Bound by Moon & Blood (Book 1)

Chapter 025

“Stop!” Liv said loudly as she ran after Caden into the Livingroom of the house and moved to stand in front of him. Caden stopped walking and looked down on her. “Why?”

“Why what?” Rev asked as he also walked into the room with a sandwich in his hand. She didn’t spare the beta a glance as she held the eyes of the Alpha. He just dropped the bomb on her, got up and left her alone. Caden crossed his arms over his chest. “I have my reasons.” She was way too close to start pulling on her own hair. This wolf was way too frustrating. With a sigh she ran her hands over her face. “What kind of game are you playing, Wolf?” A grin broke out over his face, but he didn’t answer. This guy was all over the place and she was losing the grip she had on her sanity around him.

“Fine, keep your reasons to yourself, but answer me this, what do you want of me?” The grin faded and a seriousness came over him. “I want you to stay in my grasp.” A shiver ran down her spine from the look he gave her.

She heard a door close and knew that Rev had left the room. They were alone. Somehow that made her both anxious and, thanks to the urge, excited.

“Why?” The word came out breathy and she cursed herself for being too weak to keep her control over her own urges. Caden’s nostrils flared a little again and she immediately took a few steps backwards from him. She didn’t want to repeat what happened earlier. She knew that she wasn’t going to be able to stop the shift if she was forced into it again. She just didn’t have the strength anymore. Yet, like the predator he was, Caden took a few steps towards her. She moved backwards again, but came to a crushing stop as she bumped against something and fell with her ass on the stairs. She moved a little more up, but as soon as she wanted to stand up. Caden placed his hands on either side of her and caged her in. She swallowed as her throat became dry.

“Multiple reasons.” His answer came a little unexpected, but his voice had turned raspy. The sound turned her insides to mush and her desire flared to life even more. She was really blaming this all on the wolf inside of her and she hated it. She wasn’t a girl who would simp over a male.

She was a strong confident mercenary, who was totally succumbing to lust... Damn she was weak.

“Still not wanting this?” He asked as he leaned a little more over her. Her eyes snapped to his lips briefly. “No.” The strain was noticeable in her voice.

“Prove it.” He got even closer to her. Their bodies barely touching. “Push me away.” She couldn’t and he knew it. Everything inside of her was working against her. She couldn’t push him away even if someone held a gun against her head and demanded her to do it. A strained whimper came from her as she knew she was defeated by her own body. A low chuckle came from Caden. She closed her eyes and dropped her head, only for her to lean with her forehead against Caden. The touch made her stomach clench and a shiver to run down her spine. She knew she should lean away, but she couldn’t. She had no control over herself anymore.

“Sitting here all day will not solve your problem, little Moonblood.” She felt his breath flow over her lips. “I know.” She said through gritted teeth. Her skin started to tingle from anticipation and her clothes started to become uncomfortable on her skin. The urge to close all the distance between them was almost too great. She needed to feel those lips on hers again like she had felt them in the bar. She needed him.

“Then do something about it.” His rough voice demanded.

Before she even knew what she was doing, she grabbed his neck and crashed her lips on his. Warmth immediately spread through her entire body as it always does when the urge is too strong. Tingles followed and her entire body lit up like firework. Caden grabbed her hips as she wrapped her legs around his own and lifted her off the stairs. They never broke the kiss. She felt the bulge of his pants covered cock against her and it almost drove her insane with need. He didn’t walk far before he moved his arms and pushed her off him. She yelped as she fell, before she hit something soft. The couch. He just threw her on the couch and it was enough to make her core clench painfully. She wanted to move towards him, but he moved first. He kissed her again and pushed her backwards until she laid with her back on the couch. “So greedy.” He murmured as he broke off the kiss. One of his fingers followed the waistband of her sweats. A whine came from her as she thrust her hips up. She needed more and she needed it now. Caden chuckled as he moved his finger underneath her waistband and tingles erupted on the places he touched her skin. He was teasing her and he was doing an absolute fantastic job at it. So good that she was only seconds away from screaming in frustration and take over control. A gasp came from her when he also moved underneath her panties, but didn’t touch her. “So impatient.” He said which made her meet his gaze. Her breathing was rapid and her entire body was hot. “Do you want my finger inside of your wet pussy, little Moonblood?” In answer her abdomen clenched again. She needed more than just his finger, but she still had some pride left to keep her mouth shut and not admitting that.

“I asked you a question, Moonblood.” His voice was demanding and it forced her to nod. Somewhere along the line of everything that just happened, she had submitted to him. Yet, she couldn’t do anything about it now. In fact, she didn’t want to do anything about it now.

“What was that?” He wanted to hear her say it. Teasingly, he ran his finger further down and teasingly brushed his finger over her clit, making her gasp with the word “Yes” out of her. As soon as the word left her mouth he moved down and pushed one of his fingers inside of her. Her back arched as a delicious feeling came over her. His digit moved in and out of her in such a delicious way that had her head spinning. Her hips lifted off the couch on her own account. Caden placed his other hand on her abdomen and pushed her down. “Stay still, little Moonblood.” She didn’t even care about the fact who he was anymore. She could only focus on what he made her feel. Her body erupted with tingles and it didn’t take long before her pleasure was building up towards her climax. He moved his finger inside of her and hit the spot that made her arch her back and moan loudly. Right when she was ready to come apart, he removed his finger. She looked at him as he placed his finger in his mouth and licked it clean. She bit her lower lip as her hand moved over her stomach and further down. He grabbed her wrist and pulled, making her sit up. “Did I say you could touch yourself?” He hadn’t.

“I don’t need your permission.” He smirked at her. “Oh, but you do, little Moonblood.” This situation should not make her inner thighs as wet as they were getting now. “And why is that?”

He slowly moved up his free hand and wrapped it around her throat. “Because right now, you are mine.” He said as he squeezed a little. Her stomach clenched in anticipation at his dominance and the pressure on her throat.

“Turn around and get on your knees.” His order ran through her and she obeyed as he released her. She had no choice but to obey, yet she didn’t mind it one bit right now. Caden grabbed the waistband of her sweats and panties and pulled them down. Before she knew what he was going to do she suddenly felt his warm tongue run between her folds. Making a moan come out of her as she grabbed the arm of the couch and arched her back. “Good girl.” He said as he saw her arched back. She heard his zipper open before she felt him place his tip at her entrance. Her heart was making overtime. One of his hands wrapped in her hair as he slowly pulled her head backwards. Without another word he thrust his hips forward and filled her in one smooth move. A loud moan came from her as he pulled out and thrust back in. He pulled more on her hair with each thrust. The burning on her head from the pressure made her clench around him. “Fuck.” Caden grumbled as he felt it. A small smile broke out over her face before more unintelligent moans came out of her mouth. The desire hummed in her body as a sheen of sweat started to coat their skin. Caden picked up his movements. Liv couldn’t do anything but close her eyes and revel in the building pleasure she felt in her lower abdomen. Caden tugged on her hair, forcing a moan out of her and her clenching around him again. She was so close to her climax, so close that she started to shake.

“Come for me, little Moonblood.” He said has he made his thrusts even faster. As if she had needed the command, her orgasm crashed through her with a loud moan. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her toes and fingers curled on their own account. Caden thrusted a few more times before he suddenly pulled out of her and she felt something warm on her ass as he moaned.

Liv dropped her head on the armrest as she tried to catch her bearings. She wanted to collapse, but was stopped as Caden held her hips. “Stay put.” She felt him move off the couch as she slowly came down from the high.

What the fuck had she just done?

Caden returned shortly and she felt him move something wet and then something dry over her ass. Was he actually cleaning her?

She didn’t want to think about it. She let this happen. She succumbed to the desire and allowed herself to submit to an Alpha she hates!

“You can collapse and hate yourself now.” Clenching her jaw, she moved and sat in the furthest corner as she pulled her legs up and bended them next to her. Somewhere along the way her sweats and panties had landed on the ground. Pulling the oversized shirt as far down as she could, she looked at him and saw him completely dressed again. As if nothing had happened. “You’re welcome.”

“Are you going to say that every time we fuck?” Her voice was hard, but exhaustion still shone through. He snorted. “Why? Are you expecting that we’re going to fuck more times than we already have?”

“Not if I can help it.” He gave her a crooked grin. “Good luck with that.” He said as he moved to walk away.

“I really do hate you.” He looked over his shoulder and winked at her, before he left her alone in the Livingroom. She looked around her. At least this time they had been alone. Her eyes fell on the sweats and panties and she grinded her molars again as she ran her hands over her face. The urge had already started to disappear, but only because she had to give up her morals, pride and dignity to make it go away. And it was still only temporarily.

What the fuck had even led to this?

Caden knew about the message from Finnegan and yet he gave her back the paper, told her that he wanted to rip King’s head off and fucked her like a fucking dog afterwards. She didn’t even know who he truly was and yet here she was, playing the slut. A groan left her mouth as her head fell backwards and rested on the couch. It wasn’t fair to think like that as it’s not entirely her fault for fucking Caden, but she hated herself nonetheless. He was a villain and not to be trusted, but here she was giving herself entirely to him. Yet, she couldn’t deny how it felt. Just like she wasn’t going to forget the fact that he didn’t force himself on her, that he didn’t come inside of her like the first time and that he cleaned her up afterwards. Three things that she didn’t expect with him and she didn’t know why he did all those things. He had no reason to be gentle with her and give her the choice, so why did he do it? Maybe it was to stroke his ego, but she wasn’t sure.

A headache started to form behind her eyes as her exhaustion washed over her. Shutting off her thoughts she closed her eyes and tried to relax a little before she was going to do anything else.


“Last time I checked, you wanted to grab her and lock her up until it was time. What made you change your mind?” Rev’s voice filled her ears, before she felt someone remove a lock of hair from her face. “We made that plan before King got the information he needed from Andrew and Gerard and went after her. We believed her to be spoiled and rotten. That’s how King had always described her. You and I both know that she is none of those things.” Caden said. “The fact is that no one here knows who she really is and that she is even more underestimated than she thinks. Just like she thinks we don’t know that she is awake.” Liv rolled her eyes before opening them. She was still on the couch in the same position she sat in before she fell asleep apparently. Only this time she had a blanket wrapped around her.

“Evening.” Rev said which made her look out of the window. It was dusk already. Days really started to become a blur in this place. She doesn’t even remember how much time has passed since she was brought back here. “How long did I sleep?” She asked as she looked back at the beta and Alpha.

“About two hours.” Rev answered. Nice, so sleeping on a couch in the middle of a pack she didn’t trust was a thing now. She made a mental note to kick herself. “Dwight came looking for you while you were asleep as well.” Her body went rigid. “What did you tell him?”

“That you were helping Devon with something and that you were going to stay here for a couple of days. He didn’t like it, but you’re in the pack so he walked away with his tail between his legs.” Rev said. She visibly relaxed as she moved her arms out from under the blanket. Not that being here was any better than in the Packhouse, but she was at least glad that she wouldn’t be bothered by Dwight or King for now. She released a long breath as she looked at her hands. “So...” She started. “Are you going to lock me up?” She finally met the gaze of Caden who sat next to her on the couch. He snorted as he leaned back. “Still haven’t officially decided, but for now I’m going to say no.” Something inside of her relaxed even more, but she didn’t allow her guard to drop completely. Rev still told Dwight that she was going to stay here for a couple of days, so she wasn’t out of the blue yet.

She nodded in understanding, before looking back at her hands. “Did King actually tell you that I was spoiled and rotten?” It mattered to know, because she had no idea why he would say something like that. She had always done what he had asked of her to keep her mother out of harm’s way. So, what made him paint her off as spoiled and rotten?

Rev nodded. “It was the only thing he ever said about you. We don’t know why he thinks you are, but for as far as I can tell he’s far from right.” Her eyebrows shot up at his statement. “Did you just compliment me?” Rev snorted and shook his head. “Don’t flatter yourself. You are still annoying, irritating and you suck the blood out from under my nails, but you aren’t spoiled or rotten.” This time Liv snorted as she rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t keep the slight smile from her face. Yet, it fell as quickly as it came as she thought about what she had heard and about everything that happened.

“Why do you want me to stay in your grasp?” Caden gave her a satisfied smile as if he had been waiting for her to ask that question. “As I said before, multiple reasons.” A shiver ran down her spine at the reminder she didn’t need. “But if you want to hear one of the most important ones, it’s because I need you to bring King down to his knees.” Liv looked back at him at the confession. “Why would you need me?”

“Don’t forget you’re a Moonblood, Moonblood. I need your powers.” She gulped as she remembered what he said to her in the trunk. “I’m just a tool to use.” He tilted his head a little. “You were, until you followed me to my room in the Packhouse and challenged me.”

“Wait, she what?” Rev immediately asked. Caden glanced at him, but didn’t answer. “Alpha...”

“Leave it, Rev.” Rev clenched his jaw as he held Caden’s gaze for a moment longer before he looked away and sighed, clearly not happy with the new information.

“So just because I challenged you, I’m no longer a tool but a person?” Caden looked back at her.

“No. It was because of the things you said. It made me realize that you are not the person I thought you to be. So, I changed my mind, but as I said, nothing is definite yet.” He was being honest. She didn’t know how she knew it, but she did.

“Is that also the reason for first wanting me out of your pack as soon as possible and then suddenly wanting me to stay here?” Caden chuckled a little as he leaned with his elbows on his knees. “No. You being a Disperser and Alpha blooded has my wolf on edge, that is why I want you out of my pack.” No matter how many times she would hear it, being called a Disperser will always punch a hole through her heart. “You’re here because Devon asked me to allow you to stay here. And after you told me that King had actually slid your throat and tried to kill you, I was glad that I said yes.”

“Don’t tell me you pity me.” Caden huffed. “I will never pity you, if only because I know that everything that happened to you made you who you are now. But you don’t deserve to see the Lycanthrope who killed your mother, while trying to kill you, every day.” That was another nice thing of him to do. Just like the ones before. More and more it dawned on her that she truly didn’t know who this wolf was.

“Thank you.” A muscle ticked in Caden’s jaw before he gave her a small nod and got up from the couch. “You might want to put on your pants again. Don’t want to scar the little ones for life, now do we.”

“What do you...” Before she could finish her sentence, she heard a few little voices coming from outside. “You assho...”


She snapped her mouth shut as a red headed girl ran into the house and towards Rev. The latter catching the girl in his arms and placing a kiss on top of her head.

Liv threw a glare to Caden who winked at her before he walked away.

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