Bound by Moon & Blood (Book 1)

Chapter 014

Her muscles relaxed as the warm water washed away all the dirt and grime from her body. It was a while before the water that came off her body was clear. She had washed her hair and body with the soap that had been provided and when she was certain that she wouldn’t reek anymore, she needed to take care of one other thing. Sitting down in with her back against the wall she looked at the water that fell in front of her face. In all honesty she didn’t hate the fact that the urge to mate came back, but she was just not in the mood right now and she knew that it would become a pain in her ass over the next few days as her fingers weren’t going to be enough to relieve the desire slamming through her body. She was going to need something more and she was going to have to find a way to get it before any Lycanthrope here would pick up her scent once the desire became too much for her to suppress. If there was one thing she didn’t want to happen was her lust filled mind to allow her to spread her legs for anyone in this pack and the wolves taking advantage of that situation.

With a sigh she laid her head against the wall and moved her fingers down. This was all she could do now. Liv closed her eyes as she slowly pushed a finger between her folds and she stifled the moan that was threatening to escape her lips as she moved her fingers and worked to her climax.

After she was completely done, and sure that the scent of her arousal was washed away, she turned off the shower and stepped out. She grabbed a towel and dried herself. As she swung her hair over her shoulder, she stopped moving as she saw the color. The hard time she had thought about earlier surfaced. Liv moved to the mirror and wiped away the fog. Her breath caught as she looked at herself, her true self, for the first time in a long time. The platinum color had washed out of her hair, like she knew it would, and showed her auburn hair.

The hair she had gotten from her father.

Thanks to being a Moonblood her hair fibers would not hold paint for long and the color she dyed over her hair would wash away completely after one shower. That’s why she always avoided making her hair wet and if she did, she would wash it and dye it without looking in the mirror.

Her throat constricted as she slowly ran the towel over her hair and the copper glow of her hair became more visible.

“Catch me if you can, papa!” Liv ran through the village, making her pack members laugh as the little girl was chased by their Alpha in a playful manner. “You better run, my Moon, because if I catch you, you’re going to feel the most wicked tickles.” Her father said from behind her, making her squeal and picking up her speed as she laughed. Her little legs couldn’t outrun her father and she knew that as soon as she felt two hands grab her sides and lift her off the ground. Liv squealed as she laughed and tried to get away from her father, but he held her as he laughed and tickled her sides, like he said he would. Liv kept squealing, laughing and struggling to get away from her father before he stopped and held her in his arms. Liv threw her small arms around his neck and hugged him. “I love you, papa.” Her father chuckled softly. “I love you more, my Moon.”

Liv hadn’t noticed the tears that ran down her cheek as she pulled herself out of her thoughts. She quickly wiped the tears away from her cheeks before she leaned with her hands on the sink and kept looking at herself. The memory of him lying dead on the ground broke through her boundaries and she flinched as she immediately turned away from the mirror. Her chest constricted with the pain she felt as she thought about her father. Her mother had been there to mourn with her, but the pain she felt from the hole he had left behind, they both had left behind, was still as fresh as it was when they had just died.

It still ached so badly because of the wolf inside of her. A pack, a family, is everything to them. Losing any member will always leave a hole and ache for a long time. Losing all of them, was like having your heart ripped out, broken into pieces, stitched back together and pushed back in your chest. It took a long time for any wolf, Lycanthrope or Moonblood, to get over that kind of pain and even if they got over the pain, it still would never go away.

Another tear rolled down her cheek. Liv closed her eyes and took a deep breath to will her emotions to get a grip again. When she was sure she wasn’t going to break down again, she finished drying herself, wrapped the towel around her body and walked out of the bathroom. Dawn looked up; her mouth instantly fell open. She slowly got up from the bed and took a step towards her. Liv knew she was shocked to see her like this, since she hadn’t truly seen Liv either. None of them had.

Dawn gulped as she took another step forward. “Wow...” A small smile broke out over Liv’s face. “That’s all you can say?” Dawn blinked. “Yeah, well... Yeah.” Liv walked towards her and gave her shoulder a small squeeze before walking to the bed and looking through the clothes. There was some of everything. Liv grabbed a matching underwear set and put on the black lace panties. She dropped the towel to the ground and put on the bra, before she grabbed some ripped jeans and put them on, thankful for the fact that the bite mark had stopped bleeding now as well and was also halfway closed. She grabbed a white long sleeve as she turned around and found Dawn watching her intently. Liv sighed as she followed her gaze and saw her most hideous scar on the left side of her lower abdomen.

A “K”, the size of a key, that was carved into her flesh by King’s own claws.

Liv quickly put on the long sleeve which broke the stare of her little sister whose eyes snapped up to Liv’s. “When did he give you that?” Another sigh left Liv as she put on some socks, retrieved her combat boots from the bathroom and put them on. “Kerra.” Dawn’s voice was demanding.

“You don’t need to worry about it, Dawn. It happened a long time ago and there is nothing to be done about it.” Liv said as he met her sisters gaze again and got up from the bed. “He had no right to do that to you.” Liv gave her an incredulous look. “He has no right to do anything he does, but yet he does it.” A muscle ticked in Dawn’s jaw as she looked away. Liv exhaled loudly as she ran her hands over her face, before she moved to Dawn and grabbed her hand. “Come on, I’m starving.” Liv said. Dawn sighed as she allowed Liv to pull her to the door. Liv opened it and Rev immediately looked up from the other side of the hall where he was leaning against the wall. The widening of his eyes was unmistakable as he looked at her. She knew that people were going to react shocked, not only because she looked pretty different when she was clean, but mostly because of her hair which was straight, thanks to the weight of the dye on her hair, and platina before and is now wavey and auburn. Liv rolled her eyes as she walked out of the room and went downstairs with Dawn in tow. Rev quickly recollected himself and followed them. Laughter greeted them as they reached the main ground. Of course, every fricking Alpha, except Stefan, Dwight and King, was sitting on the couches in front of the fireplace with a couple other wolves she didn’t know, and Brandon. His eyes found hers and he got up from the couch instantly. She held his gaze as the Alpha’s all looked over to where he was staring. All of them held the same shocked expression, although more briefly, than Brandon who was still gaping at her.

“You’re catching flies.” Her remark made him shut his mouth instantly. Brandon swallowed as he kept looking at her. She snorted and shook her head.

“I’m sorry, you... you just look...”

“Like the girl you used to be.” Luke finished for him. Liv looked at him and winked. Before her eyes involuntarily shifted to Caden who didn’t pay any attention to her. Instead, he was talking to a wolf sitting next to him. Why is she even looking at him?

“Yet, she isn’t the same girl she was back then.” Liv gave Dawn a small smile. Her sister gave her hand a little squeeze before she released Liv and walked to Brandon. A smile broke out over his face as she reached him. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her in a loving embrace and placed a kiss on top her head.

A brief moment of surprise came over Liv before she remembered how the two of them had always been drawn to each other when they were little. Brandon had been protective over Dawn as soon as she was born. And he had been the only one who could calm her down when no one else could. Even when Liv was little, she had believed that those two were mates, even though mates are extremely rare and almost never been heard off again thanks to the fact that there are too many Lycanthropes and too little Moonbloods. Mates were connected with their entire being, making them soulmates. The stories about the mates always said that it was the most magical feeling to become one with the other side of your soul. It described a filling of a hole that you didn’t know you had. Yet, you wouldn’t know if you found your mate until you both give in to each other and open your heart for one another. If the souls did connect when you open yourself up, you will feel yourself become one with the other. You can feel what the other will feel, you can use a form of telepathy, one that is similar with what’s called the link between pack members, and communicate with the other whenever you want. That is a difference with the link because the link can only be used if the Alpha initiates it. The love between the mates was one that neither of them would ever betray and that it would be unconditional and never ending. It always sounded too good to be true and with no known mate pair to date, there was no one to confirm if what is written is true. Maybe Dawn and Brandon could if they truly were mates.

“You don’t look as surprised as I thought you would be.” Liv met Edward’s gaze who was looking at her as he took a sip of his beer.

“Those two were inseparable when I still lived here, so I kind of expected them to end up together eventually.” She said as she looked back at Brandon and Dawn. The latter giving her a bright smile. Liv winked at her before she turned and walked away. Her instincts still knew the exact layout of the house. The walk to the kitchen was one she did without even really thinking about it. There were a few wolves in the kitchen which stopped talking as soon as she entered. Liv didn’t even look at them. She just moved to the fridge and pulled it open. It was stuffed with all kinds of food, just like she remembered. There was something of everything. She heard movement in the kitchen as she bends over to grab a bottle of water.

“You want a BLT?” Liv stood back upright and looked at Devon who leaned with his hands on the counter. “Or don’t you accept food from any of us because we live in this pack?” A snort left her as she closed the fridge and walked to the other side of the counter. “Don’t tell me that I’ve hurt your feelings, human.” With a cocked head she gave him a crooked smile. Devon snorted and shook his head as he pushed himself away from the counter and moved to grab everything to make a BLT sandwich. “You’d be surprised, but even though I am human, my feelings are not so easily hurt.” Taking another sip of her water, she turned and leaned with her back against the counter as she looked at Devon work. “Even though you are human? What is that supposed to mean?” He gave her an arched look over her shoulder. “Don’t tell me that you actually respect humans and don’t think they are weak beings that mean nothing.” Her eyebrows shot up. In all honesty, she shouldn’t be surprised about what he said, but after living among the humans for so long, she did respect them and knew that they weren’t weak beings. Lycanthropes always loved to ridicule the humans and see them as weak and insignificant, but they aren’t. She of all people knows that more than anyone here. If they actually were weak beings, she shouldn’t have been getting her ass handed to her more times than she could count by Emil and some of her contracts.

“I never thought about humans as weak and after living among them I know they aren’t.” Devon turned towards her with a sandwich on a plate for her to take. Even though she hadn’t answered, she did know that he was right about the food. Yet, she didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of him being right, so she took the plate from him. He gave her a brief smug smile before he turned and grabbed his own plate. Liv turned around and placed the plate on the counter with the bottle next to it. Devon walked to the other side again and sat down before he took a bite from his sandwich. “You are probably the first supernatural who thinks like that.” He said before he took another bite. Liv shrugged as she looked back at him. “Probably not the first or the last, there aren’t just that many who think for themselves.” She said before she took a bite of her sandwich as well and almost moaned at the taste. It was so good! She didn’t know how long it has been since she actually had a decent sandwich, but she did know that she needed to eat it more.

“But you do.” Her eyes snapped back to Devon who had a thoughtful look in his eyes.

“Where are you from?” Everything in her body immediately locked up as she heard his question. Slowly, she placed the sandwich back on the plate. Her appetite gone as quickly as the dye had left her hair.

The snow coated her bare feet as she run through the fields to the lake. It was the most beautiful time and the reason why she loved it here so much. The glistening of the snow made it seem like there were millions of glitters spilled on the ground. The frost made it look like everything had been frozen in place and that the time stood still. And the white world was like a blank canvas that was waiting for the time to start ticking away once more. Liv reached the frozen lake that was surrounded by large pine trees, covered in snow and the mountains stood tall as two guards. Liv tapped into her wolf and the shift came quickly. Running as fast as her paws could carry her, she crossed the frozen lake and reached the small island in the middle of the lake. Her island. The one place where no one would ever bother her and where she had the most beautiful view of the Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights, when they danced through the night during this time of the year. The island made her feel like there was no right or wrong. No Moonbloods or Lycanthropes. Just her. A howl filled the sky and she grimaced as she recognized the howl of her father calling for her. They always told her that she was too old in her mind for her age and she knew that she was going to get an earful of running off again. He was looking for her and she knew that if he found the island that she wouldn’t be allowed to come here anymore. But she also didn’t want to go back yet... Knowing she didn’t have a choice; she ran back to the pack.

“Ah, not many good memories about your home, huh?” Devon said as he saw the look on her face. Her eyes snapped back to him. She swallowed the last bite she still had in her mouth. “No, all my good memories come from there, but so does one of the worst which coats all the others in blood as well.”

Devon nodded in understanding as he looked at his sandwich. “Who died there?” The food in her stomach turned sour as she saw her father’s body in her mind again. “Ask King, he’ll have a blast at reliving his best memories.” She said as she walked away.

“Why do you do that?” His question made her stop in her tracks. “Do what?” Her voice was harder than she thought. Devon walked towards her. “That. Becoming so defensive and pushing everything away that, you fear, may show your vulnerability.” He asked. She gave him an incredulous look. “Again, this is King’s pack. If he knows about anything that can make you vulnerable, he will use it and I don’t need that over everything I already have to deal with.”

“What makes you think that King will find out about our conversation? Why would I tell him?” Devon asked as he took a few steps closer. She took a step backwards. She just didn’t need anyone to be close to her right now. “I don’t know you, but even if you won’t tell him, you could tell your brother and, as the obedient dog he is, he will tell King.” Devon snorted and shook his head. “You don’t know the first thing about him, Livana.”

“True, but I do know what he’s like and that’s enough to know what he will do.” She countered. Devon sighed through his nose as he looked at her and crossed his arms over his chest. “You don’t know what he’s like. No one here knows what he is like. So, don’t presume you know anything.”

“Funny, because everyone here is doing that exact same thing with me.” She said as she crossed her own arms as well. “I take my information from how people act around me, so I know plenty about him and in all honesty, I don’t care if he’s an obedient dog. All I do care about is making sure that no one will screw me over with anything by trusting anyone enough to tell them anything about me.”

“Do you even trust anyone?”


Devon’s eyebrows shot up at her instant response. “You can’t be serious. You can’t tell me that there isn’t anyone here you trust.”

“I don’t.” He shook his head and scoffed. “What about your sister or Gerard and Andrew?” A muscle ticked in her jaw and her gaze turned hard towards him. Liv balled her fists as she unwound her arms. “Dawn may be my sister, but she has still been living in this pack for her entire life and she’ll probably have picked up on more stuff than even her father knows which makes her unpredictable.” She saw some understanding and realization slip over his face before he recollected himself. “Gerard, Andrew and Brandon can co fuck themselves. They are the reason I am back here and for that I will never forgive them.” Devon sighed again, but didn’t respond. “No, I don’t trust anyone and I never will.”

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