Bossalicious Bad Boy: A Billionaire Office Romance

Bossalicious Bad Boy: Chapter 26

‘Hey, Dad,’ I call out as I stride into the living room, finding my father sipping a glass of scotch in his usual armchair. Something about the way he swirls the amber liquid around the heavy-bottomed glass grates on my nerves today. There’s no time to waste, and I get straight to the point. ‘We need to talk about Clara Williams.’

Daniel raises an eyebrow, setting his glass down on a coaster with a soft clink. ‘What about her? Is she not doing well at the company?’

I run a hand through my hair, trying to keep my frustration in check. ‘No, it’s not that. She’s doing great. But there’s something else I want to discuss.’ My hands clench into fists at my sides, as I take a deep breath, readying myself for the confrontation.

‘Go on, then.’

‘Our families have a history, and I think it’s time we finally deal with it.’ My heart pounds in my chest like a trapped bird, but I’m determined to see this through.

‘Ah, yes.’ Daniel leans back in his chair, his eyes narrowing. ‘You mean the…misunderstanding from years ago. A shame, really, but what can you do?’

‘More than just a ‘misunderstanding,’ wouldn’t you say?’ I bite back a retort, reminding myself that my goal is to find a way to reconcile with Clara’s family, not to trade barbs with my father. ‘I want to make things right, Dad. That starts with us facing our past actions head-on and taking responsibility.’

‘Is that so?’ He studies me for a moment, probably gauging how serious I am about all this. It’s a fair question; he knows I’m not one to let go of a grudge easily. But this isn’t just about me anymore. It’s about Clara, her family, and the legacy we want to leave behind.

‘I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

My chest tightens with frustration as I clench my fists at my sides. ‘Dad, we need to talk about what happened between our families. I can’t fix this until I know the whole truth.’

Daniel leans back in his leather armchair, fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest. His eyes dart around the room, desperately seeking an escape. ‘Alex, have you seen that new golf club they’re building down the road? We should check it out sometime.’

I narrow my eyes and take a step closer, determination coursing through me. ‘This isn’t about golf. This is about Clara’s family and ours. I need answers.’

‘Ah, yes, Clara,’ he smirks, trying to deflect yet again. ‘How is she, anyway? Still fetching your coffee?’

‘Knock it off!’ I snap, heat surging to my face. My heart races as I demand, ‘Did you betray her father? Did you ruin their lives?’

His silence speaks volumes, but I refuse to let him off the hook. My hands tremble with anger as I slam them down on the coffee table, leaning in close. ‘You owe it to Clara and her family to own up to what you did.’

‘Alright, Alex.’ Daniel’s voice cracks, and for the first time, I see a flicker of remorse in his eyes. ‘I’ll tell you everything. But remember, you asked for this.’

He huffs, dragging a hand down his face.

‘Fine, I did it.’ Daniel’s voice is barely a whisper as he finally admits to his betrayal. ‘I embezzled money from the Williams family business.’

My fists clench at my sides as the weight of his confession crashes down on me. The air in the room feels thick and suffocating, and I struggle to catch my breath. How could my own father have done something so callous and destructive?

‘Alex,’ he continues, his words heavy with regret, ‘I never meant for it to go this far. It started small, an opportunity that seemed too good to pass up. But it spiraled out of control.’

‘Out of control?’ I scoff, shaking my head in disbelief. ‘You destroyed their lives, Dad! Clara had to drop out of college, her sister lost her scholarship, her mother—’

‘Enough!’ He cuts me off sharply, his face flushing with shame. ‘I know what I’ve done. You don’t need to remind me.’

‘Damn right, I don’t,’ I spit, my fury boiling over. ‘And now it’s time for you to make things right. For all of us.’

‘Alex, what do you expect me to do?’ he pleads, desperation seeping through his carefully constructed facade.

I stand in the living room, my hands clenched into fists at my side as I look at Dad. He’s slumped in his armchair, defeated and resigned to the consequences. ‘I need to meet with the Williams family,’ I say, my voice resolute. ‘I want to apologize on behalf of our family, and start making things right.’

‘Are you sure about this, Alexander?’ he asks hesitantly, brown eyes filled with unease. ‘There’s no telling how they’ll react.’

‘None of us can predict that,’ I reply, my heart pounding in my chest. ‘But it’s a risk I’m willing to take’

I see the uncertainty flicker across his face, but then he nods slowly, determination settling over him like a cloak. ‘Alright, I’ll support you in this. Just promise me you’ll be careful.’

‘Of course,’ I assure him, letting out an exhale I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

As I leave the house, the weight of the situation presses down on me, but it only serves to fuel my resolve. The cold wind nips at my skin as I make my way to my car, the autumn leaves rustling beneath my feet.

My fingers tap restlessly on the steering wheel as I navigate the familiar streets, heading towards the Williams residence. My thoughts race with what I’m going to say, how I’ll even begin to explain everything. How do you apologize for something so monumental?

The modest suburban house comes into view, and my stomach churns with a mix of fear and determination. I park the car and take a deep breath, gripping the keys tightly in my hand as if they’re a lifeline.

‘Here goes nothing,’ I mutter to myself as I step out of the car, my pulse escalating with every step towards the front door.

I can’t help but think of the friendship that has slowly blossomed between Clara and me, despite the unlikely circumstances. The memory of her laughter and easy banter in the office brings a small smile to my face. I only hope that this revelation won’t destroy what we’ve built.

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