Bossy Romance: Single Dad BWWM (Billionaire Dads)

Bossy Romance: Chapter 20


One by one, my senses come back to me. I have to check if I have all my fingers and toes because, somewhere between the bed rocking, Adam growling in my ear and sweat running rivulets into the pillows where I’ve been balancing on my hands and knees, my body literally ripped apart with pleasure.

I blink unsteadily and keep wiggling. All digits are present and accounted for, down to the little toe.

“Okay,” Adam breathes against my damp skin, “I’m going to need some time to recover from that one.”

Now you’ll need some time?” I ask hoarsely. I lost my voice somewhere around the ‘Adam Turns Me Into A Contortionist’ part of the evening.

The sun has shifted all the way across the sky. Adam and I haven’t left this bed once except to use the bathroom. I can’t decide if he’s a monster or a machine, but he’s definitely not human.

I squint at him, my heart beating fast. “Are you sure you’re not part alien?”

He arches a brow.

“It would explain why you’re so good with technology,” I reason. “And why you have such a weird obsession with helping mankind.”

“You really aren’t that logical when it comes to me, are you, darlin’?” He places a hand on the middle of my naked back and curls me into him. The faint smell of metal, the slight movement of his pecs as he sighs in contentment, the sight of his wavy, tuggable hair—it all invites me to snuggle deeper against his side.

Adam welcomes me with a kiss on my temple.

I smile.

My big, oversized, country darlin’ is a cuddler.

All the signs were there from the start, he was holding me tightly the night that Alexa passed, but it still catches me by surprise. Probably because he spent the past couple hours wiping away all memories of his gentleness and showing me the animal hidden beneath his tightly-held control.

As our breaths return to normal, I look up at him. A memory of what he said when we first got started returns to me. “Do I really have a teacher voice?”

“Yup.” Adam’s eyes remain closed.

My eyebrows knot. “Is it annoying?”


I swat at him. “I don’t mean to have a teacher voice. I just need to get things done as efficiently as possible.”

“I know you do, Nova.”

I chew on my bottom lip, wondering how long he’s been annoyed by my tone.

Adam laughs softly. His fingertips graze the column of my throat. “Stop overthinking. It’s not a big deal.” When I don’t respond, Adam adds, “How about this? If I ever get enough of that teacher voice, I’m going to drag you somewhere private. It doesn’t matter where we are. I’ll take you away and shove your panties down to your knees…” He growls out the rest of his promise in my ear and my breaths start coming out rapidly.

“H-how will that help?” I croak, feeling hot all over.

“Positive reinforcement. ‘Teacher voice’ is now an invitation. You can keep doing it and I won’t mind.”

“That’s ridiculous.” I laughingly shake my head.

“Try it and we’ll see.” He yawns.

I settle into his side, enjoying the quiet hush of the evening and the thrum of his heart beating against my ear.

“I didn’t hurt you too much, did I?” Adam asks, mindlessly rubbing a circle on my hip.

“No, not too much.”

He poured every ounce of desire he had into me, unleashing punishing strokes that marked me from the inside out. I’m sure there will be some damage.

But I would do it again.

“Although,” I kiss his chest, thinking of his insatiable lust and the beastly way he kept coming at me, “you’re not as much of a gentleman as I thought you were. It makes me wonder how you survived seven years without even kissing me.”

“It’s a good thing you always kept that line between us,” Adam mumbles sleepily against my forehead. “Because if I’d tasted you before you were ready to be with me, I’d have driven myself crazy wanting you.”


“It was tough enough when I didn’t know what being with you was like. But if I’d had you and then couldn’t touch you again…?” He shakes his head.

I lightly trace a finger over his full pink lips and watch them curve into a smile. “So you don’t regret waiting seven years for me to resign and figure myself out?”

“Darlin’, I’d wait a lifetime.” He gives me a kiss full of sweetness and bubbly promises. Then he pulls back, his eyes still half-hooded. “But I’m glad I didn’t have to because,” he whistles and slides a hand down the dip of my waist and over my hip, stirring heat between my legs again, “you are too exquisite for words.”

I laugh softly. “You big flirt.”

He smiles against my braids.

I nuzzle his chest, inhaling the damp fragrance of us on his skin.

“Nova,” he breathes my name.

I glance up and find chocolate brown eyes blinking down at me. “Hm?”

“Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For trusting me.” He runs his hands over my back, following the curve of my spine, stopping at the dip where my spine meets my tailbone and swooping back up again. “For loving me.”

I sigh inward. “Adam.”

“I know how hard it is for you to put the sword down, and I know how terrifying it must be to realize you’re falling for me.”

“Fallen.” I nudge his chest. “It’s already done.”

He smiles and kisses the tips of my fingers. “I’m going to live my life showing you that you made the right choice. Because you’ve always made the right choices, Nova, and I’m not going to be the exception.”

“I believe you.” I narrow my eyes. “As long as we keep the fake marriages to a minimum.”

“Darlin’, the next time I walk down the aisle, it’ll be to get married to you.”

“Again with the non-proposals.”

“Who said it was a non-proposal? I’m totally serious.”

I make a frantic sound. “Hold your horses, cowboy. Let’s try dating first and then talk about marriage.”

“Always trying to slow me down,” he mutters, but a grin spreads over his face.

“That’s what I do. You show up with the grand ideas and I bring you back to reality. It’s why we work so well together.” My eyes stray to my cell phone. Speaking of work, I haven’t checked my phone once since Adam threw me into his bed and ripped my clothes off.

“You’re starting to suffer from withdrawal, aren’t you,” he says knowingly, wearing a handsome grin.

“I am not.” I frown. “When are you supposed to pick up Rowan from art camp?”


“How soon?” I sit up to check my phone.

He grabs my wrist. “Why don’t you let me worry about that?”

My breath catches as he captures my hands and pins them above my head. His fingers slide over my palm and interlock with mine. I feel him pressing into me and I know what’s coming. I know he’s going to take everything he craves until I’m soft and dazed.

This is dangerous. I’m definitely saying ‘yes’ to marriage if it comes from this growly version of Adam.

His eyes glint dangerously as if he knows he has me in the palm of his hand. “We’ve got time.”

“Time to do what?” I feign innocence.

“Relax, Nova.”

Heat blasts me in the face, the chest, the thighs—every inch of my skin. A human inferno. I lift my chin, trying to be defiant. I can’t have Adam thinking that he’s tamed me, even if he has… a little bit.

“At least let me check my emails.”

“Lie down and spread your legs,” Adam orders, his voice dripping with dark authority.

Inside, I’m melting.

Outside, I resist. “Don’t think that tone will work on me all the time, Mr. Harrison.”

“Mr. Harrison?”

“I no longer work for you or Vision Tech, remember?”

“That’s right,” Adam says. The next thing I know, he’s grabbing my ankle and dragging me down. I yelp, skating over the bed and knocking my head into a pillow.

Adam crawls over me like lightning and grips my chin. It’s not a painful touch, but it is firm. I make a tortured sound as he swipes his thumb, stained with the essence of us, over my mouth, slowly circling, massaging, and tugging on my flesh.

I remain strong.

Until he moves his hands lower, lower, there, copying the same motions in aggravatingly slow swipes. I buck in delight, shudder with angry heat, reach for his hair and tug. My body is twisting and seeking him out in desperation.

Something inside me breaks.

I can barely breathe and, when he lifts his hands away, I cry out in protest.

Adam’s smile is filthy and wicked. “You are the undisputed queen in the boardroom, Nova,” he whispers, his eyes darker than the black of night, “but in here, I’m the boss. Do you understand?”

Sayanara, resistance.

I’m languid heat and anticipation when I wrap my legs around him. “Yes.”

The days flow into a rhythm of eating breakfast with Adam and Rowan and using the rest of my time to putter around my apartment, go shopping at the stationary store, or just sleep in to recover from whatever Adam did to me the night before.

Sometimes, in the evenings, I’ll pick Rowan up from art camp while Adam’s at work and we’ll go shopping at the supply store together. Or we watch movies and pick apart the plot until it’s nothing but bones.

Rowan’s trying to teach me how to draw, but it’s hopeless. Poor thing just won’t accept that yet.

Since leaving Vision Tech, my life has expanded to include more people as I have more time and less excuses to avoid events.

I’ve accepted Dejonae’s invitations for Girl’s Night more than any other social engagement. The farmhouse ladies are always funny and I leave the house feeling warm and happy.

It’s nice to belong.

I’ve never had a group of female friends.

Correction, I’ve never had a group of friends period.

But Kenya, Sunny, Vanya, Dawn and Dejonae are understanding. They respect that I don’t always have something to add to the conversation and seem content just to have my presence.

With all that, I do feel a bit aimless. Everything else in my life is rocketing upward, but there’s a hint of discontent in my professional life that won’t go away.

I’ve been thinking more and more about my next steps. Yoon Technologies gave me an offer to join their company. It’s a great opportunity. Even Adam agreed, despite Yoon Technologies being our competitor.

“Go ahead. I’ll support you wherever you go,” he said, before rolling me over and trying to distract me from worrying.

It worked for a while, but I’m still restless. Picking a new path is a huge weight on my mind.

The options are endless.

I’ve got tons of offers to work for other companies.

I can even start my own business. Without Adam’s money. I have my own saved up thanks to my uber-cautious take on finances.

I’ve even explored branching into a non-tech field, but it all feels wrong, like putting on a dress two sizes too small.

I’m sitting at home, doing research and feeling that same restless dissatisfaction when I decide to surprise Adam at work. He would always bring lunch for me when I was CEO of Vision Tech. Now that he’s going into the office more, I should return the favor.

I cook Adam’s favorite pasta, package it prettily and meet Steve downstairs.

Yes, Adam insisted on me keeping a driver. At first, I rejected it. But Steve is getting older and has children to put through college. I didn’t want to take his job away so I agreed.

Steve smiles and waves.

I return the gesture as I get into the car.

On the way to Vision Tech, I look through the window at the city speeding past. I don’t know if it’s the familiarity of the route or the anticipation of seeing Adam, but simply moving in this direction is easing my nerves.

Steve stops in front of Vision Tech and the restless feeling goes completely away. It’s like… I’m home.

I step inside. The responses are immediate.

“Hi, Miss Delaney!”

“Are you back from vacation?”

“We missed you, Miss Delaney.”

Henry walks up to me as I’m waiting for the elevator. He gives me a shy smile which I return.

“Hi, Henry, how have you been?”

“Good.” He meets my eyes. “It’s good to see you.”

I nod.

“Hey, babe.” Courtney, the intern, slips an arm around Henry’s arm.

My eyes bulge.

Henry rubs the back of his neck. “Did I mention? I got a new girlfriend.”

“Henry, that’s great.”

“Thanks.” He eyes me. “Uh, I already spoke to Mr. Harrison but, there are no hard feelings with us, right?”

“None at all. I’m happy for you.” I dip my head.

He smiles and gets into the elevator with me, squeezing his girlfriend’s hand. I am genuinely happy for Henry. He’s a nice guy and he’s going places. I’m glad that Adam was able to set his feelings aside and find a way to keep Henry at Vision Tech. He’s going to be an asset for the company. I can feel it.

As I walk into the office on the top floor, I feel energy surging through my veins. My heels click in time to my quickening heart. The lights are bright. The employees are shining. It’s like stepping into a magical world.

“Miss Delaney!” Rochelle shoots to her feet and aims a big grin at me.

I greet her with a nod. “Where’s Adam?”

“Mr. Harrison is in a meeting right now. They’re trying to decide if he should continue to participate in the inventor’s competition since he’s running Vision Tech now.”

“What?” My jaw drops.

Rochelle checks her computer. “He should be finished soon.”

I start to charge down the hallway when I remember that I don’t have a right to step into that meeting.

I’m no longer working at Vision Tech.

The dissatisfaction returns.

I wait in Adam’s office, which used to be my old office, and pout until the door opens.

Adam steps in, looking like a GQ model in a button-down shirt and dark slacks. He traded his flannel and jeans to fit into office attire. And though he looks tasty enough to lick, I prefer him in his cowboy boots and casual clothes.

“Nova.” A brilliant smile spreads across his face and lights up his eyes.

I shoot out of the chair and approach him.

The light in his eyes putters out when he sees my fierce expression. “Uh-oh. What did I do?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were thinking of withdrawing from the competition?” I demand.

“Oh, it’s that?”

“It’s that?” I fold my arms over my chest. “Adam, you worked hard and you earned your spot fair and square. You deserve to present in the next round.”

He walks closer to me, his long legs eating up the distance between us. “It’s always been a grey area, but with me in the office now, it’s a clear conflict of interest. I can’t, in good faith, participate.”


His lips quirk.

I turn around and lick my lips. In a cautious voice, I suggest, “If you need me to come back to Vision Tech—”

“We don’t need you,” he says cheerfully.

I cringe.

“The team is doing a great job. Of course, it’s ironic that we needed three people to make up for one of you, but they’re pulling their weight and making you proud. Besides, I’ve already won the first round of the competition. That’s better than not participating at all. I can take a break and let other people have a chance to come in first.”

“But you don’t have to,” I say shakily.

“It’s okay. I’m fine with it.”


“Ooh,” Adam reaches for the bag I’m holding, “did you make the pasta I like?”

“No pasta for you.” I haul the bag back.

Adam looks up with a wry grin. “Am I being punished?”


“For what?”

“I…” My brain goes blank. I only know that I’m annoyed and I’m not sure why.

Adam embraces me. “Nova, just say it.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I mumble against his chest.

“Always so stubborn,” he mutters. “Just say you want to come back to Vision Tech.”

I tuck a braid behind my ear and frown at him. Rather than play tough, I let it out. “I want to come back to Vision Tech.”

“Was that so hard?”

“It’s humiliating. I left so dramatically.”

“And you can come back just as dramatically. If you want, I’ll rent some horses. You can ride into the lobby, declaring your takeover.”

I stare at him in mild horror. “I do not understand how your brain works.”

“It’s a joke, darlin’.” He grips both my shoulders and rubs up and down. “I’ve already informed the rest of the team. You can have a smooth transition into this new dynamic. The team’s responsibilities will remain the same. I’ve put measures in place to make sure they stay accountable to you. I don’t want you over-working yourself like you did in the past. With the team behind you, you’ll finish work whenever you want to and you’ll have people to run beside you. People who’ve proven that they can handle the strain.”

“Wait, go back. You told the team I was coming back before I even told you?”

Adam plants such a hard kiss on my lips that my ears start ringing. Without warning, he releases me and looks down with confidence. “You’ve forgotten that I know you as well as you know me.”

“That’s still too much. You couldn’t be sure.”

“You’ve been stealing my Vision Tech files from home and reading them.”

I avert my gaze. I didn’t think he’d noticed that.

“And you ask me about Vision Tech’s latest projects in every conversation. You really aren’t that sneaky, Nova.”

I scoff. “You should have asked me to come back sooner then.”

“Mm-hm.” He shakes his head. “I wanted you to be sure first. I know it takes you a while to figure out your own feelings. Thankfully, this time, it didn’t take seven years.”

I swat him with the bag.

“Careful,” he says, “don’t ruin my lunch.”

I laugh and hand him the bag.

Adam sets it aside.

My eyes widen. “Aren’t you going to eat that now?”

“That’s for later. I’m having dessert first.” Adam takes my hand and leads me to the sofa. He pulls me into his lap as if his door isn’t sprawling open.

When I try to squirm, he holds fast. “I really love when you visit me. Whether it’s here or the lab.” He rubs his nose against mine. “You’re the best part of my day.”

I lean back. “Don’t even think about trying anything in here, Mr. Harrison. You’re on the clock.”

“You weren’t so against it last time,” he says, sliding a hand up my skirt.

I swat at him. “Last time, it was late in the evening and there weren’t hundreds of employees in the building. Besides, this room isn’t soundproof.”

“Then I’ll have to fix that.” He leans closer.

I close my eyes. Adam takes command of my lips and kisses away all my objections. By the time he’s done, I can’t remember my own name, much less why he shouldn’t be bending me over his desk.

His tan hand caresses my cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you,” I answer muddily, still not fully in control of myself. “Is there anything pointy on your desk?”

Adam smirks and nudges me away. “As much as I’d love to answer that, we have a meeting.”


“Did you want to wait before you make a comeback? Didn’t you rush all the way here to meddle?”

“I don’t meddle,” I defend myself. “I came over here to give my loving, handsome boyfriend a meal, as all loving, devoted girlfriends do.”

He places his fingers on my chin and drags my face closer. “You still can’t lie, Nova.”


I shake him off and gesture to the door. “Shall we?”

Adam laughs, rises to his full height and takes my hand. “Welcome back, darlin’.”

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