Bossalicious Bad Boy: A Billionaire Office Romance

Bossalicious Bad Boy: Chapter 9

I sit across from Ruby, my fingers fidgeting with the edge of my latest reports. The woman’s warm smile usually puts me at ease, but today I feel like a nervous wreck. My secret threatens to leap out of my mouth, and I know I can’t keep it to myself any longer.

‘Ruby,’ I begin, my voice barely audible. ‘There’s something I need to talk to you about.’

Her eyebrows rise in concern, eyes focusing on me intently. ‘What’s going on, Clara?’

‘Promise you won’t judge me,’ I plead, my heart pounding in my chest.

‘Of course not,’ she reassures me, reaching across the table to give my hand a comforting squeeze. ‘You can tell me anything.’

Taking a deep breath, I gather my courage. ‘I think I’m falling for Alexander.’ The words sound foreign even to my own ears.

‘The boss?’ Ruby raises an eyebrow, surprise flickering across her face. ‘That’s… unexpected.’

‘Tell me about it,’ I sigh, running a hand through my hair. ‘I’ve tried so hard to keep things professional, but every time he walks into a room, it feels like all the oxygen has been sucked out. And I can’t stop thinking about him.’

‘Clara, that’s risky territory,’ Ruby warns gently, her tone softening as she leans closer. ‘You’re an employee, and he’s the CEO. You know how these situations usually turn out.’

‘I do,’ I admit, my heart sinking. ‘But I can’t help how I feel. There’s just something about him – the way he speaks, the way he carries himself. It’s like he’s magnetic, and I’m drawn to him no matter how much I try to fight it.’

‘Attraction is powerful, but it can also be dangerous,’ she says, her eyes filled with empathy. ‘You have to weigh the risks against the rewards. Is pursuing something with Alexander worth jeopardizing your career?’

I chew on my lip, considering her words. She’s right, of course – I know how office romances can end in disaster. But the pull towards Alexander is so strong, it feels impossible to ignore.

‘Is it crazy that part of me wants to say yes?’ I ask, feeling a hint of desperation in my voice. ‘I know it doesn’t make sense, but I can’t help but think that maybe… maybe he’s worth taking a chance on.’

Ruby sighs, giving my hand another squeeze. ‘Just be careful, Clara,’ she advises, her voice gentle yet firm. ‘Weigh your options, and trust your instincts. And remember, you can always come talk to me if you need someone to listen.’

The office hums with the typical chatter of the working day as Ruby and I make our way in. She catches the way that Alexander immediately looks up, spotting me as we step onto our floor.

Before I can go to my desk, she spins me around to face her. ‘Listen, this could seriously damage your professional reputation,’ she warns, concern etched across her features. ‘It’s not worth risking everything you’ve worked for.’

I let out a heavy sigh, fiddling with the edge of my blouse. I know she’s right, but the allure of Alexander is like a stubborn itch that refuses to be ignored. ‘You’re right,’ I admit reluctantly, ‘but it’s just… so hard to keep my distance when he’s around.’

‘Believe me, I get it,’ Ruby says, her voice softening with sympathy. ‘But I’ve seen too many girls fall into this trap before. They think they can handle getting involved with someone higher up, but it almost never ends well.’

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut, and I can’t help but wince at the thought of becoming one of those cautionary tales. ‘Can you give me an example?’ I ask, desperate for something concrete to anchor my resolve.

‘Last year,’ Ruby begins, her expression sobering, ‘there was an intern named Emily. She started seeing one of the senior managers, thinking she could keep it under wraps. But it didn’t take long for rumors to start spreading.’

She pauses, taking a moment to collect her thoughts. ‘Emily was smart, talented – she had a bright future ahead of her. But once people found out about her relationship, it cast a dark cloud over her entire time here. Eventually, she was let go.’

‘Wow,’ I murmur, feeling a cold shiver run down my spine. The thought of losing everything I’ve worked so hard for suddenly feels all too real.

‘Emily wasn’t the first, and she won’t be the last,’ Ruby continues, her gaze unwavering. ‘You have to decide if a possible relationship with Alexander is worth risking your career. Because once that line is crossed, there’s no going back.’

Her words echo through my head, the weight of their truth settling heavily in my chest. I know she’s right – that pursuing anything with Alexander could destroy everything I’ve built for myself. But part of me still clings to the hope that maybe, just maybe, it could be different for us.

‘Thanks for telling me, Ruby,’ I say quietly, my voice barely audible over the hum of the office. ‘I promise I’ll take your advice to heart.’

The faint scent of Ruby’s jasmine perfume lingers in the air as she leans in closer, her eyes filled with concern. ‘Clara,’ she says, her voice low and steady. ‘I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to be cautious here. If word gets out about you and Alexander, it could have serious consequences, not just for your job but for your entire career.’

I nod, feeling the weight of her words as they sink in. My heart races at the thought of what might happen if people were to find out about my attraction to Alexander, but I force myself to focus on Ruby’s advice.

‘Reputation matters,’ she continues, a strand of her red hair falling across her face as she speaks. ‘Once it’s tarnished, it can be nearly impossible to rebuild. And I’ve seen firsthand how damaging these types of situations can be.’

I take a deep breath to steady myself. It’s clear that Ruby has experience navigating the complicated dynamics of office relationships, and I’m grateful for her guidance. ‘I understand, Ruby,’ I say, my voice firm but tinged with gratitude. ‘I appreciate your honesty and advice. I’ll definitely keep all of this in mind.’

Her eyes search mine for a moment, a mix of relief and worry still lingering in their depths. ‘I just want you to be aware of the risks. I care about you and I don’t want to see you get hurt – personally or professionally.’

As I listen to her words, I can’t help but acknowledge the truth behind them. The stakes are high, and the last thing I want is to jeopardize everything I’ve worked so hard for. With a renewed sense of resolve, I make a silent promise to myself: no matter what happens between me and Alexander, I’ll do everything in my power to protect my career and maintain my integrity.

Taking a deep breath, I look at Ruby and give her a genuine smile, my eyes conveying the appreciation I feel for her concern. ‘Thanks, Ruby. I truly value your friendship, and I realize how serious this situation is. It means a lot to me that you’re looking out for me.’

Ruby smiles back and places her hand on my shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. ‘Of course, Clara. We have to look out for each other around here.’

‘Ruby, I need your honest opinion,’ I say, my voice wavering slightly with vulnerability. ‘What do you think I should do? Should I leave the company to pursue a relationship with Alexander, or should I cut it off altogether?’

She sighs and tilts her head, considering my question carefully. I watch as her eyes scan the floor, seeking answers in the patterns of the linoleum tiles. For a moment, she seems lost in thought, weighing the pros and cons of each option. Finally, she looks up at me, her gaze steady and resolute.

‘Clara, I need to be honest with you,’ Ruby says, the concern in her eyes deepening. ‘In my opinion, Alexander is not a man to be in a relationship with. He’s never shown any interest in anything beyond physical attraction when it comes to the women in his life. Trust me, pursuing something romantic with him is a bad idea.’

I feel a cold shiver run down my spine as Ruby’s words sink in. The image of Alexander that I’ve built up in my mind begins to crumble, and I’m left wondering who he truly is beneath his charming exterior.

My fingers fidget with the edge of my blouse as I weigh the risks and benefits of pursuing a relationship with Alexander. On one hand, my heart races at the thought of being close to him, feeling his strong arms around me. But on the other hand, I know that throwing caution to the wind could mean sacrificing the career I’ve worked so hard for.

‘Are you sure?’ I ask hesitantly, my voice barely above a whisper. ‘I mean, people can change, right? Maybe he’s different now.’

‘Listen to yourself,’ Ruby admonishes gently, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. ‘You’re grasping at straws here. I understand how tempting it can be to believe in fairy tales, but the reality is often far less enchanting. You need to make an informed decision based on facts, not wishful thinking.’

A pang of sadness echoes through my chest as I realize the truth in Ruby’s words. Yet, I know that she’s right—I need to prioritize my professional goals and make a decision that supports my future aspirations.

‘It’s ultimately your decision to make,’ she says softly. ‘But if you ask me, your career and reputation are far too important to risk for a relationship that may not even be genuine. Alexander may be attractive, but he’s also your boss, and there’s an inherent power imbalance there that could lead to complications. Pursuing a relationship with him could jeopardize everything you’ve worked so hard for.’

I take a moment to process her words, and I find myself nodding in agreement. As much as my heart yearns for a chance at love, I know that I must put my professional aspirations first. The path before me may be difficult, but the support of friends like Ruby will make it more bearable.

‘Thank you for your honesty,’ I say, my voice trembling slightly. ‘I know this won’t be easy, but I need to consider both my personal feelings and my professional goals before making a decision.’

‘Of course,’ Ruby replies, her eyes softening with empathy. ‘Whatever you decide, just remember that you deserve the best—both in your career and in your personal life. Don’t settle for anything less.’

The muted buzz of the office fades into the background as I stare blankly at my computer screen, the words from my conversation with Ruby still echoing in my mind. I can feel the weight of her warning settling on my shoulders, and it’s a burden I can no longer ignore.

I’m not blind to the way that she keeps watching me all day, her eyes following my every movement. I know that she is just worried about me, but I still tense when she gets up to come over to me a few hours later.

‘Hey,’ Ruby says, gently nudging my arm as she leans against my desk, her concern evident in her eyes. ‘You ready to talk?’

I swallow hard, feeling the knot in my stomach tighten. ‘Yeah, I think so.’ Taking a deep breath, I meet Ruby’s gaze steadily. ‘I’ve thought about everything you said, and… I’ve made a decision.’

‘Go on,’ Ruby encourages softly, her expression open and supportive.

‘Despite my attraction to Alexander, I know that pursuing a relationship with him would be a mistake,’ I say with conviction, even though my heart twists painfully. ‘My career has always been important to me, and I can’t risk jeopardizing that for something that might not even work out.’

Ruby nods, a proud smile spreading across her face. ‘I’m glad to hear you say that, Clara. You’re an incredibly talented woman, and this company would be lucky to have you on their team long-term.’

‘Thank you,’ I whisper, touched by her sincerity.

‘Of course,’ she replies, her hand briefly squeezing my arm. ‘And if you ever find yourself struggling with navigating any potential challenges here at work, just remember that I’m here to help. We all need support sometimes, and I want you to succeed.’

A slow, grateful smile curves my lips as I look at Ruby, realizing that amidst the chaos of my feelings for Alexander, I’ve also found a true friend in her. Someone who genuinely cares about my well-being and success. And in that moment, I understand that our friendship is just as valuable as any professional accomplishment.

‘Thank you, Ruby,’ I say again, my voice stronger this time. ‘Your support means the world to me.’

‘Anytime, Clara. Anytime.’

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