Bound By Love (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles Book 6)

Bound By Love: Chapter 25


I was starting to count down the days to my due date. I felt like a rhino, and finding a comfortable position at night was near impossible. I propped my hip up against the kitchen counter; even standing was a bother now.

Luca came into the kitchen and kissed my lips. “How are you?”

He’d been almost constantly at my side, ever since the incident that prompted Demetrio to let down our shutters and shove me away from the windows. Luca hadn’t shared details with me, but it must have worried him to the very core because Matteo had handled the majority of business in the weeks after. Only in the last two weeks had Luca started to relax a little.

Hungry.” I always was. Where in the beginning food had been a struggle, now eating was all I could do. Luckily, I hadn’t gained much weight. I thanked my good genes.

Luca touched my belly. “And how is she?”

I put my hand over his. “She’s very active. Doesn’t allow me much sleep at night.”

“I know. Soon the pregnancy is over.”

I doubt we’ll sleep better then.”

Luca stroked my belly with his thumb.

Steps rang out, and he straightened and pulled his hand away a moment before Demetrio rounded the corner, then froze. “Will you be staying home today?”

Luca couldn’t show this type of gentleness in front of his men. At least he didn’t hide his feelings as much when Matteo was around.

No,” Luca said. “I have to meet with the Captains.”

I touched my fingertips briefly to his chest over his heart and tattoo. Be careful. My eyes told him, and he knew. He gave me a brief, possessive kiss before he left.

Grabbing a book, I headed outside into the garden of the mansion, Demetrio trailing after me. Gianna and Lily were already sunbathing in the late June sun but I couldn’t stand heat in my state for long. I missed New York, but after the incident Luca had insisted I stay in our mansion. However, now that my due date was approaching I’d have to return to New York in the next couple of days, since that’s where the hospital Luca had chosen was.

I managed to maneuver my body out of my dress and sank down into one of the sun chairs with a groan. My bikini bottoms were hidden by my belly, and for a moment I wondered if I’d put them on the right way.

Gianna lifted her sunglasses and exchanged an amused look with Lily.

Wait till you’re pregnant and can’t move anymore,” I muttered as I stretched out, groaning again.

I have absolutely no intention of getting pregnant, trust me. Neither Matteo nor I want kids.”

Lily bit her lip. “I’d love to have children with Romero, but we’ll wait a few years until I’m a bit older.”

I’d never thought I’d become a mother at twenty-three either, but now I was happy.

Gianna looked over at Demetrio, who sat at the garden table in the shade. “Aren’t you warm in that outfit?”

He was wearing a long-sleeved black shirt and black jeans, and looked up in confusion. “I’m not here to enjoy myself.”

Gianna snorted. “Heaven forbid anyone have fun around here.”

I laughed. “Leave him alone.”

Demetrio gave me a grateful smile, then returned to letting his gaze wander over the premises. I fell asleep with the sun on my face but eventually woke because Marcella kicked up a storm. I blinked against the sunlight. “What time is it?”

No clue,” Gianna said, lowering a book she’d been reading. I glanced out toward the ocean, wondering if we’d manage to go back to Italy next year. These last few weeks of being confined to the mansion made me long for the vast expanse of the sea.

When was the last time you were outside?” Gianna asked, regarding me with worry.

“I’m outside right now.”

You know what I mean.”

Romero said it’s for the best that Aria’s pregnancy stays a secret even if people speculate that Aria’s had a mental breakdown being married to Luca.”

I slanted her a look. “What?”

Lily grimaced. “Because you’ve disappeared from the public in the last four months. There’s a rumor that you are in rehab or a psychiatric facility, and another that Luca’s locking you in because you are simply too beautiful and he can’t stand others looking at you.”

What kind of crap,” Gianna muttered. “That sounds like a rumor Matteo might spread just to be funny.”

I closed my eyes, laughing softly. “I think I prefer the too beautiful rumor to the nutcase one.” Then I looked down at my protruding belly. “Even if I don’t feel very beautiful right now.”

Once you’ve pushed that kid out of you, you’ll have your old body back in no time,” Gianna said.

At least Luca isn’t getting a pouch out of solidarity,” Lily said with a grin. “I read that many men gain more weight during pregnancy than their wives. It’s called solidarity pregnancy or something like that.”

That’s taking solidarity a bit too far,” Luca said from behind me, and I let out a startled cry, looking over my shoulder. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, and was only in his swim trunks.

Solidarity pregnancy? No, that definitely hadn’t happened to Luca. He was as ripped as always, all muscle, no fat.

Matteo came up behind his brother, grinning, and patted Luca’s six-pack. “I think I can feel a tiny bulge.”

The only bulge I’ll ever have is in my pants, and you will keep your hands off it.”

Stop talking about bulges, will you?” Gianna muttered. Matteo leaned over her; he too was dressed only in swim trunks. “Why? You love my bulge.”

Okay,” I said, my nose wrinkling, and tried to get into a sitting position. A beetle on its back had more range of motion than me. Luca held out his hand, a smirk playing around his mouth, but in his eyes was something fierce and protective as usual when I displayed my current vulnerability.

Sighing, I let him pull me to my feet. I touched his muscled stomach. “I almost wish you’d gained weight, then I wouldn’t feel quite so ginormous.”

Luca leaned down, hand on my belly. “Aria, don’t be ridiculous. You are beautiful and still small.” I was about to protest but his gaze silenced me.

I couldn’t find a comfortable position. The pain in my lower back had been getting worse in the last week, and tonight it was particularly bad. I repositioned the nursing pillow under my belly then closed my eyes, trying to find sleep. It was only ten but I was tired all the time now. I still had five days to go before my official due date, but time seemed to drag now that the birth drew nearer.

I must have dozed off, when a sharp pain in my lower abdomen jerked me awake. My eyes flew open, and I gasped. I propped my arm up to push myself into a sitting position, but with the pain it proved twice as difficult. When I’d finally managed to perch on the edge of the mattress, I had to catch my breath. I wasn’t sure if this was it. From the force of the pain, I could only assume I was having contractions.

I caressed my stomach, waiting for the pain to subside before I reached for my mobile on the nightstand. I considered calling Luca, but I knew he had a meeting with his soldiers tonight regarding a strategy to burn down the Bratva’s labs and probably more he wasn’t telling me about. I didn’t want to disturb him if this proved to be a false alarm. I hesitated, then decided to send him a message. When will you be home?

I managed to send it off before another contraction rendered me a wheezing mess. Clutching the mattress, I tried to breathe through the pain. It wasn’t working as well as I’d hoped. “Demetrio!” I called when I found my voice. I pushed myself off the bed and crept toward the door, my phone clutched in one hand. It vibrated. I slanted a look at the screen.

Two hours. You okay?

I reached the door, and held on to the handle for a couple of heartbeats before I managed to open it. “Demetrio!”

He appeared on the staircase, hair mussed up and face sleepy. He must have fallen asleep. “Is everything okay?”

Of course not, or I wouldn’t have called you,” I muttered, then felt bad for taking my pain out on him, but another contraction stopped me from apologizing.

Demetrio’s eyes widened. “Are you…?”

Get Gianna,” I ordered, when it became clear that Demetrio didn’t have a clue what to do. Demetrio ran toward the elevator and jabbed the button, but without the code he wouldn’t be able to send the elevator to Matteo’s apartment. Did I have to do everything alone?

I held on to the banister, intent on going down the staircase to assist him in his futile endeavor, but halfway down I had to stop to breathe again.

My cell vibrated again.

Aria? Are you okay?

I was clutching the phone so tightly, I was surprised it hadn’t turned to dust yet. “Call Matteo,” I told Demetrio through gritted teeth.

I didn’t check to see if he followed my order, but a few minutes later the elevator binged and Gianna rushed out, dressed in a bathrobe, and followed by Matteo in boxers and a T-shirt.

Gianna practically flew up the steps and stopped beside me. She froze with her hands almost touching me. “Aria? What’s wrong? Is the baby on its way?”

I swallowed a retort, and nodded.

Come on, we need to get you to a hospital,” she said, resting her hand lightly on my arm.

Matteo hovered on the first step and behind him stood Demetrio, all of them watching me as if they needed my guidance.

I don’t think I can walk right now,” I got out.

Gianna paled.

Do something. You must know what to do,” Matteo told her, taking another step closer.

Why would I know what to do? Because I’m a woman?” Gianna hissed. “I’ve never pushed a baby out of my vagina, as you very well know.”

Oh God. I really didn’t need their bickering now.

Matteo, can you please help me?” I whispered. Gianna wasn’t strong enough to carry me, and I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to walk much longer. This was going way faster than I’d thought.

He came up immediately. “What do you need me to do?”

Another contraction and I rocked forward, clutching Matteo’s arms. He steadied me. “Call Luca.”

You need to let go of me,” he said in a tense voice. No way. I needed something to hold on to, and Matteo could take my grip better than Gianna. I clutched his arms harder and he seemed to realize that I wasn’t going to release him.

Gianna pulled her own cell out. “Yes, it’s Aria,” was the first thing she said. Of course Luca knew it was because of me when Gianna called him. My text had probably sent him into a panic attack.

We’ll take her to the hospital.” She nodded, then ended the call and looked at me. “He’s already on his way.”

Can you walk?” Matteo asked.

I gave a small nod, feeling a tiny bit stronger. I took a step down, Matteo’s grip tight on my arm. It took what felt like forever to descend the remaining steps with Gianna, Demetrio and Matteo watching me like I was a bomb about to detonate.

Gianna’s phone rang. “No, we’re still at home. Aria is too slow.”

I scowled at her. Slow? I was surprised I could walk at all the way my insides seemed to be torn to pieces. I paused to catch my breath. Matteo surprised me by wrapping his arm around my shoulder and slipping his other under my legs before lifting me in his arms. I knew it couldn’t have been easy for him. I’d gained almost thirty pounds during the pregnancy. I was still not big, but definitely not a lightweight anymore.

“Thanks,” I murmured.

His dark eyes softened. Matteo and I had had our conflicts, but I knew he’d get me safely to the hospital.

Everything will be all right,” Gianna assured me. It would have been more convincing if she didn’t look like she was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

I’ll get the car,” Demetrio said then disappeared in the elevator. He looked as if the devil was after him.

Hey!” Matteo called, but the doors had already closed and it was heading down, leaving us stranded in the penthouse until the elevator returned. “What the fuck is he doing?”

Gianna jabbed the button of the elevator repeatedly, but it was still on its way down to the underground garage. “What the fuck is he getting the car for? It’s parked right beside the elevator doors anyway. Idiot.”

He’s nervous,” I said quietly, enjoying a moment of almost no pain but then another contraction stiffened my spine and I cried out, arching in Matteo’s hold. He staggered and tensed.

Fuck,” he snarled, and Gianna hit the button again, as if violence ever made a technical device work faster.

Will you be able to keep the baby in until we’re in the hospital?” Matteo asked worriedly.

I rolled my eyes. He made it sound as if I could shut the door down there. “I don’t know.”

Finally!” Gianna exclaimed as the elevator arrived on our floor and the doors slid open, and my heart skipped a beat in relief. Luca towered inside and his worried gray eyes zoomed in on me. Without a word, he strode toward Matteo and took me from his brother. Luca held me against his chest as if I weighed nothing. He lowered his face and kissed me gently before he headed for the elevator. I could feel his heartbeat racing, but his face was calm and it soothed my own worries. With him at my side, everything would be okay.

Where’s Demetrio?” Matteo asked.

Sent him to the hospital to make sure it’s safe,” Luca said, his eyes never leaving my face, and I held his gaze because the pain seemed more bearable like that. Matteo opened the door of his Porsche Cayenne for us but when Luca was about to set me down on the backseat, the strongest contraction rocked through my body. I convulsed, my eyes closing, and I released a small cry.

You are strong, Aria,” Luca murmured against my forehead. “And I’m here for you. I wish I could take the pain from you.”

I peered up at him through half-lowered lids. I breathed in and out, seeking solace in his gentle eyes. Upon feeling me relax, Luca put me down on the backseat, then climbed in behind me, so I was resting against his chest. Matteo and Gianna sat in the front, and Matteo drove his car like a madman.

We arrived at the hospital with the baby still inside, but I was rushed into the delivery room at once. “Give her something for the pain,” Luca barked the moment the first doctor crossed our path. I only heard something like too late before another wave of pain blacked out everything else.

Luca brushed my hand with his lips as I clung to him through every contraction. I didn’t find time to catch my breath between them anymore, and I was at the maximum of what I could endure.

Luca’s brows were drawn together, his expression almost desperate. He scowled at the nurses. “Do something,” he snarled.

One last push,” the midwife encouraged.

I didn’t think I had the energy for another push but then through the fog of agony, a cry sounded. My baby. My daughter.

Luca’s eyes shot down to my face then lower.

I sagged with relief as the midwife held up a small human being covered in blood. For a moment, Luca didn’t move, then he kissed my cheek and temple, wonder on his face, and I let out a disbelieving laugh. The midwife did a quick checkup before she put our daughter in my arms.

Luca released my hand so I could hold her. I stroked her sticky black hair. She had a lot of it, as coal black as her father’s. I smiled up at Luca, who watched our child with a frozen look on his face. “She’s got your hair,” I whispered as I breathed in her scent, trying to memorize it. Her eyes were still bluish-gray. It was hard to say which color really.

She’s so small,” Luca said quietly. He made no move to touch her. He seemed almost afraid to do so. Perhaps the doctor and midwife who were still in a room with us held him back from showing his affection, but it hadn’t stopped him from being affectionate to me.

Marcella,” he murmured, and tears stung in my eyes at the tenderness in his voice as he called our baby girl by her name for the first time.

Do you want to hold her?”

Luca’s eyes darted from Marcella to me, then he swallowed. “No.”

I frowned, heart clenching at his refusal. “Why not?”

He held up his strong hands with their scars as if that would answer my question. “She’s pure and breakable. I—”

You won’t break her if that’s what you’re worried about,” I said softly, but he shook his head and cupped my cheek. “You hold her. It’s beautiful.”

I gave a small nod, stifling my disappointment. Leaning forward, I brushed my lips over his. “I love you.”

Luca glanced at the doctor, who was writing something down in the corner of the room. I touched his hand to show him I understood that he couldn’t say it back with someone else in the room. I knew he loved me, loved Marcella and me both, no words needed.

Luca didn’t leave our side as we were taken to a private room after I’d been stitched up. Shortly after we’d settled in, Gianna and Matteo came in. I was tired and wanted to rest after the exhausting birth, but they’d waited a long time and I wanted to give them the chance to see Marcella.

Gianna came toward the bed to hug me gently while Matteo wrapped his brother in a hug. “I can’t believe you’re a father now,” Matteo said with a grin.

Luca nodded as if he couldn’t believe it either, his eyes returning to Marcella, who was sleeping in the crib beside my bed. He looked almost lost. I wasn’t sure what to do to help him.

I gestured toward the crib. “Why don’t you hold her, Gianna?”

Gianna straightened but she didn’t reach for Marcella. “You know I’m not good with kids,” she said hesitantly.

I couldn’t believe them. Luca didn’t want to hold our daughter, and now Gianna didn’t want to hold her niece either.

Matteo let out a sigh and stepped up to the crib. Luca rocked forward as if he was about to stop his brother, but then he froze. Matteo must have seen it too, but he ignored it. He slipped his hand under Marcella as I sat up in the bed. “Make sure to support her neck. She can’t hold her head up yet.”

Matteo raised his eyes. Perhaps he’d thought I’d stop him, but Matteo and I had been getting along very well in the last few months. I didn’t trust him like I trusted Luca. Not even close, but I knew he’d protect Marcella. And then he lifted her out of her crib and her eyes peeled open, some spittle dripping down her lips and on his shirt sleeve. He didn’t seem to mind.

“It’s a miracle humankind survived with how fragile and useless our newborns are,” Matteo mused as he looked down at my daughter.

That’s because we make sure nobody gets the chance to hurt them. I think Marcella will be well protected,” I said, meeting Luca’s gaze. Fierce protectiveness reflected in his eyes.

Luca and Matteo exchanged a look that caused Gianna to roll her eyes, but I smiled. If anyone ever so much as considered hurting Marcella, I wanted them to be met with Luca’s and Matteo’s full wrath.


Marcella had my hair. Whenever I’d imagined our daughter, she’d looked like Aria—blonde hair, blue eyes. I hadn’t considered that part of me would be so obviously reflected in her. I hadn’t considered that she’d have anything of me. Aria was pure and kind and beautiful. There weren’t many good qualities I could offer. But Marcella was gorgeous with her black hair. Pure perfection like her mother.

The moment I’d seen her I’d been in love, and seeing Aria with Marcella, I loved my beautiful wife even more. Both of them were my life. The light in my darkness, and I knew I’d ruin it if I touched Marcella. She was fragile. I’d never seen fingers and toes that small. I’d break her. I’d pollute her with my darkness.

Matteo held her without those reservations. He had as much blood on his hands as I, was as twisted and cruel, but he held her, held my daughter. I’d wanted to stop him, didn’t want his killer hands on my innocent daughter, but Aria’s expression had prevented me, and now I had to stand by as my brother rocked my daughter in his arms. I knew I’d never have to worry about Marcella when Matteo was around. He would defend her. He’d kill and maim and burn to defend her – like I would. We both had our demons, but protecting our loved one—that was one of the very few positive character traits we had.

Aria’s gaze burnt a hole in my chest. She wanted me to be the one to hold Marcella. She gave me a reassuring smile, then yawned. She was pale, had lost a lot of blood. “It’s time for you to go. Aria needs rest,” I said.

Matteo lowered Marcella into her crib before he went over to Aria and hugged her, followed by Gianna. Then they slipped out, leaving us alone.

“You don’t have to stay,” Aria whispered.

I stalked toward her, slipped out of my shoes and climbed into bed with her. It was a tight fit, even with Aria’s body snuggled up against me. She winced when she moved and I was careful not to hurt her as I wrapped my arms around her. “I’ll stay,” I said firmly. She rested her palm over my heart as she often did. Sometimes I wondered if it was to reassure herself that I had a beating heart. I covered her hand with mine and she released a breath. “Whenever you are at my side, I know everything will be okay.”

Sleep, principessa. I will protect you.”

And Marcella,” she added, half-asleep.

You and Marcella both, till my death.”

Her breathing evened out, and I allowed my own eyes to close. I wouldn’t sleep of course. This wasn’t our penthouse or our mansion. Romero and Matteo would make sure there were men guarding the corridors, but I needed to be vigilant as well. Whoever wanted to hurt my wife and daughter, would have to go through me.

The next day Aria was released. The doctors probably wanted us gone so they wouldn’t have to deal with armed guards anymore. I had seen how terrified they were of us. Everyone knew what we were. I didn’t give a fuck. I was glad to have Aria back in our penthouse where she and Marcella were safer than out in a public hospital, especially since I’d bought the offices in the building across from our roof terrace and stationed a sniper on the top.

Aria wasn’t allowed to carry anything heavy yet since she was still in pain, so Matteo had to carry Marcella in her carrier. Aria didn’t comment, but Matteo was fucking mocking me with his eyes. I knew he’d chew my ear off later.

And I was right. The moment Aria and Gianna had settled on the sofa, and Marcella was asleep in her crib beside them, Matteo cornered me in the kitchen as I was about to prepare coffee for us.

What the fuck is wrong with you, Luca?” he muttered, getting right in my face. I glanced toward our wives but they were deep in conversation.

Stay out of my business.” I pressed the button of the coffee maker.

Matteo shook his head. “She’s your daughter. Why won’t you touch her? Even I can tell that it’s killing Aria to see you acting like a total jackass.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Our father was a sadistic asshole, not a role model of what it means to be a good father. I’m like him in so many regards—who’s to say I won’t be a shitty father as well?”

Matteo laughed. Fucking laughed in my face. “Fuck. Listen to you talking bullshit. You are nothing like our father where it matters. He raped and beat our mother. You cut your own arm because you didn’t want to force Aria on your wedding night. You treat her like a queen, and you will treat your daughter like a princess. Now stop the bullshit, Luca.”

For fuck’s sake, Matteo, you make it sound like I’m a saint. You know me.”

Saint, sinner, as if I give a fuck.” Matteo sneered. “I know you. I know you like to kill, you like to spill blood as much as I do. I know you enjoy slicing up our enemies and traitors. I know you like to be feared. You like their screams and their begging. You are a sick fucker like me, but you are a sick fucker who loves his wife and his daughter, and who would rather spill his own blood and slice his own limbs off than harm them.”

I shoved the full coffee cup toward Matteo without a word, and took a gulp from my own black coffee. I didn’t think I’d live to see the day that Matteo was the voice of reason from us both. I didn’t like it one bit. “We’ll see how you’ll handle becoming a father.”

Matteo shook his head. “Gianna and I don’t want kids right now, perhaps never.”

I raised my eyebrows in surprise but didn’t get the chance to ask him about it because Romero and Lily arrived for lunch.

After greeting Aria and taking a look at Marcella, Romero came over to Matteo and me, gripping my hand with a smile. “Congrats. Your daughter is beautiful.”

She was, beautiful like Aria.

Aria glanced up and met my gaze, her lips turning up at the corners.

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