Bottom At Heart

Chapter 10

Clar looked down at the small body tucked up next to him and smiled. Both he and Heart were in casual clothes, a sharp contrast to the suits they had worn for their formal “for the press” date earlier that week. Clar had gone all out. He had even gotten Heart flowers. He’d been a bit nervous about that, since he knew Heart was a man, and he wasn’t sure what the etiquette was for same-sex dating. But he knew that he liked flowers, so he’d gone with his instincts and he had surprised Heart with a bouquet of red carnations. They had seemed a nice middle ground between romantic red roses and friendly sunflowers. And his instincts had paid off: not only had Heart loved them, but Clar learned that carnations were Heart’s favorite flowers.

The date had gone well, exceedingly so. Clar couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so at ease and happy with someone else. Conversation flowed easily, and Clar had made Heart laugh, a sound he was as addicted to as Heart’s scent. Even now, with Heart cuddled in his arms as they watched movies, Heart’s warm, alluring scent made Clar feel cocooned in warmth and happiness.

Smiling a little, he pressed a kiss to Heart’s hair, rubbing his thumb along Heart’s arm. Heart tilted his head up to look at Clar, his dark gaze twinkling with mischief. “Someone’s not watching the movie,” he teased.

Clar shrugged, smiling more. “How can I? You’re right here.” He teased back, and was rewarded by a light blush and more of Heart’s heady scent perfuming the air. It was strange though. Heart appeared to still be on Scent Blockers. Clar had purposefully not taken his so that Heart would have a chance to scent him. But it had been instantly obvious to Clar that Heart’s base scent was absent from the delicious cocktail of warm, spice, citrus, and cedar. He figured Heart must have a reason, so he didn’t push it.

He was pulled from his thoughts by the sudden change in the air. Heart’s warm scent had grown spicier, and as Clar looked down at Heart, he could see his boyfriend’s dark gaze turning amber. His heart pounded in his chest as he felt Heart’s hand reach out to smooth across his chest.

They looked at each other, the movie playing on in the background as they scanned each other’s faces. He shifted his hand, running it through Heart’s soft, silken hair. The strands were finer than he had thought, slipping through his fingers as Clar caressed the back of Heart’s neck. Heart’s skin was warm and soft and Clar’s gaze went to his hand as he smoothed it from Heart’s neck to the collar of the smaller’s T-shirt, before dipping his fingers under the fabric to follow along Heart’s slim shoulders.

Heart closed his eyes, leaning closer, and then he shifted. Clar thought he was shifting away, and he dropped his hand. But instead of moving away, Clar suddenly found himself with a lap full of Heart as the other straddled him. Heart’s gaze was now a deep gold as he stripped off his shirt, and Clar stopped breathing. He reached out a tentative hand, grazing his fingertips along Heart’s collarbones. Heart closed his eyes, sighing, his fingers curling into Clar’s shirt as he caught his lips between his teeth.

Clar got bolder with his touch, fascinated by Heart’s body. They might both be men, but there was something about Heart that was new and different. Was it the creamy paleness of his skin? The way he was slim but strong? Clar touched everywhere, his fingers gentle. He trailed them along Heart’s collarbone, his shoulders, running them down Heart’s arms. He reached Heart’s fingertips, bringing his hands to his mouth, licking, and sucking on Heart’s fingertips carefully, tasting the soft skin.

Heart moaned at the wet feel of Clar’s tongue, at the warmth of his lover’s mouth. Clar smiled, placing Heart’s hands on his shoulders. Heart’s fingers instantly clenched the fabric, and he exhaled, watching Clar with hooded gold eyes. The scents of their arousals were at war, and the living room suddenly became too small, too warm. Clar could smell his musky scent, could see that Heart was inhaling it deeply. He could smell Heart’s arousal, and it was lighter, sweeter than his. Clar wanted to just bury his face in Heart’s neck, but he wanted to finish his careful perusal of his beautiful boyfriend’s body.

He reached out, settling his hands on Heart’s hips. Just as slowly, just as carefully, he ran his hands up Heart’s sides, feeling the warmth, the strength, the softness of his boyfriend’s skin.

He felt Heart shift, tilting his hips slightly, until suddenly, their growing erections were pressed together. Clar hadn’t ever felt anything quite like it, and it made him catch his breath.

Heart, however, knew exactly what he was doing. He dug his fingers into Clar’s shoulders, tipping his head back, moaning as he slowly began to rock his hips against Clar. Clar’s grip on heart’s hips became harder as he watched Heart, fully focused on creating a delicious friction that made his skin tingle from pleasure. The moans and sighs that Heart made as he caught his lip in his teeth were so sinful that Clar had to close his eyes, trying to keep his body from barreling straight into an orgasm. He would not cum simply from his tiny boyfriend’s masterful grinding. No matter how tempting it was.

Deciding to take a more active role, Clar moved his hands up, circling Heart’s lean waist, pulling him to him so Clar could taste Heart’s pale, alluring neck. He loved Heart’s taste, and now there was again a light sheen of sweat on the creamy pale skin. He could hear his own moans as he licked and sucked on Heart’s neck as they continued to grind against each other.

Suddenly, he felt Heart’s cool fingers on his skin as Heart snuck his hands under Clar’s shirt. Clar instantly shifted, ripping his shirt off, desperate for more of Heart’s touch. Heart was looking at his body with gold eyes, his lips curved in a self-satisfied smile. Clar had to close his eyes as Heart’s soft fingers carefully explored his body, starting at his neck, with Heart tracing every muscle, every freckle. Unlike most Alphas, Clar made it a mission to remain as hair free as possible. He refused to be one of those musky hairy Alphas.

“You’re so beautiful, Clar,” Heart murmured, leaning down to lick Clar’s shoulder. Clar bit back a moan at the soft touch of Heart’s lips on his skin.

“Not as beautiful as you, my Heart,” he breathed, tightening his arms around Heart. He could feel Heart trailing kisses along his chest, could feel the hot wet heat of his tongue that slid along his skin, tasting, soothing the little bites that Heart gave him. Nothing in his life had ever felt this good. Sex with women had felt nice, but something about Heart kissing his skin as he gently rocked their erections together…it was other worldly.

Also, he couldn’t really remember a time when his partner had taken the time to explore his body in return. Most of the time, the focus was on his partner, not him. He was always the one leading the way, so it was very different to have someone else in charge. Having Heart spend so much time worshipping his body in return made Clar’s heart squeeze in a weird emotion he wasn’t used too. He was almost shy.

He ducked his head into Heart’s neck, seeking comfort from his warm, sweet scent. His sudden action made Heart laugh, a deep throaty sound that made Clar sigh in pleasure.

“Why are you hiding, lover?” Heart purred in his ear, reaching up, stroking his hair and nape. He felt Heart drop a kiss on the shell of his ear, and he tightened his grip on Heart.

“No one’s really done this for me. I’m just feeling a bit overwhelmed, I guess,” he managed, pressing kisses to Heart’s neck and shoulders.

“Really? It should be considered a crime to not explore every,” Heart pressed a kiss to Clar’s shoulder, “single,” he shifted in Clar’s lap, running his tongue on his right nipple until Clar moaned out loud and it was fully erect, “inch,” Heart was now between his legs and Clar’s heart was in his throat, “of your beautiful,” Heart eased down Clar’s sweats, a sexy smirk on his sinful lips, “body.” He whispered, pressing a kiss on Clar’s hip bones, working from left to right to left again, his tongue slyly slipping under the band of Clar’s briefs.

Heart curled his fingers on the band, looking up at Clar with gold eyes that were so filled with lust that Clar had to take a deep breath. Heart’s breath was fanning his stomach, making his stomach flinch and his skin break into goosebumps. Heart ran a very careful finger from Clar’s belly button to his briefs and back. “Are you clean, baby?”

Clar blinked at him through a haze of lust. It was hard to think with Heart’s nails caressing his skin.

He blinked again when Heart snapped his fingers in front of his face. “Clar, are you clean?”

Dots finally connected and Clar reached out, tangling his fingers into Heart’s hair. “Yes. I get checkups once a month.”

Heart smiled, turning his cheek into Clar’s palm, his gaze hooded and gold. “Excellent,” he murmured, pressing his hand on Clar’s hip bones, his hand on Clar’s clothed shaft pressing harder, faster. He flicked a gaze up at Clar, who had tipped his head back as he hissed in pleasure.

“Clar, may I? May I see you? May I taste you?” Heart breathed, and Clar had to clench his fists against orgasming at the sexy question.

He didn’t know if his voice would break or if he’d just moan, so he nodded, lifting his hips a little. He had a vague idea of what Heart was planning, and he was honestly a little nervous. None of his girlfriends or partners had ever done this for him. They hadn’t been interested. Clar knew he was very good at bringing a woman to orgasm with his tongue and fingers, would a blow job be much different? Would Heart be expecting one in return?

His thoughts were interrupted by the feel of Heart peeling his sweats down, baring his briefs. He’d chosen red because he remembered Heart saying that was his favorite color. He looked at Heart, and saw the other had noticed, and was appreciative. There was a glint of mischief in his gold gaze, and, looking Clar in the eyes, he ran a single long nail along Clar’s hard, clothed shaft.

Clar slapped a hand on his mouth as his hips bucked a little. Oh God. Just that simple touch and he was almost gone.

“Let me hear you, baby,” Heart purred, and Clar hesitantly moved his hand away. Heart was still slowly stroking his shaft with just the tip of his nail, and it was sending shivers up and down Clar’s body.

He felt Heart’s other hand snake up, fingertips scratching his skin as he curled his fingers under the band of the briefs. Clar lifted his hips, letting Heart peel his briefs off. His erection sprang free, hard, and leaking. Clar, in typical Alpha fashion, had a thick, long shaft, and he heard Heart hum in appreciation. He hissed as he felt Heart’s finger rub along his slit as his other hand wrapped around his base. He opened his eyes just in time to see Heart suck on his precum wet finger. Seeing his precum coating Heart’s finger and seeing it disappear into Heart’s mouth…he whined a little in arousal. He watched as Heart slowly moved his finger in and out of his mouth, his gold gaze on Clar’s. Heart’s tongue curled around his finger, showing Clar exactly what was going to happen.

“You taste delicious, baby. Breathe, though. Come on, with me,” Heart murmured, placing his hand with his wet finger on Clar’s chest. Clar suddenly took a deep inhale, and because he’d been holding his breath, everything became more, and he almost flinched away as Heart pressed his hand soothingly into his chest while his other hand began to slowly stroke Clar’s shaft. Heart rubbed his left nipple with his precum and saliva wet fingers, and Clar bit his lip fiercely, gaze gold and bright with lust. Heart shifted, dragging the finger up Clar’s chest. Then, using his thumb, he coaxed Clar’s lip from his teeth and pressed his finger into Clar’s mouth. Clar could taste himself and Heart, and he moaned, stroking Heart’s finger with his tongue.

As he closed his eyes, enjoying the taste and feel of Heart’s finger in his mouth, he felt to softest, gentlest lick on his tip.

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