deserve. I want to make you happy and love you, if you let me. Will you marry me?”

I flung myself into his arms, my knees colliding with the hard floor but I hardly felt it. “God yes.” I kissed him fiercely.

Romero grinned when he pulled back. We didn’t get up from the floor. As long as I was in Romero’s arms I didn’t care where I was. “I understand if you want to wait a bit before you marry me. You’re probably not in the mood to plan another wedding.”

I shook my head quickly. “This is a wedding I want to plan. This time I will enjoy it. I can take Aria and Gianna wedding dress shopping with me and actually be excited about it.”

He chuckled. “But I want you to meet my family first. That way we can tell them the good news.”

“Oh, sure,” I said slowly. I was excited to meet Romero’s family but I was also worried that they wouldn’t like me.



The next day Romero took me to his family. His mother lived with her new husband and Romero’s three sisters in a modest apartment not too far from us. I shouldn’t have worried that they wouldn’t like me. They were kind, humble people. I knew his two oldest sisters already from my birthday party many years ago but we’d grown and his oldest sister Tamara had already started college. Something I’d never considered because I knew Father wouldn’t approve of it.

Dinner in my family had always been a formal affair, with my Father sitting at the end of the table and with everyone on their best behavior, well except for Gianna perhaps. But this was easy-going and fun. We talked and laughed all evening, and when Romero told them that we were going to marry, they hugged me and were actually happy. Nobody looked at me strangely because I’d married Benito less than a week ago.

I knew right then that I would be happy in this new life, not just because of Romero’s love, but because of my sisters and my new family. That wouldn’t stop me from missing Fabi but I had to trust that he would find his own happiness one day even if we’d never see each other again.


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