Bound by Moon & Blood (Book 1)

Chapter 005

The first thing she felt was a slight breeze that blew over her face and caressed her neck. Slowly her consciousness returned and everything came back to her. The second thing she felt was the agonizing pain in her eyes and the strain of her muscles in her body. A groan left her mouth as she turned on her back and opened her aching eyes. Liv had to blink a few times before she her sight cleared up and she saw the bars above her meaning she was back in the trunk. "Welcome back." Her eyes shifted to the voice and she saw the wolf sitting inside the trunk with one of his legs up and the other hanging out of the car. She turned her head and saw that de door was open and it was day. The other thing she noticed was the fact that there was no one around but them. Slowly she pushed herself a little upward. A groan left her mouth as her muscles screamed in protest of her movements. She pushed herself backwards, before she leaned with her back against the car. A relieved breath left her as she finally stopped moving and looked at her surroundings. There was truly no one around, it was just her and the wolf. Great... "Where are the others?" She asked as she looked at him. "Hunting." The wolf answered as he rested one of his arms on his raised knee and kept looking at her. "All of them?" A snort left his mouth. "Since you were completely burned out and not in a state to be a threat, we figured that just one guard would suffice."

"Can't argue with you there." She said with a sigh before she rubber her aching eyes. "Isn't that a first." Liv glared at him, but had no energy to truly argue with him on anything. She leaned her head against the car as another breeze blew past her. "How long was I out?" The wolf met her gaze. "About eight hours." Meaning it was indeed a new day. Before she could say anything else her stomach grumbled painfully. She sighed as she laid a hand on it. "They'll be here soon with their kill." Liv snorted as she rubbed her eyes again. "Yeah, no thanks. I prefer the bad diner food over food from a body that is still warm." She said as she looked outside again. "You cannot be serious." Their eyes met. "Deadly." The wolf scoffed and shook his head in disbelieve. "How badly do you hate yourself to deny your wolf the one thing that strengthens her?" Liv clenched her jaw. "I don't hate myself, but I have my own reasons to do what I do." The wolf shook his head again as he looked outside, the judgement he had was clear on his face and it flared her anger. She sat a little upward, drawing his gaze back to her. "Don't you fucking dare to judge me, wolf." A smirk appeared on his stupid face. "Why? It's so much fun." She balled her fists. "Because I'm not the one who sold out her pack to a monster and serves under him now." A muscle ticked in his jaw as his gaze turned hard. "You're right it's so much fun to judge someone." She said with a fake bright smile. The wolf balled one of his fists as well. "You don't know a thing about me or my pack..."

"Oh, and you know everything about me?" She interrupted him before he could finish talking. "King may have told you a lot about me and my life in his fucking pack, but I am far from the girl I used to be, so don't think you know anything about me." Liv rubbed her eyes again which started to ache more as time passed. "Do you see me assume that I do know shit about you?" The wolf asked, taking her a little off guard. "The only thing I know about you is your name and that you are the Moonblood I needed to grab. So, looks like I'm right on point." She really had nothing to say to him. She had assumed that King had told him all about her, but that was clearly not the case. "I don't give a shit about who you are, Moonblood. All I care about is the fact that we need you. You're just a means to an end." Just a means to an end. The memory of Dwight telling her that when she was barely ten ran through her mind and she couldn't help but feel the painful stab in her chest. "As I always will be." She said with a hard voice, but the tremble was still noticeable. Liv cleared her throat and rubbed her eyes again. "What the fuck is wrong with your eyes?" The wolf asked irritated. "Why do you care?" She countered. "Because you constantly rubbing them is getting on my nerves."

"Go away then. That way you don't have to see it and I don't have to look at your fucking face." The wolf snorted and an amused smirk appeared on his face. "You wish."

"Then don't whine" She snapped at him as she rubbed her eyes again, no longer being able to relieve the pain that way. "Your eyes are getting red, so keep rubbing if you want to go blind." Yeah, she knew that already. She released an irritated sigh. "It's my contacts. I've been wearing them too long." She admitted as she met the gaze of the wolf who had a satisfied smirk on his face as he got an answer out of her. One day, one day she was going to kill this guy. "Then take them out."

"Don't you think I didn't think of doing that already? To take them out I need a mirror. Do you have a mirror in your pants." His smirk grew. "Not a mirror, something much better if used for something else, but you already know that of course." The fucking audacity of this guy! Yet, she couldn't deny the brief delicious shiver that ran down her spine as she thought about what happened in the bar again. She had never thought so much about one guy... She must be getting sick. Liv swallowed as her throat had turned dry. "Then don't tell me what to do." He grinned at her deflection, before he got up and walked closer to her. The wolf grabbed her neck and pulled her towards him. She yelped as her legs swung out of the car and her body turned towards him. Her breath hitched as their bodies ended up inches away from each other and the shiver that had run down her spine earlier, ran through her entire body now. He gave her a crooked, satisfied smile as he slowly ran his hand from the back of her neck to the side and followed her jawline with one of his fingers. A shaky breath left her before she could stop it and she immediately snapped out of whatever it was. Liv deigned backwards and away from his touch, but before she was out of his range he grabbed her neck again and pulled her back with such force that she had to place her hands on his chest to stop herself from colliding against him. "Stay." He ordered her in a husky voice. "I'm not a dog and not in your pack, so fuck off." A low chuckle left him that seemed to enter her hands and run through her body. "Keep your eyes open and sit still." The wolf still held her neck as he looked deep in her eyes and raised his other hand. "What are you..." Liv stopped talking as she saw his finger get close to her eye and understood what he was doing. He was helping her taking out her color contacts. The wolf retracted his finger again and on it was the dark brown color contact. He threw it on the ground. "Hey!" The wolf tightened his grip on her neck and her eyes snapped back to his. "You don't need them anymore." He said before he took the other one out as well. She blinked and her eyes immediately felt better. Liv dropped her hands to her lap just as the wolf looked back at her. He seemed to only focus on her eyes. His hand moved again and slid to the side of her neck, where his thumb slowly ran over her jaw. "Why would you even hide eyes like yours?" She swallowed again as his husky voice did more to her than she was ever going to admit. "Because I couldn't exactly explain why my natural eye color is blood red around the pupil and changing to white, until the limbal ring shows, to humans." Her voice came out breathy, but she couldn't do anything about it as her control was slipping more and more the longer his thumb was moving along her jaw. "Then you shouldn't have put yourself in that situation." Like a splash of cold water she was brought back a little bit more to reality. "It has never been a choice." She said with a little clearer voice, which seemed to break him out of whatever was between them as well. A muscle ticked in his jaw as he removed his hand from her body, leaving the spot to grow cold and her yearning his touch. "You always have a choice, you just chose to hide." And the spell was broken entirely. "You don't know what I had to go through, wolf. Sometimes our choices are taken from us before we can do anything about it so keep your opinions to yourself."

"Caden, not wolf, and I don't care if your choice was taken from you. You hid when you could have fought and now you're back where you started."

"And you care because? I thought I was just a means to an end. Why would you care about my presumed choices and if I'm back where I started?"

"I don't."

"Then don't act like you do, wolf." She emphasized the word wolf just to piss him off and it worked. "Word of advise, Moonblood," Caden emphasized Moonblood as well. Damn, it really was like they were born to piss each other off. He leaned further towards her and, again, her breathing betrayed how she felt about him being so close to her. He smirked as he heard the brief chance in her breathing. "Don't let yourself get riled up so easily, it could be used against you." She refused to move backwards and let him win as he placed his hands on the car on either side of her. Their lips so close she could feel his breath on her own. "By whom? You?" Caden's smirk grew into a grin. "Exactly." He said before he pulled himself away from her and took a few steps backwards. She glared at him as she saw the reason why he moved away from her so quickly. Her eyes shot to the tree line and she saw King and Dwight walk out in their human skin, covered in blood and a deer on either of their shoulders. The other side underneath her skin rose, but she pushed her back harder. King dropped the deer on the ground before he kept on walking closer to her. Caden moved out of the way as King took his place. "Ah, there are the eyes I was looking for." He said as he leaned forward and looked deeper in her eyes. "Would you look at that, you're turning more and more into the girl I used to know. Now, you just need to loose that hideous hair color."

"Trust me, my looks are the only thing you used to know." Liv said as she didn't look away from his gaze. "Oh, I'd bet." His eyes ventured down and she could feel his heated gaze on her body. "No time to find out now though." He said as he leaned back and met her eyes again. "You must be hungry."

"Very, but I'm not going to eat anything you give me." King chuckled. "Oh, you will when you realize you have no other choice." She glared at him, but didn't give in. She never will never again give into him. "Have it your way." He placed his hands on the door and she had barely time to pull her legs back into the car before he slammed the door shut, locking her in again.

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