Born of Fire

Chapter Chapter Fourteen

It’s all too much for me today. It’s Sunday night and I spent the morning with my father who was having a bad day. He just looked so weak and frail, and the doctors have told me to prepare for the worse. My only real connection in this world and I’m going to lose him. I slide down the wall of the stock room and wrap my arms around my legs as I bring my knees to my chest.

I let the warm tears fall from my face as my heart breaks piece by piece inside my chest. I don’t even realize how long I’ve been hiding in here in the dark until I hear the door to the storeroom open. “Is she in there?” I hear Vladik’s annoyed voice and I quickly try to dash away my tears before anyone can see the wreck of myself crumbled on the floor of the dirty storeroom.

Max’s head is the one that peers around the shelf of beer cartons and I let my pleading eyes find his. I’m sure I look like a wreck but I’m just not prepared for another night here yet. Max shakes his head vigorously. “She’s not here.” He says firmly before turning and walking out the door of the storeroom. I let that act of pure compassion fill me to the brim as I try to pull myself together.

A few moments later the door gently opens again and my heart starts to race that he came back again. When Nina’s worried face peers around the shelves I lose it and start crying again. “Oh my God Kenna what’s wrong?” She begs as she drops to her knees and wraps her arms around me. I let myself be wrapped in her hug as I cry out the last few tears I have left in me today.

“My Papa.” I say softly. She gasps as she squeezes tighter.

“Oh no did he?” She trails off but I shake my head at her.

“No. But the doctor said it won’t be long.” I sob as she holds me tighter.

“I’m so sorry Kenna.” We just sit there for a few long minutes as I compose myself in Nina’s arms. I sniff as I wipe my face clean and Nina leans back and brushes the hair from my face. “I can’t remember the last time I saw you cry.” She says offhandedly. I nod at her seriously.

“Yes you do.” I remind her and her face falls into a dark memory.

“Maximus just told me to follow him. When I asked why he was leading me to the storeroom I have to admit I had a completely different scenario going through my mind.” She says playfully trying to lighten the mood and it works as I smile at her.

“Still no luck huh?” I ask with a mock disappointment to my features. She shakes her head at me.

“I think I would have better luck with Luka. Besides he’s kind of scary, there’s something off about him.” She admits and I smile at her and pat her shoulder sympathetically.

“I’m sure you’ll bounce back.” I encourage her and she winks at me before flashing me a devilish smile. I let her help me off the floor as she wraps her arm around my waist and starts to lead me towards the door. I can’t help the strange warm feeling bubbling in my stomach knowing that she hasn’t managed to sleep with Maximus.

Speak of the devil. When we open the storeroom door he’s standing there waiting for us with his back to the door like he was guarding it. He turns at the sound and his eyes rake over every inch of my body searching for injury. I feel a shiver as his eyes turn dark again and I feel Nina tense instantly as she holds me closer.

“Oh my God. You’re a Daemon.” She exhales in a barely audible whisper as she sees Max’s eyes. I look at her like she’s crazy. Then I look back at Max whose eyes return to dark blue with splinters of obsidian. I look at him for a moment as things start to add up. I feel Nina’s hand dig into my hip hard and I rub her arm soothingly.

“Honey let go you’re hurting me.” I whisper gently in her ear. She’s paralyzed with fear as she doesn’t let her eyes move from Max. Her hand digs in harder when he takes a step closer to us. His eyes go completely obsidian again and a look of malicious intent takes position on his face as he stares at Nina darkly. Her eyes are focused hard as her entire body starts to tremble.

“Let. Her. Go.” He seethes in a commanding whisper. Nina’s limbs go almost slack at the command before she runs away towards the stage. Nice to know a friend has your back. Max turns his dark gaze on me but I stand fast as I stare back directly into his eyes. “Are you afraid?” He asks quietly. I shake my head defiantly. Refusing to tremble or be afraid of him.

I’ve faced daemons before and stood my ground, but this just doesn’t add up. He reaches out and takes me by the elbow and leads me back into the storeroom and shuts the door behind us. “What was wrong with you?” He asks urgently and he seems angry with me as well. I put my hands on my hips and stare back at him just as angrily.

“Nothing is wrong with me.”

“Why were you crying?” His voice still has a bite to it but his eyes have softened.

“Why would you care?” I shoot back. His face falls as he looks confused for a moment. “You’ve barely spoken to me for weeks, now you’re acting like you give a damn about me.” He looks stung by my words but his defense is his anger as he looks furious at me again. I try to move past him not wanting to deal with whatever mental disorder he has that causes such violent mood swings. He grabs my arms and flings my body back against the wall beside us. “You’re not leaving until you answer me.” He spits angrily. I bite my lower lip hard trying not to think about everything that is breaking my heart today.

I take a deep breath as I fix him with my most withering stare. “Don’t. Touch. Me.” I fire at him as I break free from his grasp and move quickly to put my back to the opposite wall. He turns to face me again but doesn’t advance. “I thought you enjoyed fighting with daemons. That’s the rumor anyway.”

“I don’t believe that you’re a daemon.” I call him on his darkness. He looks at me with genuine shock registering on his face.

“I would’ve thought the black eyes were a dead giveaway.” He snorts.

“You’re eyes are blue.” I counter confused by his sarcastic tone. His eyes lock on mine and for a brief instant I see a strange flicker of hope in his eyes. He advances quickly pinning me against the wall with his hips restraining my arms over my head. I struggle fruitlessly against him as he brings his face close to mine.

“What did you just say?” He demands urgently. I glare back at him furious about my current predicament but even angrier about my body’s betrayal as it hums with excitement at the connection between his strong body and mine. “Argh.” I struggle annoyed. “I said your eyes are blue, like a midnight blue.” I shout in his face and he looks like he just had a stroke.

He lets go of me and jumps back from me like I’m a wild animal. His places his back flush against the opposite wall. He looks like he just went ten rounds with a champion heavy weight as he leans forward trying to breathe. His hand clutches over his chest like he’s having a heart attack. I drop to my knees in front of him and place my hands on either side of his face.

“Max?” I snap to get his attention. “What’s wrong, are you okay?” I demand urgently and he laughs as an incredulous look falls over his face.

“Tell me again what color my eyes are?” He pleads desperately. He looks completely devastated as he falls to his knees in front of me. He looks on the outside how I’m feeling on the inside. I caress his face gently, tenderly brushing his hair from his beautiful eyes. I smile sweetly at him. If this is what he needs to hear to feel better it’s the least I can do, no matter how he just handled me.

“They’re a deep blue, like the deepest part of the ocean. With shards of obsidian in them, almost like the blackness is trying to erase the blue. I see the black dominate sometimes, but for the most part the strong blue wins out.” I explain gently letting my eyes convey the truth of what I’m saying to him. His head falls in defeat as he lets out a deep exhale.

I let go of his face, reassured that he’s fine and I stand up again to gain the higher ground. What good that will do me against him I have no idea but I have to try. He looks up and his eyes are now completely blue, not a trace of the black in them and I gasp in wonder at the effect. It’s stunning. But the tears rimming them make them really look like the ocean as a single tear slips from his eye over his cheek.

On pure instinct I reach out to stop its path with my hand, I let my thumb run over the tear mopping it up from his strong cheek bone. Then another slips out of his other eye as his lids close. I feel myself drawn to him as I step into his space lowering my lips towards him. I close my eyes and let my lips brush lightly against his cheek taking the tear into my lips. I caress his jaw as I run my hand through his hair.

I feel his arms wind around my waist tightly as his head presses into my abdomen and he takes a deep breath. I hold him like that for moment letting him absorb the act of compassion that seems completely foreign to him. “Shh.” I coo softly as he holds on tighter trying to breathe. “It’s okay. Whatever it is, it will be okay.” I tell him certainly. His face looks up to see me and it’s like he’s seeing me for the first time.

I run my hand over head as I lean down to plant a light kiss on his forehead. I hear him take a sharp intake of breath at the action. I feel him start to stand as his muscular form stands up without breaking his hold of me. “You would show such compassion to a creature like me. Even knowing what I am, you offer me comfort.”

I shake my head at him. “My compassion is for you Max. Not what you are, but who you are.” He looks towards the door angrily before I hear a knocking sound.

“Is anybody working tonight?” Vladik’s voice calls through the door annoyed. Max lets go of me instantly moving towards the door and flinging it open. I take my chance and try to dash past him—unsuccessfully— when he grabs me by the arm firmly. “McKenna is sick and can’t work tonight. I’m taking her home.” Max tells Vladik affirmatively. I’m about to protest but I receive a dark glare from Max that causes my protests to die in my throat.

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