Book 1

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Five Days Until The Show

When the driver arrived, I hopped inside the back of the limo. I’m way too excited to see her! I can’t wait to get to the airport, it seems like I haven’t seen Leila in a long time. When we get together, I’m going to take her on a tour of New York City. I know she will love it here..

We arrived at the airport and the limo tires squealed, he stopped quickly near the front doors. I stayed seated in the back seat until I saw Leila come through the doors. When I saw her walking out of the airport, I hurried and met her at the front, she was standing at the front door and she opened the door and I screamed with joy, we both hugged each other tightly. Her look of joy made a smile on my face. I walked her to the limo and we both sat in the back seat.

While we are sitting in the back, we start to catch up on each other’s lives, but I’m not going to tell her the good news yet, I’m waiting until we are alone to say something. We both become gidish because we haven’t really talked in a while. I tell her to start with her life and tell me all about it since I’ve been gone.

“There really isn’t much to tell about how life has been, it basically stayed the same since you left.” Leila frowned and said.

“Oh, Okay. Well, I’ll tell you a bit about my life here!” I replied.

“Tell me! Tell me the good news,” Leila said.

“First, I’m living with my CEO, John. We live in a mansion, he’s

Chapter 22 Five Days Until The Show

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the richest man in NY. I don’t know how I got so lucky to meet him, but I did and I love him. I have even bigger news to tell you once we are alone!” I said.

“I must say, Star, you look absolutely beautiful. I mean everything about you and you look happy as ever. I’m so proud of you for doing what you love and it shows!” Leila replied.

“Thank You. I am happy!” I said.

“Tell me the big news, I can’t wait to hear it!” Leila replied.

“Well, do you want to go have dinner? I know a nice place where we can go and you will love it!” I asked Leila.

“Sure,‘ Leila replied.

I called the limo driver from the back and told him to drop us off at the Hard Rock Cafe. We arrived at the Hard Rock and Leila and I went inside. I’m hoping Haley is working so I can introduce them. Haley will love Leila, I know it. The greeter sat us down at a table and we ordered a margarita. It’s time for me to tell Leila the exciting news!

“So, Leila, are you ready to hear the fantastic news?” I asked.

“OMG, yes. Of course,” Leila replied.

“Here it goes! I received a letter in the mail asking me to be in a fashion show! I ripped that letter open and when I read it I screamed and jumped with joy! I couldn’t believe what I was reading. The show is next week and it’s the biggest show in New York!

“WHAT! OMG, THAT’S GREAT STAR! I’m so excited for you! I

Chapter 22: Five Days Until The Show

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knew you would make something of yourself someday!” Leila said.

“Now for the second part, I want you to stay here and see the show! You can stay with us at the mansion and I will pay all of your expenses.” I said.

“WHAT! Are you serious?” Leila replied.

“Yes. I am serious. Can you take off work for next week?” I asked.

“Hmmm. Well if I can’t then I’ll quit. I don’t like that place. anyway!” Leila said.

“Great! I’m so glad you can stay here. I’m so nervous about this show and I want to win for the Next Top Model in New York!” I said.

“Have you told your parents about this?” Leila asked.

“Yes. I talked to my mom and basically, they disown me because I’m going through with my dream,” I replied.

“I can’t believe that! Well, don’t worry about them, I’m here and you are doing great. The people back in Nebraska are so judgemental, that’s the reason I want to get out of there,” Leila replied.

“Girl, move here. You could find a job easily and you will love it here. There are so many more opportunities here,” I replied.

“I may just do that!” Leila said.

“I met a friend here, she works here at the Hard Rock and her name is Haley. She’s so nice that I want you to meet her!” I said.

Chapter 22–Five Days Until The Show

“Ohhh. Cool. I love meeting new people,” Leila replied.

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“I don’t see her here, she may have today off, but I’ll make sure you two meet,” I said.

We finished with our margarita and I asked Leila what she wanted to do next? She tells me that she wants to see the Statue Of Liberty. I had the driver take us to it. When we arrived there, Leila’s eyes became wide open, kind of like she was in shock. We get out of the limo and walk toward the water where the Statue Of Liberty sits. We stood there for about fifteen minutes and Leila just stared at the statue, she was amazed by how beautiful it looked. Once we finished there, I asked her what she wanted to do next, she told me that she didn’t know and to just take her around town.

I had the limo driver drop us off at Times Square. We toured all of downtown, I showed her where the New Year’s Eve party is held, where the ball drops, where Rockefeller center is, and where they put the Christmas tree up. She couldn’t believe how much there is to see and do in NY.

It was getting close to dark, so I took her to the mansion.

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