Bound By Love (Born in Blood Mafia Chronicles Book 6)

Bound By Love: Chapter 23


The next day we returned to the Hamptons to pick up a few clothes Aria needed. She’d stay in New York with me from now on. I wanted her close, and I was needed in New York.

When we stepped into the mansion, Gianna and Matteo sat at the dining table, having breakfast. It was close to lunchtime so they’d probably slept in late, or rather fucked in late as usual. Gianna jumped up from her chair and hurried over to us. I released Aria. Before Gianna hugged her sister, she sent me a scathing look. “Are you okay? Did the brute treat you all right?”

I tensed. Did she fucking suggest I’d mistreated Aria? Even when I’d thought she’d fucked Dante, I hadn’t laid a hand on her. I’d killed and tortured people for far less. Aria gave me an apologetic look before I headed toward Matteo while she and her sister moved to the seating area and sat down.

Matteo clapped my shoulder. “Did you finally pull your head out of your ass?”

My eyes remained on Aria. I had trouble letting her out of my sight now that I had her back, now that I knew how vulnerable she was.

“What’s the matter with you? I thought you settled your fight.”

We did.” I turned to Matteo, who was watching me cautiously. “Aria is pregnant with my child.”

Matteo’s eyes widened, his gaze swiveling to Aria then back to me. “You’re going to be a father?”

Could he have sounded any more shocked? I glared, then focused on Aria, who was placating Gianna from the looks of it.

Maybe that was one of the reasons Dante let her go and chose the photo tactic to weaken you.”

I nodded. “Maybe. If I ever get my hands on him, I’ll ask him if he wanted me to kill my own wife.”

He knew you wouldn’t kill her. He probably thought you’d risk a headless attack on his territory, on him, so he could kill you.”

I didn’t know Dante’s motives, but I’d give him an excruciating death if I ever caught him.

How do you feel about becoming a father?”

I shrugged. “Our father wasn’t a role model.”

No, that’s for sure,” Matteo muttered. We exchanged a long look. Our childhood had been a fucking ordeal. If we hadn’t had each other, we would have gone dipshit crazy.

“It’s a girl. It’ll make things easier,” I added.

Matteo smirked. “If she’s as beautiful as Aria, then we’ll have our hands full keeping men away.”

My lips curled into a hard smile. “Let them come.”

Matteo laughed, excitement flaring in his eyes at the prospect of blood, then he quieted and searched my eyes. In the first weeks after I’d received the photos of Dante and Aria, after I’d gone down the deep end and slaughtered the bikers, and more after that, he’d been worried. “I’m glad you didn’t go completely batshit crazy.”

I touched his shoulder. “That would have been your chance to become Capo.”

Matteo was alpha like me. He hated being told what to do, hated having to bow down to anyone. It had led to more than one torture session from our father. Yet he’d never used my moments of weakness to better his position.

That you had my back rather than shoved a fucking knife into it, even though I gave you plenty of opportunity, Matteo—that I will never forget.”

Matteo gave a nod, then his mouth twisted in his annoying grin. “I can see the pregnancy hormones have already rubbed off on you.”

Don’t hold your breath for sappy emotional outbursts, asshole.”

Matteo punched my stomach, but I tightened my muscles before the impact and didn’t make a sound. “I know you reserve those only for Aria.”

My eyes went over to Aria. She looked up and as always warmth settled in my body.

Matteo and Gianna had returned to New York with us two days ago. I knew it was because Matteo wanted to keep an eye on me and because Gianna wanted to keep an eye on her sister, but I honestly couldn’t care less why they had made their decision. Romero and Lily had been in New York already, because as a new Captain his presence was required, and Lily had to help Romero’s mother who had broken her leg. Aria was happy having her family around again. She and her sisters sat on the couch, browsing through baby magazines that Lily had brought.

As long as I didn’t have a second bodyguard for her, I wouldn’t let her leave the apartment unless I was with her.

“Maybe I can take over a few shifts,” Romero suggested.

I shook my head. I’d settled things with him and I would have preferred him to guard Aria again, but that was no longer an option. “You are Captain now, and you are a husband. That changes things.”

Romero’s eyes darted toward Lily, and I knew I couldn’t let him watch Aria. His priorities had shifted, and knowing the impact of love, I knew no threats would make him choose Aria’s life over Lily’s if it ever came down to it.

“What do you think of Demetrio?” I asked.

He’s a good fighter, loyal, and unattached. There’s only the Famiglia for him,” Romero said, and his mouth set tight with guilt.

He got Angelo for us, didn’t blink when you killed Gottardo.”

Demetrio had hated his father and his half-brothers. As a bastard son, he’d suffered living with them. He was grateful I had killed them.

I’m considering making him Underboss of Washington if he proves himself.”

“The added incentive will definitely help,” Matteo said.

Romero nodded but didn’t look convinced. “He’s still young.”

Twenty. You weren’t much older when you started guarding Aria.”

Do you trust him with Aria?” Matteo asked.

My eyes moved to my wife, who was smiling at her sisters, her palm pressed against her belly.

No. But I don’t have many options. I can’t guard her all the time. And I know Demetrio’s weakness. I will use it to keep him in line if I have to.”

Demetrio stepped into our gym, eyes cautious as they settled on Matteo and me. He usually worked with Orfeo, the son of one of my Captains, and it was obvious that he was wary of my reasons for calling him here. He was one of the few family members I could stand, though being a bastard he wasn’t even officially considered family. He had always been a loyal asset.

Luca, Matteo,” he said carefully, stopping a few steps from us. His eyes took in my clothes with a frown. I had already changed into sweatpants, nothing else. No sense in getting blood on a shirt.

His gaze moved to the boxing ring behind me and tension filled his body. He was tall, Matteo’s height, but a couple of inches shorter than I, and not as muscled but that was a given.

I could see caution and a hint of worry in his eyes, but he didn’t reach for his gun or try to run. “You called for me?” His voice was firm and he met my gaze straight on.

I nodded, and took a step closer to him. He didn’t back off. “You’ve proven your loyalty in the last few years, and I’m considering making you Underboss of Washington.”

His eyes registered surprise. Washington was one of the most important cities in my territory and he was only the bastard son of my uncle Gottardo, not someone who was meant to inherit his father’s title—but he was someone who had never given me reason for distrust. Usually he would have become Captain, no more.

It’s an honor,” he said. “What do I need to do to prove my worth?” Still caution and wariness.

You will guard my wife over the next year.”

Demetrio’s eyes widened. “What about Sandro?”

He will be second guard, but I want someone as deadly as you when I’m not around. Let’s see if I’m right that you are the best choice.”

I nodded at Matteo.

He pulled his knife and gave his shark-grin. “You should get your knife out as well. I will try not to kill you.”

Demetrio removed his jacket and unsheathed a long curved knife, then held it out at chest level as he faced off with Matteo.

Matteo lunged. Knives clanged. Demetrio held his own but Matteo wasn’t out for the kill, of course. Yet, I was happy with what I saw.

“Enough,” I said. “Now you will fight me.”

Demetrio wiped blood from a cut in his cheek, then eyed me warily.

“Without weapons,” I said.

He dropped the knife and I attacked. I landed a few hard hits against his sides, stomach and face, but he got me a few times too, not enough to bring me to my knees but it was better than nothing. Eventually, I grabbed his throat and wrenched him to the ground, then dug my knee into his chest. I eased my hold on his throat enough for him to breathe then brought my face close. “Aria is my wife. She is mine.”

He swallowed, a hint of anger in his dark eyes. “I would never do anything, I swear.”

I don’t have to tell you what I’ll do if you touch her.”

Everyone knows she’s off-limits, Luca,” he ground out. “I’m not insane. And no offense, but she isn’t my type.”

Matteo laughed. “Demetrio, you’ve got a dick. She is your type. I’m Luca’s brother and even I can admit that I like what I see.”

I sent Matteo a look. He shrugged.

Demetrio shook his head. “She is beautiful,” he admitted and my fingers twitched. “But I prefer outsiders. They aren’t as restrained as our women.”

I tilted my head. I’d thought the same way before Aria, but I was happy with his reaction. I couldn’t detect a lie. “You will guard her with your life.”

She will be safe with me,” he said firmly. I believed it too, but I’d have still preferred Romero, would always prefer him. Still, he was now Captain and I couldn’t ask him to step down from that position, and his feelings for Lily made him too volatile. If he had to choose between Aria and Lily, the choice was clear.

I released Demetrio and straightened, then held out my hand for him. He took it and I pulled him to his feet and clapped his shoulder, then lowered my voice threateningly. “Orfeo is like your brother, and his family has always been closer than your own.”

I left the rest unsaid, that if he messed up, Orfeo would be the one to pay the price.

Demetrio stiffened. “You can trust me with your wife, Luca. I swear it by my honor.” He touched his tattoo.

I don’t trust anyone, but you will prove yourself.”

I will. Is there a reason why Sandro isn’t enough anymore?” he asked carefully.

She is pregnant,” I said, even though my body bristled at admitting it.

Demetrio nodded, but I could see the hint of apprehension in his expression. Good, he knew what kind of responsibility I gave him. “She will be safe.”

If you are suspicious of someone, disable first then ask questions. I’d rather deal with the fallout of killing one too soon than one too late, understood?”

Demetrio gave another nod. “Will you make it public?”

No,” I said. “I don’t want people to know until there’s no way around it, and even then only Famiglia. I don’t want photos of Aria’s pregnancy or our child in the press. If you notice a photographer, get them, or at least their name, and I will deal with them. Dante knows already. We have to prevent the Bratva or the Camorra from finding out. Understood?”

I’d caught the hint of surprise on his face when I mentioned Dante knew, but I didn’t bother explaining. “Understood,” he said.

I gave him another hard look before I said, “I will introduce you to my wife tomorrow.”

Demetrio inclined his head.


Luca had always been protective. I was used to it by now. But since he’d found out about my pregnancy his protectiveness had reached a new level. He barely let me out of his sight and he definitely didn’t leave me alone with Sandro. I knew he’d found a new bodyguard for me and it was obvious that the idea didn’t sit well with Sandro, but he and I had never really gotten along well. Romero had been like a friend, and even brother, but Sandro was always only my guard.

Luca went over to the elevator when it began its ascent, but I stayed back against the kitchen counter. The doors slid open and a tall young man stepped forward. He shook Luca’s hand then followed him toward me, eyes appraising me carefully. I remembered the sharp onyx eyes and black hair.

This is my cousin, Demetrio,” Luca said. He was a bastard son. I’d heard people whisper about it and I had hated it. I’d seen him several times over the years, the first time at my wedding, He had been a teenager then, a couple of years younger than me. He must have been twenty, twenty-one now? He inclined his head respectfully and I smiled and walked toward him, extending my hand. Demetrio glanced at Luca, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. But really, I was used to this kind of behavior from Luca’s soldiers by now. Luca noticed my reaction and smirked.

I didn’t wait for his okay and took Demetrio’s hand, and shook it. I tried to remember when I’d last seen him, probably at some family function or perhaps even the funeral of Luca’s father. “Nice to see you again, Demetrio. Last time was at Salvatore’s funeral?”

He shook his head, hand stiff in mine. “No, last time was three years ago when Luca beat me up in the gym for suggesting I fight you.”

My eyes widened and I laughed as I released him. “Oh well. I suppose that’s a day you don’t like to remember.” He had changed a lot since then. He definitely didn’t look like a boy anymore, and there was nothing insecure about him. He had hardened like all Made Men did eventually.

No,” he said. “It was a lesson I needed to learn.”

Luca watched his cousin with sharp eyes. I could tell he didn’t trust him like he trusted Romero, but if Luca had chosen Demetrio I knew I was safe with him.

“I’m looking forward to getting to know you,” I told him.

Surprise flashed across his face before he masked it.

Why don’t you stay for dinner?”

His dark eyes moved to Luca, who nodded. “Aria prefers to know her bodyguards.” I stifled my annoyance about Demetrio’s need to get Luca’s approval.

Matteo and Gianna joined us as well. Demetrio was tense throughout dinner but he was polite and not too intimidating, so I felt comfortable enough in his presence.

That night as Luca and I lay in bed, I asked, “Why him?”

He’s proven his worth over and over again in the last few years. My uncle Gottardo, his father, was a worthless piece of shit, but Demetrio is a loyal soldier. I want to test him.”

“Test him?”

I need an Underboss for Washington, and I want to give the job to him.” He stroked my hair. “And he’s deadly. He’s got no real attachments. His mother is dead, and he isn’t married or anything.”

“So you think he won’t have trouble putting his life down for me,” I said.

Luca smiled darkly. “He won’t hesitate to die for you, trust me, because if something happens to you while you’re under his watch, I’ll set a new record.”

I shivered at the undercurrent in his tone. “Record,” I echoed, though I had a feeling I knew.

Luca shook his head and kissed me sweetly, eyes softening. “Nothing will happen to you or our baby, trust me.”

You can’t lock me in, Luca. I still want to work the books. I need to do something. These last few weeks without anything to do were hell.”

He sighed. “When you start showing, we need to keep you out of the public eye as much as possible, or at least make sure you won’t be recognizable.”

I can get another wig,” I teased.

Luca chuckled. “That might be an option, yes.” His fingers on my waist became more and more distracting.

What do you think about turning the small guest room into the nursery?”

“Not the big one?”

It’s downstairs.”

He gave a tense nod. “Our daughter needs to be close to us, you are right.” He closed his eyes briefly. “How am I going to protect you and her both?”

I ran my fingers over his Famiglia tattoo. “Nothing will happen to us.”

He relaxed slightly but a hint of tension remained. I sat up and Luca’s eyes narrowed in confusion. I trailed my hands down over his firm stomach to the waistband of his briefs. I hadn’t gone down on him since we’d made up, worried my nausea would flare up if he accidentally hit the back of my throat, and that wasn’t something I wanted to happen.

He hardened immediately and desire flashed in his eyes. Yet he said, “Aria, you don’t have to do this.”

I dragged down his briefs and his cock sprang free. “You don’t want my mouth on you?

He made a strange sound deep in his throat, half laugh, half groan. “I’m close to coming just having your face near my cock.”

I laughed, and he grinned, then tensed as I leaned down and took his tip into my mouth and twirled my tongue around him. His taste tightened my center with arousal—no sign of nausea. Encouraged by my body’s reaction, I slid more of his length into my mouth and hollowed my cheeks, establishing a slow rhythm.

Luca moaned, a low sound that made wetness pool between my legs. He watched me through half-closed eyes, shoulders flexing as he fisted the blankets. I took special care of his tip the way he liked it and cupped his balls.

“Aria,” he rasped. “Fuck, this feels so good.”

He tightened and I sucked him harder, enjoying the way his body tensed and his breathing turned ragged. I tasted the first hints of his cum but before he could release into my mouth, Luca pushed me back gently and came all over his stomach as his cock twitched.

I kept massaging his balls then moved on to stroke his muscled thighs. “Why did you do that?” I asked curiously.

Luca gave me a sated smile. “I didn’t want to risk you getting sick.”

I snorted. “I wouldn’t have thrown up on you.” Then I added, “I think. I feel pretty decent.” And it was true. My nausea was almost completely gone since Luca had returned into my life.

I didn’t want to risk it,” he said in a low voice, then cleaned himself with a tissue before he reached for my arm and pulled me closer. “Sit on my stomach.”

I straddled him as he’d asked, and he brought his legs up so I could lean against them before he drew my legs out from under me and parted them, laying me bare to his hungry gaze.

I shivered as his eyes took their time appraising me.

So wet because I had my cock in your mouth,” he growled, and I trembled with arousal, parting my legs a bit wider.

I enjoyed giving Luca pleasure. It made me feel powerful, but it wasn’t just that. I loved how he let loose when I pleasured him with my mouth. It was a beautiful sight.

He trailed his palms up my legs and his fingertips stroked the sensitive skin of my inner thigh, but he didn’t touch me where I needed it, only watched me intently as I squirmed on top of him. “Please,” I gasped.

His finger graced the outer edge of my folds. “Are you begging me? Begging for release?”

Yes,” I said harshly.

“Don’t you know that begging doesn’t work with me?” he asked darkly, and I almost came hearing his voice.

“Luca, please.”

“Please what?”

I narrowed my eyes but his gaze was dominant and possessive, and my core tightened. “Please touch me, I beg you.”

He slid two fingers into me excruciatingly slowly, and his mouth parted as he watched me. I came hard before he was even halfway in, bending backwards against his knees, whimpering and half-delirious with relief.

Luca moved his fingers in a gentle rhythm as I rode out my orgasm, his eyes moving from my center up to my face.

I rocked my pelvis lightly as he slid in and out slowly, curling his fingers deep inside of me. He pressed his thumb against my clit and thrust harder into me, and I cried out again, unable to hold back my release, but Luca still didn’t ease up. His fingers kept up their sweet torture and I came again, slumping forwards, palms pressed against his chest, panting and perspiring. Luca’s gray eyes held mine.

I don’t think I can come again,” I rasped, feeling almost faint.

Relax, principessa. Give it a moment. We need to make up for lost time.”

I leaned back against his legs again, and he kept fucking me with his fingers slowly, without a rush. His stomach was slick from my arousal and his movements made embarrassingly wet sounds. I whimpered and his gaze became impossibly more possessive. It took a long time, but eventually my walls tightened almost painfully and another release rocked through me.

Luca sat up, claiming my mouth, and I held on to him. “Amazing,” he whispered as his lips grazed my tender throat, and all I could do was nod.

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