Chapter 3

I stood there watching until Lola told me to come on, we finish walking up the trail but the police officer wasn’t there. We search his building for food and water cause we haven't ate all day, we saw two boxes of granola bars and case full of water than we saw a parking lot full of cars guessing we wasn’t the only people camping today.

We didn’t even know how we was going to get in until max find a brick and bust in two car door windows, than he started breaking the bottom piece of the car putting wires together, I don’t know I was confuse, I never in my life seen anybody do that but at the end he got the cars working.

“So, look me and Cody are going to drive, we are going to the school to tell them what happened and everything than everyone can go home and hid somewhere” max said,

“or we can take that book to the FBI and let them find out what is it and how to put them creature back” Zoey said

“or we can just stick together and do both of those ideas”, I suggested and seriously they went with my idea. We drove fast as hell to get away from the camp site and we hurried back to the school to see what was happening,

“let’s go”

“why do they got the doors and windows locked” Lola said,

“what the hell is going on” Kim said

“someone’s coming”

“oh my god, students come in, now, hurry come in” the teacher said,

“why do you got the doors locked”

“just to be safe from what’s out there”

“and what exactly you think lock doors are going to do”

“you guys must be hungry and need for a shower”,

“oh my god, yes, I been dirty for a day, it’s disgusting” Zoey said.

I really hated how everyone was so calm and nobody really was thinking about those creature finding their way to the city but i just left it alone and i went to go call my mother, “mom”

“oh my god, honey, are you ok”

“yeah, I’m ok”

“where are you”,

“at school with some other kids and teachers”

“ok, here I come right now, imma call your father too”, “alright, be careful”.

I went back to the group and everyone was calling their parents and we was just all chilling out eating and playing board games in the cafeteria, “if it wasn’t for Teresa saving our life, we would be dead right now”, I heard Kim out of all people compliment me for saving her life, even though somebody that didn’t really like me all like that, I still appreciated her saying that, then Sam, Kelly, and tammy called me over to sit with them and talk, “hey, can we ask you a question”

“sure, go ahead”

“that book, why did mia want it so bad”

“cause she wanted revenge on some


“we want revenge on those popular kids”

“those are the same people she wanted revenge on too”

“even better, so let us see the book, where is it ”

“in my book bag that's on my back”

“so pull it out”, I pulled it out just a little for they could see the cover then i put it right back in my book bag, “wait, what are you doing, let us see it”

“no, I’m becoming good friends with the popular kids and we need to stick together”

“well guess what we don’t like them now give us the book”, she was raising her voice and she stood up than Kim, Zoey and Lola come over, “is there a problem here”

“what about you sluts mind your damn business”

“somebody mad”, Kim grabbed Cleo shirt and whispered in her ear, “look you damn stupid bitch, your going to leave her alone and walk away cause if it wasn’t for her yall would have been horse food, so run along”, she let her go and they started to walk away, “you, just made a big mistake, we will get that book”, I wasn’t really scared of them, i was scared of what they might do if they get my book. “You need to be careful and you need to put a lock on that book”.

“I don’t know how to do that”, fine come to my house and my dad will help you with it” kim said, “ok, thanks”, our parents were knocking at the door but lola pulled me over just to tell me something, I know you saw what happened between me and max, are relationship is secret so don't tell anybody, please, my parents and his parents don’t want us together anyways”

“ok, I’ll keep a secret”

“thank you, your the best”, we was so happy, when the state alarms went off and everybody had to take shelter and get off the streets”, we turned on the tv and a emergency broadcast was on “attention, attention, this is not a drill please take shelter now, i repeat, this is not a drill please take shelter now”, we were all scared what was going to happen but we just stayed inside”

“mom, dad, I’m so excited to see you right now”

“we are excited to see you too, we thought you could have been hurt or killed”, I saw my dad looking at my book bag in a weird way, “hey, kiddo”

“yeah, dad”

“what’s that in your book bag”

“it’s a book i found in the woods, when we were hiking”

“can i see it”, “why”

“cause it looks very familiar”

“ok”, my dad is a archaeologist, so he probably have seen it before, i pulled it out and him and the history teacher gasp very dramatically, she screamed, “everyone in the cafeteria and bring that book”, we all walked back to the cafeteria and I’m guessing her and my dad was about to teach us something that was connected to the book. She started asking question, “who found the book”, I did” I said, “did anybody open and read the book”

“I did” max said, “who else opened the book”, mia, but she’s dead”, and that’s when mia parents came running through the back door since they had a key, “where’s mia, where’s my baby”

“the bitch dead” kim said

“what how dare you call her a bitch and she’s dead”

“one cause i can and two yes, dead, eaten and torn apart into nothing by horses”

“you sound very stupid, horses don’t eat meat”

“well, these where different kind of horses”

“black flaming horses” my dad said

“yeah that’s what they are called” Lola said

“they were created by Greek gods to protect the city but they couldn’t handle them so they were let loose”, “yall let my daughter die”

“your daughter was crazy, she was going to kill us over that book” Zoey said

“enough, all of you this book is dangerous, it was made to keep all magical creature and being kept inside, now everyone need to stop and go to there cars”

“dad”, “honey, I’m not done”

“she’s reading the book”, he turned around and took the book from her, “what are you doing”

“idk, it was calling for me, saying my name”

“what page did you read, i read the 4th page”

“claw demons, are underground killers who come up and prey on the dead, the weak, the devil created them to see people fears and eat the bodies of the dead, they planned to kill him and they were all sent into the book, “everyone run to your cars and don’t look back, go into your houses and lock them” my dad said,

“no, one is leaving until we get that book”, it was Cleo and her friends and they were all holding guns

“oh my god, this bitch again and put that gun down before you hurt yourself” kim said

"I won’t hurt myself, I’m going to hurt you”, I looked and seen Cody sneaking up behind them and kim was still talking her ass off, he was close enough to knock the gun out of Kelly and tammy hand and he took Sam hesitate “put the gun down and I’ll let your brother go”

“naw, I want that book and nobody going to stop, sorry bro, see you on the other side, we were all shocked and she fired 7 times, max ran up to her and knocked her out with a garbage can, Cody was lying on the ground bleeding, thank god, his parents was not there to see him but everyone was leaving but somehow me, max, Lola, Zoey, kim, and james convince our parents to let us stay but they all went to one big house to stay together and wait. Cody was trying to speak, “don’t tell my mom and dad what happened to me”

“were not cause your going to tell them yourself”, he tried laughing but blood was just pouring out, “I need towels, alcohol, bandages and tizzers” Zoey said

“why” max said

“cause I’m going to try to take the bullet out and save him”

“anything we could do”, Cleo stupid ass friends ask and we just looked at them and went to go get the stuff.

I went upstairs to get the tizzers from the science lab, when i heard screaming, i ran in got the tizzers and ran downstairs, it was the claw demons attacking Cleo friends, “do you think we should save them”

“should we?”, I think we should save them and feed Cleo to them”

‘that sounds harsh, so do you want us to feed them Cody”

“naw, let’s feed them Cleo”, me, max, James, and kim lifted her heavy ass up and slid her to the demons, they were very interested, she woke up and started screaming but that’s when they attacked and killed her, slicing her throat open with their long thick thumb claw, they started to eat every predators favorite parts, the lungs, heart, kidney, and stomach. We had to get out of there before they finished, so we picked Cody up and cared him to the car, i grabbed my book and we stole a van that was perfect for me, max, Lola, Zoey, James and Cody, we let the idiots go and they hijacked a car near the school parking lot, i knew we was going to see them again but i don’t know if we were going to kill them or they were going to kill us.

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