Chapter 12

So, i laid James head on a pillow and i got up to go talk to the flight attendant, than i remember that James had a bottle of pineapple Arizona and 3 bags of chips, i knew he wouldn’t mind so i just drank some of his juice and ate a bag of his sweet spicy Cheetos, than i fall asleep listening to music. “The plane will be landing in the California, san Diego, united states of America in 7 minutes”, i didn’t get to sleep long but I’m happy to get back to my home and see my parents alive again but the only part i don’t like is that i have to go to school in the morning.

“You ready”, i looked and seen James staring at me, “one that’s creepy, two ready for what”

“what’s creepy and school”

“yeah, I’m ready and i thought you was sleep and you just spoke out of nowhere”

“yeah, i do that”

“did you hear what she said”

“yeah we should be landing in 7 minutes.”

“is it weird and it may sound stupid but i feel myself falling for you”

“your falling for a gay dude”

“yeah, i know it said stupid but i really feel a connection with you even though your gay and everything”

“I see what your saying”,


“but it’s cool, everyone needs a best gay friend but you want me to hook you up with someone new at school”

“sure, love that idea and don't say it like that”

“say it like what”

"Best gay friend", he laughed looking on his phone for someone that I could hook up with.

I was scared who he was going to hook me up with, James knew everyone and when i say everyone i mean everyone people from our school, people from other schools and even people from private schools.

“So, who you going to hook me up with”

“what you like”

“trustworthy, honest, cute and sexy, beefy or buff, and great at everything”

“football player or basketball player”

“it don’t matter”, i then got a message on my phone saying you have been warned, i didn’t know what it meant but James got the same message than Zoey and Kim got the same message so I’m guessing it was that bitch fairy that told me to not go through it with my plan. So, i guess something was coming our way to attack or kill us, this time i was scared as fuck didn’t even know what could happen since she said anything could happen and shit about consequences. “So, you scared”

“hell yeah”

“I’m not, i mean we knew our friendship wasn’t going to last”

“what you mean”

“cause we are only friends cause the world was ending and now it’s not our friendship is ending/meaningless”

“oh shit look at you, Mr. Smarty pants”

“I know, thanks” he said rubbing his hand through his hair

“who is Brandon, is he the dude from our school”, I seen on his phone

“yeah and why you so nosy”

“I mean your phone is the one that beeped”

“and yeah he on the football team”

“is he cute”, he than went through his phone and showed me a picture of him, “omg, he is cute, cuter than you and max mix together”

“shut the fuck up”,

“I’m just saying”

”do you want to see the dude i hooked you up with”

“yeah”, he showed me his phone and my heart skipped a beat and almost dropped out of my chest to my ass, “omg, he is gorgeous”

“yup and i gave him your number so he should be texting you or calling you soon”, as soon as he said that i got a text saying what's up, “it’s him”

“say hey back”

“ok” I said almost shitting myself, it wasn’t long until he replied back and we was texting each other back and forth talking about anything and everything.

The plane was landing and everyone was getting ready to get off, “thank god, we are here”

“I said the same thing in my head”

“are you excited to see him ”

“how you know it’s the first time”

“because he didn’t come with us on the camping trip”

“he dont do shit like that plus he dont take her class”

“do yall talk in person"

“of course”

“so, yall haven't had sex ”

“I mean phone sex but that’s it”

“ok, you two ,we don’t care about James gay sexual lifestyle sexual” max said.

I really just wanted to cut his throat and throw his body somewhere in a river and pray his body go all the way to the ocean and be eaten by sharks. “Max just shut up, dude, goddamn”

“do it look like i take orders from fags”

“do it look like we listen to rapist”

“your funny, who did i rape”

“you raped Teresa”

“don’t act like you didn’t”

“stop talking to me”

“your friend already approved of it”

“shut up”, he was getting mad

“you know you did it and now your scared”

“max turned around and punched James in the face breaking his nose, James got back up and tackled max on the floor bumping into this 20 or 30 year old man, he wasn’t mad cause he saw and heard everything.

I pulled James off of max and Cody grabbed max, max tried to throw something but missed causing me and Zoey to start laughing, they grabbed their stuff and walked off the plane, we followed behind them but not to close cause we didn’t know what max had in his hand, he was pissed cause i seen his face as we was getting off the plane, he was standing by the exit where all the cars and taxi drivers be at, we stood there for a moment then he said something

“yall both trying to take me down”

“we are not trying to take anyone down we are just doing the things you did to us”

“I didn’t get some random dude to come to your house and fuck you senseless”

“but you rapped me and i didn’t know it was you”

“that’s because you broke me and Kim up”

“boy i did not”, “yes you did and i don’t even care no more”

“I don’t care either so let’s forget about it”

“as soon as i get back home I’m leaving that school and i don’t have to see none of yall ever again”

“that’s cool with me”, two cabs came and we got into them girls in one cab and boys in the other cab, shit was stupid but i didn’t care cause James hooked me up with someone cute as hell and i was going to meet him tomorrow morning when i get to school. “So i guess max hate your guts Teresa”

“yeah but i don’t care he started this war and now he’s mad I’m finishing it”

“yeah but i hear James hooked you up with a basketball player or a football player, one of them”

“yeah and i can’t wait to meet him tomorrow”

“have yall been talking”

‘talking and face timing”

“have yall had phone sex yet”

“no, that's disgusting”

“yeah it is but i hope yall have face to face sex”

“me too but i take all my relationships slow”

“girl you beta give it to him”

“don’t worry i am”, the cab drivers dropped us off at Kim father house and Zoey, Lola, jax and max walked home since we all lived around each other, zyan went with Zoey and me, James and Cody stayed at Kim house for a minute and played games, ate pizza and listened to music and dance to just dance than i got a call from him (the dude James hooked me up with), “hey Blake, how you doin”

“nothing chillin just shooting some ball before i go out with my friends but i just wanted to call you first”

“aww that’s sweet”

“how’s your day going”, “good just got back from Australia”

“damn that’s cool but what the hell you was doing in Australia”

“long story, that is complicated to explain”, “I understand, can’t wait to see you tomorrow”


“been thinking about you”

“have you”

“yeah, really”

“we just mat each other 4 hours ago and you need to focus on basketball”

So it feels like forever and I can focus on multiple things”

“so you can focus on basketball, school and me all at once”

“hell yeah i can”

“your funny”, “I know but i gotta go talk to you later”

“ok, have fun”, “you know it”, i hang up the phone and went back inside and than Kim started asking me question, “sooooooo, was it him”, “yeah it was him”

“what he say”, James said smiling at me

“nothing he was shooting hoops before he go hang with his friends and he will call me back tonight”

“awe look at you sis, about to get some basketball dick”

“you guys stop saying that i want to at least for me and him to date for 8 months before we do all that”

“damn girl that’s a long time don’t you think”

“no not for me”

“ok, but do 4 he might get bored and cheat if it’s that long”

“James what about you”, “what about me”

“did one dude text back”, “you know it”

“what he say”, “can’t wait to see me tomorrow”, “oh shit”

“yup and i can’t wait either”

“but i gotta get home, i see yall tomorrow”

“if you not with your man all day”, “shut up”

“James i don’t know why you laughing she talking about you too”

“Cody been quite all day”

“cause I’m good single”

“cause your Cody that’s why”, me and James walked out the door and we walked home together, he lived right next door with his father, step-mother, sister and older step-brother, i met his stepbrother the first day i arrived here and he was hilarious and use to stand up for James and his sister, anytime somebody said something like fag or called James sister a little future thot, it was sad but that’s the world we live in.

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