Born From Ash (Book I of The Flame Trilogy)

Chapter 9

Alpha Dimitri has arranged the route for us to travel back to what used to be the Dawn Stalkers pack. He has also handpicked the four men that will accompany us on the way; Mikhail and Viktor, as well as two of his highly trusted and skilled warriors- Igor and Feliks.

Alexei will be in charge of the pack whilst we are gone; we’re currently waiting to embark on our journey. The only thing left is for Alpha Dimitri to leave his final commands with his Beta. The Beta in question seems to take his responsibility extremely seriously as he exchanges several hushed whispers with his Alpha.

I look up to the dark, starry night sky; the air is cold, but the night is peaceful. It’s a lot like the night that I first arrived which bodes well for travelling- sort of.

Travelling under the cover of darkness in the early hours of the morning is a decision I hardly agree with. I know how treacherous unclaimed territory could be, I’ve spent weeks travelling through the rogue infested lands- especially during twilight hours.

One would think he would take my advice, or even to consider it, since it’s based on personal experience, but he simply assures me that he can handle things and dismisses me. I fight my case, relentlessly but it’s futile. I’m outranked and the Alpha’s word is law, no matter what I say Dimitri would not hear of it.

I have to roll my eyes at his display of superiority that I’m getting tired of.

Dimitri doesn’t appreciate my lack of respect and rewards me by grabbing my face harshly as he reminds me of his warning to punish me for my behaviour. I’m beginning to think that he wants me to push him too far, he wants to punish me; I would be lying if I said that I’m not curious about how he wants to punish me.

His threats don’t scare me in the slightest, from his tense muscles, and the steady caution in his gaze I can tell that he doesn’t want to hurt me. But I know that he will dominate me if he thinks he needs to, which would surely happen if I continue down my current path. He has made it abundantly clear that he would not tolerate any of my frivolous behaviour in front of his men.

Message received, loud and clear.

Off to one side Irina and Mikhail are in a fierce embrace as he wipes her tears; the impending separation is obviously going to be a struggle for them. They’ve been practically inseparable since Dimitri gave Mikhail his orders a few days ago.

The same goes for Feliks and Viktorya; Angel explains that since they are newly mated their bond doesn’t want to be far apart. Viktorya doesn’t cry, but she looks as though she wants to, she clings to Feliks tightly kissing and murmuring to him fervently. He responds with a similar urgency- I find the whole thing a little peculiar.

Angel and Viktor are just as intimate but not as emotional, it’s probably because Angel isn’t as submissive or reliant on Viktor as Irina is on Mikhail, and their bond isn’t as new as Viktorya and Felik’s. The two kiss fiercely, making me avert my attention, such an intense display of affection making me uncomfortable.

Dimitri is thankfully finishing up his conversation with Alexei and coming back over to his team. Feliks, Mikhail and Viktor pull away from their mates to join us as we get ready to depart.

I don’t know what it’s like to be in Irina’s, Viktorya’s or Angel’s position but somehow, I still feel a tug in my gut for them. I don’t fully understand what it is and honestly, it makes me slightly uncomfortable, so I quickly dismiss it.

Alpha Dimitri commands that two of the company shift into their beasts; their senses sharper and thus they could act effectively as scouts whilst we move forward. The two warriors- Igor and Feliks- agree to the task, stripping from their clothes into their fur.

It’s agonizing for us all as we listen to the pained screams of the men whilst they transform. The two men writhe painfully, each vertebrae snapping and reshaping, tibia and jaws cracking. Thick dark hair sprouts from their pores, skin ripping to accommodate the beasts within as the change wracks their body.

Shifting is always an agonizing affair, you would never be able to get used to the pains of having every bone snapped, appendages stretched, teeth and eyes ripped out. If I hadn’t gotten accustomed to the brutality and abuse that took place in ShadowFang, I might have winced at the sound of the men’s screams echoing around us.

The two wolves shake the human flesh from their fur, heaving tiredly. The Alpha allows them a few moments to catch their breaths before we begin our journey. I’m actually somewhat impressed, the shift had only taken them 15 minutes; I’ve seen some locked in spasm for hours as bones shifted and broke. I myself take around 10 minutes to shift; luckily being more than just a wolf, and the way I’ve been trained, means that I can now shift faster than most.

We travel for several hours without stopping, bumping into a few creatures here and there. We aim to avoid confrontation, our biggest focus being speed. We press on for many leagues through the forest, the chill of the mountains is soon replaced with a much warmer, temperate climate. The males seem surprised that I can keep up, and they take full advantage, running until thirst sets in.

We pause for a drink, Mikhail shares around a few flasks that he fills by a closeby stream, the wolves lap straight from the source and I’m tempted to join them. Mikhail fills the flasks once more before we continue on our way.

We don’t stop again until the sun is high in the sky and beating down on us heavily.

Our second break lasts about an hour and a half by my guess. One of the wolves - I believe it was Igor- goes off to hunt, returning after 45 minutes with a large elk in tow which we roast and eat. The rest is sliced and saved, it’s a small comfort to know we won’t have to search for food for the next two days at least.

We advance, moving with the day, travelling many leagues south. The conditions aren’t as rough as I first guessed they would be, the wind is mild and there are no rain clouds in sight. If I’m to guess from all the running that we had done, I’d say that we are a fair distance from White Claw by now.

The sun starts to set, and the temperature begins dropping so we decide to make camp for the night. Igor and Feliks shift back into their skin as Viktor builds a fire and distributes more of the elk meat. Then we all sit around for a while, the men talk a little- some about their mates (or lack thereof), some about the mission. I stay out of it, both uninterested by their pointless chatter and lost in my own thoughts about the future.

Dimitri assigns a rota for the watch, Viktor and Mikhail would be first, then Dimitri, and finally Igor and Feliks. He refuses to acknowledge me as an able-bodied member of the company and it pisses me off. I try to fight back but he simply commands me to sleep, completely ignoring me once he has his say.

I remember the previous conversations and observations I had of the pack bitches. I’m seriously getting tired of the fact that the bitches are treated as delicate beings. The entire notion is ludicrous to me. Having been in a pack that worked its members to the bone with training routines and manual labour on a daily basis, I’m hardly content with sitting back and gossiping like some of the other bitches seem to be.

Being disallowed from training and work, waiting around for their mates, taking care of their households and pups is all great to preserve beauty but it’s limiting the pack. Who knows what kind of talents some of those women have? Some might want to use their skills to better the pack but aren’t allowed to because of dated traditions.

I am strong, a bred warrior and I would act accordingly. If Alpha Dimitri doesn’t see it, then I will show him; I am not one of his weak bitches that will grovel at his feet and I never would be. If this is how all packs work, I’m not surprised that Aleksandr thinks them all to be backwards and primitive.

After finishing my portion of elk meat and a small piece of bread, I lie on the ground close enough to the flickering flames to keep myself warm. It’s rough against my skin and I suddenly find myself aware of each sharp twig, every crawling insect, and the different types of mud surrounding me; pampering me with a bed for the last few weeks has spoiled me.

I’m suddenly enveloped in heat as a warm body lays behind me, sheltering me from the small chill of the wind. I take a small peek over my shoulder, spying the large frame with dark hair. Alpha Dimitri.

His eyes are closed as he rests peacefully, clearly thinking nothing about our position as if it is natural, comfortable. I can’t lie, a part of me does feel that connection- the mate bond that is telling me that I am meant to be wrapped in his embrace. I don’t want to accept that as my reason for compliance. Instead, I tell myself that it is better for my survival; I need to stay warm during the night.

I lie awake for a short while, watching the men keeping watch and thinking about Dimitri’s absolute dismissal of my capability. Just thinking about it is enough to anger me. If he doesn’t believe the things that I say, then I would have to act. I am a motherfucking soldier, it’s what I was made to do.

So many things need to change around White Claw if they want even a snowball’s chance in hell at this, and I am going to be the one to change it. I can’t rely on anyone else, they are all far too wrapped up in the excuse of ‘tradition’. No more. I am going to make some changes, starting with challenging Dimitri’s indifference to my strength.

I close my eyes to rest, promising myself that I will prove my point to Dimitri whether he would listen or not.

Dimitri is only mildly angry when I wake up to take the watch with him. Although when I point out that I haven’t disobeyed him his anger turns to annoyance at my smart assery. I think he’s actually impressed, though I can sense his lingering irritation.

We pass the time mostly in quiet, only sharing occasional conversation. I push my luck with telling him how outdated his pack is, and he humours me. The conversation ends with a heated debate and Dimitri’s annoyance returning.

Morning approaches quickly, and everyone manages to wake up not too long after the sun rises. It’s an unspoken understanding between us all that we can’t dwell long because we have to keep moving.

Dimitri tells me that he anticipates the whole journey will take just under two weeks but that is only if we maintain a breakneck speed. So, we continue to trek onwards only stopping if absolutely necessary. On one of our short breaks I overhear Mikhail predicting that we are ahead of schedule and would make good time.

It takes almost three more days before we reach the border of the Crimson Manes pack. Dimitri had called ahead of time asking Alpha Chaka Amukelani for permission to cross his lands. Considering they share a solid alliance, it wasn’t a difficult feat.

We are met with a guide at the border who, after greeting us warmly and apologizing for the Alpha not being present, informs us that the quickest route to the pack house would be a bumpy ride. It’s hardly a ten-minute walk to a large garage which holds several vehicles.

I hesitate for a moment as everyone else climbs into a jeep wrangler, Shadow Fang doesn’t possess such vehicles so apprehension takes over. Seeing Dimitri relaxed relaxes me somewhat, and is enough for me to get in too. Our guide- a large man by the name of Osei- then takes us to the centre of the pack.

Dimitri is visibly antsy at having to be away from his pack for so long, I have a feeling that he probably wants to go straight to Dawn Stalker territory but it’s already quite late. We all know that we probably have to camp for the evening and get back to things in the morning. We can’t go looking for anything in the dark- the idea alone is just plain stupid- so our best option is to stay within the protection of Alpha Chaka’s pack for the evening.

Dining with the Crimson Manes pack that evening is an interesting event. Their pack is loud and rambunctious, filled with laughter; it’s different to both White Claw and Shadow Fang. The Pack members seem to eat up the atmosphere as well as the food which is as different and exotic as its people.

The pack members themselves have distinctively different looks to us visitors, I find myself thinking that this is probably the pack that Angel first came from. They have bright colourful clothes that contrast yet matches their dark skin. Some of the women have their tightly curled hair in braids decorated intricately with beads and ribbons; they are absolutely beautiful. I can clearly see what Alpha Dimitri meant when he said each pack has its own characteristic look.

I guess White Claw’s characteristic is Caucasian, with dark hair and light eyes. It also makes me consider what other members of my real pack would’ve looked like; would they have my slanted eyes, soft features, dark hair and pale skin?

Alpha Chaka is also extremely loud- his laugh is a bellowing sound which reverberates around the entire room. He continues to laugh at the story he tells Dimitri who chuckles accordingly in response. I’m not really paying attention to them, I’m much busier taking in the strange new setting.

“Thank you for your hospitality, old friend.” Dimitri clasps Alpha Chaka’s shoulder in a friendly gesture. It’s evident that they had a genuine friendship, one that has probably been long standing and has seen a fair amount of strife.

“Of course, Dimitri!” He laughs with his booming voice, brushing off Dimitri’s thanks. “Anything for you and your mate. When are you taking off?”

“We’ll leave at first light, it should take us a few days to get to what was Dawn Stalker territory.” Dimitri scratches his chin, playing with his dark beard as he thinks.

I can’t help being drawn to the sight, wondering what it would be like for me to run my fingers through his hair and play with his scruffy beard. I quickly shake the thought from my head reminding myself of why we are here, I won’t let myself get distracted that easily; I have been taught to ignore distractions.

“Nonsense, that trip takes mere hours!” Chaka turns to face his pack members.

“Osei!” He hollers over the symphony of drums and chattering pack members. The man in question- the same one who had met us at the border- comes over greeting his Alpha with a small bow. “You will lead Alpha Dimitri and his team to the Dawn Stalker pack lands- take them by the swiftest route.”

Osei nods in understanding. Dimitri informs him of our plans to leave as soon as the sun comes up then leaves him to get ready for the short but hard trek ahead.

Dinner goes on until late. Chaka and Dimitri chat some more, I overhear him talking about having to deal with wild wolves raiding the pack over the last few months or so. I know immediately that it is Shadow Fang wolves. Not too long ago, I helped to plan these raids.

I’m surprised Chaka has actually noticed the raiding, the idea of a raid in Shadow Fang is to take resources without letting the enemy know it; it hits them harder in the future and covers your own ass. Clearly they’ve become sloppy whilst I’ve been gone.

There is more laughter, food and chatter from the rest of Chaka’s people, they are very merry people. Many ask me to dance with them, or to eat more but I decline. Even though the evening draws closer to its end, the hospitality does not stop for a moment, never once does it draw closer to ending. Considering the journey we have ahead of us, Dimitri’s team and I retreat to our rooms before it all really ends.

A pretty dark-skinned omega shows us the way, leading us first to the rooms prepared for each of Dimitri’s men then onto the next. I manage to hold in my reaction when she directs both Dimitri and I to the same room. I’m without a doubt surprised; we don’t even share a room back at his own pack, so I wonder who had given the request for such an arrangement. Had it been Chaka? Or Dimitri himself?

She bows meekly, before scurrying away probably sensing the darkness rolling off my persona. I walk into the room looking around, there is a four-poster, double bed in the centre of the room adorned with sheer curtains. There’s also a small chaise lounge at the end of the bed which I take a seat on as I wait for the Alpha to make his move.

He sighs- probably at my caution- before heading into the adjoined bathroom. He is only gone for almost 5 minutes, and when he returns, he is clad in long sleep pants with wet hair.

“There’s some clothes in the bathroom.” He drops his towel in the hamper by the bathroom.

I move quickly to the bathroom, turning on the shower and stepping in. It takes me merely 3 minutes to wash; being used to a pack that disallows the wastage of time and water means I have rehearsed taking quick showers.

Just as Dimitri had said there are a pair of shorts and a navy green kami by the sink which I swiftly change into. The clothes reveal my inked and scarred skin; I wish I could cover them up because I don’t particularly want Dimitri to see, but I don’t see a way of doing that. I’m not ashamed, I just know that it will lead to questions, and I’m not sure that I want to answer any.

I step back into the bedroom, Dimitri is laid against the headboard with his eyes closed. At the sound of my footsteps he turns to look at me, his eyes bugging out of his head as he takes in my scantily clad form. His mouth falls into an ‘o’ shape as his eyes rake over my form with a predatory interest. A new dark, primal look takes over his features as he takes his time, eyeing every part of me- committing me to memory.

I stand as still as a statue, not even daring to breathe. My stomach clenches as his heated gaze locked with my own, beckoning me forward with his finger in a silent command.

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