Bossy President You Are So Bad

Chapter 20 A Farce

John was frightened by his aura, he explained hurriedly, "Sorry, Master Lewis, we are too indulgent to make Becca be dare to make such a trouble, sorry."

"I did nothing wrong. Laura set me up." Becca raised her head with a kind of stubbornness in her eyes.

Hearing this, Maria was going to rush with saying, "I'll rip your mouth!"

Actually, on the way of her rushing to Becca, a few men in black following Kelly were walking towards her and lifted her up. Of course, it was under the instruction of Kelvin Lewis. Maria screamed and struggled to get rid of these strong men's control, "What do you want to do? It is about my family affairs, she almost killed my daughter. She deserved all punishment..."

At this moment, Bruce also came to explain, "Master Lewis, it is really Becca that pushed Laura first who had now been in hospital, and please believe us and we can handle it ourselves."

Becca never counted on Kelvin's help. When she jerked her head in Kelvin's direction, she found that he, standing against a group of people, was almost equal to God because everyone here including Bruce, a lordly man, respected and was afraid of him. However, she, a weak woman, looked like a clown and became a mockery of others.

'Will he hand her to these persons who never believe her? If he did, she would never get rid of being wronged as an offender.'

Kelvin just glanced at her casually and said, "Since someone got hurt in my place, we can't let the offender go so easily. I have called the police."

'Police!' Becca was so astonished that her eyes dilated with fear, 'He called the police. He finally still chose to help her family to send her in jail.'

John was also astonished about Kelvin's decision.

'Anyway, Becca is her daughter, and his reputation would be ruined if she went in jail.' Kelvin thought. And even in police office, he had some acquaintances.

Bruce looked calmer and said, "Well, go ahead, Master Lewis"

"I didn't push her, it's she that deliberate to fall to set me up. Police have no right to arrest me. And Kelvin, you don't know anything at all." Becca asked and made her query.

"Should I know it? It should be the thing that you explain to police and be nothing to do with me." Kelvin responded indifferently. Then he turned to leave after sweeping around people here without no more word.

Looking at his receding figure, Becca slumped on the ground and got in to thought. But she can never make his purpose clear.

'Did he revenge for her words in anger last night? Or he is really a heartless and unsympathetic man who only cares about reputation instead of the truth.'

With his figure fading down, Becca's nervousness gradually dissipated and suddenly her tears came to her eyes.

'Definitely, no one would support me, and no one would help me.'

Thinking about this, she was lost in her thoughts and walked without conscious. She didn't know how she went to the police car without the conscious of resisting and the ability to resist but letting the rubber band tying her hands.

In the distance, Kelly approached Kelvin and saw the police taking away Becca through the window. He couldn't stand to ask, "Boss, aren't you too cruel to Becca?"

Kelvin's eyes were also focused on the police car all the time until it drove away. Then he turned to sit leisurely and asked, "how is it going in hospital?"

Suddenly, worry rushed on Kelly's face, but he said honestly, "Their baby died, and they won't let Becca off easily. After all, Bruce Davis is a secretary, and he will manage to make Becca who killed his grandchild pay for it."

Kelvin didn't worry about this, he took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and took out one and lit it up, then said causally, "He is not powerful enough. But Maria Millers..."

Thinking of this woman, Kelvin will never forgot the scene that she bullied Becca.

At the same time, Kelly noticed his boss's eyes which spelled danger. He was so familiar with this eyesight, then he said, "I get it, leave it to me."

Then, a faint sneer crossed Kelvin's face.


In the hospital.

Since Laura awoke after the wearing off of anesthetic's effect, she couldn't stop crying. So, Albert accompanied her and comforted in a soft voice, "Laura, it's a foregone conclusion, now you promise me, take good care of yourself, OK?"

"Albert, I'm so sad, and how could Becca kill our baby? Of course, she hated me, but anyway, it is a life. You should help me." Laura held tightly of Albert's hands.

"Take it easy, this event had involved Master Lewis, and he had called the police who will give you an explanation." Albert assured her. Actually, he was a little worried about Becca, he couldn't understand Master Lewis's practice of handing such a weak girl to police, his family's excessive reaction and the development trend of this event.

His thought was interrupted by Laura who asked, "Albert, we will have another baby, won't we? And you will marry me no matter I was pregnant or not, right?"

Albert stood still for a moment with a little embarrassment and then smiled pulling his hands from Laura's hands, "Don't think too much, how about discussing it after you recover from your operation."

In fact, Laura noticed the escape in his eyes, but she just bore her sadness and forced to smile, "Well, I would support you no matter what decision you made, Albert."

Realizing that the girl was so sensible, he stoked her head to comfort her.

At this moment, Maria pushed open the door taking a bowl of chicken soup, "Oh, my sweetie."

Albert looked at Maria and stood up to say to Laura, "You eat something first, and I'll go to tell my parents you safe, they are also worried enough about you." Then, he went out after saying goodbye to Maria. Making sure of his leaving, Maria locked the door carefully and walked towards her daughter, "Stupid girl., Why don't you discuss with me before this event. Is abortion a piece of cake? Without the baby, what you can count on to marry Albert?"

Now, Laura had thrown away her pretended delicate look and exposed her dark nature. She sneered while touching her belly, "Do you think that I will live a carefree life if I don't abort. Anyway, do you really want me to give birth to this baby? Another point, the longer the baby stays in my belly, the more harm the abortion does to my body. And if the baby were born, I would be done."

"But it was aborted at this time, how will you explain it to the Davis? Well, I remembered that you have said to work out another way after your wedding." Maria sat and asked with opening the lid of the bowl with chicken soup.

"You can see that my wedding will not be completed after Becca meddle in it. Do you believe that he did love me? Oh, come on, he has been loved Becca for 5 years, and about me, only because I'm pregnant and he doesn't want to go against his parents' order." Laura responded.

"So, what on earth do you want to do on Albert?" Maria can't understand any of her daughter's thought and just had to ask.

"This baby's father isn't Albert, so, I can't give birth to him or her in case of one day it grows up and doesn't look like Albert, until then, he would know that I cheated him. One more, the longer the baby stays in my belly, the more harm the abortion will do to my body." Laura said, "But now, the situation has changed. Originally, I didn't want to marry with Albert who was only the son of a Secretary, not in an important position. What I want is only to scuttled Becca's marriage. And what I can't get will never be hers!"

"Do you have a plan B?" Maria asked with a curiosity and handed the soup over to Laura.☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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