Bound by Moon & Blood (Book 1)

Chapter 035

The sound of a door being thrown open and large footsteps coming her way broke her thoughts. The hard kick against her shoulder broke her arm. She screamed as she fell to the side. Before she could do anything else, King grabbed her by her throat and pulled her up. Liv grabbed his wrist with both hands as her lungs screamed for breath. He squeezed as his eyes started to promise her death.

“You knew.” He snarled through clenched teeth. Another tear rolled down her cheek. “Why aren’t you affected!?” He yelled in her face. “Why are all my Moonbloods dead, while you don’t give off any signs of being sick?! What makes a bitch like you more special than my own fucking daughter!?” He kept yelling as he kept squeezing. A whimper left her as she tried to stay conscious through all of it. “I went easy on you because Dawn asked me.” His voice was steadier now. “And you thanked her by killing her and not getting sick yourself.” Liv threw her legs up and pushed against his chest to free herself. King grunted as he lost the grip on her throat and stumbled backwards as Liv fell on the ground, before she immediately got up and glared at King.

“I did not kill her!” She seethed. “I don’t know why the curse doesn’t have any effect on me, but that is not my fault and it doesn’t make me responsible for her death.” But she would have been able to save her if the curse hadn’t locked her consciousness in the in-between and if she had been faster with getting to her. Liv may not have killed her directly, but she has a part in her death and that was something she wasn’t going to forgive herself for.

The only one who was responsible for her death was the one who cast the curse, and the one who forced the other by taking too many Moonbloods.

“If there is anyone responsible for her death, it’s you.” She snarled.

King released a blood stilling growl, causing the Alphas behind him to smirk.

“You are going to regret that your whore of a mother ever gave birth to you.” King reached inside his pocket and pulled out a black devise with a single button on it. Liv’s eyes went wide. “Don’t!” She tried to stop him, but was too late as King pushed the button and a sound was heard from her collar before the excruciating pain from the silver dust and aconite filled her body. A scream tore from her as the feeling of her body started to numb and the paralysis started to set in. Her legs were the first to go numb, causing her to fall on the ground again. She turned on her stomach as her arms started to tingle and did everything in her power to crawl. It was the only desperate thing she could do. There was nothing else that could be done against silver dust and aconite.

“I should have killed you the moment Dwight brought you to me at that fucking pack of yours.” Her fingers and toes were the first to go numb. Liv whimpered as she crawled further on her elbows. “The only reason why I didn’t was because I knew that Lycaon would do anything to get you.” King’s voice was getting closer and she knew he was following her. “He would even have given up that fucking throne to get you. He almost did, until you escaped.” The feeling in her elbows started to go numb along with her shoulders. She already couldn’t feel anything below her midriff and even her neck was starting to disobey her. More tears started to run down her cheek as she already knew what was going to happen to her.

“I have to say. I’m impressed that you were willing to shut out the wolf inside of you to stay hidden from me. I knew you were dumb, but I never anticipated how much of an idiot you were until I smelled your almost mundane scent when I walked into that motel room.” Liv stopped crawling at his words. A chuckle came from King. “You thought none of us knew that you had become more human than wolf, didn’t you?” She had indeed thought that. Her scent was something she never really paid any attention to since she couldn’t smell her own scent. How could she be so stupid to not realize that they knew from the moment they found her that she was weaker than she had ever been before. “You stupid naïve girl. Dawn had only asked me to not use your body for our pleasure. Your blood was fair game. Didn’t you ever ask yourself why we only came for it every once in a while, and not bleed you constantly?” King’s feet appeared in her vision as the last of her moving body parts shut down as well and she laid on the ground, completely at his mercy. “I thought you were at least a little smarter than this, Kerra.” She thought so as well...

“I can’t blame you completely though. Those runts of parents kept you in the dark for most of your young life and there was no one to teach you anything else when you came in my possession. Not that I would have let anyone teach you anything though. Even your powers are still equalling that twelve-year-old girl that ran away. You truly are the worst Moonblood that had ever lived.” King moved to stand next to her and kicked her so she turned on her back. The worst thing about being paralyzed by silver dust and aconite? She could still feel everything.

“But even the worst Moonblood can still be useful.” He moved to her feet and crouched down. She felt him grab her ankle and move it so her legs were spreading. A whimper came from her as more tears rolled down her cheeks. King chuckled as he grabbed the edge of her skirt and started to lift it to her waist. “Especially as a blood bag or as a breeding bitch.” He said as he unbuckled his belt quickly and pulled his pants down as he positioned himself between her spread legs. Liv wanted to scream, she wanted to fight, she wanted to do something. But there was nothing she could do. Her body was completely useless by her right now. Tears streamed down her cheeks, she tried to blink, but even that was something she couldn’t do anymore.

“You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this, princess. You should have killed yourself when you had the chance, because you are going to wish for your death the coming days.” She felt him place his tip at her entrance and a loud whimper came from her as more tears fell. King’s smirking face came in her view. “Where have I seen this image before?” He bended a little bit more down so his mouth was close to her ear. “Oh right, it’s the same image of when your mother was defenceless to stop me as well. I wonder if you scream like her when I take your body and coat it with my seed both inside as outside.” Somehow, her stomach turned and bile rose to her mouth. A little bile ran out of her mouth before she started to choke on it. Her muscles were non responsive, so she could do nothing as her airways were blocked. King noticed it and quickly turned her over and lifted her hips so the bile had a way out of her body. “You will not die unless I say so.” It took a little while before the bile had cleared out of her throat and she was able to take a few shallow breaths. Even breathing was nearly impossible to do for her. The smell of her vomit made her stomach almost turn around again. Right now, she was thankful she hadn’t eaten yet. King released her hips and the lower part of her body smashed against the ground, making her whimper again. King lifted her skirt again right before he placed his tip at her entrance again and pushed her further against the ground as he laid on her back with his chest. “Do me a favor, try to scream as loud as you can.” He said as he made himself ready to push himself inside of her.

“Only if you will.” King’s movements stopped and she felt him retreat a little of her back. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” King’s dominance was starting to shine through his words.

“You should really check that blood bond magic you always use.” She recoignized Ben’s voice right before a bloodcurdling scream filled the air. King immediately pulled himself off Liv. “That’s impossible!” King yelled. She could only see the wolves of King’s pack who were looking with utter shock at something. By the smell of blood, she knew that someone was just killed.

“Not exactly.” Ben spoke.

“Kill him!” King yelled right before multiple howls filled the air and multiple wolves came running. King’s pack had no time to prepare as the wolves attacked them. She heard someone shift and a powerful howl sounded next. King’s pack howled as well and everything turned into chaos. Everywhere she could look, wolves were killed and she had no idea who was winning.

Liv tried everything to see if she could move something, but there was no response. She needed to move! Liv called on her power and willed it to cleanse her blood, but even that was something she couldn’t do. Her power was dim inside of her, but it was there. She focused everything on it and slowly it flared to life, but before she could use it, teeth clamped down on her leg. A scream tore out of her, which startled both her and the one who had his teeth in her leg. The only way she could scream was if the effects of the mixture was slowly starting to wear off. The wolf started to pull her backwards. Another whimper came from her before a powerful blow forced the wolf to release her leg and she was turned on her back by it. Two wolves were facing each other as another wolf came to stand over her in a defensive position. The red wolf above her shifted into Rev who looked down at her.

“Remember what Caden told you.”

It was the only thing he said before he shifted back into his wolf and jumped on another wolf who was running towards them. What the hell did he mean with that?

Caden has told her a lot of things. It has to be something that is important right now. An abnormally large wolf threw another large wolf which landed on top of her. Liv screamed again as she felt multiple ribs break. The wolf looked at her and two emerald green eyes met hers. It was Caden. He moved off her as King advanced towards him again. Caden stood partly over her as he growled at King.

“Don’t forget you’re a Moonblood, Moonblood. I need your powers.”

He was going to try and kill King... But he was going to need her help with it. Liv tried to call on her powers again, but it was still struggling inside of her. She was nowhere near strong enough to even use her power on a squirrel. A tear rolled down the side of her face as she looked up at the sky. This was the chance for her to take revenge for her parents, to finally make King pay and she was too weak to even take the opportunity.

A loud whine pulled her eyes back to Caden and King, the latter having a grip on Caden’s neck with his jaw. Caden struggled in King’s grasp and she knew that King was going to kill him. Something flared to life inside of her and she tried to grab it, but as she tried it went away. It was a feeling she hadn’t felt in a long time.

The wolf inside of her was trying to break free.

She didn’t know how it was possible with the mixture still running through her veins, but she didn’t care right now. Another whine came from Caden. The wolf inside of her rose again, filling her with strength. King was going to finish the job, but was stopped by another large wolf which jumped on his back, grabbed his neck and pulled him away from Caden. King landed beside her. She looked at the gashes in his neck, before they immediately healed. It was the strength of King and the reason why he couldn’t easily be killed. Every wound that is made on his body, heals in an instant. The only way for him to be mortally wounded is if he was attacked by so many wolves that his body doesn’t have time to heal or if someone took control over his body and stopped his blood from racing to the wound to heal him.

And that’s what she needed to do.

To take control of his body and his blood long enough for Caden to make the final blow.

King got up from the ground without giving her any attention. He growled viciously at Caden, who was standing now again as well, and the other wolf. Liv looked at the two wolves and saw that their eyes were the same identical emerald green color. They both growled at king as well, before King jumped towards them and started attacking. King got a hold of Caden’s paw right before the other wolf sank his teeth inside of King’s neck again. A growl came from King, right before he released Caden and grabbed the hind paw of the other wolf and launching him away. Caden took the opportunity and attacked King. His teeth clamped down on King’s throat and this time a whine came from King. But there was no way for Caden to finish the job as King reached out with his claws and tore open Caden’s right side, forcing Caden to release him and fall to the ground.

The wolf inside of Liv rose again, but, just like the two times before, it retreated as soon as Liv wanted to hold on to the feeling. Another tear rolled down the side of her face as she looked at the sky again.

I know you are angry, and you can punish me later, but I need your help, please!

The wolf inside of a Lycanthrope doesn’t have a different personality from the human side. It doesn’t even have a voice, but it does have a conscious. The wolf knows that she has forced it to be locked up inside of her body for all those years and it is angry at her for doing so. The wolf and the human need to work together to survive and she had forced the wolf to stay hidden. Liv couldn’t blame it, but she really needed the wolf’s help and so she pleaded in her mind in the hopes that the wolf will allow her to its powers.

A yelp came from Caden just he was thrown on the ground next to her. The gashes on his neck were bleeding heavily as was the wound on his side. King was killing him. Caden’s eyes met hers and she could see the exhaustion and pain in his gaze.


At the thought the wolf inside of her rose and this time it allowed Liv to grasp onto it.

Caden snarled as King grabbed his paw between his jaws and was dragged away from her. Liv gasped as power filled her body. A power so strong it broke the hold the mixture had on her body.

She was able to move!

Liv turned on her stomach with a grimace before she pushed herself onto her knees. She looked at King and Caden, the former having the latter beneath him. King snarled at Caden before he moved to rip out his throat.

“NO!” Liv pushed herself of the ground, just as the complete power of her wolf filled her body and, in an instant, she shifted into the wolf. King’s head snapped to hers as surprise filled his eyes. Liv tackled King to the ground, but rolled further herself. Not being able to hold onto the wolf, she shifted back into human as she laid on her stomach. The fighting has stopped around her and she knew that they were all looking at her. King shifted back into his human skin as he slowly got up from the ground.

Liv was breathing heavily as she looked at a naked King. She knew that she was naked as well, but she couldn’t really care less right now.

“You stupid girl.” King said as he looked at the quickly healing gash of her teeth on his arm. His eyes met hers as she pushed herself unto her knees. Her long auburn hair covered her breasts as she sat. Her entire body was screaming at the movements she made. If it wasn’t for the wolf pumping power in her veins, she knew that she would still be paralyzed. She knew that she will be again once her wolf retreats.

“Protecting someone who is responsible for your recapture.” He tskd as he shook his head in disappointment.

“He is not responsible for my recapture.” She snarled at him. “You are, and I will gladly aid anyone who will fight against you.” King laughed as he shook his head.

“Oh, my dear Kerra, you and this runt can fight me all you want, but you will never be able to kill me.” He said before his eyes shifted to amber and his claws elongated. “And I will kill anyone who tries.” His voice was animalistic as he turned to Caden, who was still in his wolf form on the ground. An intense fear came over her all of the sudden and before she even knew what was happening her power blasted out of her and knocked everyone, but her, King and Caden backwards, but she wasn’t done. Both the wolf and her power kept growing. King’s head snapped to hers and that was a mistake he shouldn’t have made. His eyes shifted to bloodred and she knew hers had lost the white in her irises as well. He was frozen in place as she took control over his body. She had never been this powerful before and she relished in the feeling of it.

“This isn’t po...” King couldn’t finish his sentence as his blood started to flow slower by her will. He started to shake as his breathing became rapid. She slowly got up from the ground and walked towards him with slow footsteps, before she stopped right in front of him.

“You have no idea what is possible with me.” She spoke the words, but she had no idea why.

Caden shifted into his human skin as he walked around king and stood still behind him. His eyes shifted to hers, but she didn’t meet his gaze. She couldn’t somehow.

“Your reign of terror is done, Ezekiel King. This is for everyone you have hurt and killed. May their spirits torment your soul for eternity.”

Caden’s eyes shifted to someone else in the crowd before he looked back at her. Finally, she met his gaze and she didn’t miss the clenching of his jaw.

“Are you going to do it, or shall I?”

A small smirk ghosted over his face. “Can’t let you have all the revenge.” He said right before he laid his hands on King’s shoulders who was starting to shake heavier by the second. His body was trying to fight her power, but it was no use. She was stronger than he was for once.

“This is for my family, you bastard. May you rot in hel.” He whispered right before he plunged his hand into King’s back. A scream tore out of King, but he couldn’t do anything. Both Caden and Liv revelled in the sound before Caden ripped King’s heart out. It felt like the world had stopped turning. Everything stopped as King’s body fell to the ground. There was no sound, no movement, nothing. Every creature in the area had stopped moving as if they could feel the change that was just brought forth.

Liv’s eyes followed the movement of King’s body falling to the floor. Caden ripped his heart in two pieces before he dropped it on King’s dead body. Making it absolutely definite.

King is dead.

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