Born of Fire

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three

Vladik had agreed to me having the week off to mourn for my father and I bargained him down telling him that I would be back to work on Saturday night. The morning of the funeral has arrived and my heart is so heavy in my chest I’m not sure how I’m going to get out of bed. I look over at the black dress laying over the chair in the corner of my room and shake my head in disgust.

I get out of bed in a rage as I pick up the dress and fling it angrily onto the bed. I shouldn’t be wearing black to his funeral; I should be wearing yellow. We both loved the sun so much, now I can’t stand to look at it as it tries to steal in through my bedroom window. I exhale deeply trying to calm myself back down as I talk myself back into the black dress out of respect for the others attending rather than respect for my Papa.

I turn suddenly as a shadow appears in my peripheral. I start until I recognize the face as Maximus materializes in my bedroom. He’s wearing a black suit, with a black shirt and tie. I smile sweetly at him as he holds out a single yellow daisy towards me. I take it carefully pinning it to the bun at the back of my head. I reach up on my tip toes to plant a chaste kiss on his lips.

“Thank you for doing this today.” I tell him gratefully. He just nods silently offering me a small smile. I look at him curiously as I take his hand in mine and we walk down the stairs to make our way outside. I’m surprised to see Nina on the front step about to knock on the door when I open it. Her face looks sympathetic until she sees my hand linked with Max’s as he stands behind me.

“I thought you might want to ride over together.” She offers shortly. I look at her appreciatively and nod. I turn to Max.

“Would you mind driving my car and meeting us there?” I ask him sweetly. There is still a few things Nina needs to be told about in person and the drive will give us a good chance. He nods silently and bows respectfully as he takes my keys from me. I’ll ever get used to the way he turns into the great silent warrior around others.

Nina jumps back on the step giving him a wide berth as he narrows his dark eyes at her threateningly. She flinches slightly until I reach my hand out to take hers. After he backs out of the driveway Nina’s head almost snaps off with the sharpness of her turning it towards me. “McKenna, I know this is a sad day and you’ve been grieving. But what the fuck?” She demands incredulously.

I shake my head at her and smile indulgently as I link my arm through hers and walk down towards her car. We spend the drive with me explaining that Max is different. I don’t explain his origins, that’s his business. She looks at me doubtfully as she recounts all the times I’ve warned her and the other staff off getting involved with Daemons.

“Nina.” I scold her. “You know me. You know I wouldn’t do something that could put myself or anyone in danger. If I thought he could really hurt me, I’d end it.” I assure her.

“I’m just worried that you might not be thinking too clearly after losing your dad. This isn’t a time to get into a dangerous relationship McKenna.” She tries to explain her concerns. I reassure her again. She moves on telling me that if I’m sure then she’ll support me, because God knows how many deadbeats I’ve had to watch her waste her time with over the years.

We talk for a while longer as she asks about the internal fire I’ve been experiencing. We try to figure it out as I tell her about another dream visit from Lucifer. She almost crashes the car in shock when I tell her about him liking my scream. Her face turns sad as we pull up in front of the church. “What is it?” I ask her desperate for any theories that don’t involve me being completely crazy.

“I was just thinking about what he said to you about hearing you scream as a child.” She chokes out sadly. “He said it was so tormented and painful that is pierced the barriers of Hell so he could hear it.”

“And?” I prompt. She looks up angrily.

“So I’m betting those fuckers heard it too and did nothing.” She spits icily. I grab her in a fierce hug as her hot angry tears slip down her cheeks onto my shoulder. An obnoxious knock on the glass window draw our attention as my cousin Vanni appears. Nina groans as she wipes her face and looks at me. “Why haven’t we killed this douchebag yet?” She asks annoyed.

I shrug at her and smile. “Because he’s the one that warns us when our mothers are near.” I offer placating her. She smiles a wicked smile.

“I swear, one crack out of Baba Yaga today and I will take that bitch down.” She proclaims as we get out of the car.

“Please don’t call her that to her face.” I plead helplessly. She smiles at me over the roof of the car before turning to hiss at Vanni.

“What do you want?” She spits at him. He looks taken aback. I smile knowingly. Nina had always had a thing for Vanni. She’s still getting over him blowing her off after a one-night stand, ten years ago. I decide to leave them to kill each other as I slip away silently towards the church. Something suddenly occurs to me as I remember Max.

As if he heard me call his name he appears at my side and looks up at the entryway to see what I’m looking at. “What is it?” He asks curiously. I bite my lip nervously as I glance sideways at him.

“I was just wondering if you can go in?” I ask ashamed of myself for not considering it earlier. His hand comes to his mouth as he tries to disguise a chuckle with a cough. His eyes sparkle with amusement as he turns to look at me. He leans close to whisper in my ear.

“I’m exiled from Heaven. Not places of worship made of stone.” He declares softly. I lean back to look at him ruefully. I tip my head as I try to offer him a sympathetic smile.

“Sorry I just wasn’t sure.” I tell him honestly. He smiles sweetly at me as he leans closer to peck my cheek. His eyes lock on mine as they turn a dark obsidian and I feel my brow furrow in confusion. “What is it?” I plead hoping it’s not bad. His eyes turn back to pure ocean blue as they look at me.

“There was a woman over there who wasn’t thinking overly generous thoughts about you.” He explains ruefully. I sigh in defeat. I don’t even need to look to know who it is.

“That would be my mother.” I tell him sadly. His eyes turn a pure black again as his arm comes around my waist protectively bringing me closer to him. I smile sympathetically at him. “Nice try.” I tell him as he directs his most withering stare at her. “But not even the devil himself would scare her out coming over here to give me a piece of her mind.” I admit sadly as we move into a pew to take our seats.

Nina sits down on the other side of me and grabs my free hand protectively. She turns her head slightly as my mother makes her way over towards us. “Baba Yaga, incoming.” She warns me. Max looks at her confused as I try to scowl affectionately at her. Nina shrugs at him. “What?” She demands. “You didn’t know that McKenna’s mother is the old Russian hag Baba Yaga. The evil crone who kidnaps and eats children and sells their souls to the devil.” She informs him snidely as my mother clears her throat behind her.

Nina turns around feigning shock. “Oh Baba Yaga you scared me. I had no idea you were there.” She says sarcastically. I look at my mother apologetically but she just stares down at me before I remember my upbringing. I jump up from the pew and Max is lightning fast next to me as Nina jumps up as well to flank me.

My mother eyes Nina disapprovingly. “Both still little whores looking for attention.” My mother spits softly in Russian. I’m grateful Maximus doesn’t understand her. Nina gets her back up and is about to start a fight right here at the front of the church before I grab her shoulder and squeeze it affectionately. She turns to look at me incredulously before shaking her head.

“Maybe I should go say hi to my own Hag.” She offers smarmily before glaring at my mother and pushing past her. I let out a defeated sigh.

“Mama.” I greet her politely. She raises her eyebrows as she eyes Max suspiciously. His arm comes tighter around me and I can almost hear the thoughts he must be having to deal with right now. I pray to silently that he can’t understand most of them. “I’m sorry for your loss Mama.” I tell her cordially using my Russian. She looks at me approvingly.

“I’m glad to see that you remember some of your roots.” She goes on to tell me that had I paid better attention to my heritage growing up I would still have a family. My heart breaks in my chest as I recall the day she threw my out of her house. It was the day I got back from the hospital after trying to kill myself and her husband’s bastard inside of me.

A tear of pain slips over my cheek as I remember the pain of being discarded by my own mother at thirteen. She turns her head to see the coffin then brings a handkerchief to her eyes. “Just another love taken from my life because of you. I wonder who will be your family now that the vegetable of a hero you’ve worshipped all these years has left you.” I feel the pain deep in my heart at her words like they’re physical blows as the priest calls the service to commence.

I close my eyes and start to cry as I take my seat and my mother takes a seat next to me. Her cruel comments in Russian continue to be whispered in my ear as the priest talks about what a great man my father was, his passion for life and his family. “This is just a service for a body. My husband died years ago. Your selfishness has kept his physical being alive so long, all because you needed to feel like you didn’t destroy your family.” My mother hisses in my ear.

I feel Max tense on my other side and I try to pat his leg reassuringly as I choke on my tears. I try to breathe as others start to look my way. I can see the familiar faces of a family I no longer have contact with after killing my mother’s husband. I was cast out for that betrayal of the family as they called it. Cast out. I think about the word then I’m reminded of my father’s last words. The outcast can save me, but first I must save him.

I feel the warm glow come to life in my stomach as I turn to look in Max’s eyes. They’re pure obsidian right now and I smile at him sweetly. His eyes change before mine returning to a deep oceanic blue as he looks at me sympathetically. I caress his cheek gently before turning my attention back to the priest, who is now talking about the holy kingdom.

I hear Max take a sharp intake of breath beside me as his eyes narrow onto the corner of the stage. My heart sinks in my chest as I spot the man in the dark suit with the gleaming hair and piercing eyes. I know they look brown, but they should be red. Blood red. My body goes completely still as he winks at me and takes the stage.

Max is about to stand before I grip his forearm tightly. I look at him terrified for the lives of everyone in the church. My family and friends from the bar are all here to support me. I vaguely hear the priest mention something about eulogies. Before the most handsome man anyone has ever laid eyes on takes the podium.

His eyes find mine again as he smiles a crooked smile at me. The entire congregation is transfixed by his beauty. I think my heart has stopped beating in my chest. He taps the microphone gently as he clears his throat.

“I didn’t know this man as well as I should’ve. I should’ve made more of an effort to get to know him in life, because he was partly responsible for the most precious gift in my existence.” He trails off sounding utterly honest and respectful. “He brought Daarnya into my existence, and I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without her. I in no way mean to belittle your hand in her creation Mrs. Chekov. You and your second husband David did a marvelous job grooming sweet Daarnya into the exquisite rarity that first attracted me to her.”

I start to hyperventilate as I bend my head over slightly to try to breathe. I can feel Max’s hands on my shoulders ready to rip me away from here the second he attacks. “Who is this man?” My mother demands of me. I look up at her sternly.

“You don’t recognize him?” I ask her in disbelief. I let my anger sizzle just beneath the surface as Lucifer continues to announce what sounds more like wedding vows than a eulogy. I grind my teeth as my breathing gets under control and I glare at him defiantly as he locks his eyes on mine. He concludes his speech with some parting shot about my family being the reason I turned out to be the woman of his dreams.

He takes a step off the stage and walks towards me slowly. Max jumps up and stands in front of me and I think I stopped breathing. My fear for him makes me do something incredibly stupid. I round Max and grab Lucifer by the collar of his shirt and drag him towards the side of the church before pushing him out the door.

“How dare you defile my father’s funeral with your presence.” I curse him. He looks amused as he straightens his jacket. I hear Max come out the door behind us before he’s flung against the side of the brick wall by an invisible force. I know right away Lucifer is responsible as I catch the wicked snarl from him in Max’s direction as the door to the church slams shut again.

“Bad dog.” He scolds Max teasingly. Max is cursing at him with a fiery rage as he tries to get free from the invisible binds. Lucifer just laughs maniacally at him. “You were supposed to watch her. Not hump her leg. You just can’t find good help these days.”

Max continues slinging abuse at him as I look at the interaction between them curiously. Lucifer looks at me and smiles wickedly. “I’m tired of this game Daarnya. I’m sorry I sent Maximus to seduce you, it was wrong of me. I had hoped he would just break your heart as he has done with so many others and encourage you to want to end your life sooner.”

“He’s lying McKenna.” Maximus bursts out angrily. “He’s the best deceiver that has ever existed.” I look at Max reassured not by his words but by the way he’s looking at me.

I shake my head at Lucifer. “You’re pathetic. You may eventually kill me and trap my soul with you for eternity, but you will never have it willingly submitted to you. That’s your game isn’t it?” I ask starting to figure it out. He looks at me narrowly. His sneer is downright vicious.

“Maximus.” Lucifer says coldly. “Did I or did I not order you to seduce Daarnya and break her heart before killing her and bringing her soul to me?” Max’s voice catches in his throat as I look at him. His eyes turn pure obsidian as he glares defiantly at Lucifer. “A yes or no will suffice and you will tell the truth or I will remove your lying tongue permanently.”

“Yes.” Max seethes out. My heart thuds to a slow painful stop behind my ribs as I try to remember how to breathe.

“When it finally becomes too much sweet little Daarnya, just call my name. I will come for you, I’m always there. Have you felt my pull? It must be getting downright unbearable to resist at this point.” Lucifer licks my face again as I stand frozen in disgust. I fall to my knees as he laughs a maniacal laugh before disappearing into nothing.

I hear Max drop to the ground and he flies towards me as he scoops me up in his arms to sit on a nearby bench as his hands grab my face roughly forcing me to look in his eyes. His eyes of pure oceanic blue with a light blue ring around the iris’s. “Please forgive me. Let me explain.” He pleads desperately. I caress his face tenderly.

“Shh.” I coo. “I know.” I nod sympathetically at him. He looks completely incredulous as his entire body goes slack.

“Know what?” He begs. I smile at him.

“That was the order you refused to obey.” I tell him certainly. He exhales as pure relief floods his face. His eyes bore into mine as he shakes his head incredulously.

“How can you have so much faith in a creature like me?” He pleads. I bring my lips to his for a gentle kiss.

“Because you wouldn’t let me fall.” I remind him of his words the night Kane tried to kill me. His mouth claims mine in a powerful possession. My arms snake around his neck as his arms tighten around my waist. I let myself fall into this pure expression of love after my heart has spent the better part of the morning being infiltrated by hate. As if my kiss was a prayer for him to pull me from the depths of my despair his answer is pure salvation.

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